People tend to think that only the seasoned veterans of life can be grumpy with their opinions. We often like to call out boomers for sharing their seemingly outdated takes on life, work, parenting, relationships, and technology. Yet sometimes, young people can also have opinions that aren't so progressive and "with the times."
Zoomers in this thread certainly seem to have their fair share of things to yell at a cloud about. When one young person online asked, "What's the most boomer complaint you have?", over 5,000 people came to share their hot takes.
Take a look at them below, and let us know, Pandas, whether you agree with these opinions. And if you have any things that irritate you about today's world on a similar level, feel free to share them with others below!
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I hate tech in cars. With a passion. I want a hand break. I want levers and dials and buttons with physical feedback.
I think a lot of people are becoming aware that a little tactile feedback, like from a button or dial, is easier and safer when you're in motion.
Kids need to be taught that their actions have consequences, specially when it comes to “Prank” videos where people are just annoying in public. Other people are not NPCs, you are not the main character, and if you knock s**t out of my hands for a “prank” I will slap tf out of you, I don’t care how privileged you think you are. It’s so dystopian that the age of these creators keep getting younger and younger and we seriously need to address this problem more bc 10 year olds making “prank” videos are going to get themselves or someone else hurt.
"Other people are not NPCs"... Once again and louder for the people in the back!!!
Are you an app based company? NO? Then don't force me to download an app to use your service.
I know you're just selling my info. Trying to profit off me twice. I will always give you 1 star for this. It's cheap and scammy.
Second most "correct" comment on this list. Sorry, nothing is worse than QR menus. Will you pay some of my phone bill if I get your restaurant's menu using my device?
Why the hell is background music in restaurants and stores so god damn loud. Looking at you chipotle.
Why does it take me 30minutes and pressing 20 buttons to get a real human on the phone.
You know the answer ... because humans are expensive. Companies would rather have you give up or solve the problem themselves.
People who modify the exhaust on their car just to make it louder. I can tell the difference between a big engine and your wet fart machine.
Elementary and Middle schooler do not need “graduation” ceremonies. Finishing those levels are the bare minimum of not being neglected.
Self driving cars are such a terrifying concept.
I think they should ban TikTok.
I don't want to put my data on the cloud i don't *really* know where it goes and I dont trust it.
People are too sensitive nowadays.
Hear me out. Yes, it's great that we're becoming less tolerant of prejudice, but there are a******s everywhere. You need to be able to build up some resilience for your own sake.
I guess in 10 years our vocabulary willl be about 10,000 words cause someone will get offended by the rest.
My husband made fun of me the other day because I went off on a "they don't make things like they used to" rant. But it's true!
How everyone you meet asks for your social media profile. I don’t have any. You wanna talk to me, here’s my number.
I hate that you need an app for everything. Don’t get me wrong, I love apps. I couldn’t get through my day without Spotify, YouTube, my banking apps, etc. but when f*****s like McDonald’s want me to get an app just so I can get menu items at their normal prices, they can f**k right off.
Planned Obsolescence.
FuQ whoever invented that concept. In the bootyhole. With a cactus.
My uncle has a 1949 Chevrolet deluxe. It still runs.
I've got a GM double bay electric range I inherited from my dad. It's from the late 1950s... it Still works... everything on it, still works. It has saved me buying a new one for YEARS.
There was a time when stuff got made locally by people who took real pride in craftsmanship.
Now? it's all made with the assumption it'll be I'm a landfill 2 months after the warranty. We are more technologically advanced then ever but we make worse c**p than the boomers parents did. WTF?
As far as appliances go, I think you're assuming malice where it's just plain cheapness. Thinner steel, thinner wires, plastic everywhere. Source: me, I worked in tooling for a place that rhymes with twirlcool.
“smart” appliances of any kind. More expensive because they’re trying to peddle it as something top of the line and new and awesome, then infinitely more expensive once your brand new item breaks after 3 weeks of owning it and you have no choice but to shell out money on top of money to make the damn thing work again, and there’s only like 1 guy in the whole state that works on the repairs for the f****n thing so the company can charge you 1 million dollars an hour. Add on the typical planned obsolescence and ruining our earth and resources for it all and you’ve got one angry b***h (me).
I keep seeing wild grass fields and mass amounts of woodland being torn down for these abominable structures and it makes me so mad every time another micro habitat is destroyed for profit.
Grand Rapids is some of the worst for this. Nearly every week there is a big announcement about a new construction project in the works with a zillion condos and a huge retail space. There are so many houses that could be rehabbed to house the homeless, but we have to build more condos.
Nobody seems to respect each other. Seriously, it's all "me me me me me" and they think they are entitled to respect without actually giving it to others.
Why is everyone always on their f*****g phones? When I see friend groups all sitting around on their phones instead of talking to each other it's depressing.
Having phones banned at schools is actually not a bad idea. Kids are glued to their screens all day then complain they have bad social skills or no friends which is just... come on now. And I'm no extrovert myself but at least make an effort.
Before phones there were walkmans and books, and MP3... And these kids ARE talking to each other, it's just that their culture nowadays is in big part based on sending things to each other and commenting on it. Believe me, they do know how to spend time with their friends outside of their phones very well too.
I’m sorry but that broccoli haircut is just awful.
Meh. Hairstyles come and go quickly, and everyone should feel comfortable wearing their hair however they want. It's just hair; it grows, it changes, and it's completely harmless how anyone wears it.
Idk that this is really a boomer take but there’s no more honor or respect in our society anymore. I try to be as nice and positive as I can to people around me and I want to help people and make peoples lives better but it just doesn’t feel like you can do that anymore. It’s like if I’m driving and see someone stuck on the side of the road I want to help them but it’s like there’s a 50/50 chance I either get robbed or they freak out thinking I’m going to hurt them or something since it’s almost unheard of that people just help eachother. It feels like nobody knows their neighbors anymore and community is dead. People only care about themselves these days and it makes the collective attitude incredibly sour. There’s so many negative people in this world that it makes it hard to stay positive when every time you are you just get shut down or it’s not reciprocated. People have become so self centered and entitled these days.
Sometimes it’s you. Get over yourself.
All over social media I’ll see people ranting about having social anxiety/depression/having a mental illness and not getting invited places. And while I *want* to have sympathy, a lot of the time I’m like “damn, I can see why.”
Some people are just such a pill.
Talk to whoever, and heal whatever you need to heal, but don’t be expecting a party invite if all you do is sit in a corner or talk about a dead pet.
It is complicated. The catch 22 of feeling that way is that you want to do something but can't. I have nothing but feelings on this, but just like global warming is the rapid change of temperature and the inability to have enough time to adjust. Our society has changed so rapidly since the industrial revolution, I am not sure if humans have had time to adjust. Our society is plentiful, but our brain has been engineered through generations of scarcity. Even having too much entertainment could mess with us, and the fact that we have social media now has messed with us. Our brains are trying to adjust and it isn't pretty
Why are teens so dang loud in public spaces.
Why does my grandmother's fridge from the 50s still work like factory new when my GPU supposedly made with much better technology dont last me 4 years after 3 problems begin.
Please stop having your family reunion in the middle of grocery store aisles.
School dress codes are necessary and we *should* call out underage and barely legal kids for dressing in inherently sexual clothing as dressing inappropriately, as well as young people wearing their literal pajamas in public.
I’m sorry, if I were a male teacher and my students were wearing daisy dukes shorts and sports bras by themselves , I would be uncomfortable. It is a child wearing clothing that is extremely revealing even for adults. School dress codes are about teaching kids how to dress in public. As my mom would say: “too many kids out here are dressing like ragamuffins”. I like loungewear and it’s fine for public use, but Jesus, do you not respect yourself enough to put on a pair of sweatpants that aren’t pilled and stained? It’s disgusting.
in australia most schools have uniforms and even though its annoying it works perfectly fine
The state of health care in America. What used to be a noble profession has been reduced to a profit grab by limiting access and controlling the access you do get. Follow up? Urgent need? Diagnosis? It’s you and the internet.
And people wondered why nobody cared the United Heathcare guy got taken out.
How people absolutely refuse to pick up their phones. Believe me, I’m a 99% text me kinda of guy. But there are certain times like when my car is on fire and I need you to pick up your f**cking phone and people still refuse to lol.
If I am at a store and they say no order it online. I am already at your shop just order it for me at least because then what's the point of going in person?!
I had the most refreshing experience at a bookstore today. They didn't have my author in stock, so she looked it up and said she would order it in for me, to their store. I felt so relaxed not hunting down a reliable provider and not being glued to my phone just to get a freaking book.
The number of abbreviations there are now. There are some that are just nonsensical!
Yes damn it. If you have something to say then say it. This is not supposed to be charades
Video Games have changed so much.
Buy consoles, games, subscription for online, gotta have wifi, dlcs for complete game, buying games that devs don't care if there are bugs.. I can go on about this
Another is physically owning things - games, movies, music, etc. it's all subscriptions and online stored you're paying things to rent never physically own. is my fave game site b/c it's indie, they have a lot of free games, and they're not predatory with their monetization
Im not a fan of people walking ON MY LAWN 😂😂😂.
I cannot stand everyone walking around with airpods in all the time.
My boomer complaint: seems like so many are comfortable saying cruel things about complete strangers under the guise of "just my opinion". We used to be taught if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. And if you wouldn't say it to their face, you shouldn't say it anonymously on the internet.
I've got one that I don't believe has been mentioned. What's with all the picture icons instead of text? It' feels like we're going back to pictographs, and I'm having to learn a whole new language. My work computer recently got updated to Windows 11, and now when I right-click on a file I don't get the Cut, Copy, Paste options in text. Now they're little pictures. That's just one example, and it's certainly not the only one.
Load More Replies...And these weren't really boomer specific complaints...
Load More Replies...My complaint is I don't care what is trending online. Id rather not hear about the new dumb challenge people are doing either. I'm focusing on reality.
My boomer complaint: seems like so many are comfortable saying cruel things about complete strangers under the guise of "just my opinion". We used to be taught if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. And if you wouldn't say it to their face, you shouldn't say it anonymously on the internet.
I've got one that I don't believe has been mentioned. What's with all the picture icons instead of text? It' feels like we're going back to pictographs, and I'm having to learn a whole new language. My work computer recently got updated to Windows 11, and now when I right-click on a file I don't get the Cut, Copy, Paste options in text. Now they're little pictures. That's just one example, and it's certainly not the only one.
Load More Replies...And these weren't really boomer specific complaints...
Load More Replies...My complaint is I don't care what is trending online. Id rather not hear about the new dumb challenge people are doing either. I'm focusing on reality.