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Baby Sees Mom For The First Time And His Reaction Will Melt Your Heart
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Baby Sees Mom For The First Time And His Reaction Will Melt Your Heart


It takes months for babies to learn to smile, but what happens when a baby is practically blind? Four-month-old Leopold Wilbur Reppond, from Seattle, suffers from oculocutaneous albinism that severely impairs his sight. He had never clearly seen his family, and just “saw” with his hands: knowing his father by the feel of his beard, feeling his mother’s face.

Thanks to special infant glasses from Miraflex, little Leo was finally given the opportunity to see. In the following heartbreaking video, Erin, Leo’s mother, puts the glasses on her baby boy. After a few moments, you see him realise that something has changed–and then as he looks up and sees his mother for the first time, he smiles.


    Baby Leo had never clearly seen his mother before

    He suffers from a rare disease that impairs his sight

    But look what happens when he’s given glasses!

    “I was overwhelmed with emotion. It’s just very touching”



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