Man Bans GF’s Religion In Their Home, She’s Confused About How To Proceed
Interview With ExpertDeciding to move in together is a big step. Two separate individuals merging their lives under one roof doesn’t always go smoothly. Throw in a difference in cleanliness, schedules, decor preferences and political or religious beliefs and there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. Many couples take a while to find their groove.
One woman’s excitement about moving in with her boyfriend of a year soon turned to dismay when he told her he wouldn’t allow any religious things in “his” new home. The girlfriend has a spiritual altar that she’s not willing to part with. But her Atheist partner wants her to sacrifice it in the name of love. Now, she’s not sure what to do. Bored Panda got some great advice from Rosalinda Randall, a sought-after etiquette and communications expert.
The world is made up of billions of people, all with different spiritual or religious views
Image credits: vadymvdrobot/Envato (not the actual photo)
One woman is now questioning her relationship after her Atheist BF demanded she sacrifice her altar to stay with him
Image credits: svitlanah/Envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Direct-Caterpillar77
“Tommy needs to take a grown-up pill”: an expert weighs in
When we reach out to renowned etiquette expert Rosalinda Randall for her opinion, she tells us that she knows a few couples who have successfully worked through similar issues. Randall believes it is possible for couples with opposing religious views to have a healthy and happy relationship.
The secret is to discuss and agree on parameters and expectations, she tells Bored Panda. “For example, are they required to attend a holiday gathering? Will you be taking your dog to a ‘pet blessing?’ In other words, how will your beliefs or practices affect the other person? And, is either person willing to comprise or bend a little?” advised the expert.
Randall adds that if you have strong beliefs, whether for or against any religion or spiritual practices, it would be wise to share those when the relationship begins to evolve from dating to ‘let’s-see-where-this goes.’
We asked her how best to bring up the subject of religion with a partner without offending them. “Don’t discuss your differences or point out their religious practices when you’re at a boiling point,” she cautioned. “Before stating reasons on why your beliefs make more sense, ask them why they believe what they do. Learn and understand before admonishing them.
“Sometimes, with understanding, which does not equal agreeing with, comes acceptance; something you can both respect and live with,” says Randall.
Bored Panda was curious to know what Randall would say to the girlfriend in this situation. “Sometimes we feel our gut alerting us as to how to proceed, but we often ignore it because our focus is on what could be or how it’ll magically work itself out,” she replied.
Image credits: Pablo Merchán Montes/Unsplash (not the actual photo)
“You’ve invested one year in a relationship and what have you learned? That your religious beliefs are a part of who you are and wish to continue,” added the guru. “That you didn’t see the signs about how Tommy felt about your beliefs. That at this point, either Tommy is not the most suitable long-term partner for you and that you might consider renewing your lease to see how the relationship evolves. Are you willing to hide or stop practicing your religion for Tommy? That this stern request may be the first of other to come. A scary thought.”
As for Tommy, Randall thinks he needs to man up. “Tommy needs to take a grown-up pill. Or find himself a girl who likes to be told what she can and cannot do in their rental. Especially without a ring on their fingers!” she exclaimed.
“Tommy had one year to voice his opinion about her altar. Was he being polite because it wasn’t ‘their’ home?” continued Randall, adding that if being in the presence of the altar was offensive, he should have told her a long time ago.
Randall told Bored Panda that Tommy doesn’t seem to practice the art of compromise, which is a necessary skill when two people are involved. “Why wait until she fell in love? Was Tommy so sure of her devotion thinking that she’d conform to all of his requests?”
The expert said if the woman is still unsure about moving in with Tommy, she’d advise her to talk to a trusted source—whether it’s a clergy member, a parent, or a professional counselor. Randall adds that both partners are at fault for not having discussed their opinions in the year they were together.
“A newsflash for the Tommys out there,” said Randall in closing… “Having your name on a lease alongside your girlfriend’s name, does not make it solely ‘your house; your rules.'”
Even some Atheists agreed that the boyfriend was out of line
The woman later revealed that her BF had read her post and they’d come to an agreement
Image credits: 1footage/Envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Direct-Caterpillar77
Some felt the woman was still ignoring red flags
Poll Question
How should couples with differing beliefs handle their household arrangements?
Compromise and find mutual space
One partner should give up their beliefs
Separate religious and non-religious items
Avoid moving in together
As an ateist my immediate thought was, that your boyfriend is not, because to a real ateist, you altar would mean only a decoration in your home, and nothing else.
yes, i'm atheist as well, and thought, why does he care? i have little angel figurines because they're pretty. religious stuff is just decoration to me.
Load More Replies...Same. I like certain religious imagery like sacred hearts, milagros, Doré's etchings from Paradise Lost, etc... so I have them around my house. I grew up catholic but am not at all christian now; I just appreciate and enjoy some of the artwork.
Yep. I'm non-religious. I don't even really "identify" as an atheist any more, because an atheist is technically defined as "a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods" - so, to me, that means that calling myself an atheist could imply that God DOES exist and I just don't believe in him. So, I'm just not religious at all XD But I have a beautiful shrine in my house to my deceased pets (and a separate butsudan devoted to my beloved gray kitty), and I'll be the first person to say that our beloved pets are waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. I also set up an ofrenda to my dad on Dia de los Muertos. I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, but these things are symbols that I derive comfort from, without needing to have faith or belief in a deity or an afterlife.
The altar is fine, it's the goat's skulls and animal blood dripping from it that would put me off.
And it randomly breaking into manical laughter every now and then when you walk past it.
Skulls(yes, even animal skulls) are examples of momento mori, an important segment of Catholic art. You don't own skulls, ma'am.
Same here. I am an atheist, my girlfriend is not. I participate in her religious practices where it wouldnt be offensive to do so. I feel like it's just me supporting an aspect of her life. She doesn't require that I believe in anything.
I have to agree here. I've been an atheist for decades (I may have always been one, really). I have a collection of Jesus stuff because he was an important figure in history and the topic is fascinating but I don't believe any of the supernatural stuff. An actual atheist wouldn't care if his significant other wanted to keep a candle burning or have pictures of some made-up (to him) deity.
They may well care because it speaks to their state of mind and outlook on the world. Asking non-entities for help, or blaming them for your problems, rather than sorting your own life out, could be a red flag.
Theres a difference between "Im an atheist because I dont believe in anything" versus "Im an atheist because I think religion is stupid". The latter group really cannot date anyone of faith
Yes. And it's good to see that in this case, the person ended up listening, learning and changing their understanding.
Load More Replies...Uh... yes? Not everyone on Reddit is a monster and not every comment from a Redditor is trash/worthless.
I was ready to criticize his "disrespecting his beliefs" line but fortunately I stuck with the whole thing and read the follow-up where he opened up to learning about her beliefs and being more tolerant.
I agree with Difficult_Falcon1022: "Feels more like he saw the door closing and he stuck his foot in it, but ok." BF's initial reaction was to call it his home, and not their home -- his views on this have not magically changed. It was a test and he started with a pretty big one. The smaller tests will persist and, over time, will ratchet up.
Load More Replies...Emotionally intelligent people learn and adapt. Or cut their losses. He probably came to question his upbringing. I was raised the same way and learned to be more open as an adult. I'm still an atheist, but I can appreciate tenets of some religions. Sometimes I make donations during religious holidays (Christmas, Yom Kippur, Ramadan) out of a sense of community.
Not to mention the opinions of total strangers apparently mean more to him than his partners.
Or he didn't understand before but with the help of the Internet and his gf, he did a bit of introspection and did some learning
I’m still irritated, though, that he initially felt she was “disrespecting” him by keeping her altar, when he was disrespecting HER for telling her she couldn’t keep it! I hope this was addressed and she simply forgot/didn’t mention it. (I’m also disappointed she mentioned “working with saints” twice, I was dying to know what that entails, someone tries to explain, and revealed absolutely nothing and I didn’t get anywhere! Can anyone here offer a concrete explanation, please?)
I still don't like him. He had to hear a bunch of strangers telling him he was being an a*****e rather than just listening to his gf?
GB, some people need extra opinions and perspectives. Some people consult others and act on it, some refuse to consult anyone. I've known couples who went for marriage counselling and found it useful to get an opinion from someone who doesn't favour one partner over the other.
I’m not sure if it's worse than jumping to conclusions about someone you’ve never met, based on one side of a story you read on the internet.
Tommy needs to grow up, I’m from a family where I have Muslim aunts married to Christian (catholic) uncles and one Anglican uncle on my dad’s side married a Shintoist from Japan. If religion or politics define your relationships, you have alot of internal growing to do. I’m agnostic and date a Christian myself, it’s not a big deal.
I'm born and raised as a christian, but when I moved away from home I became an atheist. To me, all forms of religious practice and symbols fills me with unease. I would not have been able to keep an altar in my home. But then again, active religious practice would have been a deal breaker for me in a relationship, so I probably wouldn't find myself in this position.
Ah, I do love a happy ending! Especially one that centres on someone educating themselves on a matter. My initial response was going to be that he was the one not respecting beliefs - hers - but now they are sorted. Yay!
If your bf only respects your choices when enough strangers on the internet do, it's not a good sign. Also, how can an atheist think an altar is creepy? Seems inconsistent with not believing it has power.
He was raised that way, he now knows better. The internet can be more objective than your friends and family sometimes.
Load More Replies...If you aren't adult enough to have questioned and confirmed your own beliefs, you're just a child and definitely not ready for a relationship. If he's that easily swayed by family or a crowd in the internet about something like respect, what happens when he's told to stop respecting her? No reason to trust he won't listen to Andrew Tate next and dismiss her agency completely. He has no deeply held beliefs, he's not ready to commit to anyone until he sorts himself out.
Imagine thinking there is only one religion in the world, like a lot of you in these comments are doing. Perhaps you too should read some more books, ask some more questions and be enlightened like the boyfriend was. Bring on the downvotes.
I genuinely has not heard of people doing that or working with saints, and as the OP didn't explicitly say I asked for some advice. No presumption made, as I truly did not know the references. I am an atheist myself but am respectful of other's beliefs/non-beliefs.
Load More Replies...Would this be for Voodoo? Genuine question. I've never heard of working with Saints and I know it's a bit of a cross between Christian and African beliefs.
Hey! As a former Catholic, I can answer this one: "working with saints" is like asking some friends to pray for you, as saints may or may not have more pull with God. Saints are known in the Catholic community for interceding for people in need, depending on their specialty. My MIL used to tell me she needed to talk to "Tony" when she needed help finding something (St. Anthony, patron saint of lost items).
Load More Replies..."girlfriend" says herself: i think reddit should open up to learning about religion beyond direct examples of Christianity and the other big ones. but in truth, what you describe might be as bad, even without an altar: hey, tony, find my anti-conceptionals, remember you are paid from my contributor's money.
@ CA What's bad about it? Genuine question here. If it brings self-comfort, or helps someone be less anxious about something, say... about flying so they carry a St. Christopher medal (patron saint of travelers), then good for them!
ah, bcz "u defend christianity", i keep forgetting the role placement here. the dudes are the strongest, harshest, kindest, weakest, biggest believers and also biggest anti-theists and they suffer most when they dont suffer least.
I too would be bothered by religious stuff in my house, but what I cannot imagine is, if he's so bothered by it, how could he even consider living with someone that believed in it? That, for me, would be a much bigger deal.
This post is from 9 years ago. I hope she didn't move in with this AH and found someone who respects her
I thought we had at last found an atheist proselytizer. Thought we'd have to convoke the atheist world council and excommunicate the fellow.
Then what would his beliefs be (/hj)? I’m actually kinda curious
Not a real atheist, I am an atheist and I couldn't care less about a religious icon, i just don't believe they have magic powers, who cares if someone else might, they probably shouldn't be together because he is an evangelical atheist that thinks it's a belief that substitute another, not just a lack of belief, he probably won't let it go untill he "converts" her. Seriously b******t I hear this stuff from so called atheists a lot.
Personally I feel like there is a bigger issue at play in the narrative. The bf has an immediate knee jerk reaction and goes scorched earth (OP has to do away with their altar, he won't have that stuff in his home, etc). In my mind, it's not so much the instance as the bigger picture. It's all well and good that he aquiesced, in the end. The bigger issue is that it took his reading it ON REDDIT before he was willing to "see the other side" and perhaps extend some grace to the OP. What's next, the car, reading materials? Rather than approaching with even curiosity, because he doesn't do it, it's a no-go. If I were the OP I'd give it another year before cohabitating and really pay attention to bf's reactions to things that are outside his wheelhouse. It's a whole lot easier to postpone moving in together than it is to extricate oneself from it later on.
This is possibly the best update I've seen. What an amazing outcome. I'm pretty much an atheist, but do enjoy keeping an alter for focus, respect for loved ones, and ideas. My dude has an alter in the apartment, that he switched from paganism to Christianity. It's okay. What's important is making a home together and finding that balance.
I don't know if I trust the BF. Usually when a guy said something like that it's because he thinks his beliefs are more important and/or that you should follow what he does because he's the man and should be in charge and you should do what he says. I'd be very careful and give this more time before moving in so you don't trap yourself if he turns out to have been acting.
I think there are likely going to be some difficult conversations down the road. Since OP mentions venerating saints, I take it she's Catholic. Is she going to kids? A church wedding? The irony is the BF seems to believe in religious consequences more than the OP
"girlfriend" says herself: i think reddit should open up to learning about religion beyond direct examples of Christianity and the other big ones.
Soooooooo... how did they get that far in the relate without this coming up, and why did no one point out what a red flag that is?
Fantastic outcome! Such a shame that he wasn't able to Ask her what it was about and wonderful too that he would also like to honour his ancestors ❤️
OP needs to ask if she can discuss her religion with their child, if they choose to have children
tolerance should work both ways. you won't force him to believe in what you believe, he won't force you to give up what makes sense to you. he's being kind of selfish here.
Altars in home is a thing of the previous century in my country. I'm an atheist. I would not marry a religious woman who in the 21st century demands to install an altar in our house.
Oh, interesting. There's dozens of current religious traditions and sects that incorporate altars: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Vodún, Santeria, Wicca, etc, etc. Do you mind sharing what is practiced in your country and what country you live in?
Load More Replies...I'm against ANY religion or cult. I live in Greece and the prevalent religion is orthodox christianity. Nowadays only old people and fanatic religious have altars at home. Red flag for me.
I have an "altar"/shrine to my dead cat and dog, who were my best friends. I'm not religious at all (and am in fact against organized religion), but I also set up an ofrenda for my dad every year on Dia de los Muertos. Sometimes people can take comfort from symbols "borrowed" from religion without being steeped in the religion itself. But that's okay, you don't have to listen to my opinions - apparently I wouldn't even be considered marriageable by you because I'm a woman "in the 21st century" who has an altar in her house! ember_wint...ca1c30.jpg
I couldn't live with a religious person. So I wouldn't date one in the first place. Religion is a bane to humanity. Faith, ok, I can see why some people need that to cope, but that organised and power-hungry system that suppresses women and non-believers or even instigates harm towards "heathens"...keep that BS away from me, or I'll make sure you leave the hard way.
I don't buy this as real. it would be like a grown up upset by a santa statue in the house. Annoying if it's all santa decorations, but one statue of santa is just a weird quirk of your significant other. Then again, I don't date religious people. Dating religious men tends to come with some bad side effects if you're a woman.
It does seem crazy that an atheist would be scarred of a candle that he doesn't believe has extra powers. I think he was just pushing boundaries to set up more control when she lives with him.
Load More Replies...Nothing to indicate that he's scared (assuming that's what you meant) of it, nor that he believes it has any power. It's more that he doesn't like the fact that she's apparently religious and doesn't want to be reminded of it all the time. He simply shouldn't be with her if it bothers him s much.
I feel this has to be the US. They seems to always define themselves by their religion, even when that "religion" (for want of a better word) is atheism. I can't recall any conversation I've had in the UK that contained the phrase "... as an atheist" because it's just not the sort of thing that defines us.
Well, as an atheist, I think you need to get out more :) It's not something that gets discussed - especially these days, since being anti a certain religion can get one imprisoned.
ESH. For even thinking this could work. Way too incompatible. Split and save you both a lot of pain.
Completely agree. I’ve been an atheist for almost three decades and was in an 11 year relationship with a guy who I knew believed in god (okay, fine), but he got progressively more into being a Christian as the years progressed. I would try to get him to think about it logically, but then he would mention something about the devil working through me…
"he became christian...yuck!" and what's surprising, right now the global tone of the discussions is that not only the legitimate, divinely-inspired religions are evil, but even atheism is dubious. and when they would gain even more positions, they will intimidate gnosticism, white magic and luciferians, or anything staying in the path of the natural state of this place.
I knew believed in god (okay, fine), but he got progressively more into being a Christian as the years progressed. the rest of what you say is either evil or fake, and they support each other. ah, that you didnt say yuck? no, u didnt, i had no idea ur words are a holy text that should be quoted to letter; but they mean the same thing: u barely tolerated SOME deism, but Christianity (or any legitimate religion, in fact, bcz ur not the only exhibit), was a deal breaker.
9 YEARS AGO!!! That's the worst so far. We hadn't even voted for Brexit then. Come on BP, this is appalling. As for the subject matter: I wouldn't date anyone who is in any way religious, because from my viewpoint, they're not seeing the world clearly and are likely to be gullible. I did ditch someone for that reason. It's not so much about being bothered by the icons as worrying about someone who falls for the imaginary friends delusion.
Surely by your argument, the desire to control others is the root of all evil because you're heavily implying that's the root of what seems to be organised religion that you're complaining about. I would argue Wicca is a religion, all the forms of modern paganism are accepted legally and sociologically religion.
Load More Replies...Regarding your reply to Fat Harry, you really need to work on your sense of humour. And your punctuation while you're at it.
Not sure what you're thinking of, but actually a Christian is someone who believes in salvation through Jesus, and follows His teaching. Over the last two millennia there have been many expressions of this faith, lots of which involve altars and saints, many of which will surprise you to learn involve compassion and respect for an individuals personal relationship with God. A witch or someone who practices the craft, is probably following Wicca or another nature focused set if beliefs, but much like Christianity, the easiest way to be sure of someone's religious affiliation is to ask.
Load More Replies...i have two conflicting ideas about this: being hated by a jerk is a validation; but how will other jerks know who is who? for example, can anyone agree that those promoting the aesthetics of evil are evil themselves and not just models to follow? does anyone still remember what the aesthetics of evil is? cmon, it was still disgraced 20 years ago, its not even that long. when dudes talked about tolerance, you would have expected this to be about developing countries, marginalized minorities and pauper people, not neogothic fashion, intolerance against morality and porstitution.
Claudiu, are you okay? Do you need a hug? Serious question. I'm trying really hard and I cannot even sieve out what you're actually trying to say with your comments. You are pro-religion? You're anti-religion?
most of all, i am against state-sponsored trolls that take final decisions regarding the dissenting voices; recently, after a last answer to you, satanist enforcing wing not only banned me another account, but erased all my hundreds previous answers; must be an altar thing. so before anything, you could say i am against the satanist version of apocalypse, no matter if they call themselves religious or not. i feel the right word is touching cult, mental ward and serial killings, though, if you insist on a definition. and what gives the vibe of this place is that even a housekeeper can do this today, from her laundry room. so if it's only "candles and crystals", you can ask them to fully restore all accounts erased in the last year, and one of them would be mine. but we know this isnt how "tolerance" works, dont we...
As an ateist my immediate thought was, that your boyfriend is not, because to a real ateist, you altar would mean only a decoration in your home, and nothing else.
yes, i'm atheist as well, and thought, why does he care? i have little angel figurines because they're pretty. religious stuff is just decoration to me.
Load More Replies...Same. I like certain religious imagery like sacred hearts, milagros, Doré's etchings from Paradise Lost, etc... so I have them around my house. I grew up catholic but am not at all christian now; I just appreciate and enjoy some of the artwork.
Yep. I'm non-religious. I don't even really "identify" as an atheist any more, because an atheist is technically defined as "a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods" - so, to me, that means that calling myself an atheist could imply that God DOES exist and I just don't believe in him. So, I'm just not religious at all XD But I have a beautiful shrine in my house to my deceased pets (and a separate butsudan devoted to my beloved gray kitty), and I'll be the first person to say that our beloved pets are waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. I also set up an ofrenda to my dad on Dia de los Muertos. I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, but these things are symbols that I derive comfort from, without needing to have faith or belief in a deity or an afterlife.
The altar is fine, it's the goat's skulls and animal blood dripping from it that would put me off.
And it randomly breaking into manical laughter every now and then when you walk past it.
Skulls(yes, even animal skulls) are examples of momento mori, an important segment of Catholic art. You don't own skulls, ma'am.
Same here. I am an atheist, my girlfriend is not. I participate in her religious practices where it wouldnt be offensive to do so. I feel like it's just me supporting an aspect of her life. She doesn't require that I believe in anything.
I have to agree here. I've been an atheist for decades (I may have always been one, really). I have a collection of Jesus stuff because he was an important figure in history and the topic is fascinating but I don't believe any of the supernatural stuff. An actual atheist wouldn't care if his significant other wanted to keep a candle burning or have pictures of some made-up (to him) deity.
They may well care because it speaks to their state of mind and outlook on the world. Asking non-entities for help, or blaming them for your problems, rather than sorting your own life out, could be a red flag.
Theres a difference between "Im an atheist because I dont believe in anything" versus "Im an atheist because I think religion is stupid". The latter group really cannot date anyone of faith
Yes. And it's good to see that in this case, the person ended up listening, learning and changing their understanding.
Load More Replies...Uh... yes? Not everyone on Reddit is a monster and not every comment from a Redditor is trash/worthless.
I was ready to criticize his "disrespecting his beliefs" line but fortunately I stuck with the whole thing and read the follow-up where he opened up to learning about her beliefs and being more tolerant.
I agree with Difficult_Falcon1022: "Feels more like he saw the door closing and he stuck his foot in it, but ok." BF's initial reaction was to call it his home, and not their home -- his views on this have not magically changed. It was a test and he started with a pretty big one. The smaller tests will persist and, over time, will ratchet up.
Load More Replies...Emotionally intelligent people learn and adapt. Or cut their losses. He probably came to question his upbringing. I was raised the same way and learned to be more open as an adult. I'm still an atheist, but I can appreciate tenets of some religions. Sometimes I make donations during religious holidays (Christmas, Yom Kippur, Ramadan) out of a sense of community.
Not to mention the opinions of total strangers apparently mean more to him than his partners.
Or he didn't understand before but with the help of the Internet and his gf, he did a bit of introspection and did some learning
I’m still irritated, though, that he initially felt she was “disrespecting” him by keeping her altar, when he was disrespecting HER for telling her she couldn’t keep it! I hope this was addressed and she simply forgot/didn’t mention it. (I’m also disappointed she mentioned “working with saints” twice, I was dying to know what that entails, someone tries to explain, and revealed absolutely nothing and I didn’t get anywhere! Can anyone here offer a concrete explanation, please?)
I still don't like him. He had to hear a bunch of strangers telling him he was being an a*****e rather than just listening to his gf?
GB, some people need extra opinions and perspectives. Some people consult others and act on it, some refuse to consult anyone. I've known couples who went for marriage counselling and found it useful to get an opinion from someone who doesn't favour one partner over the other.
I’m not sure if it's worse than jumping to conclusions about someone you’ve never met, based on one side of a story you read on the internet.
Tommy needs to grow up, I’m from a family where I have Muslim aunts married to Christian (catholic) uncles and one Anglican uncle on my dad’s side married a Shintoist from Japan. If religion or politics define your relationships, you have alot of internal growing to do. I’m agnostic and date a Christian myself, it’s not a big deal.
I'm born and raised as a christian, but when I moved away from home I became an atheist. To me, all forms of religious practice and symbols fills me with unease. I would not have been able to keep an altar in my home. But then again, active religious practice would have been a deal breaker for me in a relationship, so I probably wouldn't find myself in this position.
Ah, I do love a happy ending! Especially one that centres on someone educating themselves on a matter. My initial response was going to be that he was the one not respecting beliefs - hers - but now they are sorted. Yay!
If your bf only respects your choices when enough strangers on the internet do, it's not a good sign. Also, how can an atheist think an altar is creepy? Seems inconsistent with not believing it has power.
He was raised that way, he now knows better. The internet can be more objective than your friends and family sometimes.
Load More Replies...If you aren't adult enough to have questioned and confirmed your own beliefs, you're just a child and definitely not ready for a relationship. If he's that easily swayed by family or a crowd in the internet about something like respect, what happens when he's told to stop respecting her? No reason to trust he won't listen to Andrew Tate next and dismiss her agency completely. He has no deeply held beliefs, he's not ready to commit to anyone until he sorts himself out.
Imagine thinking there is only one religion in the world, like a lot of you in these comments are doing. Perhaps you too should read some more books, ask some more questions and be enlightened like the boyfriend was. Bring on the downvotes.
I genuinely has not heard of people doing that or working with saints, and as the OP didn't explicitly say I asked for some advice. No presumption made, as I truly did not know the references. I am an atheist myself but am respectful of other's beliefs/non-beliefs.
Load More Replies...Would this be for Voodoo? Genuine question. I've never heard of working with Saints and I know it's a bit of a cross between Christian and African beliefs.
Hey! As a former Catholic, I can answer this one: "working with saints" is like asking some friends to pray for you, as saints may or may not have more pull with God. Saints are known in the Catholic community for interceding for people in need, depending on their specialty. My MIL used to tell me she needed to talk to "Tony" when she needed help finding something (St. Anthony, patron saint of lost items).
Load More Replies..."girlfriend" says herself: i think reddit should open up to learning about religion beyond direct examples of Christianity and the other big ones. but in truth, what you describe might be as bad, even without an altar: hey, tony, find my anti-conceptionals, remember you are paid from my contributor's money.
@ CA What's bad about it? Genuine question here. If it brings self-comfort, or helps someone be less anxious about something, say... about flying so they carry a St. Christopher medal (patron saint of travelers), then good for them!
ah, bcz "u defend christianity", i keep forgetting the role placement here. the dudes are the strongest, harshest, kindest, weakest, biggest believers and also biggest anti-theists and they suffer most when they dont suffer least.
I too would be bothered by religious stuff in my house, but what I cannot imagine is, if he's so bothered by it, how could he even consider living with someone that believed in it? That, for me, would be a much bigger deal.
This post is from 9 years ago. I hope she didn't move in with this AH and found someone who respects her
I thought we had at last found an atheist proselytizer. Thought we'd have to convoke the atheist world council and excommunicate the fellow.
Then what would his beliefs be (/hj)? I’m actually kinda curious
Not a real atheist, I am an atheist and I couldn't care less about a religious icon, i just don't believe they have magic powers, who cares if someone else might, they probably shouldn't be together because he is an evangelical atheist that thinks it's a belief that substitute another, not just a lack of belief, he probably won't let it go untill he "converts" her. Seriously b******t I hear this stuff from so called atheists a lot.
Personally I feel like there is a bigger issue at play in the narrative. The bf has an immediate knee jerk reaction and goes scorched earth (OP has to do away with their altar, he won't have that stuff in his home, etc). In my mind, it's not so much the instance as the bigger picture. It's all well and good that he aquiesced, in the end. The bigger issue is that it took his reading it ON REDDIT before he was willing to "see the other side" and perhaps extend some grace to the OP. What's next, the car, reading materials? Rather than approaching with even curiosity, because he doesn't do it, it's a no-go. If I were the OP I'd give it another year before cohabitating and really pay attention to bf's reactions to things that are outside his wheelhouse. It's a whole lot easier to postpone moving in together than it is to extricate oneself from it later on.
This is possibly the best update I've seen. What an amazing outcome. I'm pretty much an atheist, but do enjoy keeping an alter for focus, respect for loved ones, and ideas. My dude has an alter in the apartment, that he switched from paganism to Christianity. It's okay. What's important is making a home together and finding that balance.
I don't know if I trust the BF. Usually when a guy said something like that it's because he thinks his beliefs are more important and/or that you should follow what he does because he's the man and should be in charge and you should do what he says. I'd be very careful and give this more time before moving in so you don't trap yourself if he turns out to have been acting.
I think there are likely going to be some difficult conversations down the road. Since OP mentions venerating saints, I take it she's Catholic. Is she going to kids? A church wedding? The irony is the BF seems to believe in religious consequences more than the OP
"girlfriend" says herself: i think reddit should open up to learning about religion beyond direct examples of Christianity and the other big ones.
Soooooooo... how did they get that far in the relate without this coming up, and why did no one point out what a red flag that is?
Fantastic outcome! Such a shame that he wasn't able to Ask her what it was about and wonderful too that he would also like to honour his ancestors ❤️
OP needs to ask if she can discuss her religion with their child, if they choose to have children
tolerance should work both ways. you won't force him to believe in what you believe, he won't force you to give up what makes sense to you. he's being kind of selfish here.
Altars in home is a thing of the previous century in my country. I'm an atheist. I would not marry a religious woman who in the 21st century demands to install an altar in our house.
Oh, interesting. There's dozens of current religious traditions and sects that incorporate altars: Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Vodún, Santeria, Wicca, etc, etc. Do you mind sharing what is practiced in your country and what country you live in?
Load More Replies...I'm against ANY religion or cult. I live in Greece and the prevalent religion is orthodox christianity. Nowadays only old people and fanatic religious have altars at home. Red flag for me.
I have an "altar"/shrine to my dead cat and dog, who were my best friends. I'm not religious at all (and am in fact against organized religion), but I also set up an ofrenda for my dad every year on Dia de los Muertos. Sometimes people can take comfort from symbols "borrowed" from religion without being steeped in the religion itself. But that's okay, you don't have to listen to my opinions - apparently I wouldn't even be considered marriageable by you because I'm a woman "in the 21st century" who has an altar in her house! ember_wint...ca1c30.jpg
I couldn't live with a religious person. So I wouldn't date one in the first place. Religion is a bane to humanity. Faith, ok, I can see why some people need that to cope, but that organised and power-hungry system that suppresses women and non-believers or even instigates harm towards "heathens"...keep that BS away from me, or I'll make sure you leave the hard way.
I don't buy this as real. it would be like a grown up upset by a santa statue in the house. Annoying if it's all santa decorations, but one statue of santa is just a weird quirk of your significant other. Then again, I don't date religious people. Dating religious men tends to come with some bad side effects if you're a woman.
It does seem crazy that an atheist would be scarred of a candle that he doesn't believe has extra powers. I think he was just pushing boundaries to set up more control when she lives with him.
Load More Replies...Nothing to indicate that he's scared (assuming that's what you meant) of it, nor that he believes it has any power. It's more that he doesn't like the fact that she's apparently religious and doesn't want to be reminded of it all the time. He simply shouldn't be with her if it bothers him s much.
I feel this has to be the US. They seems to always define themselves by their religion, even when that "religion" (for want of a better word) is atheism. I can't recall any conversation I've had in the UK that contained the phrase "... as an atheist" because it's just not the sort of thing that defines us.
Well, as an atheist, I think you need to get out more :) It's not something that gets discussed - especially these days, since being anti a certain religion can get one imprisoned.
ESH. For even thinking this could work. Way too incompatible. Split and save you both a lot of pain.
Completely agree. I’ve been an atheist for almost three decades and was in an 11 year relationship with a guy who I knew believed in god (okay, fine), but he got progressively more into being a Christian as the years progressed. I would try to get him to think about it logically, but then he would mention something about the devil working through me…
"he became christian...yuck!" and what's surprising, right now the global tone of the discussions is that not only the legitimate, divinely-inspired religions are evil, but even atheism is dubious. and when they would gain even more positions, they will intimidate gnosticism, white magic and luciferians, or anything staying in the path of the natural state of this place.
I knew believed in god (okay, fine), but he got progressively more into being a Christian as the years progressed. the rest of what you say is either evil or fake, and they support each other. ah, that you didnt say yuck? no, u didnt, i had no idea ur words are a holy text that should be quoted to letter; but they mean the same thing: u barely tolerated SOME deism, but Christianity (or any legitimate religion, in fact, bcz ur not the only exhibit), was a deal breaker.
9 YEARS AGO!!! That's the worst so far. We hadn't even voted for Brexit then. Come on BP, this is appalling. As for the subject matter: I wouldn't date anyone who is in any way religious, because from my viewpoint, they're not seeing the world clearly and are likely to be gullible. I did ditch someone for that reason. It's not so much about being bothered by the icons as worrying about someone who falls for the imaginary friends delusion.
Surely by your argument, the desire to control others is the root of all evil because you're heavily implying that's the root of what seems to be organised religion that you're complaining about. I would argue Wicca is a religion, all the forms of modern paganism are accepted legally and sociologically religion.
Load More Replies...Regarding your reply to Fat Harry, you really need to work on your sense of humour. And your punctuation while you're at it.
Not sure what you're thinking of, but actually a Christian is someone who believes in salvation through Jesus, and follows His teaching. Over the last two millennia there have been many expressions of this faith, lots of which involve altars and saints, many of which will surprise you to learn involve compassion and respect for an individuals personal relationship with God. A witch or someone who practices the craft, is probably following Wicca or another nature focused set if beliefs, but much like Christianity, the easiest way to be sure of someone's religious affiliation is to ask.
Load More Replies...i have two conflicting ideas about this: being hated by a jerk is a validation; but how will other jerks know who is who? for example, can anyone agree that those promoting the aesthetics of evil are evil themselves and not just models to follow? does anyone still remember what the aesthetics of evil is? cmon, it was still disgraced 20 years ago, its not even that long. when dudes talked about tolerance, you would have expected this to be about developing countries, marginalized minorities and pauper people, not neogothic fashion, intolerance against morality and porstitution.
Claudiu, are you okay? Do you need a hug? Serious question. I'm trying really hard and I cannot even sieve out what you're actually trying to say with your comments. You are pro-religion? You're anti-religion?
most of all, i am against state-sponsored trolls that take final decisions regarding the dissenting voices; recently, after a last answer to you, satanist enforcing wing not only banned me another account, but erased all my hundreds previous answers; must be an altar thing. so before anything, you could say i am against the satanist version of apocalypse, no matter if they call themselves religious or not. i feel the right word is touching cult, mental ward and serial killings, though, if you insist on a definition. and what gives the vibe of this place is that even a housekeeper can do this today, from her laundry room. so if it's only "candles and crystals", you can ask them to fully restore all accounts erased in the last year, and one of them would be mine. but we know this isnt how "tolerance" works, dont we...