People tend to think that only the seasoned veterans of life can be grumpy with their opinions. We often like to call out boomers for sharing their seemingly outdated takes on life, work, parenting, relationships, and technology. Yet sometimes, young people can also have opinions that aren't so progressive and "with the times."

Zoomers in this thread certainly seem to have their fair share of things to yell at a cloud about. When one young person online asked, "What's the most boomer complaint you have?", over 5,000 people came to share their hot takes. 

Take a look at them below, and let us know, Pandas, whether you agree with these opinions. And if you have any things that irritate you about today's world on a similar level, feel free to share them with others below!


Tesla car interior showcasing modern dashboard and steering wheel features, highlighting Gen Zers' tech preferences. I hate tech in cars. With a passion. I want a hand break. I want levers and dials and buttons with physical feedback.

Jonguar2 , Bram Van Oost Report

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Manana Man
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4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think a lot of people are becoming aware that a little tactile feedback, like from a button or dial, is easier and safer when you're in motion.

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Kids need to be taught that their actions have consequences, specially when it comes to “Prank” videos where people are just annoying in public. Other people are not NPCs, you are not the main character, and if you knock s**t out of my hands for a “prank” I will slap tf out of you, I don’t care how privileged you think you are. It’s so dystopian that the age of these creators keep getting younger and younger and we seriously need to address this problem more bc 10 year olds making “prank” videos are going to get themselves or someone else hurt.

    FirstDyad , Ron Lach Report

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    Liklik Snek
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Other people are not NPCs"... Once again and louder for the people in the back!!!

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    Person in a tan jacket holding a smartphone, connected to Gen Zers' opinions on Boomer complaints. Are you an app based company? NO? Then don't force me to download an app to use your service.

    I know you're just selling my info. Trying to profit off me twice. I will always give you 1 star for this. It's cheap and scammy.

    PleasantSalad , Ave Calvar Report

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    Jeff White
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Second most "correct" comment on this list. Sorry, nothing is worse than QR menus. Will you pay some of my phone bill if I get your restaurant's menu using my device?

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    Dimly lit restaurant interior with set tables, reflecting a Gen Z complaint environment. Why the hell is background music in restaurants and stores so god damn loud. Looking at you chipotle.

    Butters_gf , Adrien Olichon Report


    Gen Z individual on a city street using a smartphone, possibly sharing opinions on boomer complaints. Why does it take me 30minutes and pressing 20 buttons to get a real human on the phone.

    Expensive_Jeweler_73 , Nicolas Lobos Report

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    Jeff White
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know the answer ... because humans are expensive. Companies would rather have you give up or solve the problem themselves.

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    Classic car tail light and exhaust, illustrating a Gen Zer's boomer complaint. People who modify the exhaust on their car just to make it louder. I can tell the difference between a big engine and your wet fart machine.

    Ninjallammas , Justus Menke Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have the same feeling with Harleys. Yes, a good sounding bike IS kinda loud. But not volume for volume's sake, please

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    "Person with pink nails holding a smartphone displaying a blank screen, above a QR code card, symbolizing Gen Z takes." I *hate* QR code menus, I want physical menus like we've had for centuries.

    Bman1465 Report

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    David Fox
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How's this a 'boomer' complaint? I hate QR code menus too ...

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Elementary and Middle schooler do not need “graduation” ceremonies. Finishing those levels are the bare minimum of not being neglected.

    alxmg , National Cancer Institute Report

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    Julie S
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This isn't a thing in the UK you only have a graduation from university not from school.

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    Gen Zers using smartphones, illustrating "boomer complaints" and digital lifestyle perspectives. I don't want to put my data on the cloud i don't *really* know where it goes and I dont trust it.

    mycathaspurpleeyes , ROBIN WORRALL Report


    Gen Zer sitting by a window, looking contemplative, possibly reflecting on boomer complaints. People are too sensitive nowadays.

    Hear me out. Yes, it's great that we're becoming less tolerant of prejudice, but there are a******s everywhere. You need to be able to build up some resilience for your own sake.

    NuagesCraniales , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    Sergio Bicerra
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess in 10 years our vocabulary willl be about 10,000 words cause someone will get offended by the rest.

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    Retro camera and sunglasses on a brown textured background, evoking a nostalgic vibe. My husband made fun of me the other day because I went off on a "they don't make things like they used to" rant. But it's true!

    datasnorlax , Aoumeur Abderrahmen Report


    Smartphone on a notepad displaying the Instagram login screen, next to a black pen, representing Gen Z social media use. How everyone you meet asks for your social media profile. I don’t have any. You wanna talk to me, here’s my number.

    anon , Report


    Gen Zer using a smartphone on public transport, engaging in conversation or browsing while commuting. I hate that you need an app for everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love apps. I couldn’t get through my day without Spotify, YouTube, my banking apps, etc. but when f*****s like McDonald’s want me to get an app just so I can get menu items at their normal prices, they can f**k right off.

    helm_hammer_hand , Jacob Boavista Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some apps are justified, some aren't. You don't need all of them, but some give bonuses for having them. Never gonna turn down free food when I use an app.

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Planned Obsolescence.
    FuQ whoever invented that concept. In the bootyhole. With a cactus.

    My uncle has a 1949 Chevrolet deluxe. It still runs.

    I've got a GM double bay electric range I inherited from my dad. It's from the late 1950s... it Still works... everything on it, still works. It has saved me buying a new one for YEARS.

    There was a time when stuff got made locally by people who took real pride in craftsmanship.

    Now? it's all made with the assumption it'll be I'm a landfill 2 months after the warranty. We are more technologically advanced then ever but we make worse c**p than the boomers parents did. WTF?

    Brokenspade1 , Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz Report

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    Scott Rackley
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As far as appliances go, I think you're assuming malice where it's just plain cheapness. Thinner steel, thinner wires, plastic everywhere. Source: me, I worked in tooling for a place that rhymes with twirlcool.

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are “smart” appliances of any kind. More expensive because they’re trying to peddle it as something top of the line and new and awesome, then infinitely more expensive once your brand new item breaks after 3 weeks of owning it and you have no choice but to shell out money on top of money to make the damn thing work again, and there’s only like 1 guy in the whole state that works on the repairs for the f****n thing so the company can charge you 1 million dollars an hour. Add on the typical planned obsolescence and ruining our earth and resources for it all and you’ve got one angry b***h (me).

    clairvoyant69 , pubultrastar Report

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    Kira Okah
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Internet of Things is also just an unsecured backdoor into your home network.

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    Modern house with large glass windows and wood accents under a clear blue sky. Cities need to STOP BUILDING THOSE UGLY A*S EXPENSIVE CONDOS/APARTMENTS.

    I keep seeing wild grass fields and mass amounts of woodland being torn down for these abominable structures and it makes me so mad every time another micro habitat is destroyed for profit.

    Sapphire_01 , Expect Best Report

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    Mike F
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Grand Rapids is some of the worst for this. Nearly every week there is a big announcement about a new construction project in the works with a zillion condos and a huge retail space. There are so many houses that could be rehabbed to house the homeless, but we have to build more condos.

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Nobody seems to respect each other. Seriously, it's all "me me me me me" and they think they are entitled to respect without actually giving it to others.

    Madam_KayC , Getty Images Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some people, yes. But in some other cases people *finally* realised that they don't need to bow to every person who thinks themselves better. It's great that people learn to stand for themselves, even in face of authorities and elders.

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    Gen Zer on a bus, wearing glasses and a striped shirt, focused on their phone. Why is everyone always on their f*****g phones? When I see friend groups all sitting around on their phones instead of talking to each other it's depressing.

    Having phones banned at schools is actually not a bad idea. Kids are glued to their screens all day then complain they have bad social skills or no friends which is just... come on now. And I'm no extrovert myself but at least make an effort.

    Greenjets , Getty Images Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Before phones there were walkmans and books, and MP3... And these kids ARE talking to each other, it's just that their culture nowadays is in big part based on sending things to each other and commenting on it. Believe me, they do know how to spend time with their friends outside of their phones very well too.

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    Gen Z person smiling, wearing a striped shirt and green jacket, stands against a yellow striped wall. I’m sorry but that broccoli haircut is just awful.

    RobotMathematician , mimagephotography Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Meh. Hairstyles come and go quickly, and everyone should feel comfortable wearing their hair however they want. It's just hair; it grows, it changes, and it's completely harmless how anyone wears it.

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Why do people say "literally" when they mean figuratively?

    uglydadd , Jeswin Thomas Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unfortunately, though this annoys me as well, the actual meaning of "literally" is "as written". It literally does not mean what you think it means.

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Idk that this is really a boomer take but there’s no more honor or respect in our society anymore. I try to be as nice and positive as I can to people around me and I want to help people and make peoples lives better but it just doesn’t feel like you can do that anymore. It’s like if I’m driving and see someone stuck on the side of the road I want to help them but it’s like there’s a 50/50 chance I either get robbed or they freak out thinking I’m going to hurt them or something since it’s almost unheard of that people just help eachother. It feels like nobody knows their neighbors anymore and community is dead. People only care about themselves these days and it makes the collective attitude incredibly sour. There’s so many negative people in this world that it makes it hard to stay positive when every time you are you just get shut down or it’s not reciprocated. People have become so self centered and entitled these days.

    BigCheese18 , laura adai Report


    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Sometimes it’s you. Get over yourself.

    All over social media I’ll see people ranting about having social anxiety/depression/having a mental illness and not getting invited places. And while I *want* to have sympathy, a lot of the time I’m like “damn, I can see why.”

    Some people are just such a pill.

    Talk to whoever, and heal whatever you need to heal, but don’t be expecting a party invite if all you do is sit in a corner or talk about a dead pet.

    ResurgentRS , Marten Bjork Report

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    4 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is complicated. The catch 22 of feeling that way is that you want to do something but can't. I have nothing but feelings on this, but just like global warming is the rapid change of temperature and the inability to have enough time to adjust. Our society has changed so rapidly since the industrial revolution, I am not sure if humans have had time to adjust. Our society is plentiful, but our brain has been engineered through generations of scarcity. Even having too much entertainment could mess with us, and the fact that we have social media now has messed with us. Our brains are trying to adjust and it isn't pretty

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    A vintage teal fridge in a rustic kitchen setting with leafy wall decor, highlighting boomer nostalgia. Why does my grandmother's fridge from the 50s still work like factory new when my GPU supposedly made with much better technology dont last me 4 years after 3 problems begin.

    CapitanChao , Mohamed Jamil Latrach Report


    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are Please stop having your family reunion in the middle of grocery store aisles.

    Pseudobreal , Getty Images Report

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    4 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was always this way, especially in small towns where most people know each other. It's not a modern thing

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are School dress codes are necessary and we *should* call out underage and barely legal kids for dressing in inherently sexual clothing as dressing inappropriately, as well as young people wearing their literal pajamas in public.

    I’m sorry, if I were a male teacher and my students were wearing daisy dukes shorts and sports bras by themselves , I would be uncomfortable. It is a child wearing clothing that is extremely revealing even for adults. School dress codes are about teaching kids how to dress in public. As my mom would say: “too many kids out here are dressing like ragamuffins”. I like loungewear and it’s fine for public use, but Jesus, do you not respect yourself enough to put on a pair of sweatpants that aren’t pilled and stained? It’s disgusting.

    Chimkimnuggets , Curated Lifestyle Report

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    Kaia Martin
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    in australia most schools have uniforms and even though its annoying it works perfectly fine

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    You Wouldn’t Expect Young People To Be Annoyed About These 35 Things, But They Are The state of health care in America. What used to be a noble profession has been reduced to a profit grab by limiting access and controlling the access you do get. Follow up? Urgent need? Diagnosis? It’s you and the internet.

    Stevia_Sweete , Online Marketing Report

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    Janelle Collard
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    4 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And people wondered why nobody cared the United Heathcare guy got taken out.

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    Young woman with curly hair gazing out window, surrounded by plants, reflecting a modern take on boomer complaints. How people absolutely refuse to pick up their phones. Believe me, I’m a 99% text me kinda of guy. But there are certain times like when my car is on fire and I need you to pick up your f**cking phone and people still refuse to lol.

    ImportTuner808 , Yan Krukau Report


    If I am at a store and they say no order it online. I am already at your shop just order it for me at least because then what's the point of going in person?!

    anon Report

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    4 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had the most refreshing experience at a bookstore today. They didn't have my author in stock, so she looked it up and said she would order it in for me, to their store. I felt so relaxed not hunting down a reliable provider and not being glued to my phone just to get a freaking book.

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    The number of abbreviations there are now. There are some that are just nonsensical!

    nsfw_vs_sfw Report

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    fly on the wall
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes damn it. If you have something to say then say it. This is not supposed to be charades

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    Video Games have changed so much.
    Buy consoles, games, subscription for online, gotta have wifi, dlcs for complete game, buying games that devs don't care if there are bugs.. I can go on about this

    Another is physically owning things - games, movies, music, etc. it's all subscriptions and online stored you're paying things to rent never physically own.

    drinkmeaway Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 is my fave game site b/c it's indie, they have a lot of free games, and they're not predatory with their monetization

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    Gen Zer in a car, wearing wireless earbuds and a cross earring, expressing modern generational viewpoints. I cannot stand everyone walking around with airpods in all the time.

    Longjumping-Care3674 , cottonbro studio Report

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    Jp Goat
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Born in the 70's grew up in the 80's always had headphones on as a kid. Wired ones obviously

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    What is the point of a screen on a fridge. All it does is add to the price. What will you do with that screen, you want to look up something or take a picture you have an amazing thing called a PHONE. There is genuinely no point of this, especially when you take it over a water or ice dispenser.

    SSY727 Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, I don't see the point either. I installed a new kitchen last year and instead opted for one with a separate, lighted, glass door in the top half, so you can see drinks and other frequently used items before opening, then you don't need to open the whole door to get to them. Brilliant, it is.

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    Two motorcyclists on dirt bikes in action, showcasing outdoor adventure and energy. I f*****g hate motorbikes. They're obnoxiously loud.

    EliteMushroomMan Report

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    Sergio Bicerra
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've seen people changing their exhaust to sound leven louder. South Park was right.

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    AI is horrible and should be banned. it makes people's unique skills and talents less valuable. i've never used chatgpt because i think it's stupid and encouraging society to be more stupid. "it just helps me write better assignments and emails" too bad you should just work harder to be a better writer or if you're in a business you should hire a professional writer for those tasks.

    lily_fairy Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As with every technology it can be used for bad or for good things. I.e. recently there was this news about AI recognizing early stages of breast cancer on scans. It *definitely* should be heavily regulated when it comes to stealing art etc. But it does help other people too. My sister has anxiety and is heavily overthinking everything, especially when she has to write something. She treats ChatGPT as her "training ground" and it helps her formulate her thoughts. It's not always about "just working harder and doing better", sometimes you just have an issue and if AI can help you with that, then why not use it?

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    Paper grocery bags filled with apples, bananas, cabbage, and rolls on a wooden floor; represents Gen Zers' lifestyle habits. The people don’t bag our groceries at the grocery store anymore and they will start scanning the next persons groceries before we’re even halfway done getting ours together, suddenly we’re feeling rushed to death and the next persons groceries are lumped in a pile with ours on a small space. pisses me right off.

    denyseairme , Maria Lin Kim Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most countries do not have someone else packing your groceries, learn to do it yourself, and if you have a lot af groceries just dump them back in the cart and find a quiet corner to pack them. And if you are grumbling about someone being slow to pack, ask if you can help.

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    I don’t know if this is boomer necessarily, but parents having WAY too much sway over how schools are run. I graduated in 2021. I’ve seen several teachers have to change their policies, courses and even at one point had to become less funny because they were getting complaints from parents who wanted the teacher removed. I’ve had coaches fired because they dared to say “f**k” and yelled at the kids for not doing their jobs. At my old high school, currently they have two new Language Arts teachers, the previous ones having been fired for reading “To Kill a Mockingbird” in class, a science teacher who was also the head football coach fired for yelling loudly at the running backs during the state championship game, a history teacher who was accused of “promoting racism” by having a demonstration of racial segregation by randomly assigning certain students a “race” when talking about the civil rights movement (keep in mind it was apparently only that that pissed some parents off, not his world war 1 demonstration where two sets of desks were lined up to act as trenches or any of his other demonstrations) so now he’s not allowed to do anything but just lecture, and several other teachers who aren’t even close to what they used to be because the parents complained about some minor thing.

    Varsity_Reviews Report

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    Tropical Tarot
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kids need a basic education about the history of this country and the good and bad things that we have done. We are in a world society now we can't go back to sticking our heads in the sand and say you're not our country not our problem. I've seen books banned because they talk about child abuse and how the authors got out of it and survived in spite of it. Don't you think kids going through that need to know they're not alone?

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    They think we’re rich.

    (I now see I’m supposed to pretend I’m a boomer)

    I truly believe if you have face tattoos you’ve punched a woman.

    Murles-Brazen Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I truly believe that face is one of the very few places where you shouldn't have a tattoo. Not because of "woman punching" - because it's hard to cover if/when you don't want too see it or if you are required to cover it.

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    I have a few. One, you’re not that busy, you’re just glued to your phone and have poor time management. The amount of people I come across who say they’re so busy, but glued to their phone is appalling. I’m on my phone a decent amount, but I also answer people. I’m also working 3 jobs and I still get back to people.
    My other one is middle school girls dressing like full fledge adults. It’s so scary and gross. You say this and you’re mean, but it’s so concerning from a mental health perspective and the viewpoint of predators. Let children be children.

    Ambitious_Yam1677 Report

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    Dawn Marie
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a 2nd grader, yes that is right, a 2nd grader, that I tutor online who poses for the camera and does the kisses like a hooker. She even wears lipstick!! Her tops are skimpy and it's just a mess. I don't understand.

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    Person in a white sweater using a smartphone, illustrating Gen Zers expressing their "Boomer complaints." Stop making me 2FA for everything. I don't know where my phone is. I didn't get the text.

    saintpetejackboy , Kelli McClintock Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Stop using abbreviations like "2FA". I have no idea what that is.

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    Water should be free at any restaurant. In Europe they kept trying to push drinks on me but I don’t drink alcohol or soda. Was surprised when my water showed up on the bill.

    whatisapillarman Report

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    Kira Okah
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Water here is free in a restaurant, UK. It has to be available.

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    American flag waving against a clear blue sky, representing classic boomer ideals and values. People who come to live in America should learn English. I don't care if you come here legally, illegally, or what, but just learn basic English. Yes I know English is not the official language, but that doesn't mean anything, English is the most spoken language.

    People who don't learn English are an inconvenience to others and hinder themselves. it's even worse when people don't teach their children english. If I was going to another country for even a few days, I would learn some of the language.

    jimmyl_82104 , David Dibert Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Right! I couldn’t imagine moving to another country and not learning the language.

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    Gen Z students in school hallway, one holding a basketball, discussing "boomer complaints" near orange lockers. Young people these days can't seem to sit down, shut up, and enjoy the moment; it's always Go! Go! Go! I blame smartphones and the virtually unrestricted access to the internet. Seriously, chill out, breathe, and just sit. Don't pull out your phone, just sit, relax, and observe; the world ain't goin' nowhere.

    Th34sa8arty , Getty Images Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kids in any days could not sit down, shut up and enjoy the moment either. Just because they didn't have smart phones doesn't mean they were any less prone to boredom.

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    Gen Zer in blue shirt using laptop outdoors, likely sharing thoughts on boomer complaints. Why is everything going to the computer? Job applications, sign ins at doctors, various other things. Sometimes I just want to have a physical copy. But i also don't want to hear my actual boomer mom and step father complaining about how they can't do it and need my help.

    Mewlover23 , Buro Millennial Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Boomer here. My computer has a `find` command. My house doesn't. Things are better now (at least in that respect).

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    My town is losing its character.

    Because the real estate developers want giant single-family homes rather than mixed-use buildings.

    Knuf_Wons Report

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    Kira Okah
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    4 days ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My hometown has one end of its high street currently failing, it's mostly Victorian/Edwardian buildings with a legal height limit of two storeys to not disrupt the character of the town. Three 100+ year old buildings were recently destroyed there, and each location has the land purchaser trying to circumvent/get an exemption to the two storey limitation so they can build 7+ storey ugly box tower blocks there.

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    Young man wearing earbuds and smartwatch, deep in thought, possibly reflecting on Gen Z's boomer complaints. I don't like the current music (from like around 2020 to today), kids these days act and dress like grown-ups while they're really not and are being annoying in general, technology is starting to get too much with the free access to AI because not everyone is using it for good causes.

    Top_Trainer_6359 , Nappy Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every generation says it about newer generations music. Yes, I don't understand the popularity of many current artists - but I am also well aware that it's because I am starting to be "too old for this", as sad as it is

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    Unless I'm in a hurry I'd much rather use my card then Google pay.

    tgalvin1999 Report

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    Don't listen to me
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's for all those people who literally live with their phone in their hand all the time. So it's easier for them to just switch apps. I couldn't bear to live like that myself. I like to actually use my hands for all kinds of things.

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    I’m not respecting neo-pronouns, you will get bullied.

    -a gay.

    Fury57 Report

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    Aroace tiger (she/they/he)
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The thing is. Some people refuse to say they because its plural and tell us to make new pronouns. But if we do they get this response. Does it hurt anyone? No. So just let them be happy and respect their pronouns.

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    In my college dorm, you could hear skateboarders from the 5th floor at like, 3am. It was getting annoying.

    a_burdie_from_hell Report

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    Dawn Marie
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No respect for others is getting worse and worse.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Kids are being so messed up by unrestricted internet access. The iPads are deep frying their brains before they even get a chance to use them. I keep seeing videos and comments from teachers about how poorly students are doing, kids can’t even read, think critically, and are just being pushed through to the next grade even if they fail. I’m so worried for the future when these kids grow up and are let loose on the rest of us.

    ____SPIDERWOMAN____ Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Adults don't think critically, I don't think it is the iPads. Unfortunately this isn't going away and we need to figure it out.

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    People ought to drive slightly above the speed limit. There’s no need to go too fast or too slow for an extended time. I also hate you if you tailgate or if your car is too loud.

    chieftain_ajns Report


    I’m just going to build my own god damn furniture because theirs sucks a*s. I’ve got exactly one woodworking class from middle school under my belt. But I’ll bet I can still do it better than the cheap c**p we’re getting charged for now.

    CollynMalkin Report


    Children holding colorful foam cylinders outdoors, representing playful teamwork. This generation doesn't go outside anymore.

    WelPhuc , Kateryna Hliznitsova Report

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    Nathan Lewis
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Have you seen outside lately? gone are the days of being able to ride bikes in the street and I haven't lived in a place with a front or back yard in 12 years.

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    Damn teenagers blasting their terrible music in public, half the time they’re older than me but I’m still thinking ‘Damn youths and their bunk’.

    TheElderBasilisk Report

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    Randy Sanders
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a boomer and musician. I learn new things all the time. Look past the me too music.


    I hate what mrbeast did to YouTube with his hyper optimisation of the algorithm (people call it "mrbeastification"). I prefer slower paced more story based content like what was more prominent on old school YouTube, not "let's crush this Lamborghini and scream into the mic for 20 minutes".

    lichwastaken Report


    Gen Zer wearing glasses, a mask, and earbuds, reflecting modern style and technology preferences. I don’t like when retail, grocery, or fast food workers work with an AirPod in.

    SummerWhiteyFisk , I'm Zion Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why do you care? Those jobs SUCK live and let live. Music helps get through the day and you can still do your job perfectly fine. A lot of places require an earpiece to communicate with the store.

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    There needs to be a simplified Microsoft word and PowerPoint so you don’t need to click through a thousand vague icons to get what you want.

    open_reading_frame Report


    People need to dress like adults at work. I'm a graphic designer who's worked along the banking, finance, and healthcare industries, and people always tended to dress in business attire, and if they didn't they still tried to put together something that conveyed they put in the effort to be professional.

    So when I've worked with other designers or design adjacent roles, everyone tends to dress like artists headed to a park concert, and it's hard to take them seriously. I know that this is self-expression as creatives, and I should gauge their work not their attire but when you put effort into presenting yourself like a professional in front of others it means you also put in the effort into your work.

    Also, take off your hat when you enter a building.

    anon Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Old fart. Wear whatever you want. Let everyone wear whatever they want. (Signed, a boomer who used to wear a smart suit and tie to work for a decade or two).

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    Stores are turning us into employees. I am not the cashier and I am not the person that puts the shopping carts away. Every time you put a shopping cart back you're taking away someone's job. Stop it. Yeah, it seems like common courtesy, but it's not when you realize that someone needs that job.

    HelloThisIsPam Report

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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But at least put it in the cart corral! Leaving it blocking other parking spots or walkways is just a d**k move.

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    I think if u order a burger it should automatically come with fries and a drink why I gotta buy a burger and then pay an additional like 5 dollars for a fries and a bev.

    Horns_in_Nyc Report

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    Kira Okah
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    4 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So what if I just want the borger? Or I'm not going to touch a fountain drink? Drink dispensers can be naaaasty.

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