More often than not we read about toxic workplaces where bosses micromanage, pressure and manipulate their employees. Where they don’t give them well deserved paid time off, or where they refuse a salary raise.
But the truth is, there are still many devoted and passionate bosses out there who are true leaders and stand for the people. And this post is a celebration of exactly that.
Below is a collection of pictures that show the moment people realized their boss is so much more than their formal superior. Scroll down, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your best boss stories in the comment below!
This post may include affiliate links.
Manager Helps His Employee Get A Raise
A True Angel Indeed
My Sister's Boss Passed Away Several Months Ago, But Before She Did, She Arranged To Have This Sent To Her Staff
“A good boss today looks different than 50 years ago,” Christine Mitterbauer, a licensed and ICF-approved career coach and serial entrepreneur based in the UK, told Bored Panda. “Today, some of the skills that are most highly valued in bosses are communication skills, coaching and mentoring skills and relationship-building skills,” she explained.
This Wholesome Manager
This Nice Old Man Just Came Into McDonald's Asking For Directions, And The Manager Has Taken At Least 10 Minutes To Set Up Google Maps On His Phone
She then plugs the address in and teaches him how to “follow the green dot” while he’s driving. Faith in humanity is temporarily restored.
If everyone took a few minutes out of their day to help others it can change them and others for a lifetime
The Owner And Employees Of Our Local Pizza Shop Surprised Their Waitress For Graduating High School
According to Mitterbauer, a great boss puts the team and the goals of the company before themselves. “Whereas earlier, a good boss would tell their employees what to do, today, they should empower their employees to do the job themselves. A good boss also realizes she/he is often not the smartest person in the room, and knows how to bring out the very best in her/his employees.”
The career coach explained that some people naturally have the skills mentioned above, and they will therefore be naturally good leaders without much specific leadership training. “But most people would benefit from training, ideally including on-the-job training,” she added.
The Kind Of Boss Everyone Wants
When You Had A Bad Day And Your Boss's Boss Leaves This On Your Desk
this made me teary-eyed with its sweetness. Employees need validation and appreciation as well!
“Communication, coaching and relationship-building skills are all skills that can be taught if you have the right mindset and take the lessons and insights onboard. Ideally, a great leader also has empathy and the ability to put their minds into that of others, and these are skills that are harder to teach,” Mitterbauer told us.
A Group Of Managers At RBC Decided To Take A Picture In The Outfits They Use For Zoom Meetings
My Boss Gets Trapped In Outlook's "Numbering" Feature
My Boyfriend Told Me To Post This, Came Out To My Bosses And Expected To Be Fired
Slightly different response. Boss came in this morning and called me by my name, hugged me when I broke down crying.
That’s such a welcoming and supportive boss! If only everyone were like that
Why wouldn't you be though? Want me to call you Emile, Emily, whatever. What's it to me. I'll call you Morlax if that's what will make you happy. Also, if I'm pronouncing your name wrong, tell me. I'ma grown up. I can be wrong.
Load More Replies...I actually have a surprising number of people in my life that have transitioned. While I understand that not everyone understands or agrees with it, it costs nothing to respect the decision to do so. They are still the same person you know and love, just generally more happy in their skin.
I have experience with this. I loved that girl, but I love him more now. He flourished with a little support when family dropped him. With other social anxiety issues, I always told him he is a Good Boy (his preference to be called boy instead of man, due to young and being smallish). Now he is a young man and damn great one!
When I was working as a vet nurse I stumbled upon an amazing veterinary office. People were lining up at the door to work there. Why? you ask. Because the head veterinarian is a wonderful gay man who is accepting of anyone and everyone as long as they aren't a total a$$hole. This wonderful man exudes inclusivity and positivity and is always teaching anyone who will listen; new skills to be better at their job in the veterinary world. I still take my pets and service dog to him 15 years later and he still gives me employee discounts. Just don't ride in a car with him, he's only got one eye and drives like a bat out of hell /J. Still love him with everything I have, though
At my work place you can just change your name with them, and if you like have your pro nouns printed on your name tag. I there's three of us with changed names (including me). My managers are extremely respectful and will never dead name or miss gender which is lovely and sets such a good example that nobody dead names at my work place. Any customers are also corrected by staff.
Whoa—I’m crying! Why can’t more people be accepting of others’ choices if it harms no one? What a wonderful boss and human being that we should all learn from!
I had a neighbor awhile back, & his name was Rob. Well, one day he exited his apartment in a dress, wig, etc...Took a moment or two to figure out! I greeted him, as always. He turned to me and said "I'm Tina"...Didn't wanting no flak so "Tina" it was...
I find it weird how much of a fuss the boss is making. If it was me, and I was told this, my response would just be, "Ok Emile, see you Monday."
... still a bit creepy how it ends messages with xx. I've always found ridicule people against "chosen pronouns", I mean you use my "chosen name". You don't go "Hello. My name's Jeremy." "Nah, you look like a George. I'll call you George."
Employees want to feel listened to and respected, so a good boss will honor this and show, over time, that they value the input and work from the employee, Mitterbauer said. She argues that “it feels genuine, this process takes time, as there have to be several instances of feeling listened to and respected.”
“Giving regular constructive feedback to the employee is important, as is spending time training and simply listening to the employee on a regular basis,” the career coach concluded.
My Boss And I Are In A Contest To Lose Weight. Today Is My Birthday. This Is What He Brought Me
The Restaurant I Work For Is Closing Until Further Notice. My Manager Gave Me A Gift
This should be the norm, instead of throwing out food just cos it can't be sold
I Don't Work For This Guy Anymore But Enjoy These Text Conversations Between Me And My Old Boss
My Husband Has Been In The Hospital For 4 Months Dealing With A Brain Tumor, And I Brought Him Home. He Is Bedridden And Needs Total Care. My Brother's Boss Gave Me This
It came with a $1000 cheque to ease some of the costs of caring for him at home.
This is so generous and will help out the siblings a whole lot. What a blessing!
Luigi, The Boss Of Bosses
I love people like this, although there seems to be a lot of homophobia in work places, I hope bosses continue to be supportive and help people through it.
What I Would Do To Have A Boss Like This
I Work Construction In The Midwest And My Boss Just Delivered All Of These Food Goodies To Our Home In Time For The Holiday
Nothing makes employees and/or volunteers feel extra good about themselves than just being recognized for a job well done. A bonus on top of bonus for his boss getting personal gifts instead of something pathetic, like a coupon. This boss sounds like he knows just how to keep his employees happy
My Boyfriend Is Going Through Chemo For 6 Months And Has Surgery Coming Up. This Morning This Was Left On My Desk By My Boss
My boss loves stones of all kinds and we have talked about our love of labradorite. She had mentioned red labradorite which I had never heard of. The ring is red labradorite and the card says, "I think about you at times and what you are going through and I know how tough life can be. You are always positive and there for the clients, your peers, and even me. Here is something I wanted to give you. As I said, jewelry is my thing and this is a red labradorite. I love it and hope you do too. Please take care of yourself and know I am here for you as is the team. Have a blessed day!"
I’ve Had Terrible Teeth My Entire Life. It’s Been The Bane Of My Existence. Today I Got A $10,000 Quote On The Cost Of What Needs To Be Done
And it just made me feel even more helpless. My boss, mentor, literal angel, is taking care of this for me, free of charge.
Store Manager Being A Bro
Thats awesome. Helping them get a job instead of sabotaging them at their new job.
Boss Being An Absolute Bro Over A Mistake
I Help Take Care Of My Mother, And Have Had Such A Hard Few Months. My Bosses And Co-Workers Found Out And Brought All This To Us Tonight
Didn’t just make me smile, made me cry, too. Mom (pictured) is so happy we get to decorate a tree for Christmas.
Just Had My Last Day With My Summer Job Back Home, Boss Choked Up A Bit And Said He Wished Me The Best With My Future Health And Career
He said if all else fails I’m welcome to come back as a partner and grow the business with him. Gave me a bonus today. Probably the best boss I may ever have.
My Boss Knows What's Up
It would probably help more if he stopped being the reason, rather than encouraging it!
My Company Recently Opened A New Campus And I Run The On-Site Help Desk. My Printer Started Working Today And My Boss Wanted To Test It From Overseas
My Boss Asked Me If I Play Games And Gave Me This
My Boss Asked If Anyone Browsed Reddit, I Was The Only One Brave Enough To Say Yes
So My Dad Is The Manager For A Local Grocery Store Chain. There Was A Fundraiser Where His Co-Workers Taped Him To The Wall For Two Hours, And This Was The Outcome
I Didnt Have Thanksgiving With My Family This Year So My Boss Made Me A Plate And Said That I'm Part Of Her Family
My Old Boss Has Been 3D-Printing Reusable Masks And Delivering Them To Medical Facilities Amidst A Shortage
My Boss Is Unreal. He Knows I’ve Been Trying To Get A 3080 And We’ve Had Them In Stocks For Systems We Build
Today he walked up to me and said, “it’s yours, Merry Christmas”
I'm A Programmer, And My Boss Handed Me This Piece Of Paper On My First Day At Work
Another good one. I think I'll print it and put it on our board at work.
Boss And Coworker Made A Weight Loss Bet - Loser Had To Cross Dress. That Is His Real Hair Though
Called In Sick To Work With The Flu. My Boss Brought A Care Package Over At Lunchtime. I’m Truly Blessed
Leaving For Vacation Tomorrow And My Boss Hands Me My Paycheck With This Included. He Continually Goes Above And Beyond For Me
I've only been employed with him for just under a year. He's a good man. "Jhon, Thank you for your hard work - hope you have a good trip!"
Boyfriend Lost His Serving Job Because Of Corona. Bosses Cleared Out The Kitchen To Provide Food For Employees And Intend On Making Them Weekly Care Packages
It Was My Managers Last Day Yesterday. She Has A Sense Of Humor
I Bought This For My Boss But He Didn't Think HR Would Approve, So He Made It HR Approvable
Manager Put My Day Off Work In His Calendar
I Too Make $11/Hour, And I Got A TV From My Boss At Our Company Party. I Was Kind Of In Shock
No one should make 11$/Hour. Its just too low. (In developed countries)
Covid-19 Cookie Package My Boss Sent Me
Boss Bought Burgers To Celebrate Portugal Win Last Week
Manager Holds Umbrella For Employee Who Is Changing Wiper Blades While It's Raining Outside
Wise Words From The Boss
I Work In Construction And Get Paid In Cash. My Boss Thinks He's Funny
My Boss Got This Ridiculous Excuse The Other Week And Decided It Needed To Be Hung Up
I Started A New Job A Few Months Ago And I Have Never Felt More Appreciated And Valued. Here Is A Christmas Card From My Boss
So My Boss Set This Up Underneath Our Coffee Grinder For My Other Boss To "Find" This Morning
So, My Friends Boss Handed Him This Today. They Aren't Extending Hours
After so many posts about horrible bosses, it's nice to be reminded that good people exist. I once had a boss lend me a company vehicle for a few months because I was fighting with my car insurance company over a claim and couldn't afford a new car. He also paid for tires on my coworker's car when she couldn't afford them. Good bosses are rare, but wonderful.
Just what I was going to say! Very nice to see after so many negative posts about bosses.
Load More Replies...How to avoid toxic work environments with a high turn over? Don't be an A hole as staff, don't be an A hole as boss! Fair salary and a good community at work is a win for both sides!!!
At the start of the first lockdown, a colleague got a ticket for one of the last flights to Australia to join her wife who had been visiting family there then couldn't leave (because lockdown). Our mutual manager drove her three hours to the airport for a 3am flight, then did the same the next day when she couldn't board her flight because Australian immigration had messed up her visa paperwork. The team will forgive him pretty much anything after that.
Companies are only as good as their people. My first boss was my mentor and taught me more about business than any college could. I had an amazing career because of his insights and teachings and I still use his examples today, even though I retired years ago. His best was the three fairs. A company needs to be fair to it's customers, a company needs to be fair with it's employees and the employees need to be fair to the company. If you can achieve those goals, your company will do fine.
I got a minimum wage job in housekeeping at a private school when I was in college. 1 pm to 7 pm weekdays, lunch included. After the first day, cook saved dinner for me as well. Saved me $$ and shopping!
Mine refuses to not pay my breaks. He pays my breaks and even schedules incentives when I feel like we need one! I believe he is like that bc I do good work and don’t take advantage of these privileges?!
I had the same boss for 20 years. We worked side by side, and she encouraged me and the other employees to keep bettering ourselves. She would adjust our schedules if we were in school so we wouldn’t miss classes, and still let us work while receiving qualifications for certain positions. She would close our facility every year, for 2 days, in addition to regular holidays, for staff retreat. Hourly employees worked half day on a Wednesday and have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Hourly staff enjoyed the paid time off; she would reward the salaried administrative staff (we worked REALLY hard) with little working trips such as Las Vegas or 3 day cruises during those off days. Good times!
I was working as a chef in Spain and accrued holiday time so my boss told me I had to take the time off because he didn't want to pay me the 'double bubble'. I decided to drive down to the south for a break and was asking around where to rent a decent car to make the trip. Boss told me to come to his place the next day and gave me the keys to his Mercedes-Benz. Miss you Kuno.
My husband works for a great law firm as their tech guy. They've been so great to us. When the condo unit we'd been renting was sold and we needed to find a new place, we didn't have the credit to get a good mortgage rate. So his boss actually bought a house and rented it to us until we were able to get a mortgage. We got it a couple of summers ago. It's now ours.
I was having major problems with my ex husband and decided I was going to take my (not our) kids away for the weekend, do some school shopping, etc. I went into the office Friday morning & explained I needed to take the day off, and maybe Monday. My boss was all too familiar with what a nut job I was married to and was very supportive. He handed me $300 out of petty cash, the company gas card and his personal American Express. He told me to spend whatever I wanted (within reason, of course) and he would just add it to my year end bonus. That was 27 years ago & I still get choked up when I think about it. You were a good man Brian Crawford-Greene!
Well isn’t this a turn up for the books? BP CAN find positive employment stories when they can be bothered. Yes, it’s wrong that managers / owners being human requires highlighting like this but maybe, just maybe a shitty boss will see this and think ‘hey, let’s try treating our staff like humans instead of numbers, maybe we will retain more staff, have a happy work environment AND end up with happier staff and customers / clients…..’, you never know IT MAY JUST HAPPEN 😀
The owner of the company I work for never even speaks to his employees unless its to talk about work. Never a Good morning, Hi, How are you, nothing! My direct boss speaks to us and jokes around but never advocates for us. Always kissing butt to please the owner to save his job.
I have had good bosses, and when I ran my own businesses, I hope I was a good boss. If your staff is happy and motivated, your job as manager is SO MUCH EASIER!. Tasks get done without asking. Sometimes an employee spots a problem or opportunity that you missed. If they feel valued, they make sure you are aware. Once they are experienced problems often get resolved before you even know they existed.
Years ago, I casually mentioned to my boss that I forgot to get a gift for my partner (it was our anniversary but neither of us pay attention to that stuff) my boss forced me to leave an hour and a half early so I could pick something up for her. I ended up grabbing a bottle of white and some sushi. Every year after that I suspiciously forgot to buy my partner a present, and every year I came home early and had sushi and wine with my wonderful girlfriend.
Cash generating easy and fast method to work in part time and earn extra $15,000 or even more than this online. by working in my spare time i made $17990 in my previous month and i am very happy now because of this job. you can try this now by follow details here..........
After so many posts about horrible bosses, it's nice to be reminded that good people exist. I once had a boss lend me a company vehicle for a few months because I was fighting with my car insurance company over a claim and couldn't afford a new car. He also paid for tires on my coworker's car when she couldn't afford them. Good bosses are rare, but wonderful.
Just what I was going to say! Very nice to see after so many negative posts about bosses.
Load More Replies...How to avoid toxic work environments with a high turn over? Don't be an A hole as staff, don't be an A hole as boss! Fair salary and a good community at work is a win for both sides!!!
At the start of the first lockdown, a colleague got a ticket for one of the last flights to Australia to join her wife who had been visiting family there then couldn't leave (because lockdown). Our mutual manager drove her three hours to the airport for a 3am flight, then did the same the next day when she couldn't board her flight because Australian immigration had messed up her visa paperwork. The team will forgive him pretty much anything after that.
Companies are only as good as their people. My first boss was my mentor and taught me more about business than any college could. I had an amazing career because of his insights and teachings and I still use his examples today, even though I retired years ago. His best was the three fairs. A company needs to be fair to it's customers, a company needs to be fair with it's employees and the employees need to be fair to the company. If you can achieve those goals, your company will do fine.
I got a minimum wage job in housekeeping at a private school when I was in college. 1 pm to 7 pm weekdays, lunch included. After the first day, cook saved dinner for me as well. Saved me $$ and shopping!
Mine refuses to not pay my breaks. He pays my breaks and even schedules incentives when I feel like we need one! I believe he is like that bc I do good work and don’t take advantage of these privileges?!
I had the same boss for 20 years. We worked side by side, and she encouraged me and the other employees to keep bettering ourselves. She would adjust our schedules if we were in school so we wouldn’t miss classes, and still let us work while receiving qualifications for certain positions. She would close our facility every year, for 2 days, in addition to regular holidays, for staff retreat. Hourly employees worked half day on a Wednesday and have Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Hourly staff enjoyed the paid time off; she would reward the salaried administrative staff (we worked REALLY hard) with little working trips such as Las Vegas or 3 day cruises during those off days. Good times!
I was working as a chef in Spain and accrued holiday time so my boss told me I had to take the time off because he didn't want to pay me the 'double bubble'. I decided to drive down to the south for a break and was asking around where to rent a decent car to make the trip. Boss told me to come to his place the next day and gave me the keys to his Mercedes-Benz. Miss you Kuno.
My husband works for a great law firm as their tech guy. They've been so great to us. When the condo unit we'd been renting was sold and we needed to find a new place, we didn't have the credit to get a good mortgage rate. So his boss actually bought a house and rented it to us until we were able to get a mortgage. We got it a couple of summers ago. It's now ours.
I was having major problems with my ex husband and decided I was going to take my (not our) kids away for the weekend, do some school shopping, etc. I went into the office Friday morning & explained I needed to take the day off, and maybe Monday. My boss was all too familiar with what a nut job I was married to and was very supportive. He handed me $300 out of petty cash, the company gas card and his personal American Express. He told me to spend whatever I wanted (within reason, of course) and he would just add it to my year end bonus. That was 27 years ago & I still get choked up when I think about it. You were a good man Brian Crawford-Greene!
Well isn’t this a turn up for the books? BP CAN find positive employment stories when they can be bothered. Yes, it’s wrong that managers / owners being human requires highlighting like this but maybe, just maybe a shitty boss will see this and think ‘hey, let’s try treating our staff like humans instead of numbers, maybe we will retain more staff, have a happy work environment AND end up with happier staff and customers / clients…..’, you never know IT MAY JUST HAPPEN 😀
The owner of the company I work for never even speaks to his employees unless its to talk about work. Never a Good morning, Hi, How are you, nothing! My direct boss speaks to us and jokes around but never advocates for us. Always kissing butt to please the owner to save his job.
I have had good bosses, and when I ran my own businesses, I hope I was a good boss. If your staff is happy and motivated, your job as manager is SO MUCH EASIER!. Tasks get done without asking. Sometimes an employee spots a problem or opportunity that you missed. If they feel valued, they make sure you are aware. Once they are experienced problems often get resolved before you even know they existed.
Years ago, I casually mentioned to my boss that I forgot to get a gift for my partner (it was our anniversary but neither of us pay attention to that stuff) my boss forced me to leave an hour and a half early so I could pick something up for her. I ended up grabbing a bottle of white and some sushi. Every year after that I suspiciously forgot to buy my partner a present, and every year I came home early and had sushi and wine with my wonderful girlfriend.
Cash generating easy and fast method to work in part time and earn extra $15,000 or even more than this online. by working in my spare time i made $17990 in my previous month and i am very happy now because of this job. you can try this now by follow details here..........