Mom Took What Seemed To Be A Funny Pic Of Her Daughter, But Soon Realized The Sad Reality
The saying “never judge a book by its cover” is once again proved correct. What seemed to be a funny picture of a toddler standing on a toilet turned out to be a heartbreaking photo of a toddler practicing a lockdown drill taught in preschool. Considering the recent shootings, it is both good little kids are being taught how to hide from potential attackers, yet heartbreaking at the same time.
Stacey Feeley, the mother of the 3-year-old girl, decided to post this photo on Facebook with a powerful caption: “…Politicians – take a look. This is your child, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren and future generations to come. They will live their lives and grow up in this world based on your decisions. They are barely 3 and they will hide in bathroom stalls standing on top of toilet seats. I do not know what will be harder for them? Trying to remain quiet for an extended amount of time or trying to keep their balance without letting a foot slip below the stall door?…”
More info: Facebook (h/t: huffingtonpost)
Share on FacebookUntil Americans understand gun control doesn't mean no one has guns but people wanting guns need to go through a process like getting a driver's license adding a criminal background check, then nothing will change. I find it sickening that little children are being taught how to hide if a shooter is attacking their school. What a thought for a child, who should feel safe at school to have.
What if they already have that? In the past week or two, we've had multiple "journalists" "exposing" how easy it is to get a gun. One of them broke federal law and was exposed, another was denied because he's an alcoholic who beat his wife. The more I read about Americans and their gun law, the more I realize that in that culture, the problem is gun-free zones, not guns. If people don't like guns, they can move to a culture where we stab each other instead of shoot each other. I'm not American, I don't like guns, I'm not moving there. It will take more than regulation to change what is clearly a cultural issue. The anti-gun lobby is incredibly unrealistic. Even black market guns in the US will be cheap, just because there's so many guns. Meaning criminals will stay armed. Every single recent mass shooting was committed at a gun-free zone. You know, a place where the shooter knows nobody can kill him.
Load More Replies..."In the 18-year period before the law was enacted, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia in which a total of 104 people were killed and at least 52 others were wounded. With the 1996 shooting, “Australia had had a gut full of these incidents,” said Simon Chapman, emeritus professor of public health at the University of Sydney and senior author of the study. The law was passed in just 12 days. The study found no mass shootings—those in which at least five people were killed, not including the shooter—have occurred since the law was passed" http://www.wsj.com/articles/mass-shootings-in-australia-ceased-after-gun-laws-tightened-study-finds-1466618734
'He who gives up liberty for temporary safety will soon have neither' (Paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin)
Load More Replies...Kal is right! As a Brit I can tell that we have a massacre each and every week. Same thing in Australia, since their gun laws were tightened..... oh, wait..... Sorry, Kal. I tried to help.
Until Americans understand gun control doesn't mean no one has guns but people wanting guns need to go through a process like getting a driver's license adding a criminal background check, then nothing will change. I find it sickening that little children are being taught how to hide if a shooter is attacking their school. What a thought for a child, who should feel safe at school to have.
What if they already have that? In the past week or two, we've had multiple "journalists" "exposing" how easy it is to get a gun. One of them broke federal law and was exposed, another was denied because he's an alcoholic who beat his wife. The more I read about Americans and their gun law, the more I realize that in that culture, the problem is gun-free zones, not guns. If people don't like guns, they can move to a culture where we stab each other instead of shoot each other. I'm not American, I don't like guns, I'm not moving there. It will take more than regulation to change what is clearly a cultural issue. The anti-gun lobby is incredibly unrealistic. Even black market guns in the US will be cheap, just because there's so many guns. Meaning criminals will stay armed. Every single recent mass shooting was committed at a gun-free zone. You know, a place where the shooter knows nobody can kill him.
Load More Replies..."In the 18-year period before the law was enacted, there were 13 mass shootings in Australia in which a total of 104 people were killed and at least 52 others were wounded. With the 1996 shooting, “Australia had had a gut full of these incidents,” said Simon Chapman, emeritus professor of public health at the University of Sydney and senior author of the study. The law was passed in just 12 days. The study found no mass shootings—those in which at least five people were killed, not including the shooter—have occurred since the law was passed" http://www.wsj.com/articles/mass-shootings-in-australia-ceased-after-gun-laws-tightened-study-finds-1466618734
'He who gives up liberty for temporary safety will soon have neither' (Paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin)
Load More Replies...Kal is right! As a Brit I can tell that we have a massacre each and every week. Same thing in Australia, since their gun laws were tightened..... oh, wait..... Sorry, Kal. I tried to help.