This 17-Year-Old Girl Singing Hallelujah Into A Well Is Going Viral Because, Well, Just Watch It
Recently we brought you a video of a 10-year-old autistic girl singing Hallelujah in a choir in Northern Ireland. Well now we’ve got another equally stunning rendition of Leonard Cohen’s masterpiece for you, this time sung by Tiffany Day, a 17-year-old high school student from Kansas, and if this doesn’t give you goosebumps then we really don’t know what will!
The clip below was recently recorded in Italy, where Tiffany was travelling during spring break along with her Kansas high school choir. The group sang in various cathedrals during their excursion, and when Tiffany came across a well in Venice she couldn’t resist the chance to test out the acoustics. The result? See for yourself in the incredible video below. It’s since been shared more than 125k times on Twitter and liked by over 300k people, and we’re really not surprised. We’re pretty sure this girl’s got a very bright future ahead of her.
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