According to trichologist Madeleine Preston, most women who are in their 30s should see a few grey hairs here and there, but by the time they get into their 50s, about half of their scalp hairs turn grey. Like wrinkles, silver flocks are part of aging. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with them.
Celebrity colorist Jack Martin is also a firm believer of that. For the past couple of years, he has been on a mission to prove that grey never goes out of style: Martin has developed a technique that allows his clients to gradually ditch the dye. He also posts before-and-after pictures of these empowering transformations to show they look badass. Continue scrolling to check out the latest makeovers, and fire up Bored Panda's previous article if you missed the earlier ones.
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As Martin explained on his Instagram account, the process starts with using a color extractor to remove any remaining artificial color. While preserving the gray roots, he then bleaches the rest of the hair to prep it for the new color.
Next, the crucial part. Martin bases the new color on the hair's natural gray pattern. The clients even have to come in with three to four inches of their roots grown out, so he can analyze the natural coloring of their hair. He then re-creates the pattern on the entire hairdo.
"Some clients have salt and pepper mostly in the front and the back is darker, so I match that and add some darkness to it," Martin told Allure. And just like that, about ten hours later, the women leave his salon enjoying the blend of their natural hue.
The LA-based colorist, who has worked with Sharon Osbourne, Jane Fonda, and other well-known clients, explained to Insider that the coronavirus lockdown has "absolutely" led to even more women around the world deciding to go gray naturally.
"Now, many women have about four to five inches of a new regrowth so they've started to see how beautiful their gray is naturally," he said. "Being quarantined at home for three to four months, seeing how much gray hair they have and how beautiful their gray hair is, many women have changed their minds and decided that they want to go this way."
She looks absolutely stunning. The new hair color and style makes her look so chic and polished. It suits her perfectly. She looks younger, effortlessly elegant and so much more confident. I love this transformation.
Pretty. More people should do this instead of covering it up
That first pic, the way the hair is presented, is shocking. I've never so clearly seen the difference posed in that fashion.
Who would have thought that going gray could make someone look YOUNGER!!
My older sister always wanted curly hair. She would be so jealous
For years I encouraged my biracial daughter to "embrace your curls". Only when she became a preteen and was solely responsible for her daily appearance did she finally do so. An she is amazingly beautiful (as she always has been... but even more).
Load More Replies...I probably would have cut my colored-portion of hair off at that point (on the left)
She has such long roots it looks like all she really needed was a trim. He did an excellent job, but I think he actually added more white than she naturally has :)
Stunning. Her sliver of white hair was so pretty, I wish he had left it so
I’m sooooo jealous of this chick! I really want curly hair but perms are so high maintenance...
She has a vibrant complexion but I’m not crazy about the new cut, the color is great but the cut I feel it could have been done better, not look so crimped
The person who does these people's hair must be very talented
To me, the point of going gray is so you don't have to color your hair anymore. These transformations are gorgeous, but if these women want to keep their hair looking like this, they'll have to keep getting recolored just like they did before. Just about all of these include highlights and lowlights and unnatural silver colors, which when growing out will not look as beautiful.
When I started really showing roots in grey, I went for platinum with dark roots . The darker roots are actually my own regrowth. I like it a lot as it isn't platinum all over. So now I only have the get a touch up , maybe every 6 months or so.
Load More Replies...So pretty. I don't think the hair colour actually matters though. It will always look better when hair is freshly cut, styled, shiny and healthy looking.
I can't remember the last time I dyed my hair. More than 10 years ago. I was asked by someone why I don't do it, and my reply is; "With age comes wisdom. Why would i want to cover up my wisdom?" No one says I should color my hair anymore.
I am 40 and had blonde hair as my natural color for the first 32 years of my life. After I had my daughter it turned brown; NOW, it’s turning silver/grey, but looks like it’s turning back to blonde. I have people comment ALL THE TIME about it or question why I don’t color it. I tell them that it helps me look closer to my age; because I look like I’m in my mid to late 20s. I have a 14 year old and an 8 year old and people LOVE to clutch their pearls when they assume you had a kid when you were 13. 🙄🤣
Load More Replies...I am very gray and in my thirties. I am so sad by how many women tell me how brave I am to be going natural. As a woman we are raised to fear age. It disgusts me that a man with silver is distinguished and a woman with silver is old. I am strong and bold and have developed beyond that fear that society will no longer value me because I am no longer young and supple.
Thank you for voicing your wisdom. I don’t remember liking myself or body that much when I was younger. It seems that youth and the things that go with it are prized but also regulated and suppressed too. I’m glad the younger generations don’t have to contend with that as much.
Load More Replies...I wish they would have included the time and money you have to be willing to pay to do these transformations. I know Jack Martin has mentioned on his insta that these takes 10-15 hours and sometimes have to be done over two days and they can cost you like 800-1500$. I would love to do stuff like this at my salon, but the time and money is too much for most people.
I read in a previous article on him how long it takes. It's mind-boggling! Just walking into a hair salon makes me feel queasy from the chemical smell. I couldn't imagine spending 10-15 hours in one and can't fathom how hairdressers can take it.
Load More these are beautiful! but you'll have to keep going back - that's the only problem. stunning work though!
During lockdown I finally convinced my mom to stop dyeing her her, let it grow out, and go grey. I told her people pay a lot of money to have "silver" hair these days, and she has it naturally 😆 She looks lovely.
While these women look good with the new do's It's still dyeing hair, I've never seen the point. I used to dye my mums hair it was a right faff, she got cancer and because of treatment had to stop she looked so much better with natural hair. I was already pretty much decided to never dye my hair as it seemed so much cost/effort after seeing my mum looking so much better with natural hair colour mind was made up. I've never dyed my hair, despite hairdressers constantly suggesting it. I learned to cut my own hair as a result. I still can't understand the appeal of changing your hair colour, perhaps as mine has constantly changed colour naturally I never got bored of it. I went from platinum blond through pretty much every colour except ginger to black. I started going grey 10 years ago it's never bothered me, some other people felt it needed hiding/laughing about. But honestly I couldn't care less, I'm getting older it's only natural.
I stopped coloring my hair when my daughter was about 18 months old. I thought, how can I tell her she’s perfect the way she is if I can’t lead by example for myself? Otherwise, I’ve been every color imaginable; from lavender to black and just about every shade of red. Definitely less expensive to have “virgin” hair!!
Load More Replies...No, apparently we're supposed to be sheep and mindlessly follow what fashion tells us to do.
Load More Replies...they all look great, but they all got kinda silver hair. i'm 28 and my skintone is super pale (i disapear in snow) and if i don't color my hair in a redish/blonde colour, my hair would be white too.. so no i will never embrace my natuarl hair color.. i wished i could but, nope..
Francis, I assure you I am more pale than you. I am so pale that my veins can be seen as bright blue through my skin. I don't tan, ever, and spend every summer being stared at by people who whisper "she must be sick". I always had dark blonde hair but it is slowly turning grey. I will literally be a ghost with silver hair and scare children with a creepy laugh in the moonlight... :D
Load More Replies...I'm sure they look great when styled professionally, but I'd probably look like my mother if I ever went for grey (I've been going grey since age 25). Still, these ladies do look good with this hair colour.
About seven or eight years ago, one of my then coworkers and I made a pact to stop coloring our hair. One or the other of us said, "My goodness, your gray is so pretty. You should stop coloring it." "Hey, if you will, I will." We did. We keep running into one another and cannot stop complimenting one another on our beautiful grey heads.
This doesn't look like it's about color, more about styling. The hair is dyed gray (which beats the purpose of not having to dye your hair anymore), but "stylish gray", and then it's really professionally styled. But if it was natural gray and no styling it wouldn't look good at all. My hair when not styled looks horrific and if I would let it go gray I would look 20 years older than I am.
As a hairdresser of over 40 years I'm a little perplexed about how he achieved allot of these colors. When you have built up color you have to strip it out and then what bleach the hair until it's fried to get that silvery look. I mean I don't see any left over gold cast or anything that looks bad here. He's got secrets I want and need! Amazing works!
I've read that he goes through a very lengthy process to gradually change the hair color to the end product you see. I understand that this long process with multiple steps is necessary to protect the hair. He painstakingly takes all of these necessary steps to "do it right." You can check him out on insta for more info...
Load More Replies...I had colored my hair a deep auburn for as long as I can remember. After my divorce in 2004 I wanted a change. My daughter asked me what color my "real" hair was and I told her I wasn't sure, so I let it grow out a bit. Once the roots started showing I had it cut super short (think Jamie Lee Curtis) and WOW! I had streaks of pure platinum. I have kept it short ever since & will NEVER color it again!
I always wanted to do fun colours with my hair, fire blends, oil slicks, that sort of thing but I hated the idea of bleaching it. Now I am going grey (I have a "Rogue" style streak, the rest being more salt and pepper) I am getting to have some fun. I buy coloured conditioner and, because they wash out pretty quickly, I can change up the colour whenever I fancy. The colour doesn't show much on the darker hair but it makes great, colourful highlights!
what brand of 'coloured conditioners' do you use?
Load More Replies...I contacted him. His prices start at $3,000! That’s not a typo. Three grand, with a $1,500 deposit to book the appt. A little too rich for me.
But, yet, his schedule is booked MONTHS in advance. I tried scheduling an appointment with him back in February, but couldn't get in during my planned vacation time out there, in November and early December!
Load More Replies...Grey hair is actually very nice, it's more akin to blond hair, which is the most prized hair in the world. It just needs styling and trimming. What is not nice is the sharp contrast between the roots and the longer coloured hair. A lot of women believe it's better to have "mostly" coloured and long hair to create the image of youth but there's nothing wrong, or ugly, with looking your age.
The point of all these styles featuring gray as the main color is to show off the stylist's talent. None depends on the color grey as an element; many would be more attractive in another color. Most do not really free the individual from coloring her hair, but merely substitute one coloring regime for another. It's time to give up the "gray hair makeovers", with their barely disguised message that there is some moral content to coloring one's hair, with the more positive message that each woman -- and man -- should do with his hair what appeals most to her or him. And that most definitely includes dumping the message that "unconventional" colors are only for the young.
As usual, all these women have lush thick hair that looks great grey. The nearest to my hair is #28. Thin and sparse looks even worse when it's dull iron grey, I know, I've tried it. Hated every minute of it. Gone back to dying it purple until I really can't be bothered and don't care how I look anymore
All of these are colored not naturally grey hair. What exactly is the point you are trying to make? Natural grey rarely looks this way.
Here is a very interesting Long Read:
I haven't had my hair weaved in about 6 months or more. I've discovered that my gray is much more prominent than I imagined. My natural color is a strawberry blonde and I'd like to embrace the gray (i'll be 62 in April). Wondering if a platinum would blend well with my natural color though. hair-61854...c2630b.jpg
I was going to make the same comment about upkeep. Very few of the examples shown are going to look that way without serious upkeep. I have the kind of hair that isn't graying, just going mousy. My hair is/was auburn, but even though I am 65, I have very little gray, just one patch up front, but the rest has gone drab. I think I am just going to let mine do it's own thing, because i don't want to start something that I won't keep up with. These are beautiful, but too high maintenance for me.
Women that are confident enough to show their gray ar sooooo sexy.....
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So, here is the deal - in order to keep natural grays looking good you have to damage it slightly. Natural gray hair has the texture of barbed wire and will not do what you want it to. By dying it, even the same color that it is, it helps damage the hair shaft slightly so it will behave better. 2) Ageism in the workplace is still a thing unfortunately. While I'd like to go gray, it does come at a cost. Choose wisely based on your own situation.
actually not all gray hair is like what you said. It depends on the texture the hair was before turning gray. My hair is very gray and curly . My hair if I not brushed it after I wash it, is like singer Stevie Nix curly ringlets. my hair is still fine in texture.and has never felt wirey at hair is to the middle of my back with long layers. the only thing I would do to it now with over a year growth is put blonde highlights in it . my hair didn't start to turn gray until I was around 60yrs old. I'm 69 now .And it turned fast. if I pull my bangs back it is solid white from ears forward . Rest is gray with a few darker natural streaks most in my bangs. I am also a retired hairdresser. But I still haven't decided if I'm going to put some blonde streaks in it. if I did I would use a frosting cap. I do my own hair. And I do not let anyone cut it but me until I can't do that anymore I will keep doing it. My hair grows very fast 3/4 inch a month.
Load More Replies...My girlfriend -- at 23 -- did exactly this to her hair, and it looks freaking fantastic! She works at Starbuck's where there's a "No unnatural hair colours" policy [e.g. no blues. greens, purples, etc]. So her colourist dyed her hair Platinum Silver -- and it look awesome. "Try and discriminate against this, Stabucks!"
My girlfriend who's 23, did this to her hair, and it looks fantastic! She works at Starbuck's where there's a "No unnatural hair colours" policy [e.g. no blues. greens, purples, etc]. So her colourist dyed her hair Platinum Silver - and it look awesome. "Try and discriminate against that, Stabucks!"
My mom uses her grey hair to her advantage. She colors her hair purple. She's not totally grey, just around the hairline and crown and then it highlights all over through her black hair. So after coloring it, she has black and purple all throughout and then more purple at the hairline. She literally gets a compliment every day she leaves the house. Been like that for 15+ years. Now with covid, she's obviously not but on the essential days, compliments. These colors were all pretty by it's still coloring. So if you're adventurous, go for some bright colors or highlights. Branch out. Have fun.
Weird how everyone had the exact same shade of platina gray hair.. and some of the women were far too young for "natural" full gray hair.. Something's fishy about this one..
The silver actually can be there without color my mother's hair is really healthy so when it gets grey it turns out silver but yet she wants hair dye so I imagine it will not last for long
I'm now letting my dyed hair grow out to grey and prefer to do so with a hairdresser's help. From the previous article on Jack Martin posted by Rokas, what would put me off going to a good hairdresser like Jack is the total time from start to finish - 10 hours!! First, the use of a colour extractor, next being bleached and then silver colour added. The ladies' hair looks lovely afterwards but I can't believe it's good for the hair. The chemical smell of hair salons makes me feel ill and being in one for 10 hours is far too much for me. Kudos to the ladies who choose to have this done! Just not for me.
Sorry - WITHOUT a hairdresser's help. (Wish there was an edit button on Bored Panda comments.)
Load More Replies...I have loads of grey in the front and sides but little grey in back. I am having great difficulty finding a stylist who can actually do this to my hair. Last try at the beginning of covid I ended up with a horrible all over yellow pixie cut that was NOT a good look. Where do I find a stylist who doesn’t charge $200 for this & can actually these gone grey transformations?
Unfortunately, you won't find one that's not jaw-dropping expensive. The whole process is a lot more complicated than it seems and takes 10-15 hours for him to do. Plus he charges $800 - $1500 for the transformation!
Load More Replies...I am letting my grays grow, after 3-4 months I just decided to cut it short because it was looking weird between my dark, silver and different degrees of washed Auburn coloring, I actually have very little color left, I am waiting for hair salons to open again, thinking few more months it will be all natural, from there I will decide if I let it grow or keep it short.
Im 40 and just saw some gray hairs... I was kind of sad but after seeing these beautiful women Im going for it!
Los cortes están buenos, pero las canas les suman muchos años a las mujeres. Es cultura, pero así estamos acostumbrados.
Despite expectations most people have, every one of these women actually looked younger without the ugly dyed hair. That grey blend, all-grey, or silvery look is quite attractive.
This Pandemic has brought about many changes including hair. Some of us learned a new skill over the course of it - doing our own. I miss though having that special treatment, but I sure am glad I'm saving the money.
I just don't understand why literally EVERY picture has no hate comments! I mean, these pictures give me a sense of anger and jealousy cuz there are no fellow pandas that are calling these pictures hideous! I hate it!
All look great. A lot of blondes actually look more like they have grey hair than blonde.
Does he come to Augusta, GA? Wonder if he does henna too and how much? I LOVE THOSE MAKEOVERS!
I'm glad people notice how pretty they are without having to dye their hair :)
As a former stylist, I think these looks are beautiful... on Jane Fonda, Sharon Osbourne and all the other women who are blessed with the money, and personal stylist, to keep these styles fresh. I'd love to take a year or so and assist this guy with these transformations. I'd also love to see a consultation beforehand, complete with the cost. The first time is the gimmick, it's so much easier to work on a 'fresh' head. It's the retouches that will kill you. Above it mentions, "... after 10 hours...". Those 10 hours must make a dent in the personal bank accounts and cover the cost of the amount of products used. Personally, I think this is a passing fad! Especially when you see young women (many actresses, singers, Kelly Osbourne, etc.) who are doing it for the look and not necessity. These are just my professional observations...
Most of these they had just picked the wrong damn color in the first place
I started turning gray at thirteen. Yes, thirteen. By the time I was seventeen, I had a patch of gray on the top of my head. Blame it on genetics; both my parents had prematurely gray hair. Prematurely gray hair follows a different pattern, starting on the crown and moving down. I left it natural until my mid-thirties. I now dye it black every six weeks or so. It is also naturally curly, but the gray is thinner and coarser, so it really looks better black.
My natural hair are ginger. And as much as I love them, I will enjoy every second of gray hair and finally be able to dye them with every Manic Panic color that exist :D Because sadly there is no healthly way of recoloring hair and doing rainbow ombre, especially ginger hair.
At least I know that... bye the way I’m ginger too!
Load More Replies...One of my chemotherapy nurses, in her early 30s, had beautiful gray hair. She said it was natural and had been like that since she was a teenager but she recently stopped coloring it. She showed me the photo on her hospital ID where her hair was brown.
And I have a friend in her 60s who stopped getting her hair colored during the pandemic. She looks so much better, much more real and less uptight.
Load More Replies...This infuriates me! I begged my hairdresser, a master colorist in Beverly Hills , to do this about 24 years ago. He said it couldn't be done.
Even in Haircare technology changes. 25 years is a long time and there’s a lot more options now than then. I was a hair dresser roughly around that time, specialising in corrective colouring, and I’d almost never have even attempted this as it would have come out dry, brittle and not natural looking at all, the products just weren’t that great. Plus, lets be real, these ladies still have coloured hair they’re going to have to upkeep, until that’s all grown out, it’s just dyed grey with lowlights.
Load More Replies...Because they are still fairly young and he's not going to choose great looking before pictures if he can. Plus most have younger styles and wear professionally applied makeup in the after photos.
Load More Replies...I'm so jealous of these people. I'm 47 years old and I don't have a single grey hair yet 😭
All of these transformations are stunning! Great job! There is hope for us greying ladies, afterall!!
everyone 's skincolor looks so much better with the natural haircolor - like porcelain.
To me, the point of going gray is so you don't have to color your hair anymore. These transformations are gorgeous, but if these women want to keep their hair looking like this, they'll have to keep getting recolored just like they did before. Just about all of these include highlights and lowlights and unnatural silver colors, which when growing out will not look as beautiful.
When I started really showing roots in grey, I went for platinum with dark roots . The darker roots are actually my own regrowth. I like it a lot as it isn't platinum all over. So now I only have the get a touch up , maybe every 6 months or so.
Load More Replies...So pretty. I don't think the hair colour actually matters though. It will always look better when hair is freshly cut, styled, shiny and healthy looking.
I can't remember the last time I dyed my hair. More than 10 years ago. I was asked by someone why I don't do it, and my reply is; "With age comes wisdom. Why would i want to cover up my wisdom?" No one says I should color my hair anymore.
I am 40 and had blonde hair as my natural color for the first 32 years of my life. After I had my daughter it turned brown; NOW, it’s turning silver/grey, but looks like it’s turning back to blonde. I have people comment ALL THE TIME about it or question why I don’t color it. I tell them that it helps me look closer to my age; because I look like I’m in my mid to late 20s. I have a 14 year old and an 8 year old and people LOVE to clutch their pearls when they assume you had a kid when you were 13. 🙄🤣
Load More Replies...I am very gray and in my thirties. I am so sad by how many women tell me how brave I am to be going natural. As a woman we are raised to fear age. It disgusts me that a man with silver is distinguished and a woman with silver is old. I am strong and bold and have developed beyond that fear that society will no longer value me because I am no longer young and supple.
Thank you for voicing your wisdom. I don’t remember liking myself or body that much when I was younger. It seems that youth and the things that go with it are prized but also regulated and suppressed too. I’m glad the younger generations don’t have to contend with that as much.
Load More Replies...I wish they would have included the time and money you have to be willing to pay to do these transformations. I know Jack Martin has mentioned on his insta that these takes 10-15 hours and sometimes have to be done over two days and they can cost you like 800-1500$. I would love to do stuff like this at my salon, but the time and money is too much for most people.
I read in a previous article on him how long it takes. It's mind-boggling! Just walking into a hair salon makes me feel queasy from the chemical smell. I couldn't imagine spending 10-15 hours in one and can't fathom how hairdressers can take it.
Load More these are beautiful! but you'll have to keep going back - that's the only problem. stunning work though!
During lockdown I finally convinced my mom to stop dyeing her her, let it grow out, and go grey. I told her people pay a lot of money to have "silver" hair these days, and she has it naturally 😆 She looks lovely.
While these women look good with the new do's It's still dyeing hair, I've never seen the point. I used to dye my mums hair it was a right faff, she got cancer and because of treatment had to stop she looked so much better with natural hair. I was already pretty much decided to never dye my hair as it seemed so much cost/effort after seeing my mum looking so much better with natural hair colour mind was made up. I've never dyed my hair, despite hairdressers constantly suggesting it. I learned to cut my own hair as a result. I still can't understand the appeal of changing your hair colour, perhaps as mine has constantly changed colour naturally I never got bored of it. I went from platinum blond through pretty much every colour except ginger to black. I started going grey 10 years ago it's never bothered me, some other people felt it needed hiding/laughing about. But honestly I couldn't care less, I'm getting older it's only natural.
I stopped coloring my hair when my daughter was about 18 months old. I thought, how can I tell her she’s perfect the way she is if I can’t lead by example for myself? Otherwise, I’ve been every color imaginable; from lavender to black and just about every shade of red. Definitely less expensive to have “virgin” hair!!
Load More Replies...No, apparently we're supposed to be sheep and mindlessly follow what fashion tells us to do.
Load More Replies...they all look great, but they all got kinda silver hair. i'm 28 and my skintone is super pale (i disapear in snow) and if i don't color my hair in a redish/blonde colour, my hair would be white too.. so no i will never embrace my natuarl hair color.. i wished i could but, nope..
Francis, I assure you I am more pale than you. I am so pale that my veins can be seen as bright blue through my skin. I don't tan, ever, and spend every summer being stared at by people who whisper "she must be sick". I always had dark blonde hair but it is slowly turning grey. I will literally be a ghost with silver hair and scare children with a creepy laugh in the moonlight... :D
Load More Replies...I'm sure they look great when styled professionally, but I'd probably look like my mother if I ever went for grey (I've been going grey since age 25). Still, these ladies do look good with this hair colour.
About seven or eight years ago, one of my then coworkers and I made a pact to stop coloring our hair. One or the other of us said, "My goodness, your gray is so pretty. You should stop coloring it." "Hey, if you will, I will." We did. We keep running into one another and cannot stop complimenting one another on our beautiful grey heads.
This doesn't look like it's about color, more about styling. The hair is dyed gray (which beats the purpose of not having to dye your hair anymore), but "stylish gray", and then it's really professionally styled. But if it was natural gray and no styling it wouldn't look good at all. My hair when not styled looks horrific and if I would let it go gray I would look 20 years older than I am.
As a hairdresser of over 40 years I'm a little perplexed about how he achieved allot of these colors. When you have built up color you have to strip it out and then what bleach the hair until it's fried to get that silvery look. I mean I don't see any left over gold cast or anything that looks bad here. He's got secrets I want and need! Amazing works!
I've read that he goes through a very lengthy process to gradually change the hair color to the end product you see. I understand that this long process with multiple steps is necessary to protect the hair. He painstakingly takes all of these necessary steps to "do it right." You can check him out on insta for more info...
Load More Replies...I had colored my hair a deep auburn for as long as I can remember. After my divorce in 2004 I wanted a change. My daughter asked me what color my "real" hair was and I told her I wasn't sure, so I let it grow out a bit. Once the roots started showing I had it cut super short (think Jamie Lee Curtis) and WOW! I had streaks of pure platinum. I have kept it short ever since & will NEVER color it again!
I always wanted to do fun colours with my hair, fire blends, oil slicks, that sort of thing but I hated the idea of bleaching it. Now I am going grey (I have a "Rogue" style streak, the rest being more salt and pepper) I am getting to have some fun. I buy coloured conditioner and, because they wash out pretty quickly, I can change up the colour whenever I fancy. The colour doesn't show much on the darker hair but it makes great, colourful highlights!
what brand of 'coloured conditioners' do you use?
Load More Replies...I contacted him. His prices start at $3,000! That’s not a typo. Three grand, with a $1,500 deposit to book the appt. A little too rich for me.
But, yet, his schedule is booked MONTHS in advance. I tried scheduling an appointment with him back in February, but couldn't get in during my planned vacation time out there, in November and early December!
Load More Replies...Grey hair is actually very nice, it's more akin to blond hair, which is the most prized hair in the world. It just needs styling and trimming. What is not nice is the sharp contrast between the roots and the longer coloured hair. A lot of women believe it's better to have "mostly" coloured and long hair to create the image of youth but there's nothing wrong, or ugly, with looking your age.
The point of all these styles featuring gray as the main color is to show off the stylist's talent. None depends on the color grey as an element; many would be more attractive in another color. Most do not really free the individual from coloring her hair, but merely substitute one coloring regime for another. It's time to give up the "gray hair makeovers", with their barely disguised message that there is some moral content to coloring one's hair, with the more positive message that each woman -- and man -- should do with his hair what appeals most to her or him. And that most definitely includes dumping the message that "unconventional" colors are only for the young.
As usual, all these women have lush thick hair that looks great grey. The nearest to my hair is #28. Thin and sparse looks even worse when it's dull iron grey, I know, I've tried it. Hated every minute of it. Gone back to dying it purple until I really can't be bothered and don't care how I look anymore
All of these are colored not naturally grey hair. What exactly is the point you are trying to make? Natural grey rarely looks this way.
Here is a very interesting Long Read:
I haven't had my hair weaved in about 6 months or more. I've discovered that my gray is much more prominent than I imagined. My natural color is a strawberry blonde and I'd like to embrace the gray (i'll be 62 in April). Wondering if a platinum would blend well with my natural color though. hair-61854...c2630b.jpg
I was going to make the same comment about upkeep. Very few of the examples shown are going to look that way without serious upkeep. I have the kind of hair that isn't graying, just going mousy. My hair is/was auburn, but even though I am 65, I have very little gray, just one patch up front, but the rest has gone drab. I think I am just going to let mine do it's own thing, because i don't want to start something that I won't keep up with. These are beautiful, but too high maintenance for me.
Women that are confident enough to show their gray ar sooooo sexy.....
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So, here is the deal - in order to keep natural grays looking good you have to damage it slightly. Natural gray hair has the texture of barbed wire and will not do what you want it to. By dying it, even the same color that it is, it helps damage the hair shaft slightly so it will behave better. 2) Ageism in the workplace is still a thing unfortunately. While I'd like to go gray, it does come at a cost. Choose wisely based on your own situation.
actually not all gray hair is like what you said. It depends on the texture the hair was before turning gray. My hair is very gray and curly . My hair if I not brushed it after I wash it, is like singer Stevie Nix curly ringlets. my hair is still fine in texture.and has never felt wirey at hair is to the middle of my back with long layers. the only thing I would do to it now with over a year growth is put blonde highlights in it . my hair didn't start to turn gray until I was around 60yrs old. I'm 69 now .And it turned fast. if I pull my bangs back it is solid white from ears forward . Rest is gray with a few darker natural streaks most in my bangs. I am also a retired hairdresser. But I still haven't decided if I'm going to put some blonde streaks in it. if I did I would use a frosting cap. I do my own hair. And I do not let anyone cut it but me until I can't do that anymore I will keep doing it. My hair grows very fast 3/4 inch a month.
Load More Replies...My girlfriend -- at 23 -- did exactly this to her hair, and it looks freaking fantastic! She works at Starbuck's where there's a "No unnatural hair colours" policy [e.g. no blues. greens, purples, etc]. So her colourist dyed her hair Platinum Silver -- and it look awesome. "Try and discriminate against this, Stabucks!"
My girlfriend who's 23, did this to her hair, and it looks fantastic! She works at Starbuck's where there's a "No unnatural hair colours" policy [e.g. no blues. greens, purples, etc]. So her colourist dyed her hair Platinum Silver - and it look awesome. "Try and discriminate against that, Stabucks!"
My mom uses her grey hair to her advantage. She colors her hair purple. She's not totally grey, just around the hairline and crown and then it highlights all over through her black hair. So after coloring it, she has black and purple all throughout and then more purple at the hairline. She literally gets a compliment every day she leaves the house. Been like that for 15+ years. Now with covid, she's obviously not but on the essential days, compliments. These colors were all pretty by it's still coloring. So if you're adventurous, go for some bright colors or highlights. Branch out. Have fun.
Weird how everyone had the exact same shade of platina gray hair.. and some of the women were far too young for "natural" full gray hair.. Something's fishy about this one..
The silver actually can be there without color my mother's hair is really healthy so when it gets grey it turns out silver but yet she wants hair dye so I imagine it will not last for long
I'm now letting my dyed hair grow out to grey and prefer to do so with a hairdresser's help. From the previous article on Jack Martin posted by Rokas, what would put me off going to a good hairdresser like Jack is the total time from start to finish - 10 hours!! First, the use of a colour extractor, next being bleached and then silver colour added. The ladies' hair looks lovely afterwards but I can't believe it's good for the hair. The chemical smell of hair salons makes me feel ill and being in one for 10 hours is far too much for me. Kudos to the ladies who choose to have this done! Just not for me.
Sorry - WITHOUT a hairdresser's help. (Wish there was an edit button on Bored Panda comments.)
Load More Replies...I have loads of grey in the front and sides but little grey in back. I am having great difficulty finding a stylist who can actually do this to my hair. Last try at the beginning of covid I ended up with a horrible all over yellow pixie cut that was NOT a good look. Where do I find a stylist who doesn’t charge $200 for this & can actually these gone grey transformations?
Unfortunately, you won't find one that's not jaw-dropping expensive. The whole process is a lot more complicated than it seems and takes 10-15 hours for him to do. Plus he charges $800 - $1500 for the transformation!
Load More Replies...I am letting my grays grow, after 3-4 months I just decided to cut it short because it was looking weird between my dark, silver and different degrees of washed Auburn coloring, I actually have very little color left, I am waiting for hair salons to open again, thinking few more months it will be all natural, from there I will decide if I let it grow or keep it short.
Im 40 and just saw some gray hairs... I was kind of sad but after seeing these beautiful women Im going for it!
Los cortes están buenos, pero las canas les suman muchos años a las mujeres. Es cultura, pero así estamos acostumbrados.
Despite expectations most people have, every one of these women actually looked younger without the ugly dyed hair. That grey blend, all-grey, or silvery look is quite attractive.
This Pandemic has brought about many changes including hair. Some of us learned a new skill over the course of it - doing our own. I miss though having that special treatment, but I sure am glad I'm saving the money.
I just don't understand why literally EVERY picture has no hate comments! I mean, these pictures give me a sense of anger and jealousy cuz there are no fellow pandas that are calling these pictures hideous! I hate it!
All look great. A lot of blondes actually look more like they have grey hair than blonde.
Does he come to Augusta, GA? Wonder if he does henna too and how much? I LOVE THOSE MAKEOVERS!
I'm glad people notice how pretty they are without having to dye their hair :)
As a former stylist, I think these looks are beautiful... on Jane Fonda, Sharon Osbourne and all the other women who are blessed with the money, and personal stylist, to keep these styles fresh. I'd love to take a year or so and assist this guy with these transformations. I'd also love to see a consultation beforehand, complete with the cost. The first time is the gimmick, it's so much easier to work on a 'fresh' head. It's the retouches that will kill you. Above it mentions, "... after 10 hours...". Those 10 hours must make a dent in the personal bank accounts and cover the cost of the amount of products used. Personally, I think this is a passing fad! Especially when you see young women (many actresses, singers, Kelly Osbourne, etc.) who are doing it for the look and not necessity. These are just my professional observations...
Most of these they had just picked the wrong damn color in the first place
I started turning gray at thirteen. Yes, thirteen. By the time I was seventeen, I had a patch of gray on the top of my head. Blame it on genetics; both my parents had prematurely gray hair. Prematurely gray hair follows a different pattern, starting on the crown and moving down. I left it natural until my mid-thirties. I now dye it black every six weeks or so. It is also naturally curly, but the gray is thinner and coarser, so it really looks better black.
My natural hair are ginger. And as much as I love them, I will enjoy every second of gray hair and finally be able to dye them with every Manic Panic color that exist :D Because sadly there is no healthly way of recoloring hair and doing rainbow ombre, especially ginger hair.
At least I know that... bye the way I’m ginger too!
Load More Replies...One of my chemotherapy nurses, in her early 30s, had beautiful gray hair. She said it was natural and had been like that since she was a teenager but she recently stopped coloring it. She showed me the photo on her hospital ID where her hair was brown.
And I have a friend in her 60s who stopped getting her hair colored during the pandemic. She looks so much better, much more real and less uptight.
Load More Replies...This infuriates me! I begged my hairdresser, a master colorist in Beverly Hills , to do this about 24 years ago. He said it couldn't be done.
Even in Haircare technology changes. 25 years is a long time and there’s a lot more options now than then. I was a hair dresser roughly around that time, specialising in corrective colouring, and I’d almost never have even attempted this as it would have come out dry, brittle and not natural looking at all, the products just weren’t that great. Plus, lets be real, these ladies still have coloured hair they’re going to have to upkeep, until that’s all grown out, it’s just dyed grey with lowlights.
Load More Replies...Because they are still fairly young and he's not going to choose great looking before pictures if he can. Plus most have younger styles and wear professionally applied makeup in the after photos.
Load More Replies...I'm so jealous of these people. I'm 47 years old and I don't have a single grey hair yet 😭
All of these transformations are stunning! Great job! There is hope for us greying ladies, afterall!!
everyone 's skincolor looks so much better with the natural haircolor - like porcelain.