This week, some photos exposing crowded hallways in a recently reopened school in Georgia got some students into trouble. At least two students have been allegedly suspended at North Paulding High School for sharing pictures on Twitter of their packed school. The photos show not only crowded hallways, but people not practicing social distancing and not wearing masks either.

More info: Twitter | Twitter


    This week, two Twitter users shared photos of crowded hallways in a high school in Georgia

    Image credits: Freeyourmindkid

    The now-viral photo posted by a Twitter user, under the username Freeyourmindkid, shows high school students crammed in hallways between classes, with the majority of them not wearing face masks. After being shared, it has since amassed more than 94k likes.

    And apparently, they got suspended for violating the “student code of conduct”

    Image credits: ihateiceman

    “Day two at North Paulding High School,” tweeted another 15-year-old student from the school in Georgia. “It is just as bad. We were stopped because it was jammed. We are close enough to the point where I got pushed multiple to go to the second block. This is not ok. Not to mention the 10% mask rate.”

    Hannah told the media that soon after posting the photo, she was called into the school’s office and was told that she had violated the student code of conduct. According to the school, Hannah broke policies of using a phone in the hallway without permission, using her phone for social media, and posting pictures of minors without consent.


    Image credits: Freeyourmindkid

    Image credits: Freeyourmindkid

    On Wednesday, Freeyourmindkid tweeted that he was “informed that the student who took these pictures from inside the school has been suspended.” The same day, the Twitter user posted: “If you are a student and you see that your school isn’t enforcing social distancing and masks, then please take pictures and post them to social media. If you are scared to post under your account, then reach out to me and I will post them anonymously.”

    One of the students also took a tally of how many people in her classes were wearing masks

    Image credits: ihateiceman

    She posted the tally on her Twitter page, too. Apparently, in every class, less than half the students wore face masks. Hannah told the media that she wore hers all day with the exception of lunch. “Not only did [the schools] open, but they have not been safe,” the student said talking to Buzzfeed news. “Many people are not following CDC guidelines because the county did not make these precautions mandatory.”


    And also shared a video of a packed hallway at school

    Image credits: ihateiceman

    “I think my punishment’s severity was excessive, but I do understand that I violated a code of conduct policy,” Hannah told the media talking about her punishment. “We have a progressive discipline system. When disciplining me and the other student, they skipped level one and went straight to two.”

    Here’s what people on Twitter said

    Image credits: HalliePV

    Image credits: np1959


    Image credits: amyliz_76


    Image credits: DeltaTail16

    Image credits: MouseTheMighty