There’s a giant 26-foot-tall Knife Angel sculpture in the UK, built entirely out of 100,000 donated knives. But besides the impressive statistics, it’s also a monumental sculpture built out of morbid necessity to remember the victims fallen to the increasing knife violence in the United Kingdom and to finally acknowledge that there is a real problem.

The beautiful sculpture’s creator, Alfie Bradley, has spent two years designing and building this work of art which features police donated knives that were actually used in violent crimes all over England and Wales, some of which even have the names of the victims engraved onto the blades. The rest came thanks to the help of British Ironwork Centre in Shropshire, which initiated an amnesty program “Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife” through which people could anonymously donate their knives to create this sculpture artwork.

Besides cleaning every knife of ‘biological material,’ Alfie also “had to blunt every single knife to make sure they’re not sharp anymore, and can’t create any damage,” Bradley told ITV News.

Bradley is currently running a petition to put the metal sculpture on Trafalgar Square in London to raise awareness of the issue, and you can show your support right here.

More info: British Ironwork Centre (h/t: demilked)


    This 26-foot-tall Knife Angel sculpture is actually a monument…


    For the victims fallen to the increasing knife violence in the United Kingdom

    And it’s built entirely out of 100,000 donated knives

    Some of which have actually been used in the crimes

    The angel’s creator, Alfie Radley, has spent two years designing and building the sculpture


    But the idea was rejected by the government…

    as they thought it showed Britain in a bad light


    But Alife is not giving up, and now he wants to put it on Trafalgar square in London to raise more awareness


    And you can help him out by signing this petition