They say that no beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. After all, good deeds always pay off!  Amarildo Silva is certainly one with a good heart, as the young Brazilian craftsman has already dedicated one year and six months giving comfort and joy to animals. He turns old tires into comfortable and decorated beds and the good news is that he is not willing to stop.

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    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Everything started two years ago when Amarildo was looking for a way to make extra income using the trash that people throw in the streets. He always enjoyed making handicrafts with materials that were no longer used and would be otherwise discarded.

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    By creating something new out of it, he not only contributed to the well-being of the environment but also earned a few extra dollars in the process.

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Amarildo realized that old tires were being used as a refuge by the dogs that live in the streets, and came up with the idea to bring them the feeling of home and make it more comfortable for animals.


    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    The artist collects the old tires that he finds on the streets, takes them home and puts all the stuff in his backyard. He dedicated one of his rooms for storing these tires.

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    After separating the tires, he cuts, washes and paints them. He loves to draw a unique design for each tire and write the name of the animal to whom the bed will belong to.

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva


    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva


    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Besides the beds, the artist also makes beautiful containers for plants as well.

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    Image credits: Amarildo Silva

    The artist united two things that he always loved to do: helping animals and crafts. Amarildo believes that this project will contribute to a more sustainable world and he will present even more innovative ideas for generating a socio-environmental impact.