We Got A Second Golden So Lizzie Would Have A Best Friend, And They Bonded Instantly
My name is Fran and we live in Ottawa, Canada. We adopted Lizzie almost 6 years ago, shortly after losing our previous senior Golden Retriever. By pure coincidence, I joined a local breeder’s private Facebook group and the very next day, the owner posted a photo of Lizzie (then called Maizie), saying they had to re-home her. Their plan to keep her as a breeding dog fell through when they discovered that Lizzie’s hips weren’t suitable.
I went to visit her and it was love at first sight, for me and I believe for her too! I was there for 1.5 hours and she didn’t leave my side the whole time. I believe the stars aligned for me on that day and that it was meant to be. A few weeks later, we brought Lizzie to her new forever home.
The following year, we decided that having two goldens would be nice and we wanted Lizzie to have a best friend. So we did some research and found a reputable breeder in our area. We got Ally at 8 weeks old and they became the best of friends! Getting a second dog was the best decision!
More info: franlaurenphoto.com | Instagram | Facebook
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They are similar but actually different in a lot of ways, too. Both girls love to cuddle and they both love people!
Lizzie is probably the more affectionate of the two but she’s also the naughtiest one, getting into things she knows she shouldn’t.Ally loves to play with balls and sticks. When we go on a walk, Ally will often carry a stick or a ball the whole time. She’s more of a true retriever in that way!
Thank you for sharing and for being a great owner we need more people like you in this world
Our Instagram page is about spreading happiness and love, by sharing moments of the girls together and also trying to capture their personalities individually. I love photography so that definitely plays a part.
I like taking both 'directed' and candid photos, so I try to incorporate them into the account. Sometimes, I get lucky and capture an expression or a mood that I like. Other times, I find inspiration or get an idea for something I’d like to do and I organize a photoshoot around that. It doesn’t always work out the way I plan (they are dogs after all!) but I always make sure it’s fun and the girls are well rewarded with lots of treats!
As a final point, I think that if we managed to make someone smile with our photos then I’ve achieved my goal!
*every video about memes* like this video and subscribe, these puppers will protec you tonite.
THIIIIIS time you really do have something the- haha tricked you again. you keep falling for it. *munch*
These photos are so cute! We just adopted a friend for our rescue pup, Olive, and it has been the best decision: https://www.kittydeschanel.com/2020/04/foster-a-dog.html They loved each other instantly and we have enjoyed watching them romp. The other night, we were enjoying a glass of wine by the fire pit and laughing as the dogs played. It was relaxing, at least until they rolled against the gas lever, sending flames shooting 4 feet into the air!
There pictures are adorable! I have no idea how she got them to hold still and pose, perhaps she used a spell lol.
These photos are so cute! We just adopted a friend for our rescue pup, Olive, and it has been the best decision: https://www.kittydeschanel.com/2020/04/foster-a-dog.html They loved each other instantly and we have enjoyed watching them romp. The other night, we were enjoying a glass of wine by the fire pit and laughing as the dogs played. It was relaxing, at least until they rolled against the gas lever, sending flames shooting 4 feet into the air!
There pictures are adorable! I have no idea how she got them to hold still and pose, perhaps she used a spell lol.