This Guy Photoshops Himself Into Movie Scenes And Celebrity Photos (30 New Pics)
Interview With ArtistMost of us wouldn't say no to hanging out with our favorite celebrity or being a part of our favorite movie scene. But let's be real, that's probably never going to happen. However, this Indonesian artist found a way to make it work.
Syahril Ramadan uses Photoshop to incorporate himself into celebrity photos and movie scenes, and he does a pretty good job, because at some moments, you find yourself wondering if he isn't actually hanging out with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or a part of the movie Jumanji.
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Syahril lives out his fantasies with the help of Photoshop. Many of us would probably like to have these kind of skills—just for fun or even to trick our family and friends into thinking we live a crazy life surrounded by celebrities. Don't forget that it's never too late to learn!
He places himself in daily photos of celebrities, like a workout with Selena Gomez or hanging out with Dwayne Johnson and his family. He also does more epic edits where he rides Spiderman, is part of The Avengers' battle with Thanos, or travels the desert with John Wick and his dog.
The way he just seamlessly makes himself blend in with the poses and the photoshop and everything is just: WOW.
Syahril has over 400k followers on Instagram and a YouTube channel where he shows the step-by-step process of how he creates these photographs, as well as other types of videos like reviews and speed paintings. People on the internet seem to really enjoy what he does.
If you want to see similar posts to this one, how about photo mashups of same-name celebrities? Or celebrities photoshopped side by side with their younger selves? If you want to see something very similar, try another artist that places himself into celebrity photos by clicking here.
We managed to get an interview with Syahril and he told us more about himself, his work and his life: "I am Syahril. I live and was raised in Batam, Indonesia. I am a graphic designer. I started studying from 2012 until now—after graduating, I was immediately given a job. I quit after 10 months because I felt like my days were just for doing their project, to the point of not having time for my work and free time. I left and I started being productive again. After some time, I bought a camera."
He shared that he first started as a test—he looked for celebrity photos and checked if it would work. He would work on the concept and edit the photo.
It takes Syahril from 20 minutes to 2 hours to create a photo. He shared how he chooses which celebrities' pictures to edit himself into: "I choose the ones I think are very influential or the ones that are viral and most popular at that time." He also mentioned that a few celebrities have reached out to him and were happy about his edits and admired his work.
Syahril said that he doesn't have a specific celebrity that he would like to react to his photoshopped photos, but that he would like to get as many reactions as possible. He mentioned that he loves to create these photos because they make him and other people smile.
And that ladies and gentlemen is how to make an effective flashlight commercial
Syahril also mentioned that a lot of people think that his edits are actual, real photos, which often makes him laugh. There are, however, some mean people out there that mock his work. At first, it hurt him, but Syahril is used to it by now.
What do you think of these edits? Tell us in the comments and don't forget to vote for your favorite edit! If you like what Syahril does, follow him on his social media and show him some love. If you want to see a previous post about his work, click here.
What is he pouring on those pancakes??? It sure doesn't look like syrup to me...
imagine if all of this was fake and he was actually there the whole time
imagine if all of this was fake and he was actually there the whole time