There are plenty of social media sites on the internet, but when Tumblr was launched in 2007, it revolutionized the scene. Not only could users share text, they could anonymously post photos and videos, reblog other users’ content and customize their home pages to their liking. And lucky for us, this platform has been the breeding ground for endless hilarious content.
Below, you’ll find some of the funniest and most clever interactions that have taken place on Tumblr, courtesy of the Tumblr subreddit. Enjoy scrolling through these silly posts, and be sure to upvote the ones that make you nostalgic for that golden age of 2014 Tumblr!
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Victory Dog
They're Learning
At least the gorillas are getting smarter as we get dumber. I wonder when we intersect?
Dads First Meme
Nowadays, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook dominate the social media landscape, so it’s easy to forget how influential Tumblr was back in the day. But one community that hasn’t forgotten is r/tumblr on Reddit. This group shares curated content from the site that everyone deserves to enjoy, whether they actively blog on Tumblr or not. This community has a whopping 1.5 million members, and they diligently share the funniest posts and interactions they come across on Tumblr.
But if you’re not familiar with Tumblr, or never were an avid user of the social media site yourself, let’s first pay homage to this platform that was once a mammoth on the internet. As I noted before, Tumblr was launched in 2007 as a free-form blogging site. Users could create their own blogs, share content that they created or reblog posts from others and discover all sorts of art that they hadn’t seen elsewhere online.
Harmless Yet Wholesome
Please Don’t Overanalyze This
Yes! Replace Star Wars 7-9 with muppet Star Wars. The Frog Awakens, the Last Piggy and the Rise of Gonzo.
Sick Burns
At its peak, even many celebrities were on Tumblr, such as Lady Gaga and President Barack Obama, Business Insider reports. And plenty of indie bands and musicians skyrocketed in popularity due to the site, such as the Arctic Monkeys, Lana Del Rey and The Neighborhood. Within only five years, Tumblr hosted over 42 million blogs and was valued at $800 million.
In 2013, Yahoo! acquired the platform for $1.1 billion, and it only grew in popularity from there. The site saw a 32.8% increase in number of users in 2014, and by 2015, Tumblr had over 260 million blogs. Today, it’s still the 103rd most visited site on the internet, and around the world, about 366 million people visited the blogging platform in February 2024.
The Taste Of Water
This Was A Ride
you made every british person cringe we started a war with you over tea before
Brush, Brush, Kiss
One aspect that without a doubt contributed greatly to Tumblr’s success was how unique the site was. At the time that it was created, social media was mainly for having a profile, such as Facebook and Myspace, and sharing content about yourself as an individual. Tumblr, however, allowed for much more creativity. Users could share a variety of forms of media, and there was no expectation to reveal your identity if you didn’t want to. “Long before Instagram launched, in 2010, Tumblr was a home for curated imagery,” Kyle Chayka explained in the New Yorker.
Gotta Try This At Cracker Barrel
Thank You Goths
Trends spread like wildfire on Tumblr, and many of us who used the platform during that time will instantly be hit by a wave of nostalgia after seeing someone with the classic 2014 Tumblr aesthetic. Dr. Marten boots, checkerboard clothes, cigarettes, ‘90s grunge band t-shirts, flannels tied around the waist, records like Lorde’s Pure Heroine on vinyl, the list goes on and on… But despite Tumblr’s decline in popularity over the years, Stony Brook Press and Vogue say these trends are already making a comeback.
This is heartbreaking. I am glad i live in a country where people have to pay exactly 0 for their insulin. Yeah yeah "but free healthcare isn't really free, you pay it with your taxes" and i am damn HAPPY we do, so people who need life saving meds don't just DIE.
Insert Theory Here*
Kids 😒
Tumblr has made a lasting impact on the internet that we’ll never forget. And you can still use it today, although you might think that the site looks a bit outdated at first glance. According to Allegra Rosenberg at The Verge, part of the reason why Tumblr has been left behind is because it couldn’t keep up with the ever-changing landscape of social media.
Well, it probably could have, but Tumblr users are notorious for being resistant to change. “It’s a long-standing inside joke that users will immediately reject any change to their precious Tumblr, taking a long time to finally adjust and accept it,” Rosenberg writes.
During WW2, in North Africa, the British were due to move on from a port town, and the Americans were to move into that town after them. A British officer, not keen on Americans, would round up a truckload of local kids, take them to the outskirts, pay them a few pennies each, and teach them English phrases. When the Americans arrived, they were not greeted by the cheers and salutations they expected, but by a barrage of insults, of which 'you lousy Yankee bastard' was probably the least offensive.
Dad Of The Year
You don't know? I think all the other dads (fixed for Adrian so he doesn't have an aneurysm) have to send him their #1 Dad s**t now.
Don't Flatter Yourself - A Signature
Would you pain a King with pimples or leave them out? One road leads to a life in luxury and the other one leads to the executioner.
Tumblr actually does have an option for infinite scroll, a feature that has been cited for making TikTok so addictive, but aside from that, it has its own unique layout and look. In fact, every user can have their own unique experience on the site as well, as there are plenty of options for customizing your theme. Even third-party themes are available for purchase or download. It’s easy to feel like we’re all just cogs in the wheel of the internet, but at least on Tumblr, you can feel like you have your own special wheel.
What's Yours?
They Lose. Their. Minds
While it’s likely that you spend much less time on Tumblr today than you did a decade ago, if you were on the platform during its golden age, it’s never too late for the site to become popular again. In fact, according to Financial Times, it’s been gaining traction amongst Gen Z for the past few years. Almost half of its active users are 25 years old or younger, and apparently, the most popular film among the platform’s fandom in 2022 was Disney’s Encanto.
Look Into Why Loitering Is A Crime
Thomas More said very much the same thing, in 'A Man For All Seasons'.
Oh Okay
We could all probably benefit from spending less time on social media, but if you’re going to be scrolling, Tumblr might be the best place to do so. The algorithm on the site doesn’t work the same way as other social media platforms, which push the same content to many users. Instead, you have to find and follow what you really want to see, which can be a little more work, but can also help you get creative and find unique posts. It’s also a less popular site now, so you might come across information, art and music that you won't find anywhere else!
That And Single-Use Toiletries
This is the very definition of "non-place" as defined by Marc Augé in the late '90s, a fascinating concept. Those are not places where anyone *live*, people just pass through in anonymity, without meaningful interactions and without building social networks or memories. The lack of experiential constructs deprives the places of "historical sense", making them timeless (in a "temporally undetermined" sense, non as in "eternal"). It's a concept very well known in architecture, it is basically a mandatory reading.
I Want To Breath Fire And Fly, Like A Dragon
We aren't different species, we don't even have races, we are just humans with differentlevels of pigmentation, as boring as that. We aren't cats.
What Other Things Can We Try?
We hope you’re enjoying this scroll through hilarious Tumblr content, pandas. Whether this list is flooding you with nostalgia or inspiring you to try out the social media site for the first time, keep upvoting the pics you find most entertaining, and feel free to share your thoughts on Tumblr in the comments. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another article from Bored Panda featuring posts from Tumblr, look no further than right here!
Pov; You’re A Victorian Era Queen And You’re About To Put On Your Exclusive Morphine Eyeshadow Palette
You're All Trespassing
Lookin At You, Bethesda 👀
I prefer to avoid killing almost any non-hostile npc. Sometimes even avoid throwing explosives at perfectly grouped bunch of foes if there's some innosent tiny vacuum cleaner robot slowly doing its job near them. However, if some a*s npc scratches my vehicle or says any rude word to me or my teammate, I'd hunt it over the whole map.
Some Things That Should Revert Back To What They Were
Where Is The Lie
Are You Lgbt?
Kinda True
"Hey, should we tell Sam we're done playing?" "Nahh, let's just leave him there and take his picture "
The Subject Matter Is Awful But The Way This Is Written Is Pretty Funny Ngl
Ha... yeah, that one hits a bit too hard. Kinda like my parent.
Exactly The Type Of Thing That Will Happen When Schools Open
Except they did. And they put the adults to shame, wearing their masks all day every day and complying with all the rules. They were utterly amazing.
Yes This
I see Bob. I upvote. Arguably one of the best parental displays in television.
All That Prep For Ten Minutes
Yep. Stewart's character is dead by around the 7 or 8 minute mark after you get into the game.
Hippo Propaganda
Just in their native continent? Where else, you think they are going on vacation to kill us all?
Should Have Seen That Coming
If you're a metal fan and haven't listen to Japanese metal, you really should.
Jimmy Carter: Horny On Main
Good For Them
I suspect they were the first to do several things in space together.
What A Fun Sitcom Idea
Enough Chaotic Good Examples, It's Time For Lawful Evil
I had to re-read twice before I saw that it didn't say animal-pillow.
Dr. Who
It’s 3am Why Am I Awake
He Is The Chosen One
They Had Us In The First Half, Not Gonna Lie
I love r/tumblr - I always imagine twitter as a town with people running around headless screaming, and tumblr has an outside table at a cafe just chilling and being all snarky and observational and intellectual
Ah, Tumblr - aside from Facebook (and YouTube, I suppose), the only social media platform I've actively used. Much funnier than, say, Twitter!
I love r/tumblr - I always imagine twitter as a town with people running around headless screaming, and tumblr has an outside table at a cafe just chilling and being all snarky and observational and intellectual
Ah, Tumblr - aside from Facebook (and YouTube, I suppose), the only social media platform I've actively used. Much funnier than, say, Twitter!