Adults In This Online Thread Are Sharing 67 Things Labeled As Children’s Gifts They’d Love To Receive
If we're switching towards gender-neutral everything, why don't we also turn toward age-neutrality? Well, due to logical reasoning, it makes clear sense why we won't. Still, how many of you wished to buy something for yourself but feared being judged for being "too old"? Perhaps it was a book, a piece of clothing that was socially deemed "inappropriate" considering one's age, or maybe you felt jealous of a kid who received a gift you would love to have for yourself? When it comes to gifts, especially as we get older, it becomes expected to give practical gifts or items that can be used in the household. Hoover is a prime example of that.
Nonetheless, while Henry The Hoover is very much appreciated, some of us would love to get a LEGO set, board games, a plushie, or have an over-the-top Disney-themed cake for our birthday party. And this thread on AskReddit really proves that there are many of us out there: children stuck in adult bodies. A while back, user devious_egg asked, "Adults, what is something you'd love receiving as a gift but no one even considers giving you because you're an adult?" And well, the answers did not disappoint, making it clear that some of the most anticipated gifts for young adults and adults alike are, in fact, gifts meant for children.
Below, we've compiled some of the best responses from the thread, sharing fun gifts for adults and gag gift ideas that are not precisely labeled as gifts for adults, yet many would love to receive them as one. Do you agree with any of these unconventional gift ideas for adults listed by Redditors? If so, give those you would like to receive yourself an upvote! Have any more gag gifts for adults (actually meant for children) to add? Share those in the comments!
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"I got a call from a friend, she said it's a birthday and we should all come over. I got the date/time and event correct, but not whose birthday it was, although I was confident it was for a kid. Why else would she say, bring the whole family?
We show up and I'm frankly concerned by all the craft beer with bows and balloons on it. I set our gift bag down and we join the party. Shortly after, her husband shouts with joy and wants to know who got him the big Lego set. Well, that was me, and, uh... You're welcome. So, my answer is Legos. Adults want Legos."
Art Kits
"Used to get them almost every year as a kid. When I started going to college, the kits stopped coming."
Board Games
MrsMurphysChowder replied:
"I would like someone to play them with me."
Game night does seem fun. That's the only way I can our teenage boys to hang out with us.
A Homemade Birthday Cake
Scavenger Hunt
"So I'm 34 now and no longer with this girl but for my 32nd birthday my girlfriend at the time did a scavenger hunt around the house with little gifts for each step and a weekend away as the final gift. Definitely one of my cooler birthdays as an adult."
abrokenelevator replied: "I'm doing this for my anniversary coming up!! I'm having so much fun making the clues and the gift is one of those Steven Singer gold-dipped roses, which I only just found out my wife always wanted. We recently got into escape rooms/escape room games so I'm taking ideas from those."
We found an digital scavenger hunt where families would leave something and you would have to sign the paper if your family found it. It was more difficult than I expected. I'm sure it still exists but we haven't played it in 8 years.
Light Up Shoes
twirlerina024 said:
"Those sneakers that light up whenever you take a step"
laurakeet1209 replied:
"Took my kids shoe shopping last week and they had Heelies. I was tempted.
The neighbor kids would play hide in seek (at night) in the summer. Nothing was funnier than seeing a kid try to hide when there shoes were lit up.
Water Gun
"A super soaker with the LATEST super soaker technology! My birthday is in August, northern hemisphere, so I would put it to use straight away."
Remote Controlled Car
"They were fun when I was 8 and they are even more fun now."
My mom went to Radio Shack to buy my dad an RC car. She was standing there, looking at the display of crappy plastic cars, when the salesperson came over, and asked how old the child was. Mom said, 46. The salesperson laughed, but also showed her the good cars, meant for adults. Dad loved it.
Cartoon Socks
My boyfriend got me some baby Yoda socks and I love em 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Calico Critters House
"I just want to sit and play and send those darling animals on adventures and forget that the real world is on f*****g fire."
Matthias_Cro said:
"I won't put them on anything and you'll never see it again once you've gifted it to me but it will remain forever a highly cherished gift."
malytwotails replied:
"If you have a hard time committing to putting stickers on things, buy some sheets of magnet paper. Put the stickers on that, cut them out, and now you have a bunch of magnets you can use for years!"
Laser Tag Set
Oh how the dog hated this game. He wasn't crazy about the noise ... or if he was made to play.
An Invite To Go Out For Ice Cream Cones
A Trip To Legoland
Fossil Kits With Fake Bones
Tetris Console
Deep sigh ... I always wanted one. Maybe if I had one, I could pack the car better for vacation.
"I still have plushies. I would like more plushies, please."
A go kart
Crayon Set
Legitimate-Ad1784 replied: "Totally just ordered the gigantic Crayola box (I wanna say it was at least 164 colors) and when my husband asked why I said it's for our daughter who is 19 months, and just discovered crayons and coloring books a couple weeks ago he laughed when I confessed they were for me because I am SO EXCITED that she is starting to color and I cannot wait until we can sit and color next week when they get here."
T-Rex Toy
"I would love a realistic-looking, high-quality T-Rex toy that I can pack in my suitcase and take with me wherever I go. It should be big enough to swallow a Lego human whole. I still think T-Rex is awesome."
Kinetic Sand
Nancy Drew Books
"My parents didn’t have money for books. The small Catholic school library offered books on saints, US presidents, and their wives. The public library wasn’t within walking distance. I lied when Susan Sample, a classmate, accused me of befriending her for the “sleuth’s” books. 55 years later, I’ll fess up; yes, I preferred my time with Nancy more than you."
Nancy Drew was a modern woman who didn't need those cute Hardy Boys!
I don't remember what people were supposed to put on the slides ... were you supposed to spit on it and view under a microscope?
Wrapped Package With Unknown Gift Inside
"I'd like to get a birthday or Christmas gift that I had no hand in planning or acquiring. Like, a wrapped package that I genuinely have no idea what is inside."
Optimus Prime With The Trailer Gen 1
Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings. Panda-Bots, ROLLOUT!!! :-)
Hooded Totoro Sweater
Roller Skates
I'd break my neck. Hey, but if I'm using my wheelchair, I have a roller butt, right?
Action Figures
"I'm 53 and my partner buys me action figures constantly. I would have loved all the superhero shit that's available today when I was a kid so he gets it for me now."
voiceofAFO replied:
"I, a woman in my 30s - 40s, bought Star Trek action figures as they came out from my favorite shows. ST: TNG, ST: DS9, ST: Voyager. Also owned the Enterprise-D and a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, and a Klingon Vor'cha Battle cruiser from the same company, Playmates."
"Those drawing things where you put a pen inside a circle and it moves like a cog inside a bigger circle and creates a pattern."
Electronic Project Kit
Chemistry Set
Animal Ottoman
Remote Controlled Boat
"I’m gonna go look them up and buy a mid-range one off Amazon right now!"
Nerf Guns
Got Nerf guns for Xmas 3 years ago. Promptly made impossible backhanded shot across 2 rooms and hit my wife square in the eye. On the day she had just gotten out of the hospital.
Pokemon Cards
"Honestly, I'd be thrilled to get a pack of pokemon cards. Would be a great reminder of my childhood, and a cool treat to once again open a pack and see what I get."
My prize card? A 1st Edition Sabrina's Alakazam. Hollow one too.
Coloring Books
Again, missed the teen/20-something craze of the 2010s and the popularity of oodies as well. Considered much more acceptable to wear in public now.
Bubble Blower
"I only had like 2 in my entire childhood and my family didn't know you can just... REFILL it with water and dish soap. They refused to get them because they were 'not worth it'."
My mom and I both worked in nursing homes. One of my favorite things was blowing bubbles with the clients.
Magic Grow Capsules
"I'd like some of them pills that turn into dino-sponges when you put them in water."
Water Growing Dinosaurs
"The mini dinos you put in water and they would grow 100x their size over night."
Polly Pocket
"They were so well made and I just love how perfectly miniature everything was."
Rocket Kits
Easy Bake Ultimate Oven, Baking Star Super Treat Edition With 3 Mixes. For Ages 8 And Up
"I know, I know. I could go buy one for myself."
Lightsaber Chopsticks
Build A Bear
FreezingNote replied:
"My partner took me to Build a Bear when I l was 30. My parents never let me as a kid and it was pure joy!"
LurkingAintEazy replied:
"Aw, so lucky. Did you build anything? Or just looked around?"
FreezingNote replied:
"Oh, I built a bear! I still have him all these years later. He’s wearing a tuxedo and sunglasses, and I call him Bear, James Bear (a joke as we both love James Bond movies)."
Easter Egg
"I love Easter eggs, and make sure my kids and ex-wife are sorted each year. But no one ever gets me one in return."
boots311 replied:
"Funny side story. every year, my stepdad's family (which is huge. 8 kids all married & 30+ children) would have Easter egg hunts. One for the littles & one for the teens & older. My trick was that I'd always put a piece of cheese or broccoli in an egg for a kid to find. The reaction every year was classic. One kid will say, I got a dollar, next kid, I got a piece of broccoli! Haha"
Cheese Balls
"Utz cheese balls. All I get are socks. I have socks, I don't have cheese balls."
You have to get the 50 gallon container of cheese balls. Go big or go home.
Paintball Gun
Sit And Spin
Rock Tumbler
Megatron Gen 1
Hulk Foam Fists
Doll House
Mini Squishies Glow In The Dark Toys
"Legit anything that glows in the dark. I think it’s so fun but since I’m grown I get basic non-glowy stuff."
Glitter Markers And Glitter Pens
Pogo Stick
Redpatiofurniture replied:
"Don't do it. They're horrible as an adult. Keep that beautiful memory. Don't ruin it."
Cowboy Hat
"My boyfriend grew up watching those old western movies. John Wayne is still his hero after 23 years of life. He never even had a play cowboy hat growing up, and he had always wanted a black one. I got him this nice solid black cowboy hat from George Strait’s line (didn’t know he had one until I went shopping lmao) for Christmas one year. I’ve only seen that man cry just a few times in our 5 years of dating, and that was one of them."
Rubik's Cube
Garbage Pail Kids Collectible Cards
Zombie Boy
Toy Trucks
I still love plastic model car kits. I always have one going and I'm running out of room to display the finished ones.
I still love plastic model car kits. I always have one going and I'm running out of room to display the finished ones.