Kids are the best… right? Well, even though everyone has one or two annoying encounters with children, they do have something really special in their hearts that all grown-ups wish they will never lose. In fact, sometimes they manage to do such unique and brave things, that most of us should learn from them how to live our lives just the way we want to. Today’s story features a 3-year-old girl named Lucia that didn’t care what others might think while organizing her birthday party and the Internet absolutely loved it.

More info: dreeaaxo_


    Recently, one Internet user named Andrea shared some pictures from her niece’s birthday

    Her niece named Lucia that lives in Monterrey, Mexico is definitely a unique child as she demanded to have her birthday party theme on the movie ‘The Nun’, a mystery/thriller that came out last September. In an interview with Bored Panda, her aunt Andrea said “I was laughing so hard when I first saw the theme of the party, I thought it was a joke at first but turns out Lucia had insisted on it being based of the Nun.”

    Lucia first saw the movie at her grandmother’s house and insisted on watching all of it


    After watching the movie, Lucia insisted on her birthday party having this theme

    Andrea said that all the other kids reacted pretty well, some even painted their faces too.

    Lucia even got a response from ‘The nun’ herself


    Laura, Lucia’s mother, says the demonic nun has been her daughter’s favorite movie character since she watched the movie.

    Image credits: Laura E. Brown

    After this post, people started sharing images of other kid’s parties that had similar scary themes


    American horror movie filmmaker Jordan Peele even offered himself to be Lucia’s godfather

    “I NEVER thought it would get to this degree of popularity. I hadn’t even known that Jordan Peele saw it till one of my friends reached out to me and told me, so mind-blowing,” Andrea said in an interview with Bored Panda.


    While others couldn’t help but share their fascination with this unique girl