Millennials Share 30 Things Generation Z Doesn’t Know About, And It Will Make You Feel Old
There is an ongoing (and it seems like a never-ending) discussion between the millennial generation kids and baby boomers. While the older folks are trying to prove that us young people are ruining the economy and basically the entire world, we millennials keep fighting back by blaming baby boomers for any minor inconvenience we stumble upon during the difficult period of growing up. Basically, both generations blame each other for everything that is wrong in this world, and we're not sure if there's any way to stop them. And while this fight about generation differences keeps evolving, a new, fresher and younger generation is slowly growing up only to find a new way to ruin the world that we live in. The so-called 'generation z' or 'Genz' are people that were born from the mid-1990s to mid-2000s. And even though the age difference between Genz and the millennial age might be small, there are some things that millennials grew up with that Gen z kids have no clue about. Bored Panda compiled a list of all the random things that the younger kids from different generation don't understand, and before you check it out, be careful, it might make you feel extremely old.
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Here in Finland we have Radio Nostalgia. Which is a channel that mostly plays songs from 1990's and 1980's. That is one of my favourite radio channels and I feel extremely old when I listen it. For me a radio channel called 'Radio Nostalgia' should play 1960's songs or older...
With a laser, duh. Though the real party trick was burning the title on top of the disk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LightScribe
Gameboy was the great granddaddy of the smartphones and apps of today. Boy, you better respect it.
Bet whatever you want that she knows pretty well Justin Timberlake still. Boy bands are merely a launchpad for artists, if they are good enough to continue. East 17 were way better anyway...lol
I loved the Mummy movie as a kid. And there was this other one where the devil was a hot woman and was trying to get Fraser's soul, it was a funny movie.
THOSE ARE LITTERED AROUND MY SCHOOL! The only problem is that they aren't working and no one is fixing them
Explain it like this: Imagine that every time an app crashed, you would have to turn off your phone, blow into it, then restart. Also imagine that when you downloaded an app, it was actually finished, and didn't require a patch twice a week to fix all of the bugs and add unnecessary updates.
I giggled, though some of the posts are stretching it a bit thin.
200 years later: ...and when I was your age, we had things called "pens", that we wrote with on "paper"- None of this microchip-telepathy nonsense. And we had to ride a "bus" to go to school, no transmatter portals in 2019...
I think it would be more fun/interesting to show Gen Z things from Gen X. There was such a rapid burst of change that it seems we went from the Flintstones to the Jetsons during that period.
I giggled, though some of the posts are stretching it a bit thin.
200 years later: ...and when I was your age, we had things called "pens", that we wrote with on "paper"- None of this microchip-telepathy nonsense. And we had to ride a "bus" to go to school, no transmatter portals in 2019...
I think it would be more fun/interesting to show Gen Z things from Gen X. There was such a rapid burst of change that it seems we went from the Flintstones to the Jetsons during that period.