31 “Goofy” Comics About How Gods Deal With Everyday Problems
Interview With ArtistGods have been the explanation for everything that is happening in our world from the beginning of time. And we know of these Greek, Roman, Indian, Egyptian, Christian, Islamic, and other gods because they were such big parts of people’s lives that they were immortalized in various writings. And they still to this day are inspiration for contemporary creators.
For example, the Instagram account Goofy Gods Comics portrays the gods in a completely different way than we are used to seeing them. These gods are silly, goofy, and funny with Zeus discovering the Mario games and Hades finally going on a date with Persephone, with the stories sometimes having references to modern-day culture.
More info: Instagram
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Goofy Gods Comics is an account shared by two friends that try to provide us with funny comics once a week or whenever they can. The Instagram account’s first post was published on August 15, 2019 and in May of the following year, it hit 200k followers. They didn’t stop growing and now they’re almost at 300k followers. Their posts get anywhere from 20k to 170k likes with positive reactions in the comics.
They told Bored Panda that the two best friends met in high school and thought that it would be cool to create comics together about a year ago. "We had tons of ideas, but both love mythology so we wanted to give it a go."
Bored Panda noticed these artists not long after they started their Instagram account. But since then, they’ve came a long way and created even more comics, so we are making a follow-up article so that even more people can get to enjoy their work.
In the comics, the reoccurring characters are Zeus, the god of sky and thunder who rules other gods. Then there’s also Hades, the god of the dead and the king of the underworld. He is inseparable from his three-headed dog Cerberus, who is called Cerbie in the comics.
Goofy Gods Comics not only creates short comics, but their audience is also involved in a mini-series. Recently, we found out if Hades finally got the courage to ask Persephone on a date and if she agreed to it.
They are together. Persephone is hades wife. They really are a match made in hell
Load More Replies...unfortunately mom isn't so accepting T_T hades really is such a good guy
Load More Replies...One thing I wish to point out (mainly to Ryan Deshcanel) gods do not have DNA since they are superior beings they were birthed by the same deity but they don't share blood or relation that isn't chosen by them to be recognized as a relation. Since they don't have blood and instead they have ichor which is a substance without any DNA they aren't technically related. Get got son.
Ancient gods often intermingled indiscriminately; humans, animals, vegetables, minerals, other gods, etc.
Load More Replies...Gaiea's face in the last panel is me and my best friend to each other
Just letting everybody know that he is her uncle. And her father is her other uncle who raped his own sister. Mythology is fun
"At first it was mostly just 1-off jokes, but after a while we decided to do full stories spreading over multiple comics. That’s why we created Cerbie, and then the Persephone/Hades story."
To me, Hades was always the least horrible one. Not a murderer, not a curse caster, not a paedophile, not a rapist (unlike most if his relatives)... just a guy who lives his life, does his job, takes care of the Dead and even agrees on letting a guy resurect his girfriend just because he is a sensitive person who was touched by his music although it is against the laws of nature. Seriously, this guy is the sweetest. He deserved more temples.
Thanks to BP I found some great artists. This one´s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goofygodscomics/
I know, right? I follow so many artists I discovered here.
Load More Replies...I'm so glad I saw these, it gives me something to procrastinate with so I don't have to take my biology notes yet.
hades is so sweet and loves his pup it's awesome cause hades is usually the bad guy
These are not only funny, but well drawn as well. So many comics these days seem to be drawn with minimal artistic talent or skill. (do you miss Calvin and Hobbes, too?) Plus they may encourage people to learn more about Greek myths.
I love how cute Hades is around cerbie and persephone, its my favorite thing ever
I didn't like Percy Jackson, (wasn't sold on the first book) but I love greek mythology so I loved this!
Load More Replies...Cerbie was my favorite!! I think once he grows up, he and Fluffy (Hagrid's 3 headed doggo) would get along really well!
Thanks to BP I found some great artists. This one´s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goofygodscomics/
I know, right? I follow so many artists I discovered here.
Load More Replies...I'm so glad I saw these, it gives me something to procrastinate with so I don't have to take my biology notes yet.
hades is so sweet and loves his pup it's awesome cause hades is usually the bad guy
These are not only funny, but well drawn as well. So many comics these days seem to be drawn with minimal artistic talent or skill. (do you miss Calvin and Hobbes, too?) Plus they may encourage people to learn more about Greek myths.
I love how cute Hades is around cerbie and persephone, its my favorite thing ever
I didn't like Percy Jackson, (wasn't sold on the first book) but I love greek mythology so I loved this!
Load More Replies...Cerbie was my favorite!! I think once he grows up, he and Fluffy (Hagrid's 3 headed doggo) would get along really well!