From popular culture, we all remember very well that there are various sets of unofficial and sometimes unwritten rules for different communities of people and various occasions. Let's remember, for example, Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother with his bro code or those strict Fight Club rules (okay, okay, let's not tell anyone about Fight Club...)

But in any case, such codes most likely exist in real life. An example of making such a list is, let's say, a recent compilation in the AskWomen community, where the topic starter simply asked: "What girl code do you stick by?"


25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online 1. Always give a girl in need a tampon, even if she’s your worst enemy

2. If she’s uncomfortable or seems creeped out by a guy, pretend you know her

3. Let her know if she has lipstick in her teeth

Indefinite_smoker , Sora Shimazaki Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online If I see a woman crying in the bathroom or whatever, I ask if they're OK. I always tell a woman I love her hair/ boots/ purse if I love it. I always let other women know if a stall is out of toilet paper before they go in.

    tattooedjenny76 Report

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    That Goth Demon (zey/zem)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would do the first one even tho I'm an introvert. Some sort of instinct kicks in to help a person in need 🤔🤔🤔

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online I do free legal work for DV victims.

    zomanda , Suzie Tremmel Report

    "'Girl code' is the rules of being a woman, especially with regards to dating," the BBC website quotes Ellen Scott, Metro's Lifestyle Editor. "It's stuff like: you can't date your friend's ex, you also can't date your ex's friend. If you saw your friend's boyfriend cheating on them - you'd have to tell your friend. It's basically just that your loyalty is always with other women - that's what 'girl code' is supposed to be."


    However, many people believe that in fact the 'girl code' goes far beyond relationships, and generally concerns the sphere of women's communication and interaction with each other and, importantly, their attitude toward themselves. At the very least, most of the opinions of women in our selection relate to a way wider area than love and relationships.


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online If she has put extra effort into her hair/clothes/makeup, I will stop to give a compliment. It takes 5 seconds to make someone's day that much better. And I always feel good when it happens to me. Women's compliments are less creepy than men's.

    Migraine_Megan , zhugewala Report

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    Ginger Ghost
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i kinda get it is less creepy cus there's no hidden intentions but as a guy I don't give many complaints to not be called a creep

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Just like bros before h**s, chicks before d!cks. If some guy is doing her wrong, I'm telling her, I don't care if I've known him my whole life, its girl code.

    Black_Tears524 , Pixabay Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's "human code" for me. I'm not covering for any friend who's cheating, or purposely not telling someone something, just because of our biological similarities or differences. It's not "boys vs girls", it's "good people vs shïtty people".

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online In addition to other stuff mentioned, there's a mom code. You have a crying baby and your hands are full? Hand me the baby. Ran out of diapers and I have a spare? I'll give it to you. Need someone to talk to your 3yo for a minute while you change the baby? No problem, I'm right there. I'm instantly alert to the signs of a distressed parent in public & try to always offer help, even if it's just to play perk a boo with a crabby kid for a minute as a distraction.

    Garlic1492 , Tatiana Syrikova Report

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    That Goth Demon (zey/zem)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I honestly never knew mums sometimes had senses like this! Guess I'm definitely not a mum!!!!! :3

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    In fact, people like to make various sets of unwritten rules and advice. Our entire society is based on such concepts. The thinkers of the Enlightenment a few centuries ago created the theory of the so-called 'social contract' - that almost everything in our world: the state, the economy, private property, and so on, is a product of consent between people. Based on this theory, the 'girl code' is such precisely because women follow similar rules.


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Protect all women regardless of if I like them or not.

    theparkingchair , Anna Shvets Report

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    That Goth Demon (zey/zem)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And men and non-binary people too, we all matter and have feelings and can be abused!

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online If you see someone hating on themselves, like really being mean to themselves, be kind and lift her up.

    A kind sister, could change someone's life. May not be girl code, but there is something so amazing about hearing a woman older and wiser than you tell her that she is capable, amazing and some other compliment.

    Woman code: Help lift each other up. Don't compete.

    Csherman92 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Lana Lana Banana
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The love and support in this post. ❤️ Where are you people when I need you irl. How do we find each other.

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Give out compliments like freakin candy.

    thatissoooofeyche , eduardo199o9 Report

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    Nichole Harris
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes!!!! I'm always rabidly uncomfortable receiving a compliment but boy howdy it makes my day

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    Any unwritten set of rules, for any community, is actually debatable, because what, for example, looked completely logical and absolutely correct a few decades ago, today may look strange and silly. Returning to How I Met Your Mother - yes, the series has acquired a cult status, but in our time, many jokes from there, and the very behavior of the characters sometimes look absolutely inappropriate.

    And if you find a selection of old women's magazines, let's say, half a century ago, then many of the 'unconditional' rules of conduct of that time (yes, such collections were always and everywhere!) will definitely make us do some facepalming. Who knows, maybe this list will look weird in a few decades as well...


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Don't know if this counts but if a guy calls his ex gf crazy or hysterical something in that area I make it my mission to find out her side

    lordofthef3moids , THIS IS ZUN Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Whenever my guy buds get a girlfriend they are serious about, I always extend invites to her to do things. I never want any misunderstandings or any kind of competition so I am as respectful as I can be.
    Also if we are at a party and my friend is drunk, I will not be letting her make the decision to go home with anyone other than close friends/family.

    rather_be_gaming , Pixabay Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Build up other women at work. Saying things like "Sue" is great at spreadsheets, let's ask her for help. Or she has mad people skills, let's ask for her advice. Especially build up other women to management and to customers.

    Cynjon77 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I try to make a habit of this regardless of my colleague’s gender. My employer is not guilty of systemic sexism so it has not been necessary to champion any specific gender. I might behave differently if I worked elsewhere.

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    As in any collection of rules and advice, here you will find opinions on what should be done and what not. You will probably disagree with some of the judgments, and some of them look completely obvious. But that's what the Internet exists for, so that sometimes you can argue to your heart's content. So please feel free to scroll this list to the very end, discuss the most interesting and controversive points and add your own ones in case you have something to add.


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Never leaving them alone at a party

    OutrageousPanda944 , Caio Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Not giving out details about where they are/who they are with unless the girl herself gives permission for me to do it

    anon , chepté cormani Report

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    Shark Lady
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also don't give out their phone number if someone asks you for it.

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online I was put into early menopause by medication but I still carry around tampons in various sizes in my bag because I have been approached several times in the past by girls/ women who needed one urgently.

    I'd think I look rather unapproachable (Heavy Metal fan with corresponding clothes and tattoos, also diagnosed anxiety/ introversion, etc.) But it still happens more often than I would ever have guessed

    VinMariani , Karolina Grabowska Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online When around their partner, never behave in a way that will make your friend feel uncomfortable. Meaning… don’t be flirtatious for example.

    Ilovethe90sforreal , Dziana Hasanbekava Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online If a girl asks me about a man I (have) know(n) because he’s questionable or does questionable things, I tell her what I know.

    We go out together and we leave together. Nobody’s left unattended.

    waddamelone , Karolina Grabowska Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Salary transparency

    224map13 , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm guessing they mean sharing how much they make with their coworkers, so they know what a fair wage is for their position and to see if there is a gender pay gap at their company, however they would also need to be sharing with men so they know the whole picture. This is something everyone should do.

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online At a gas station late at night, I always wait til the other only girl there leaves

    MauiMoon__ , Isabella Mendes Report

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    Ronnie Cutshall
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that and I am a male. I stay a respectable distance of 100 feet. Just to make sure they safe. Let them know just making sure they safe.

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Not dating your friends ex’s & group bathroom trips

    ToughCollection7460 , RDNE Stock project Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate the whole group bathroom trip. Just want to do my business and leave.

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    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Embracing womanhood in the bathroom - be it helping a total stranger glue on her falsies then wishing her a fabulous evening, fetching the over turnt girlie some water, giving the heartbroken chick a genuine compliment & a cig...

    Tr33mari3 , Cliff Johnson Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Make sure your friends always have a designated driver to drive them home if they have been drinking.

    Content_Pool_1391 , cottonbro studio Report


    25 Unspoken “Girl Code” Rules Women Secretly Follow On A Day-To-Day Basis, As Shared Online Complimenting someone's outfit even if I don't like it, and especially when I think it took guts to wear it and she's looking for comments/validation (regardless of whether I think it's tasteful/looks pretty).

    RealBrookeSchwartz , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Find something to compliment, but don't lie. The outfit may be wack, but maybe she has some cute boots or cool eyeliner.

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    See Also on Bored Panda