30 Celebrities Who Are Actually Wholesome And Are Not Just Faking It For The Press
Being an actor or entertainer means that you’re almost always in the spotlight. With so much attention on you all the time, there’s bound to be tons of pressure. Not only to perform well but also to treat all of your fans the way they expect you to.
There will always be stars who behave one way in public but are completely different in private. However, other celebrities are just as wholesome, friendly, and respectful as they appear to be. Reddit user u/dontwrryboutme invited fans to open up about the celebs that they know really aren’t faking it for the press. Check out what they had to say below—you might even find your own beloved stars in the list.
Bored Panda reached out to social psychologist Alison Jane Martingano, Ph.D., who shed some light on why it is that celebrities play such large roles in some people's lives and why fans tend to value authenticity so much. Martingano is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay and the host of the 'What Do You Mean?' blog on Psychology Today. Read on to see what she told us.
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An old co worker was a limo driver for many years in our city. He drove lots of celebs, especially musicians coming to town. He said in all that time meeting all those celebs, they NEVER speak to you. Dolly Parton however, wants to know everything about him and on the ride back to the hotel after her show she picks up the conversation where they left off and remembers what he had talked about. He was gobsmacked. He said he hadn't been a fan but he became one after that.
also has given millions, quietly, to programs fostering literacy, research during covid, etc. She's a saint
Keanu reeves, always seemed so genuine especially when you find some of the things he does under the radar because he doesn't want recognition
stealthknights added:
I can personally confirm this one. It's a small world and one of my good friends happens to be his dog walker whenever he is staying here in NY. I sometimes accompany him on dog walks when we hang out to spend time as he works, and he's a really cool down to earth guy, super friendly and very kind.
Jason Momoa. I met him in an elevator at a con while I was in a wheelchair. He *insisted* on wheeling me in, wheeling me back out (even though my floor wasn't his), and taking a picture with me. He was very sweet and very funny. I've met several people since who have met him, and they all say nothing but great things about the guy.
Skimmdit adeed:
Guy I used to work with, 'K', was a carpenter in the film industry. One day as they're building sets, and in walks Jason Momoa ! He's all, like, "Hey guys, what's going on in here ?" and takes a legitimate interest in what K and his crew are doing and how they're doing it.
M hangs out & chats like one of the guys for an hour, asks if he can try out some of their tools (K says they were like, "Uhhh, no - you're super-important and can NOT get injured"). Then a frantic P.A. tracks M down to bring him back to the set so filming can start. Jason thanks the guys for letting him be there.
Day or two later, JM shows up to hang out again - and brought a stack of pizzas in case they hadn't had dinner yet. K could not say enough good things about the guy.
Martingano, the host of the 'What Do You Mean?' blog on Psychology Today, explained to Bored Panda that celebrities often serve as focal points of admiration and aspiration due to their talents and accomplishments.
"This admiration can be further intensified by the 'halo effect.' This cognitive bias suggests that when we perceive someone positively in one domain (e.g., their acting or singing abilities), it can influence our perception of them in other, often unrelated, domains (e.g., their moral character or wisdom). So, when we see a celebrity excelling in their craft, there's a propensity to believe they are equally commendable in other facets of life," the social psychologist said.
"This amplifies their influence in our lives, and we may find validation when these celebrities display behaviors that align with our perceptions or hopes about their character. In essence, we enjoy the affirmation that our admiration was well-placed," she noted that this is why fans value authenticity so much in the people they look up to and follow.
Sean Astin seems such a sweetheart in everything and I've never got nothing but wonderful vibes off that guy
sea0tter12 added:
I met him once years ago at Dragon Con. I was wearing a Goonies T shirt and went through the line just to say hi. We spoke for a few minutes, and then he asked what he was autographing for me. I told him that was ok, i didn’t have the money but just really wanted to thank him for so many good childhood memories.
He picked up his Sharpie and looked over at his handler or whoever she was, and she shook her head no. Then he grinned and told me to lean over, and he wrote “GNSD” on the sleeve of my shirt. Said it wasn’t an autograph, so it didn’t count. He’s really excited and asks me if I know what it means. I’m stunned and can’t say anything, so he bursts out with “Goonies never say die!” I stuttered and thanked him, then promptly walked to the bathroom and started crying at how nice he was and that I got to meet him.
Danny Devito. The man is a saint.
TyberiousofCanada added:
I have a fun story about Danny Devito. When I was a toddler my mum had me playing in a park with my cousin where a movie was being filmed. My cousin fell and scraped her knee pretty bad at one point and my mum was trying to take care of the both of us. Anyway, a short fellow came up to help her out and soon enough Danny Devito was playing with me in the park! Needless to say, anyone who stops to help a mum who is clearly having trouble with her kids is A+ in my book.
Mr. Rogers is said to have been as wholesome as he portrayed on tv.
It's no secret that celebrities influence most people. However, some individuals form parasocial relationships with celebrities. Martingano explained to us that the term, coined by Donald Horton and R. Richard Wohl in 1956, refers to a one-sided relationship. The "individual feels a strong bond and intimacy with a media figure, despite no mutual interaction or personal acquaintance."
There are some upsides and significant downsides to parasocial relationships. "While these relationships can offer comfort, validation, and a sense of belonging to individuals, they can sometimes blur the lines between reality and perception, especially when emotional connections developed from a character are transferred to the actual celebrity," Martingano told us.
"These relationships could be intensified by authentic displays by celebrities. Observing celebrities' genuine moments can deepen the bond individuals feel, bridging the gap between the 'celebrity' and the ‘fan.' It fosters a sense of shared humanity and makes the celebrity more relatable, reinforcing the bond fans feel with them."
Turned out Chadwick Boseman sure as hell was, and never made a big deal out of it, making it even more admirable.
David Tennant. He seems like a really lovely guy and someone who gets along with everyone he encounters.
StargazerNataku added:
I met him at a con and he is genuinely one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. He saw I was panicking a bit (my anxiety was high that day and he means a lot to me for various reasons) and he smiled this huge smile and said “Aw come on, I’m nice!” And you could just tell it was true.
Not seen John Cena mentioned yet? Isn’t he the guy who does the most for the make a wish foundation? Always makes the kids feel like they are the champions 😄
He has answered more wishes with "Mark-A-Wish than anyone, setting a record that is near impossible to eclipse.
Broadly speaking, becoming a famous person can go one of two ways. On the one hand, aside from seeing your hopes and dreams come true, your daily life doesn’t change much. Sure, you’ll meet and greet fans, go on a few shows, and attend fancy award ceremonies, but you might keep a firm grip on who you are.
How you behave and treat others won’t fundamentally change because you know your principles. Family and close friends can help you stay grounded even when everyone wants your autograph.
Henry Cavill. Man is built like a truck, loves video games, and he does volunteer work.
Steve Carell is an awesome dude. He owns a general store in MA where he is from, and will work the register from time to time just to interact with the people.
Sandra Bullock. She comes to town frequently and is nothing but nice to everyone! She’s super sweet and definitely isn’t faking it.
level 2ninten-dont added:
my brother worked on oceans 8 with her and said she was like a mama to everyone! making sure everyone had gotten lunch when it was delivered, and just genuinely nice to all the extras!
On the other hand, the sudden rush of adoration, a massive inflow of cash, and everyone gushing about you in the media can easily go to your head. One of the pitfalls is forgetting your values and adapting your personality to what you think will make you even more popular.
Other celebrities, especially those who are newer to the entertainment industry, might become arrogant and entitled, and start treating others as though they were inferior. Not only is that ethically icky, but it can also harm your reputation, make others second-guess working with you, and can lead to a ton of drama in the media.
Of course, you have to keep in mind that even the most wholesome celebrities in the world cannot be super happy and amazingly awesome 24/7. Nobody can! And there’s nothing wrong with that. Being a human being means living with lots of different emotions, with joy and happiness making up only a fraction of the entire experience.
Hugh Jackman always comes across as such a decent bloke. There's a video of him recognizing a red carpet interviewer as an old pupil of his from when he taught PE, and it's so nice!
Viggo Mortensen
Not only is he not faking for press, it seems like he actively avoids press. People who've met him say he's the nicest guy on earth
When I was 10 years old, I went to a vert skating competition hosted by Tony Hawk. My parents gifted me backstage access: basically just a little meet and greet with the skaters. Well, my cousin got overheated and suffered a little heatstroke/exhaustion. Tony Hawk personally walked over to the medical tent we were at, ripped off his shoes, signed them, and handed them to us. Then he invited us to basically relax and cool off in his tour bus! Such a fond memory of a super-kind individual.
I always heard he was a great guy. My son went to Woodward and said he was super nice.
What we’re trying to say is that you have to look at the broader picture. Everyone has off days where they grumble, mumble, or might even snap at people. However, it’s whether you apologize for your actions and how you treat others on average that makes up your character.
Even Tom Hanks, one of the most celebrated actors on Earth, has admitted that he has off days. He told the BBC during an interview earlier this year that during those tough days, when life seems to be falling apart, he doesn’t always feel funny, charming, and loving, even if the project demands it.
Samuel L Jackson, despite the vulgar language he is actually a really great guy.
Weird Al is very sweet and respectful in person. He was and still is my hero and I think he’s the coolest person on the planet still at 20.
This man & Jim Carrey are the reasons I am sooooo goofy 😂❤️ Childhood right here!
However, Hanks warns that two things every actor should definitely prioritize is punctuality and respecting the movie crew’s time. “What cannot occur on a motion picture is that someone cannot monkey around with the timing or the length of the shoot or the budget. That is a cardinal sin in the motion picture business,” the A-lister said.
“You will be amazed at how many people know that they can get away with it, and are told they can get away with it because they are carrying the movie on their shoulders.”
Guy Fieri. Dude looks like a chode with his frosted tips, but he raised $25 million for restaurant workers in 2020 and he frequently cooks for firefighters who are fighting wildfires in CA.
Elizabeth Olsen. I think she saw all the s**t her sisters went through and learned from it.
Rainn Wilson seems like an awesome dude IRL. He does a lot of charity work and collaborates with his wife on a podcast. When I was a teenager, I ran into him at an ice cream shop and asked him what it was like to be recognized everywhere he goes (this was during the peak Office years), and he sarcastically replied, 'It’s f**king terrible' before chuckling and telling me that he loves being able to meet fans and seeing people get excited when they run into him. He took a photo with my friends and then we were off.
Tom Hiddleston. I don’t think the man has ever done a single wrong thing on his career. I’ve only seen him be a gentleman and the kindest person ever. He’s literally an angel like wth. If all men were like Tom Hiddleston the world would be a better place :)
No but really if all men were half as respectful to women as he is there would be so many less problems in the world
Batista. The wife and I met him a couple years ago at a convention. Was surprised I was taller than him, but man was he jacked.
He put his arms around our shoulders for the picture and I noticed that he smelled *amazing*. Because I have the tendency to say stupid things while nervous, I said "wow you smell amazing", and without hesitation he replied "thank you, that means a lot", shook our hands and gave us a wink. Very brief interaction, but he came across as very genuine.
And no I don't know how big his d**k is before anyone asks.
Nice…up until that unnecessary last line. Pretty sure no one was going to ask.
Bryan Cranston. After I finished Breaking Bad, I filled that void by listening to Cranston's audiobook, his own narration of his autobiography. After listening to him tell his life story for 10 hours, there is not a doubt in my mind that he's about as close as one can be to the polar opposite of Walter White.
Breaking bad was amazing. Top 5 best shows ever made, and his performance was such a departure from anything he'd ever done it really cemented his acting chops. But...Malcolm in the middle will always be his greatest performance. As great as he was in BB....there's a stable of actors who could have taken his role and it still would have been one of the best shows ever made....there is absolutely no one else that could have played Hal.
Jeff Goldblum. In the interviews I've seen of him, especially on Conan, he comes across as genuinely authenticate and lovable. His bubbly personality makes him an anomaly in show business. I highly recommend you binge watch his interviews on Conan. Highly engaging and entertaining
A buddy want to a meet and greet thing or something along those lines that Elijah Wood was at and when it was my buddy's turn to take a picture he asked Elijah if he would jump on his back(buddy is a bigger guy 6'4" or 6'5") for the picture, if I recall right he said sure with out a hesitation and made an awesome photo that I will forever be jealous of.
So basically this is why Peter Jackson´s Lord of the rings was SO HUGE. When all of your cast are genuine good persons, then success is around the corner...
Taylor Swift
She may not be people's favorite artist, but by all accounts, she's a nice person.
Post Malone! He's super respectful, calls people sir & ma'am, he's very humble about his place in the world, and he's a huge dork! Caught him on an episode of Game Knights playing Commander (a card game format for Magic the Gathering) and it was a blast to watch!
Emma Stone from the people who have met her say she is one of the nicest people to meet
Hayden Panettiere, I've met the woman twice and she is a gem. At my city's comic expo she wiggled around the rules so some people could see her for free, *technically* she wasn't supposed to be at her booth until 2:00, so she'd show up early and I guess she'd justify people seeing her for free with "well, I don't start until 2:00 🤷🏼♀️." So yeah, she wouldn't start charging people for autographs and photos until it was actually time to.
Misha Collins is a peach, I had a friend who couldn't afford an autograph so when she went through the line she asked if he'd be her voicemail, since it wasn't an autograph he didn't charge her for it.
Because although he puts on a GREAT persona, BP has had people complain he's really a douche. But then again, I take all those stories with a grain of salt.
Load More Replies...I'm glad there are so many celebrities that are actually decent humans to help offset the awful ones.
I've been to many a comic-con and (briefly) met many a celebrity at them (Adam West, Miguel Ferrer, Kathy Najimy, Mindy Sterling, Buzz Aldrin, Scott Bakula, Clive Barker, and Doug Jones to name a few). With only one notable exception not listed here, every single one of them has been nice.
Load More Replies...Because although he puts on a GREAT persona, BP has had people complain he's really a douche. But then again, I take all those stories with a grain of salt.
Load More Replies...I'm glad there are so many celebrities that are actually decent humans to help offset the awful ones.
I've been to many a comic-con and (briefly) met many a celebrity at them (Adam West, Miguel Ferrer, Kathy Najimy, Mindy Sterling, Buzz Aldrin, Scott Bakula, Clive Barker, and Doug Jones to name a few). With only one notable exception not listed here, every single one of them has been nice.
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