When you welcome a smol awoo into your home and heart, you don’t want to think about the day when it grows up and loses its puppy fat. But the day comes when your pupper grows into a dog. And keeps growing. And growing. And doesn’t stop. You check the Canine Instruction Manual that came with your pet and you finally realize—aha! You forgot it’s one of those giant dog breeds that make you think Clifford, the Big Red Dog might be real.
Bored Panda has collected photos of the biggest, most playful, floofiest, and young-at-heart dogs that you’d want to hug all day long and get lost in their fur, so scroll on down and give the bestest boys and girls a boop on the nose with an upvote. Is your soul yearning for some more giant dogs who don’t understand how big they are? Check out our previous big doggo posts about canines who forgot their size here, here, and here.
However, just because a dog is big, it doesn’t mean that it has to be obese (aka a chonky chonk). All jokes aside, if you want your family pet to live a long and happy life, it’s vital that you help it stay lean and avoid entering the ‘overweight zone’ which requires extra effort on your part. Bored Panda spoke about canine fitness and doggo diets with the UK’s leading vet charity, the PDSA. Read on for our full interview with them if you want to learn how to help your dog live a quality life.
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This Is Ben. He Has A Beard. And He Is Human-Sized. We Get Fun Looks In Traffic
He May Look Like A Bear But He Identifies As A Lap Dog
Bonner, Newfoundland, Can Often Be Spotted In Our Rehabiliation Unit Encouraging Patients
The PDSA explained to Bored Panda that a dog’s food is “an essential part” of their fitness. So you can’t just focus only on getting lots of movement—you need to give dieting and nutrition some proper attention, too! Similarly, you can’t get just the diet right while ignoring the importance of exercise.
“Making sure they are fed on a complete diet which keeps them at their ideal weight is important to keep them fit and healthy. As a general rule, we tend to give our pets too much food which can lead to obesity and reduced activity levels,” a representative of the PDSA told Bored Panda.
Here's Another One Of Our Rescues, Yuki
A bad dog owner dumped this wolfdog at a kill shelter when he got too big and too much to handle. Luckily a sanctuary took him, instead and saved his life! His DNA testing came back as 87.5 % Gray Wolf, 8.6 % Siberian Husky, and 3.9 % German Shepherd.
Who’s a good boy who’s a good boy?? Hey now now give me back my arm that you ripped off it’s not a toy! (It’s a joke s/he must be a good doggo)
KM ill is downvoted. That's not right. I'm a behavior scientist (ethologist) and i work on humans behavior. YES some doggies have wild behavior. No PB with me since my first dog was a "pittbull". The most tender cheek, give a kiss!. Now i have the opposite, because i couldnt bear any mistakes in his blood. Glad to be the proud owner of a wolf dog.
Please READ this excellent article on wolfdogs: "The animals are a human creation. They belong neither in homes nor in the wild." https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/what-do-wolfdogs-want/605896/
I am absolutely blown away by how beautiful this boy is but, I think they may not ever ever be abused or put with kids who are rambunctious since I suspect that they still have too much wild in them to be safe for certain people, I could never really trust them because of my bad experience with a supposedly sweet cocker spaniel who almost took off my cheek when I was 12 years old just petting her and chomp, blood everywhere!
KMill, they are just like any other dog, just have wolf bred into them. They are loyal, sweet, protective and I love them! I hope you step in a puddle while wearing your socks now >:C
Um......I have a wolf dog named ileywa and she's one of the sweetest things I've ever met. I have had her since she was born. I found her in the barn and I took her in and she protects me she can attack if I'm in danger, but she's never attacked anyone before. She's loyal and the best pupper I have ever had.
Okay Larry calm down this isn't one of those teenage drama shows
I spent my teenage years with a wolf dog, he was 85% American timber and the rest was malamute husky. He was 185 pounds of pure lap dog! To this day one of the sweetest I've known. We were his pack.
Yeah maybe they shouldn’t have been bred but now they are here and we have to take care of them
It would be nice if we didn't shoot and invade the homes of the ones in the wild then
I'm not going to lie, this dog is a little intimidating. But I'm so glad he found a home.
It is a shame. A shame that he was bred in the first place and a shame he was abandoned.
So irresponsible to breed these, not dogs and not wolves. Though once they exsist they should not be put down because of that. makes me think of the Stark wolves.
How? How could you drop off such an incredible beast, a wonder of a beautiful dog, at the kill shelter? If you can’t handle it, surely someone will take him.
Because they were selfish and lazy. They saw this sweet boy as a disposable possession and not a living being
Load More Replies...Omg. I love books where main hero is from tribe of "gray dogs", his nickname is Wolf dog (yea, it's adults fairly tales). But I never thought that "big gray dog" he can turn to is soooooo big!
Adult "fairy tales" is why idiotic breeders started breeding these poor creatures! Now thousands of them have been destroyed because people don't know how to handle them. Adults need to learn how to grow up!
Load More Replies...Thing is too, is wolves are wild animals, they are not tame, they have different instincts, drive, thought patterns. Just because they are beautiful, there is no way of knowing what will happen. One day they can be the sweetest lap dog and next day rip you juggler out, decapitate you and eat your brains. Humans are pretty much not always the most intelligent species.
where is this dog I will love to see him I am a huge animal person so when I travel the world I could come there and get some more information.
I watched a video about him he a wolf-dog who only likes certain people but they are all women XD
I'm looking for more info on him, do you have a link to that video? I have a 3 year old wolfdog, he's,grey wolf and German shepard. He's about 100lbs.
Aww he looks beautiful I love wolf dogs they are magestic
this dog is the most awesome creature i saw in years.would love to have one like that,but my gal won't allow such a big dog
now this right here... is my DREAM DOG!!!! bless you guys for taking him in, and it really pees me off when owners like his previous, take a puppy then dump them just because they're "too much". it's similar to doing it to a human child. ♡
O my dog! Wolves are the most majestic creatures on the planet in my opinion
where I'm from we call them Timber Shepards. they are loyal as hell and very protective of family (owners)
I read an article on him and it seemed that Yuki did not like men and he did not like them around him. There was only a small handful of females whom he did like and could enter his compound. The girl posed with him was his favorite caretaker.
I would LOVE to have him or one like him or any big dog that needs a loving home then I will take them home & I have rescued around 50 dogs in my time of all shapes & sizes , I especially love these big giant size dogs of any breed.
Wolfdogs can be dangerous, and I certainly don't think I could handle one, but LOOK AT THAT FACEEEEE
I know most of these pics have been doctored in different ways, but these dogs were damned Impressive even without the alterations!
He's just a beautiful wonderful wolf-dog who well deserves the love showered on him.
I love Wolfdogs. My friend had one that I'd pet and talk to every time I went to her house. When I would leave he'd howl. Love that doog
Please keep up the rewarding work.Also visit my website : phuket propertyPOOL VILLA phuket village Villas Phuket
Dangerous!! He is beautiful, however has too much wolf to be a pet. A sanctuary is great, however again should not be cuddled and treated as a domestic dog. JMO
I love huskies but they shed a lot and would make my house hairy.
Hi Yuki.lots of love from PENNY.I thank you for taking him in and showing him love .
I heard he died at age 13 from blood cancer he had when he didn’t show up to take his medicine routine.
he may seem sweet but beware of those instincts, but he is SOOOO cute
It looks like a dam wolf no wonder it is called a wolfdog I like it
If u were to see my dog you would be surprised how small she is but she’s not a teacup dog although i want one
Omg, I want one! Sure it's huge, but imagine the cuddles! Plus, take a walk in the woods or go on a hike and people think you tamed a wolf and now you're walking it. He's adorable!
Dat looks like a overgrown wolf tree dog werewolf thing but it’s cute
What a gorgeous being! So sad that he's passed away! But so happy to know he didn't die in a kill SHELTER due to a POS that couldn't bother to place him where he could thrive instead of dumping him like old furniture or whatever.
what the actual f**k. Why do people even breed this kind of thing. A "normal" wolf would be smaller than this hybrid!
A friend had a house in a bad part of San Francisco in the late 70s; he got a rottweiler who bit several people costing $thousands (house: PARENTS BOUGHT&INSURED). One settlement was $25,000... and I said "wow" a lot of money back then... BUT SURPRIZE WAS THAT THE $25k WAS THE INSURANCE POLICIES MAXIMUM AT THE TIME **AND ONLY COVERED THE DOCTOR/HOSPITAL BILLS BECAUSE THE BITE GOT INFECTED! NOTE:BITES OF ANY KIND THAT BREAK THE SKIN CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS SO BE SURE TO CLEAN DISINFECT AND GET TREATMENT!
Amazing pup! I wonder if I could get that pretty young woman to rescue me...💖👅
People are so mistaken to mix wolves with dogs. Beautiful animal.
Aww, so sweet. He would probably rip up every toy, though. My puppers got plastic zebra-pattern squeaky bones, and our Dane chewed hers to bits in about a minute, and chewed the corners off her foster brother's bone, who is a poodle.
I know this is 6 months late but I have to say something. Thong?????
Ahh! Bad Boy! Don't eat that arm! Give it back so I can spend thousands and use all of my STEM cells to reattach my arm! And the blood won't match my shirt!
Looks like a wolf, but bigger. Me scared. But me also want a big hug
Wolf dog, usually bred with malamutes/huskies, and wolves, difficult, but not very different from other dogs ;)
Ok hold up...................thats a wolf.................RIGHT???????
Mostly a wolf, yes, but really any animal can be tamed. How do you think we tamed wolves all those years ago? We’d be able to do it again, especially if the wolf was raised in captivity.
I saw your story on your wolf dog yesterday! Very selective regarding his friends!
Now THAT'S a dog, IMHO! Growing up I got to walk our dog around the block starting at a very early age, would love to see a little five-year old walking this guy.
I mean if the dog was raised in captivity and isn’t aggressive, why not? 5 year olds should learn to not be afraid of dogs imo because you see them everywhere and you can be basically agoraphobic if you don’t see any nice big dogs.
FORCED PERSEPECTIVE!! This dog is being made to be bigger than he actually was.
Wolves are HUGE, I think this isn’t forced bub.
Load More Replies...He wasn't as big as a wolf because he wasn't pure wolf. He was only around 120 lbs which is the size of a great Dane. Definitely not as big as a wolf, which yes, are large. Google this photo, there's a ton of articles on how this is a forced perspective image
I honestly had no idea that wolves were THAT big. Still learning something new everyday.
He wasn't pure wolf. He was at the low end of the weigh spectrum for what we know of captive wolves (around 120 lbs). Male captive wolves have weighed as much as 180. Wild wolves are larger in height (even females) than he and definitely in weight
That dog is awesome looking! He’d be going out with me as a werewolf on Halloween.
ssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo cccccccccccccccuuuuuuuuuuttttttteeeeeeee
its so cute and big that it would gp all over me when it sits down!
Big Dogs Can Be Scared At The Vet Too
Once A Lap Dog, Always A Lap Dog
It’s better to err on the side of too little food than too much when we’re living in a society of overabundance, then. What’s more, you should do a bit of personal research to learn what the ideal weight for your dog breed is for its age. If in need, talk to a professional to get their take on what’s what.
Getting serious about health means putting in the time and energy to make your dog’s life better. And that means treating your pet’s health like you would your own if you’re all about fitness. So get your kitchen scales out!
“The best way to monitor your dog’s food intake is to weigh both them and their food. You can discuss your dog’s weight with your vet and check their body condition at home. Once you have a starting point and know what their target weight should be, start weighing and monitoring their food and treats to see how much they’re getting,” the PDSA said.
My 85 Lb Dog Is Scared Of My Sister's 1,5 Lb Foster Kitten
This Big Boy With His Pooh
This Christmas Tree Farm Has Newfies That Will Cart Your Tree To Your Car For You
“You might want to try weighing out their portions at the start of the week to make it easy to keep track of what’s being fed. Reweigh your dog after a few weeks and see if they’ve gained, lost, or maintained their weight, then adjust their amount of food to fit your goal.”
Just remember—you’ve got to take into account any leftovers of extras that you might be giving your dog. So no munching on cheeky treats in secret!
Our Daughter Who Is Now 3 And One Of Our Saint Bernards Who Is Now 9
Big House Cow Meets Little House Cow
Bruce Wayne Is A Big Snuggly Cane Corso
There Was A Giant Traffic Jam In The Walkways At The Expo. I Finally Found Out What Was Slowing Everyone Down. This Giant Bear Dog Was Getting Pets By Thousands Of People
Tiny Kitten Observes Big Dog Yawn
Am I The Only One That Needs A Little Help Getting In The Car?
Our Neighbor Sent Me This Adorable Display Of Pure Joy Between Our Dogs. They Finally Got Him A Stool So He Could Greet His Big Friend Properly
Big Boy
I Look Like Walrus? But I Am Dog. I Big Sof Floof. No Walrus. Bamboozled
16 Months Apart
I Swung By My Old Place To Help My Former Roommate With Some Things. The Neighbor's Dog Recognized Me And Gave The Perfect Greeting. Believe It Or Not, This Guy Is Still A Puppy
Monty The Big Friendly Giant
Seamus The Irish Wolfhound Is A Gentle Giant
My 93 Lb German Shepherd Is Pretty Pleased With The Amount Of Inconvenience He's Causing
Lazy Giant
Ridiculously Massive Doggo Spotted On The Underground
Big Boi
Meet Carl The 150 Pound Lion/Good Boy Hybrid
One Year Old Today. 97 Pounds. 31 Inches Tall
“A Rottweiler? Well I Must Admit I Have Always Preferred Lap Dogs” Granny Before She Met Gus
Lincoln The Dane
Meet Simba. He's A Leonberger
This Heat Is Unbearable For Ralphie The Newf
Koji, My Gentle Giant
Saw A Gentle Giant At The Vets. She Was A Darling And Sat Down With Her Owner While They Waited
In Person, Zammy's Bigger Than Life. Seriously. He Just Astonishes The Expecting Passers-By
An Old English Sheep Dog! I had one growing up. He was the bestest boy!!!
This Puppy
My Old Gym Teacher Beast Of A Dog. He’s 6’3ish”
Warning: Bear Spotted In UK
My Dad And My Dog (Dad Is 6'2")
My Wonderful Teddybears
Our Now 6 1/2 Month Puppy. The Vet Has Said He Is Not At All Over Weight Just Big Boned
I love to see the proud and loving looks from the parents of these dogs, adorable!
Majestic Malamute
Just A Little Girl In A Big Dog World
A Dog Or A Pony?
Big Doggy
Absolute Unit Parked Next To Me At A Gas Station
Meet Heisenberg. He Likes Hugs. I'm A 6'1" 300 Lbs Man. He's Almost As Big
I hope that other dog down there also got a hug, s/he looks like s/he really wants one.
Spanish Mastiff U N I T
This Dog. The Photo Doesn’t Do Him Justice. He’s A Beast
When my mom was a kid my grandparents had a Saint Bernard. Every time one of them arrived home it was a race to get near a wall for support before he could reach them, because he would topple them over giving kisses . Mom still smiles remembering him.
So did my dad. Bamse ("Bear") was a big and happy, and my dad was small and skinny
Load More Replies...We did too, my dad got him for my mom on Christmas, had a bow around his neck. Grew to 250lbs
We had an Alaskan Malamute who was 120 lbs. You didn’t walk her - she walked you.
Our malamute is such a good walker and he will go at your pace. Our husky shepherd mix on the other hand has to be in front and she always wants to go fast!
Load More Replies...Great pics, great dogs, but I am a bit worried, that Great Pyrenees are depicted as 'gentle giants'. The male ones are certainly not, not in Europe, anyway. They are territorial guard dogs - not watch dogs, guard dogs. They take a defensive stance, at first, but eventually the get physical. And they are very independent, so they decide who and what needs guarding. Im aslo a bit stunned at how oversized some breeds are. I really hope that is not a trend in breeding because that woudl have disastrous consequences for the breed's health. Still: gorgeous dogs!!
You made a good comment "Maybe it's because the European ones still have to do their jobs". You go a hint in your own comment. That's because a lot of working breeds are now "family dogs"so the breeders select the most gentle, the most tiny, the most cute over the most effective to work. That's a crime for me when it comes to a completely different breed and the lost of the "real" one. I have a finnish lapphund and i selected him carefuly, they can be like a pomenarian (look and almost weight...) or like a great sherpherd depending on the bloodline. You can get a lapdog or a wolf, behavior included. I'm fine with my little wolf and he won't get any disease from the GMO breeders. You can have a Pyrénées shepherd lapdog, or a real Pyrénées shepherd, depending on the bloodline. And as usual, some humans don't care since they make money out of it, and do not know a thing about the breed. The problem won't be solved until people stop to think "cute i want one!" when they see any animal.
Load More Replies...My boy is part Great Pyrenees and he's afraid of everything! I don't doubt if someone was to attack me (or his human sister) on a walk he would rip their face off though. He does love to bark at whoever walks too close to 'his' yard (especially squirrels, he HATES squirrels!)
"part Great Pyrenees", Part Pyrénées shepherd. If you are hiking in the french mountains and see this dog, don't go even closer, run, without actual running but back off slowly. They fight bears, kill wolfes and dogs and attack anything near their sheep/family and not because they are monsters, but because they are great at their jobs, we call them "patou" in France. Some hitchhickers want to terminate them, the same who are buying cheese... from the same sheep they are protecting. Go figure...
Maybe breeds are different in the US. They are super rare, here, but the owner of the one I met said, it is not an easy dog to have, because of it'S protective instincs. Same with most of the other herd-protecting dogs I see. Some, I think Ovcharkas, are even forbidden in some European countries. Maybe it's because the European ones still have to do their jobs - protecting herds/flocks - so they are not really bred for sole indoor keeping. I ADORE the Italian ones: Maremannos D'Abruzzo. I live in a flat in a large city, but shoudl that ever change, I would love to have one. We have one in my neighbourhood that I meet about once a year. the owners (aand the dog) are very indulging of my adoration :-)
True we had a massive 97lbs at his last check-up rott-hound died of a heart attack when he was only 6yrs old. He burned fast and bright RIP Golem always mama's biggest boy.
I adore giant dogs, but they're very short lived. If in top health, most of these breeds live 8-10 years.
I LOVE big dogs! But, unfortunately, the bigger the dog, the shorter the lifespan :(
Not when it comes to malamutes usually. They can live to be 15!
Load More Replies...Very true. Our malamute was with us when I was in third grade until my last year of college!
I had an a Akita/malamute for 14 almost 15 years and she weighed 140lbs.. Best dog I ever had a true gentle giant!. We miss her very much
Big dogs are the best....our rescue Dane Mama says paint me like your French girls mama-frenc...1013a4.jpg
Why do so many have mutilated ears? I know this post is supposed to be wholesome, and the doggies are adorable, but seeing these gentle giants with cut ears just puts a damper on the whole thing...
hi, i hate to self promo, but i just put out 3 new posts, and one of them is showing my photography photos of my dog! so if you could go check it out, give it a thumbs up and/or comment 1/10 how much you liked the photos! it would make me happy that people like my photography, because i'm a beginner. thank you for reading this ssincerely ❀siimplyluna❀
thank you for this i love the newfie and danes most. Growing up for a while I had a great dane loved him to bits his name was crash. he had was a harlequin and had a heart-shaped spot we joked it was he had such a big heart and gave him the middle name Valintine because of it. he passed when I was 11. guess when? valentines day. I now live by my self and have a Newfoundland affectionally called slinky because he is so flexible. he reminds me of Crash. I miss Crash he was my best friend growing up and sometimes when I see a great dane I want to cry and hug him because it looks like crash.
Hey pandas! This post's previous title was 'Dogs that are absolute units'. You're welcome. 😊
My Minerva just turned 1; she’s 105 lbs and almost 6 feet tall on her hind legs...her feet don’t fit yet, so there’s still some growing to do! She’s a Presa Canario, which is a type of mastiff from the Canary Islands. I got her from a shelter, so she’s an absolute mush, just loves everyone and every dog she meets! And yes, she loves to lay on her mommy like her cat sisters do! I’d post her picture but I have no idea how.
I have a German shepherd Australian shepherd mix (tyr is his name)and he is tall. Like my grandfather is 6'1 and he is taller than that when he stands on his back legs.
I got a dog that looks like a border collie but is pretty much everything ELSE.
Lots of text about feeding, but nothing about the quality of the food. Commercial kibble is highly processed and hyper-heated. Chemically it may have all the basic components of nutrition, but it is crap food. Purina is the worst. Grains are not a natural part of a canine diet. Nor are poultry bi-products like feet, beaks, and feather meal! Make your own dog food!!
I love big dogs so much! I can't help but smile every time I see one - so this post was pure joy and happiness for me! 😁
I feel the same way <3 I hope that all of these floofers have a good home
Where do you get these dogs? How much to you pay for food a day? What happens if you have to travel ?
I just cant help wondering how big is the poo the owners have to clean...
I love dogs. I love these pictures... and... all I can think is "oh. my. gawd... so much.. grooming... all that... fur...."
I love how on one side of the spectrum we have 60-95 pounds and on the other it's just 200 POUNDS.
I think my 1/2 Dachound, 1/2 mix breed would, at 15 lbs, just about fill the mouth of any one of these.
I have been searching for this information for a long time, I like your article very much, it has helped me a lot. Thank you very much for sharing this information. BrianJamesTrailers
I've only ever had small dogs. I'd love to have a large breed dog, but most of them don't live nearly as long, and I feel like I'd just be signing up to be emotionally devastated every 8-10 years.
Wish I could add my 155lb 32inch at withers mastiff to the photos.
SS Minnesotan war ein Frachtschiff, das 1912 für die American-Hawaiian Steamship Company gebaut wurde. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs war sie als USAT Minnesotan im Dienst der US-Armee und USS Minnesotan (ID-4545) im Dienst der US-Marine bekannt. Sie wurde als eines von acht Schwesterschiffen gebaut und im Inter-Küstendienst über die Landenge von Tehuantepec und den Panamakanal eingesetzt. Im Ersten Weltkrieg transportierte Minnesotan ab September 1917 Fracht und Tiere nach Frankreich. Nach dem Waffenstillstand gab sie über 8.000 amerikanische Truppen zurück. 1919 nahm Minnesotan den Frachtdienst zwischen den Küsten wieder auf. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde das Schiff von der War Shipping Administration requiriert und verkehrte zunächst zwischen New York und karibischen Häfen. In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 1943 segelte Minnesotan zwischen Häfen im Indischen Ozean und im folgenden Jahr zwischen Häfen in New York und dem Vereinigten Königreich, bevor sie in die Karibik zurückkeh
My doggo is a total lap dog and she is 450 pounds. not over wait just a big doggo!
I’ve raised Newfie’s. The are the gentlest dogs. They were the inspiration for Nana in Peter Pan and are very protective of kids. A very large friend was tickling our 4 yo and she didn’t like it, so Midnight moved between our friend and our daughter and nicely kept them separated the entire night. She never growled or got aggressive, she just kept between our little girl and our 6’5” 375 pound friend.
mon grand père avait un terre neuve de 210lb il mesurait 7pied de long son matelas était un sofa
My friends a couple states over have a massive dog named Fezek (from princess Bride)
oh my gosh, I love big dogs! my family is thinking about getting another dog when we move, I'm hoping it's gonna be a big dog, not a medium like our other dog is, but I'd be happy with any dog! other than chiwawas, or other devil dogs...
I have a picture of my massive Boerboel dog , how can I get it on here?
My boy isn't tiny, he's about 90 pounds, 65 of which is hair I think. He loves to sit on my lap. He has two girlfriends in our neighbourhood, a Newfoundlander and a St. Bernard
When my mom was a kid my grandparents had a Saint Bernard. Every time one of them arrived home it was a race to get near a wall for support before he could reach them, because he would topple them over giving kisses . Mom still smiles remembering him.
So did my dad. Bamse ("Bear") was a big and happy, and my dad was small and skinny
Load More Replies...We did too, my dad got him for my mom on Christmas, had a bow around his neck. Grew to 250lbs
We had an Alaskan Malamute who was 120 lbs. You didn’t walk her - she walked you.
Our malamute is such a good walker and he will go at your pace. Our husky shepherd mix on the other hand has to be in front and she always wants to go fast!
Load More Replies...Great pics, great dogs, but I am a bit worried, that Great Pyrenees are depicted as 'gentle giants'. The male ones are certainly not, not in Europe, anyway. They are territorial guard dogs - not watch dogs, guard dogs. They take a defensive stance, at first, but eventually the get physical. And they are very independent, so they decide who and what needs guarding. Im aslo a bit stunned at how oversized some breeds are. I really hope that is not a trend in breeding because that woudl have disastrous consequences for the breed's health. Still: gorgeous dogs!!
You made a good comment "Maybe it's because the European ones still have to do their jobs". You go a hint in your own comment. That's because a lot of working breeds are now "family dogs"so the breeders select the most gentle, the most tiny, the most cute over the most effective to work. That's a crime for me when it comes to a completely different breed and the lost of the "real" one. I have a finnish lapphund and i selected him carefuly, they can be like a pomenarian (look and almost weight...) or like a great sherpherd depending on the bloodline. You can get a lapdog or a wolf, behavior included. I'm fine with my little wolf and he won't get any disease from the GMO breeders. You can have a Pyrénées shepherd lapdog, or a real Pyrénées shepherd, depending on the bloodline. And as usual, some humans don't care since they make money out of it, and do not know a thing about the breed. The problem won't be solved until people stop to think "cute i want one!" when they see any animal.
Load More Replies...My boy is part Great Pyrenees and he's afraid of everything! I don't doubt if someone was to attack me (or his human sister) on a walk he would rip their face off though. He does love to bark at whoever walks too close to 'his' yard (especially squirrels, he HATES squirrels!)
"part Great Pyrenees", Part Pyrénées shepherd. If you are hiking in the french mountains and see this dog, don't go even closer, run, without actual running but back off slowly. They fight bears, kill wolfes and dogs and attack anything near their sheep/family and not because they are monsters, but because they are great at their jobs, we call them "patou" in France. Some hitchhickers want to terminate them, the same who are buying cheese... from the same sheep they are protecting. Go figure...
Maybe breeds are different in the US. They are super rare, here, but the owner of the one I met said, it is not an easy dog to have, because of it'S protective instincs. Same with most of the other herd-protecting dogs I see. Some, I think Ovcharkas, are even forbidden in some European countries. Maybe it's because the European ones still have to do their jobs - protecting herds/flocks - so they are not really bred for sole indoor keeping. I ADORE the Italian ones: Maremannos D'Abruzzo. I live in a flat in a large city, but shoudl that ever change, I would love to have one. We have one in my neighbourhood that I meet about once a year. the owners (aand the dog) are very indulging of my adoration :-)
True we had a massive 97lbs at his last check-up rott-hound died of a heart attack when he was only 6yrs old. He burned fast and bright RIP Golem always mama's biggest boy.
I adore giant dogs, but they're very short lived. If in top health, most of these breeds live 8-10 years.
I LOVE big dogs! But, unfortunately, the bigger the dog, the shorter the lifespan :(
Not when it comes to malamutes usually. They can live to be 15!
Load More Replies...Very true. Our malamute was with us when I was in third grade until my last year of college!
I had an a Akita/malamute for 14 almost 15 years and she weighed 140lbs.. Best dog I ever had a true gentle giant!. We miss her very much
Big dogs are the best....our rescue Dane Mama says paint me like your French girls mama-frenc...1013a4.jpg
Why do so many have mutilated ears? I know this post is supposed to be wholesome, and the doggies are adorable, but seeing these gentle giants with cut ears just puts a damper on the whole thing...
hi, i hate to self promo, but i just put out 3 new posts, and one of them is showing my photography photos of my dog! so if you could go check it out, give it a thumbs up and/or comment 1/10 how much you liked the photos! it would make me happy that people like my photography, because i'm a beginner. thank you for reading this ssincerely ❀siimplyluna❀
thank you for this i love the newfie and danes most. Growing up for a while I had a great dane loved him to bits his name was crash. he had was a harlequin and had a heart-shaped spot we joked it was he had such a big heart and gave him the middle name Valintine because of it. he passed when I was 11. guess when? valentines day. I now live by my self and have a Newfoundland affectionally called slinky because he is so flexible. he reminds me of Crash. I miss Crash he was my best friend growing up and sometimes when I see a great dane I want to cry and hug him because it looks like crash.
Hey pandas! This post's previous title was 'Dogs that are absolute units'. You're welcome. 😊
My Minerva just turned 1; she’s 105 lbs and almost 6 feet tall on her hind legs...her feet don’t fit yet, so there’s still some growing to do! She’s a Presa Canario, which is a type of mastiff from the Canary Islands. I got her from a shelter, so she’s an absolute mush, just loves everyone and every dog she meets! And yes, she loves to lay on her mommy like her cat sisters do! I’d post her picture but I have no idea how.
I have a German shepherd Australian shepherd mix (tyr is his name)and he is tall. Like my grandfather is 6'1 and he is taller than that when he stands on his back legs.
I got a dog that looks like a border collie but is pretty much everything ELSE.
Lots of text about feeding, but nothing about the quality of the food. Commercial kibble is highly processed and hyper-heated. Chemically it may have all the basic components of nutrition, but it is crap food. Purina is the worst. Grains are not a natural part of a canine diet. Nor are poultry bi-products like feet, beaks, and feather meal! Make your own dog food!!
I love big dogs so much! I can't help but smile every time I see one - so this post was pure joy and happiness for me! 😁
I feel the same way <3 I hope that all of these floofers have a good home
Where do you get these dogs? How much to you pay for food a day? What happens if you have to travel ?
I just cant help wondering how big is the poo the owners have to clean...
I love dogs. I love these pictures... and... all I can think is "oh. my. gawd... so much.. grooming... all that... fur...."
I love how on one side of the spectrum we have 60-95 pounds and on the other it's just 200 POUNDS.
I think my 1/2 Dachound, 1/2 mix breed would, at 15 lbs, just about fill the mouth of any one of these.
I have been searching for this information for a long time, I like your article very much, it has helped me a lot. Thank you very much for sharing this information. BrianJamesTrailers
I've only ever had small dogs. I'd love to have a large breed dog, but most of them don't live nearly as long, and I feel like I'd just be signing up to be emotionally devastated every 8-10 years.
Wish I could add my 155lb 32inch at withers mastiff to the photos.
SS Minnesotan war ein Frachtschiff, das 1912 für die American-Hawaiian Steamship Company gebaut wurde. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs war sie als USAT Minnesotan im Dienst der US-Armee und USS Minnesotan (ID-4545) im Dienst der US-Marine bekannt. Sie wurde als eines von acht Schwesterschiffen gebaut und im Inter-Küstendienst über die Landenge von Tehuantepec und den Panamakanal eingesetzt. Im Ersten Weltkrieg transportierte Minnesotan ab September 1917 Fracht und Tiere nach Frankreich. Nach dem Waffenstillstand gab sie über 8.000 amerikanische Truppen zurück. 1919 nahm Minnesotan den Frachtdienst zwischen den Küsten wieder auf. Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde das Schiff von der War Shipping Administration requiriert und verkehrte zunächst zwischen New York und karibischen Häfen. In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 1943 segelte Minnesotan zwischen Häfen im Indischen Ozean und im folgenden Jahr zwischen Häfen in New York und dem Vereinigten Königreich, bevor sie in die Karibik zurückkeh
My doggo is a total lap dog and she is 450 pounds. not over wait just a big doggo!
I’ve raised Newfie’s. The are the gentlest dogs. They were the inspiration for Nana in Peter Pan and are very protective of kids. A very large friend was tickling our 4 yo and she didn’t like it, so Midnight moved between our friend and our daughter and nicely kept them separated the entire night. She never growled or got aggressive, she just kept between our little girl and our 6’5” 375 pound friend.
mon grand père avait un terre neuve de 210lb il mesurait 7pied de long son matelas était un sofa
My friends a couple states over have a massive dog named Fezek (from princess Bride)
oh my gosh, I love big dogs! my family is thinking about getting another dog when we move, I'm hoping it's gonna be a big dog, not a medium like our other dog is, but I'd be happy with any dog! other than chiwawas, or other devil dogs...
I have a picture of my massive Boerboel dog , how can I get it on here?
My boy isn't tiny, he's about 90 pounds, 65 of which is hair I think. He loves to sit on my lap. He has two girlfriends in our neighbourhood, a Newfoundlander and a St. Bernard