Dating is hard! It takes time to meet someone who truly matches you, and then when you do finally land a seemingly decent person, it turns out that they just got out of jail, or, I don't know, have a kink for diapers. 

Intrigued? Well, here is a list of 32 weird, juicy, and plain wild stories from women who shared why they decided to "ghost" their partners/potential partners! 

More info: Reddit


32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He told me about his sister, he was really close to her and she had a special nickname for him and he was missing her because she moved out of state. Then he asked me to have phone sex with him and role play AS HIS SISTER and use the nickname and say things like "when will mom be home?" "What if mom sees us?"

Those red flags were like the flappy tube men outside of car dealerships. Bye bye incest man ✌️

littleghool , Aline Aronsky Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Called Obama the N Word while cooking dinner for me on a stay-in date.

    I stood up and said I couldn’t be with someone who thought that was ok.

    Never spoke to her again.

    SIEGERH1NO , Pete Souza Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Went on a date with a guy and he was super nice, said all the right things, charming. I couldn’t put my finger on it but something seemed *really* off about the whole thing. I mean, my spidey senses we’re absolutely *screaming* so I cut the date short and googled him the same night when I got home. Turns out he had been arrested, not once but *3 separate times* for domestic violence. Immediately blocked him. Found out later through a coworker that knew him that all 3 of those arrests were with different women and apparently he had put his hands on other women too but was never arrested for it or anything. She told me I dodged a hell of a bullet and clearly I did. I’ve never felt more validated about listening to my instincts.

    delilahdread , Pixabay Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Another one: we were kissing in his car after our first date. He put his hand between my legs. I gently removed it, all while keeping lip locked. A minute later, his hand wanders back. I removed it again, "I'm not ready for that yet".

    When he put his hand back a third time, I said "dude what the hell!?"

    He shrugged : "It's a woman's prerogative to put down boundaries, but it's a man's prerogative to push them."

    There was no second date.

    TheKruszer , Jonathan Borba Report

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    Sonnovab Kegeles
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why (although I loved it) I hated the Pointer Sisters song Fire. Fire I'm ridin' in your car You turn on the radio You're pullin' me close I just say no I say I don't like it But you know I'm a liar 'Cause when we kiss, ooh, fire

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Displayed extreme hatred towards gay&trans people, and sex workers

    I have zero tolerance for this

    Galactifi , Alexander Grey Report


    After a few weeks of talking to this guy online, I ended up hospitalised because of my Crohn's. I told him that the following morning they were going to do another colonoscopy to check how things were, and that I was a bit scared (doctors weren't sure if my intestines were at risk of a rupture).

    His reply? "Nothing compared to what I would do to your a*s".

    NOPE 😐 I blocked the hell out of him.

    Therubberotter Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men His ex called asking where he was. Turns out he'd arranged with her to see his kids that day, but instead he told her he couldnt make it, because he was at my house. I had only known him a couple of weeks.

    I made up an excuse to make him leave shortly after that call, and completely ghosted. I have no respect for a man who shits on his children and ex and commitments that he made.

    maddsturbation , Hassan OUAJBIR Report

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    Hill Branda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Showing your date that you're a crappy father proves you're not only a selfish person but you also have poor judgement.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He wasn't allowed to work with children. Immediate ghost.

    Rich-Significance618 , Charles Parker Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Googled his name and found out he had recently been in prison and had pending felony charges for planting a homemade bomb underneath the car of a man his ex wife had been seeing.

    Apexbanana , PhotoMIX Company Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Went on a first date, and she jumped right into talking about this "amazing income opportunity."

    Noped right outta there.

    genxindifferance , Pixabay Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I made 4 million currency in under 2 nanoseconds! Click HERE to find out how!"

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men I was seeing this guy in college and one day, he brought up his disgust with women's periods; not just the bleeding, but the symptoms that came with it. He said that women calling out sick because of menstrual cramps was utter BS and we should just suck it up. My friend has endometriosis and suffers from extremely heavy periods and chronic pain. I had extremely heavy periods which was a result of a hormone imbalance and was later diagnosed as anemic.

    I did not see him again after that conversation, but I let him know that he was way out of line.

    RewardNo3000 , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Speaking as a man : good for you. I've been blessed (so far) with partners who don't have your, let alone your friend's issues but they still called it a curse. Knowing what goes on in a woman's body during a period, I'm more than happy to help in the small ways I can : warm water bottles, chocolate ice cream...

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He wanted to "do just the tip" without a condom, when I had clearly stated I wasn't doing anything without a condom. Threw him out and blocked his number.

    SnookerandWhiskey Report

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    tw 72
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's like saying, "There is no danger of fire, I am just going to light the top of the match."

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men As soon as we sat down for dinner, he says “So actually I just got out of jail today! Crazy s**t. I have a bit of temper.”

    I hightailed it out of there pretty quick

    Anilxe , RDNE Stock project Report

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    Hill Branda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If "jail" and "I have a temper" are mentioned, run in the opposite direction.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He was antivax to the point where it affected his ability to get a job. So he's living at his parent's house, doing nothing with his life.

    He also has ambitions to become a "rapper". I've heard his tracks. They are not good.

    Jcan_Princess , Monstera Production Report

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    Bored Trash Panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually dated a guy in high school that wanted to be a rapper, he was pretty good to. Unfortunately his depression took over and he shot himself. But he was a great person. Not all aspiring rappers are bad people, so idk if that would be an immediate red flag for me. Now, the fact that the person on this post wasn't any good and was antivax, yea, I agree those are huge red flags.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men Had a date booked with a guy from an app.

    Day of I stalked his social media and saw a recent post where he had screenshotted a ladies dating profile from the app and posted it laughing about her body to his friends.

    Stood him up and got loads of whiney messages but f**k him.

    plant_witch37 , MOHI SYED Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He had a wife and children. Found out after a month of dating.

    T-oblerone , Vidal Balielo Jr. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ahh, you met my brother? He did this to his wife a kids. What a piece of s**t. I haven't spoken to him in years.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He wanted me to put him in diapers and said he was falling in love with me...on the SECOND DATE.

    Officially Caspered

    kperpapman , Serhii Demchenko Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He told me I wasn’t the “kind of girl that he could introduce to his mother” and will spend his life with the person she chose for him while still wanting to be with me. Never spoke to him after that.

    Did hear he threw a tantrum over my engagement so I consider it a win

    littlebabygorilla , Katerina Holmes Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clearly a man-child, throwing a temper tantrum that someone you dated kept living her life.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He, unannounced, brought his three-year -old with him and tried to force interaction between us.
    Later tried to initiate sex whilst the kid was sleeping in the room.

    YouDontLookDead , Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He was TikTok famous (I'm not on there) and was cancelled for homophobic and creepy child-related "jokes". I found out when my mother Googled him and sent me a video of him, saying, "is this really who you want to be associated with?".

    fatlanta23 , cottonbro studio Report

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    Luke Branwen
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of my university professor who I thought was a very cool guy until I found out he runs an anti-sjw youtube channel.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He said he didn't like giving oral because he thinks it's 'gross', but expected me to give it to him anyway.

    halfsetsun , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men I was talking to a guy on a dating site and he just started giving me creepy vibes - he wanted to know all about me, but when I asked him anything about himself he clammed up. When I stopped talking to him he would just send me selfies of himself smiling ... But it was a creepy smile. No message, just a selfie.

    I can't explain it but I always got a bad feeling about him.

    LotusLilli05 , Dziubi Steenbergen Report

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    Captain McSmoot
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless the guy was "The Wiz" from Seinfeld, creepy smiles are not okay.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men A morning text “I need to f—k” inspired me to peace out.

    Altruistic-Ad6449 , Roman Pohorecki Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men i met a guy at a party and we really hit it off but then he mentioned he was REALLY into dark humor... he even had a chat with his friends were they shared jokes and he told me about one that mixed TRIGGER WARNING p*dophilia and SA... any attraction i had for him literally DIED in 2 seconds, like i could FEEL the attraction leaving my body and being replaced with a huge YIKES!

    piliaba , cottonbro studio Report

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    Luke Branwen
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    These days, in 99% of cases, "dark humor" is just shorthand for vile bigotry masked as humor. I no longer bother watching any comedy which advertises itself as "politically incorrect", "controversial" or "dark humor".

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men So I was dating this 28yo when I was 17 and one evening on a date he noticed my self harm scars and asked me about them. I got really upset and he wanted me to go back to his place to stay the night because he was worried about me but we didn’t have to do anything. Anyway that turned into him pressuring me into having sex even though I kept saying I wasn’t up for it. I didn’t realise anything was wrong but I just ghosted him for the next week until he sent increasingly desperate text messages and I let him know I didn’t want to see him anymore. Still didn’t know why but something felt wrong 🥲 realised what happened like 6 months later.

    plutoforprez , Monstera Production Report

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    CJay M
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was dating this 28 yo when I was 17… instant nope

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He told me he was a writer and then when I went over to his apartment for the first time he had *no* books, he said he “wasn’t a big reader”, and when he showed me what he was working on it contained the phrase “the sky was as dark as a Wagnerian opera”. ✌️

    deplorable_word , Aline Viana Prado Report

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    Luke Branwen
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm an amateur writer and I'm already running out of shelving 😅 IMO you can't write well if you don't read.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men On a second date with a guy (didn't even actually see him as a potential partner yet, because I was starting to see some red flags) he says "I hate Brazilians" (I'm Portuguese and so was he, both living in Portugal). Nope! Xenophobia is enough for immediate ghosting.

    Blodeuwedd19 , Mark Hillary Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men I was talking with my boyfriend at the time (who constantly pressured me into gaining weight for him bc he had a fat-fetish and I was quite skinny when we started dating, and he kept his fetish secret for the first months) and he suddenly said that he constantly fantasizes about breaking up so he can eat whenever he wants (I cooked what he wanted for him and am a solid cook and he liked what I made for him, but he felt inconvenienced by having to come to the dinnertable when I had dinner ready) and so he can go on Tinder and look for fat girls 🤡

    When I reacted hurt he started gaslighting me that I can't "punish him for just being honest"

    Edit: Admittedly I didn't permanently ghost him after this bc I was used to a lot of his b******t, but that was definitely the point I finally realised he's a piece of s**t, and that was the beginning of the end at least.

    Edit 2: Another fun story was when he told me that he was scared to lose his last "good years" to me when he might find a fat woman in that time with whom he actually want to spend the rest of his life

    SheBumblebee , Spencer Davis Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Liking fat women wasn't the problem. The way he treated you was the problem.

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men So I’ve been talking to this older guy, he brags about his money *a lot.* Typically people who actually have money don’t tend to brag. *because the money isn’t actually his.* I thought it was weird. We went out and have been talking for a few weeks. I looked him up on google and it turns out he was indicted with sales of false certificates to the underprivileged. It’s a huge case. I don’t want to go into detail because I’m afraid of what he could do. I’m definitely ghosting. But he is deranged and a piece of s**t.

    *Edit to add another story*

    My most recent 2 yrs LTR & LDR- He was 32. Our interactions were becoming increasingly tumultuous/ toxic- *very unreasonable, mansplainer, man child behavior and incel behavior- I literally took his virginity at 30.* Inside I feel validated for ghosting bc he was straight up disrespectful most of the time. So he had very recently moved back in with his parents, after living with roommates for a few years. It was about 3 weeks in living with them- he expressed to me that he was hungry. I suggested to him maybe he should go grab a bite or go grocery shopping etc. He replies, verbatim:

    “mom buys the groceries.”

    TheNymphoArtist , Trinity Kubassek Report

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He kept talking how he could date like every woman he wanted to, how beautiful and nice his (female) friends were, and he asked me why I didn't wear designer clothes to our date. I mean it's not a "found out" trait he was just an idiot.

    JoelleVDyne90 , Karolina Grabowska Report

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    James Edwards
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All clothes are designed by somebody. Therefore all clothes are designer!

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    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men I went on a date (or maybe 2?) with a doctor. He ran late on the next date and ended up having to cancel because a patient came into the office in crisis that he had to attend to. He ended up complaining afterward about how it makes him mad that they "just bring it on themselves."

    I'm a social worker, so I was like ohh he's the worst kind of doctor. Say no more.

    strangenessandcharm7 , Karolina Grabowska Report


    32 Things That Made Women Go “Nuh-Uh” On Their Dates With Men He has never had a single long term relationship. All his relationships were short lived and ended after 3-4 months because he “didn’t want the other person to get too invested in him because he’s not worth it”. His body count is too high for me to be comfortable. I didn’t ghost him though, we’re friends and talk semi-regularly.

    spacefroot , Maria Lindsey Content Creator Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It took a long time for me to convince my woman that she is definitely worth it. She had severe depression, was abused constantly, was certain she was just a pile of meat. We've been married almost 5 years now and she couldn't be happier!

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