Woman Aggressively Attacks BF’s Ex After Seeing Her In The Pub, The Man Dumps Her For Doing So
Everything good and bad in this life comes to an end sooner or later, and relationships are no exception. Even though we swear at the altar to be together until death do us part, sometimes the place of death is taken by a judge in a divorce case. However, even so, it’s quite important to remain on good terms with your ex whenever possible.
The author of our story today, the user u/No-Consequence4154, also stayed friends with her ex-husband and his family, but this idyll, unfortunately, didn’t please the man’s new girlfriend. And how it all ended – we’ll find out by reading the tale further!
More info: Reddit
The author of the post is divorced from her ex-husband – as she herself admits, mostly because of her own behavior
Image credits: Andre Furtado / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The author had always considered their marriage an open relationship, but her ex wrongly hoped she’d turn to monogamy one day
Image credits: No-Consequence4154
Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
However, the ex-spouses are still on good terms, and she maintains a friendship with the ex’s family as well
Image credits: No-Consequence4154
Image credits: master1305 / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Recently the man started dating a new girlfriend, and the very fact of the ex’s friendship with the guy’s family made her livid
Image credits: No-Consequence4154
Recently that woman even attacked the author after running into her at a party – and she got arrested by police
So, the Original Poster (OP) was married for several years, but their marriage eventually fell apart. As the author herself explains, she always adhered to the concept of open relationships, and her spouse still hoped that she’d sooner or later move to 100% monogamy. This didn’t happen – and the couple divorced. However, they remained on good terms, and the ex-MIL and SIL even maintain what could almost be called friendship with our heroine.
But time passed, the ex started dating a new girlfriend, way younger than him – and for some reason she became extremely livid over the fact that his relatives are still on good terms with his ex-wife. As our heroine notes, she was actually the guy’s second ex, and this also upset his new GF. She tried in every way to persuade his family to cut all ties with the OP, badmouthing her, but to no avail.
The denouement came recently, when the author ran into the ex and his girlfriend at a party in the local pub – and she loudly demanded she leave. Our heroine responded to this only with laughter and turned away – and then the woman pounced on her, hit her from behind and smashed her head into the bar top. The OP lost consciousness, and when she came to, the police had already taken her offender away.
At first, our heroine was thinking about not filing a lawsuit, but she decided to ask the netizens for advice. By the way, in the update, the author added that literally the next day, her ex decided to break up with such an aggressive girlfriend. So now no moral or ethical principles can stop the original poster from wanting to sue this woman for a vile attack from behind…
Image credits: nomadsoul1 / Freepik (not the actual photo)
“I’m not entirely sure that this is a question for a psychologist, because a direct physical attack is more of a legal issue, but everything that preceded this situation suggests that this woman behaved completely inappropriately literally from the first day when she found out that her BF had an ex, and more than one,” says Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and certified NLP specialist, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment on this case.
“Apparently, this behavior stems from insecurity both in herself and in her relationship with her new boyfriend. But instead of talking to either him or a psychoanalyst, trying to resolve this problem in a positive way, she chose to blame everything on a third party. And this is completely inappropriate.”
“No wonder that this meant the end of their relationship – and now she also has a long legal battle ahead with the fair accusation from this woman. In the end, such situations cannot be forgiven from anyone. So the author is doing everything right, I believe,” Irina concludes.
People in the comments also fully supported our heroine, and were happy for her decision to press charges against the violator. There were also some sarcastic responders who started to accuse the OP of cheating on her ex, but, in the end, their personal life is a completely different story. Ain’t that true, our dear readers?
Most commenters supported the author, but some folks anyway added snide remarks over her alleged ‘cheating’ on the ex years ago
Poll Question
How do you feel about the ex-husband maintaining contact with his ex-wife's family?
It's perfectly fine, they are all adults.
It's disrespectful to his new relationship.
It depends on the new girlfriend's opinion.
It's unnecessary and should be avoided.
Who the f*k cares why they are exes? It isnt even relevant to the story.
because how can they judge a situation that has nothing to do with op morally if they don't know if they have to hate her for something unrelated or not? It is how reddit has always been.
Load More Replies...It IS relevant to the story because her being an ex is why the new girlfriend has issues with her. The new girlfriend would be seen as even more unhinged if she was just targeting a random woman with no connection. I'm going ESH. The new GF is unhinged. The pushing-40 ex clearly disregarded the hot vs crazy scale at the prospect of a twenty something being into him. The mom and sister were undoubtedly causing many of the jealousy issues by not being the most welcoming. And while not a full a*****e for laughing, the OP should know better than to prod the crazy person.
People who talk about how open relationships never work irritate me because polyamoury amd open relationships work for some
And they are as old as time. It's not something I've ever been involved in but I'm smart enough to know that relationships revolve around a number of different need sets. Those that meet the needs of all parties are likely to continue. Those that don't meet the needs of both parties are very likely to fail. It is up to *only* the parties involved to decide what is and is not doable in their own relationship. Judgy people drive me nuts.
I have A LOT of Respect for anyone who can look at themselves and call themselves out. It’s a really, important trait to know yourself and own it! This is why, this story is awesome on sooooo many levels. I would hang out with this FAMILY any day of the week - each one of them, watching each others backs - Heck Yes
Sounds like the exes were better off separate instead of married because they, and the rest of his family. all got along and had moved past it. Then GF had to go and assault the ex. Hope she enjoys the inside of a jail cell. Physical violence is never the answer. She could have killed the ex.
In addition to the luxury of an 8' × 8' cell, orange jumpsuit, and matching Crocs, ex-girlfreak will enjoy dealing with veteran inmates on a daily basis. The kind that don't take s**t from anyone, who have injured others for fun, and have nothing to lose by continuing the motion.
Looks like the ex has a type! The type he goes for is, as op says herself, s**t show.
Sounds like the NOW ex-GF never had any consequences for her actions before this. Sux-2-B-U, chickie!
It's clear the cateful a******s in the thread didn't read the artivle, hey all you idiots, it's not cheating if you're in an open relationship. I hope that helps. Ignorant f***s!!!!
People are telling on themselves harrrrrd with those "you're a cheater because you were honest with your ex and he still thought he could change you" nonsense. Okay so you lack the maturity to live and let live, can you at least stop being so boring about it?
I'd rather be called a cheater than an abusive violent GF. I'd have pressed charges too.
Cheating is amoral. Violence is illegal. Of course she should press charges.
Who the f*k cares why they are exes? It isnt even relevant to the story.
because how can they judge a situation that has nothing to do with op morally if they don't know if they have to hate her for something unrelated or not? It is how reddit has always been.
Load More Replies...It IS relevant to the story because her being an ex is why the new girlfriend has issues with her. The new girlfriend would be seen as even more unhinged if she was just targeting a random woman with no connection. I'm going ESH. The new GF is unhinged. The pushing-40 ex clearly disregarded the hot vs crazy scale at the prospect of a twenty something being into him. The mom and sister were undoubtedly causing many of the jealousy issues by not being the most welcoming. And while not a full a*****e for laughing, the OP should know better than to prod the crazy person.
People who talk about how open relationships never work irritate me because polyamoury amd open relationships work for some
And they are as old as time. It's not something I've ever been involved in but I'm smart enough to know that relationships revolve around a number of different need sets. Those that meet the needs of all parties are likely to continue. Those that don't meet the needs of both parties are very likely to fail. It is up to *only* the parties involved to decide what is and is not doable in their own relationship. Judgy people drive me nuts.
I have A LOT of Respect for anyone who can look at themselves and call themselves out. It’s a really, important trait to know yourself and own it! This is why, this story is awesome on sooooo many levels. I would hang out with this FAMILY any day of the week - each one of them, watching each others backs - Heck Yes
Sounds like the exes were better off separate instead of married because they, and the rest of his family. all got along and had moved past it. Then GF had to go and assault the ex. Hope she enjoys the inside of a jail cell. Physical violence is never the answer. She could have killed the ex.
In addition to the luxury of an 8' × 8' cell, orange jumpsuit, and matching Crocs, ex-girlfreak will enjoy dealing with veteran inmates on a daily basis. The kind that don't take s**t from anyone, who have injured others for fun, and have nothing to lose by continuing the motion.
Looks like the ex has a type! The type he goes for is, as op says herself, s**t show.
Sounds like the NOW ex-GF never had any consequences for her actions before this. Sux-2-B-U, chickie!
It's clear the cateful a******s in the thread didn't read the artivle, hey all you idiots, it's not cheating if you're in an open relationship. I hope that helps. Ignorant f***s!!!!
People are telling on themselves harrrrrd with those "you're a cheater because you were honest with your ex and he still thought he could change you" nonsense. Okay so you lack the maturity to live and let live, can you at least stop being so boring about it?
I'd rather be called a cheater than an abusive violent GF. I'd have pressed charges too.
Cheating is amoral. Violence is illegal. Of course she should press charges.