"My grandma once said, 'Don’t tell a child that they are bad. Tell them their actions were bad.' She also said, 'Make sure to catch your child being good and let them know it.'"
"Listen to your gut. If something or somebody feels wrong, your gut feeling is probably right."
"Don't cheap out on your matress and your shoes! You sleep on your mattress all night long and you stand in your shoes all day long!"
Try telling this to the girls I know. Would rather spend $160 on an anime figure and $40 on their shoes.
"Never sacrifice your happiness or health for a company or job. It wouldn't do it for you."
"Never live with any 'in laws.'"
"Don't ever believe you truly know a person."
Person I always bring up is BTK. Always known as super kind in his neighborhood, donated time to charities, helped out with his church, so on and so forth. Than the murders happen. His wife and family all thought he was a great person too. Never suspected a thing
"If you have to borrow a tool more than twice, buy your own."
"You can't please everyone."
“Be 10 minutes late for a party and 10 minutes early for a meeting.”
"My grandfather taught me at an early age never to ask for what you want. Ask for more and negotiate down to what you want."
“Don't judge other's stories based on the chapter you walked in on.”
Though the thought is nice, that has the potential to prove quite dangerous.
"My grandmother would say character is how you treat people who have nothing to offer you. Definitely stuck with me."
History is made at night. Character is who you are in the dark. Lord Warfon
"Always carry an emergency $20 in your wallet. You will never know when you can't reach an ATM or run out of gas and have $20 to save you."
We used to keep $20 in the car for gas. Cash in your wallet is good too.
"Cherish gifts, you never know if you'll ever receive another from that person."
"My grandpa told me, 'It’s better to be alone than want to be alone.'"
You can do things to not feel lonely. You can't do much legally to be alone and get away from everyone when you're tied to someone.
"My grandfather's words of advice last night: 'You can't just run away from the problem because it'll just go with you!'"
This made me laugh From experience yes the problem will go with you if you try and run away
"Spend your bus money on lollies, and walk."
Lol, depending where you live. I live on Chicago and during the night I definitely prefer to take the bus, but during the day I walk more.
"Don’t take advice from anyone who doesn’t live the life you want."
"Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backward."
"Don’t marry someone who you have never seen angry or cry."
Someone you have never seen angry or cry is either very patient, self controlled and does it in private or is a sociopathic nightmare. Either way, not something you want to find out the hard way.
"Take time to have fun and smell the flowers along the way."
Please, do this! Appreciate the small things. Appreciate that you can communicate, discover, and learn, whenever you want with a tiny device. Appreciate how amazing it is that you can choose what to do with yourself each day, if you aren't imprisoned, impoverished, or enslaved. Appreciate that you can read! How amazing is it that you have the world at your fingertips if you can read? Go look up how a shoe is made. It's all freaking awesome!
"Don't ever forget where you've come from, the good times were just as important as the difficult ones."
If you come from a bad place, don't be ashamed of it, be proud that you could do something for yourself. Say we're you come super proud always.
"Relationships are emotional, not logical."
"My grandma said that I should never sacrifice myself, my children, or my happiness to a man. She lived a rough life, some even by her own choices. She has been gone for 25 years. She wasn't wrong."
I'm sure some would say I'm sacrificing my children for myself because I'll never have any...but if they aren't alive, how will they ever know
"Say what you mean and mean what you say."
"No matter what life throws at you, always remember to look upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole."
"Don’t grow up too fast."
"Stop caring so much about the future and worry about the present."
"If it is worth saying once, then it is worth saying again."
Like, I love you! You should say it frequently to those you love.
"My grandmother passed several years ago and one of the last things she said to me was, 'It’s never impossible to be kind", and that has really stayed with me."
"Justice doesn't decide the fate, your decisions do."
You're allowed to do anything once...but your choices always have consequences.
"Build habits that you can do when your old and retired body is worn out. Stretch in your 30’s and 40’s and you will be thankful in your 60’s and 70’s."
"Spend less time behind a camera capturing memories, and more time being a part of the memories."
“The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow.”
Waiting on that rainbow any day now. Hope it wasn't a nuclear fallout.
"You never get a second chance at a first impression."
We really don't get a choice in our first impressions. As much as people say they don't judge from appearances, it's impossible not to. It's just how our brains work.
"Money never bought me happiness but it helped me look for it on a nicer street."
"My grandpa always told me to treat a rock like it's a diamond. Basically, something most people think is s*it, could possibly be amazing."
"Don't rely on any man. Build your own career and be independent."
I'd beg to change this and make it "Don't rely on any ONE." Guys can be totally dependent too.
"Never go to bed angry."
I was in an abusive relationship where my options were to go to bed angry or not sleep at all
"Don’t regret any mistake. Just learn from it and move on because every decision forms who you are."
"Your health is your wealth."
"If something doesn't make any sense, somebody somewhere is making money because of it."
“It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”
Better safe than sorry. Prepare for every and anything. If you didn't need to use it, you didn't need to. But if you aren't prepared, it's inevitable to happen, and then you're up s**t creek.
"When talking at my brother's wedding about how he was married for so long: 'Treat everyday as a new day.'"
"Never act stupider than you have to."
"My grandma used to say 'Eat up! Your body is your capital!'"
My great grandpa used to say, 'Eat hearty and give the ship a good name' My grandma used to say' Grab it and growl'
"If you want to have friends, you first need to be one."
"Life’s too short to do things you don’t want to do, and spend time with people you don’t want to spend time with."
Wrong! There will ALWAYS be things that we don't want but must do and people that we don't like but must live with, work with.... Difficult moments and difficult people are the ones that make us wiser, stronger.. Those Who live their lives by this quote must be a burden to everyone around them.
"Eat your greens."
One of my specialties is fresh collards. Always make large pot for the holidays
"Make the most of every day, because you'll never know when it's your last."
"Enjoy the flowers and ignore the weeds."
"Its nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."
"Never let this cruel world wipe away your smile and laughter, remember people will only remember you from your smile, not from your tears."
I remember people from their anger, because my brain needs to remember who's a threat.
"My Grammy is famous for her 'Old enough to know better, too young to care line.' She's in her mid 80's."
"Nobody counts how many times you fall down, they only count how many times you don’t get back up."
"Have the courage of your convictions."
"It’s better to stay silent and let people think you a fool than to speak and prove them right."
"At the end of your life, you will be able to count your true friends on one hand."
Hopefully, if I've played my cards right, St Peter will be doing the counting.
"Don’t take your family for granted."
"We have a responsibility to remember the bad times, even if it hurts us to admit they happened. We have a responsibility to remember the good times, even if it hurts to admit they're gone. And in times where you don't know where to go, you need only remember how you got to where you are now."
"A watched pot never boils" - from my german grandmother.
"My grandfather used to always tell me, 'No matter where you go, there you are.' I have never been lost since I heard those words."
"My grandmother would always say 'everything in moderation.'"
My Italian grandmother would say a glass of wine a day was good for your blood. She was right.
"My grandmother said I could take as long as I needed to find a partner. That meant a lot to me to hear that."
"Liars can fool some people all the time, and all people some of the time, but not all people all the time."
“You can either work in school and play for the rest of your life or play in school and work for the rest of your life.”
"Don't count your chickens till they're hatched."
"Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. These are things that will always be out of your control. These are only 20% responsible for where your life goes, the other 80% is based on how you react and respond to the things that are out of your control." - my grandpa before he passed.
"Don't climb a tree to lie when you can tell the truth standing on the ground."
"If you don't ask, you don't get."
But for some, asking means a slap across the face, metaphorical or physical.
"Have good posture."
"There's no point of being afraid of the inevitable."
There is no benefit in worrying about that which you cannot control.
"Do not ignore your instincts. They are a higher power keeping you on the right path."
Unless you notice a pattern (like the color yellow, moustache vs none, etc). Then, you may need to see a therapist.
"There’s no point in doing something if you’re not gonna do it right."
No. Disagree. It's better to try. Sometimes one step forward is enough to propel us to be our best selves. But sometimes that first step is small, or half hearted. If all you can do is get out of bed, today, because your brain is an organic, flawed, mess, then do that. Next time, see if you can do that +1. I really truly think you should try everything, but you don't always have to go "all in."
"Spend money on your facial routine and on shoes — your face is the first thing people see and your feet will carry you all the way through life."
If you don't, you're looking at a lifetime full of wrinkles and sneakers.
"You just need to worry about figuring out your own life, fight for what you can get, and don't forget to have fun along the way."
“If someone hits you, always hit them back, and never let people walk all over you.”
"Stop chasing boys."
Stop chasing "love" before you have yourself secure. The moment you drift off from the highs of love, without security and a tether, you're gone.
"Never trust your friends too much, because they may become your enemy. Never hate your enemy too much, because they may become your friend."
I never trust anyone anymore since I've been screamed at in my face and been disregarded completely because EvErYoNe GoEs ThRoUgH tHaT.
"I don't know everything, but I know what I'm talking about."
"The evil ones live the longest."
Because they let everything off their chests and make their lives everyone's problem. Nothing that happens to them that's bad only stays with them.
"Life will find a way."
Read the first Jurassic Park book at least. There's so much action, philosophy, and intrigue in it, it's so worth it from the first word to the last paragraph. It will in no way ruin your movie experience, but it heightens your respect for the man behind the idea.
"I used to drink coffee with cream and sugar. But when I switched to drinking black coffee, boys started to pay attention to me."
Should igaf about anyone paying attention to me? No. So idgaf. Unless they're being suspicious
"You've gotta watch out for the darkies!"