It looks like the glow down challenge is here to stay. We wrote about it last week, but it's still going strong; women who think they "peaked" in high school continue posting photos to show how much their looks have changed since then.
Of course, the definition of peak beauty can change over the years, but it's worth mentioning that some of these glow downs appear to have only happened very recently, and the participants of the challenge are still beautiful.
While it's still important, physical appearance isn't the most important thing in the world. That being said, people keep applauding these women for their "honesty" and "sense of humor".
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But do we really peak as early as high school? William Klemm, Ph.D., who is a senior professor of Neuroscience at Texas A&M University, thinks that ours is a youth-obsessed culture. And says that it shouldn't be this way. "We are all going to get old, assuming we don't die first," Klemm writes. "Our friends, relatives, and loved ones are or will get old. As baby boomers retire, older people are coming to dominate the population. Modern medicine and the wide pursuit of healthier living styles have enabled many older people to live longer and remain vigorous and productive in their old age. Yet [in many] Western countries, we shun, neglect, and sometimes abuse the old."
On the surface, it makes sense. We fear aging and being sick and lonely. But is fear of aging really really warranted? By the time we get old, we all have accumulated a "rich reserve" of life experiences and lessons learned. We can act our age or act young. We can do things we didn't have time for in the past. Like smelling flowers. We can take naps in the middle of the day without feeling guilty. We feel less guilty about the way we raised our kids, because now they know just how hard raising kids is and are having many of the same difficulties.
"Time becomes precious, because it is running out. You therefore spend it more wisely. You don't waste time on harmful emotions or personal animosities," Klemm says.
So what if we looked better in high school? In the absence of debilitating sickness, aging can be a blessing. So when you think about it, understanding this — posting a TikTok acknowledging it — is really mature. You go girls.
Lol there is a maximum of 4 years between these pics... Can these young ladies relax a bit about "glowing down"? They are not even in their 30's.. ffs
Just because you gained some weight doesn't mean you're not beautiful. It's natural and you look amazing! :)
So no makeup, hair up in a bun, neutral facial expression is "glowing down"?
21 years old and worrying about "glowing down"... we live in a f*****g sad world
News flash...all people age. The only alternative is to die. Women in particular go through extreme changes to their bodies with childbirth, varying levels of hormones, age, etc. We need to realize what beauty truly is, and that it is important to have substance as a person.
so, a glam-it-up photo vs your every day look, and this is what you call glowing down?
Actually, many of them either didn't change too much or have second photo taken in very unflattering state/pose. Everybody looks like s/he "glow-down" while lying in bed or wearing dirty, baggy clothes. Also, there is no such thing like "glow-down". We are getting older, our bodies change and I think it's beautiful, as long as we take care of ourselves.
I don't really understand the point of this whole "Look at me how I ugly I've become!" challenge. I'm not saying they are ugly but that by participating they're kinda claiming that about themselves, right? Weird.
Agree with you Pamela. I dont see the point either. I find it very boring and, on the other hand, here we are talking about women's bodies and beauty AGAIN.
Load More Replies...Yo, these aren't glow downs. Y'all just didn't get dressed up and put on makeup. And that's okay! I don't think I've done those things either in MONTHS considering the current state of affairs. It's been liberating....And comfortable. Honestly not sure if I can go back to the way things were.
This is a bad post... The majority didn't even reached their 30's eith the majority only putting a few pounds or simply a bad picture.... Can we stop about body image for a while? No wonder kids these days are getting more f****d up mentally.
Actually true, my best pics are before 10 years of age. Went to a wedding in 2012 in a very nice gown but the photos got lost while changing phones as they weren’t saved on any google account 😭
Load More Replies...News flash...all people age. The only alternative is to die. Women in particular go through extreme changes to their bodies with childbirth, varying levels of hormones, age, etc. We need to realize what beauty truly is, and that it is important to have substance as a person.
Can't relate at all. I was an ugly duckling at 17. Girls like the ones in this article were scary to me.
And in all and all, reality is that you need to work for things to enjoy them. The outside don't matter. Looks fade. Brains just grow smarter. Being insta-famous doesn't last. Being the cute drinking girl doesn't last. Being the sleep all day and party all night girl doesn't last. Etc. The wake up call comes to everyone regardless. Some hear it sooner than others. And ladies, you are still beautiful human beings.
These after pics are when you've gained 15 lbs in 15 years or just a bad haircut. Why is gaining some weight so bad ffs women age and have kids things sag. Men too. They lose their hairline and thicken in the middle while their legs look skinnier and frailer. And that's by 35. Forget about what you will look like at 50 most people are unrecognizable next to their 25 yr old self
glowdown challenge it's stupid... but at least less stupid than tidepods challenge
It just highlights how we as a culture see the 17 year old girl as the height of beauty... its a little disturbing really.
What? How on earth did you get that from these pics?
Load More many obviously just trying to get on the trend. just slap some makeup on and they won't look much different from their 'before' pic
It is normal - when you are a teenager, you can eat whatever you can and still look ok. When you turn 20 you actually have to work out/eat healthy / put effort to have a nice body and most of those girls did not put the effort.
I'm 34 now. My prom was 15 years ago. 10kgs ago. Yes I'm strugling to loose some I have dark undereyes bags (salute to all proud moms out there) and lost like a half of my hair since then and at 5:30 in the morning I don't have time for a "perfect" make-up...but girls I'm much more self confident, self loving, experienced and waaaay much more happy than I was at that time. I know what I want (and what I don't want), I know what is and who is worth my time, my love, my laugh, and also my tears and pain. I have a dark sense of humor, even regarding myself but I wouln't say that I'm fading.
most of these are jut people who stopped wearing makeup and didn't smile. some did gain weight but they're still pretty. they didn't glow down.
So, glowing down is taking a pic on a normal day when you either just got home from work, or you are about to do some chores? I mean, weight gain or whatever, y'all look fine. Glow down would be first you are doing things, and the next one is you're laying around surrounded by pizza boxes & candy wrappers
So clickbaity. Gaining some weight or changing your hair is not a glow down and who even made that stupid phrase a thing? Jesusfc
Half of these are just with no makeup, poor angles, and not giving a s**t. Not really a glow down just a "reality of life" picture. The other half is a result of low physical activity and poor eating. This is a not a glow down either as they actually have control over their appearance if they tried to take care of their bodies.
So, it's all about weight gain. Yeah, I'm struggling to go back to where I was too. Our culture and eating habits, and probably a host of pollutants and ENDLESS STRESS, cause us to eat too much, or just gain weight regardless. It sucks. I wish you luck in knocking off the weight, just like I am trying to do.
Shallow bullshit. All their glow downs are getting older and getting fatter. Fatness should not be considered a negative thing, this is full of low self esteem and fatphobia
Looks like they simply stopped wearing makeup, stopped caring so much about clothes and haircuts and some put on weight. This is not so bad - they spend more time actually doing something else and not putting makeup on.
Actually, many of them either didn't change too much or have second photo taken in very unflattering state/pose. Everybody looks like s/he "glow-down" while lying in bed or wearing dirty, baggy clothes. Also, there is no such thing like "glow-down". We are getting older, our bodies change and I think it's beautiful, as long as we take care of ourselves.
I don't really understand the point of this whole "Look at me how I ugly I've become!" challenge. I'm not saying they are ugly but that by participating they're kinda claiming that about themselves, right? Weird.
Agree with you Pamela. I dont see the point either. I find it very boring and, on the other hand, here we are talking about women's bodies and beauty AGAIN.
Load More Replies...Yo, these aren't glow downs. Y'all just didn't get dressed up and put on makeup. And that's okay! I don't think I've done those things either in MONTHS considering the current state of affairs. It's been liberating....And comfortable. Honestly not sure if I can go back to the way things were.
This is a bad post... The majority didn't even reached their 30's eith the majority only putting a few pounds or simply a bad picture.... Can we stop about body image for a while? No wonder kids these days are getting more f****d up mentally.
Actually true, my best pics are before 10 years of age. Went to a wedding in 2012 in a very nice gown but the photos got lost while changing phones as they weren’t saved on any google account 😭
Load More Replies...News flash...all people age. The only alternative is to die. Women in particular go through extreme changes to their bodies with childbirth, varying levels of hormones, age, etc. We need to realize what beauty truly is, and that it is important to have substance as a person.
Can't relate at all. I was an ugly duckling at 17. Girls like the ones in this article were scary to me.
And in all and all, reality is that you need to work for things to enjoy them. The outside don't matter. Looks fade. Brains just grow smarter. Being insta-famous doesn't last. Being the cute drinking girl doesn't last. Being the sleep all day and party all night girl doesn't last. Etc. The wake up call comes to everyone regardless. Some hear it sooner than others. And ladies, you are still beautiful human beings.
These after pics are when you've gained 15 lbs in 15 years or just a bad haircut. Why is gaining some weight so bad ffs women age and have kids things sag. Men too. They lose their hairline and thicken in the middle while their legs look skinnier and frailer. And that's by 35. Forget about what you will look like at 50 most people are unrecognizable next to their 25 yr old self
glowdown challenge it's stupid... but at least less stupid than tidepods challenge
It just highlights how we as a culture see the 17 year old girl as the height of beauty... its a little disturbing really.
What? How on earth did you get that from these pics?
Load More many obviously just trying to get on the trend. just slap some makeup on and they won't look much different from their 'before' pic
It is normal - when you are a teenager, you can eat whatever you can and still look ok. When you turn 20 you actually have to work out/eat healthy / put effort to have a nice body and most of those girls did not put the effort.
I'm 34 now. My prom was 15 years ago. 10kgs ago. Yes I'm strugling to loose some I have dark undereyes bags (salute to all proud moms out there) and lost like a half of my hair since then and at 5:30 in the morning I don't have time for a "perfect" make-up...but girls I'm much more self confident, self loving, experienced and waaaay much more happy than I was at that time. I know what I want (and what I don't want), I know what is and who is worth my time, my love, my laugh, and also my tears and pain. I have a dark sense of humor, even regarding myself but I wouln't say that I'm fading.
most of these are jut people who stopped wearing makeup and didn't smile. some did gain weight but they're still pretty. they didn't glow down.
So, glowing down is taking a pic on a normal day when you either just got home from work, or you are about to do some chores? I mean, weight gain or whatever, y'all look fine. Glow down would be first you are doing things, and the next one is you're laying around surrounded by pizza boxes & candy wrappers
So clickbaity. Gaining some weight or changing your hair is not a glow down and who even made that stupid phrase a thing? Jesusfc
Half of these are just with no makeup, poor angles, and not giving a s**t. Not really a glow down just a "reality of life" picture. The other half is a result of low physical activity and poor eating. This is a not a glow down either as they actually have control over their appearance if they tried to take care of their bodies.
So, it's all about weight gain. Yeah, I'm struggling to go back to where I was too. Our culture and eating habits, and probably a host of pollutants and ENDLESS STRESS, cause us to eat too much, or just gain weight regardless. It sucks. I wish you luck in knocking off the weight, just like I am trying to do.
Shallow bullshit. All their glow downs are getting older and getting fatter. Fatness should not be considered a negative thing, this is full of low self esteem and fatphobia
Looks like they simply stopped wearing makeup, stopped caring so much about clothes and haircuts and some put on weight. This is not so bad - they spend more time actually doing something else and not putting makeup on.