Nothing showcases love and compassion for one another like spending some time together. Sitting around and just chatting can get a bit boring — to the rescue come games for couples to enjoy together. After all, the fun time spent together is time worth remembering. There are a lot of games for couples to play either on their own or with other couple friends. As the saying goes, “the more the merrier.” But with so many fun games for couples to choose from — how large is the game assortment?
Three types of games dominate the genre of couple games. One of the most popular ones is drinking games for couples. As the name gives away, these games require you to involve some alcoholic beverages. But remember to drink moderately or switch to virgin or non-alcoholic options! There are also card games for couples who want to test each other on the intellectual side. However, a warning before playing them — some people hate to be the losers at card games. On the other hand, there are the classic question games for couples who want to know each other better, which are simple to set up.
If you are looking for the best games for couples to enjoy, look no further. You don’t even need to google it — look down below at the list we have compiled. You can find some cool games there, but if you still have doubts, share them with your friend. Upvote the games that sound fun to you and comment under the ones that you tried and enjoyed.
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Cinematic Synonyms
The game is simple — you take a title of a known film, book, or series and change it to a close synonym. For instance, Green Book becomes Emerald Story, and Gone Girl becomes Away Woman. Playing this game, you and your companion each list a few synonymous names for movies you enjoy and take turns quizzing one another to see who can guess the actual titles correctly.
Board Games
Nothing beats a good old board game. From Monopoly to Risk – couples can enjoy even the most basic board games. So why are you waiting? Blow off the dust from that board game resting in your closet and go wild. If you want to spice it up a bit for your partner, put a sweet award for the winner at the end.
Look for modern Board games. There are sooo many far Better than Monopoly or so. For two people or more i personally like: (i can only Tell the titles in German) Der kartograph, maus & Mystik, Piraten kapern, descent 3rd Edition (the one with an needed App. It's worth it!!) kingdom builder, tiny epic dungeons, dungeons petz......
Video Games
These days, the media that has conquered the entertainment world is video games. You can play them on your computer or gaming console. Cooperative games are picking up speed, so it would be wise to include your loved one in this activity, even if they are bad at playing. If you have the needed patience, you can teach anyone you want to play video games.
If one of you is a perfectionist and a precisionist and the other is not, however, this can lead to... a lot of stress and arguments over something that is supposed to be "fun". Speaking from years of experience :(
Online Escape Room
It’s fun to escape from a puzzle room in real life, but what about a digital one? Play online escape games if you enjoy them but don’t want to leave the coziness of your couch. The required teamwork, communication, and puzzle-solving will undoubtedly strengthen your connection.
Romantic Scavenger Hunt
Who doesn't like a good old treasure hunt that makes you feel like a pirate from the Pirates of the Caribbean? You can play it with kids and with your loved ones. To play it with your loved one, just create a quest, a storyline that can be easily followed, with a sweet prize at the end of it.
Two-Person Cook Off
Challenge your loved one to a cook-off if you want to heat up your rivalry in the kitchen. If neither of you is a skilled chef, it might be as simple as decorating pre-made personal pizzas, or you can take it a step further with dishes made from scratch. Let's face it, when the prize involves food, everyone wins.
You Laugh, You Lose
The best medicine is laughter, and the You Laugh, You Lose game will make you so happy that you'll want to play it all the time. The best feature of this game is that all you need to play it is an online streaming provider. Watch any amusing video, but try not to laugh too much — the person who starts laughing first will be punished. How? It’s completely up to you.
One Word One Answer
To play One Word — One Answer, start with any word that pops into your mind. The other partner responds with another word that advances the conversation. The aim? To tell the love story of the two of you by just completing each other's ideas till you both feel it is complete. A cute and "awww"-inducing game you might enjoy.
Card Games
Cards are the best thing ever invented… probably. It’s just the perfect way to pass the time when you have a lot of it. Get a full deck of cards and pick out one of the many games you can play.
Pyramid Of Coins
A house of cards has nothing when compared to a Pyramid Of Coins. Fill up a glass with rice and put down some coins near the cup. The couples who play this game should try to construct a tower of money on the rice platform. Whoever constructs the tallest pyramid wins. One minute is the time restriction.
Roleplaying is possible not only in the RPG games like Elder Scrolls or Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, but you can also play it in real life. Add some variety by adding romantic elements, and roleplay your favorite characters from the movies you like. Try to act and speak in the same style and phrases as that character.
Search for LARP (live Action roleplay) Events! There are different kinds and settings (with or without life points to count during the game; medieval, fantasy, apocalypse and other settings; fight lasting or more riddles...) It's Hard to imagine what LARPs are like, if you never played in them. It is like a theatre for yourself and the other actors. Everyone has a role, there is a plot and than you stay in character and explore the story which enrolls during this game. Often the plot is very loose so nobody knows, what the Story will become. Be free but stay in character. A little like playing as a child
Origami Challenge
Origami is not some black magic like the kids in South Park believe — it is just paper art. Origami is fun to do and easy to learn the basics of. You need some pieces of paper, no matter the color, and, if you aren’t a pro already, a tutorial video that could guide you. Challenge your partner to see who is faster in creating the most elusive origami creations.
Guess The Movie
A game that either requires a lot of setting up, like PowerPoint presentations, or just access to the internet. If you want a professional game and have the time, create a presentation filled with movie scenes, quotes, and facts. If it's a spur-of-the-moment thing, grab your phone and go wild with the movies.
Ding Dong Ditch
This Ding Dong Ditch game is more enjoyable than the one that toddlers play. Yes, you will be ringing doorbells and scurrying away before anyone opens the door, but you will also leave a surprise behind for folks. A small gift for example. It would be a nice surprise for them. A win-win situation.
Who doesn’t like to act out a scene or mimic someone in a goofy manner? Charades allow us to do this, and if the other person, the guesser, guesses incorrectly — he will be the goofy goober of the situation. It’s an innocent game that can be enjoyed with other couples, even if none of the players are professional actors!
Scrabble, But With A Twist
Test out your dictionary skills by playing a game of Scrabble. This game is the perfect way to demonstrate your English skills to your partner. But just be careful, sometimes even an innocent game of Scrabble can lead to some nasty arguments afterwards. If you find yourself stuck, pick up the Oxford English Dictionary, the perfect bug crusher, and Scrabble de-jure rule book.
Sink The Ship
In this alternative version of the game, which we called Don’t Sink The Ship, you just need two drinking glasses — one, a larger one, filled with some kind of alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverage, and a shot glass on the top so that it floats (like a jager-bomb). The point of the game is to pour another liquid into the shot glass in little amounts without sinking it. Hence the name — Don’t Sink The Ship. The loser gets to “save” the glass by drinking the entire contents in the glass. However, if the beverage is delicious, are you really the loser?
Progressive Story
This game, a campfire favorite, is also excellent for road trips, quiet periods at home, or anywhere else. The second person must interject with a word once the first person finishes their story. Continue going back and forth until you have a funny (or spooky) story. So if you want to reveal your creative side to your loved one, this game is the perfect way to do it.
Guess The Tune
We all like to think that we are musicians. Or at least pretend to be. One of the best couple games is a guessing game of Guess The Tune. First, you listen to a couple of seconds of a popular song, and then make a guess. If you get the artist and title of the song correct, you win!
The game of chess is called by many names — the game of wits, the battlefield of intellect, or, in the medieval ages, the game of love. Chess wasn’t always a game of theory. Masters in the old days played it to tell a story. So if you have a chess set and want to create something lovely with your partner, be like the old gamemasters — tell a story through the pieces on the board.
Sometimes, all you need to do to have a good time is to explore the city that stands around you. To the rescue comes the happily named Nudgetext. Its purpose? To show you the nearby entertainment venues that could help you pass some time while in the city with your "partner in crime."
Twenty Questions
How well do you know the pop culture that is growing around us? Do you know more than your partner? Well, it's about time to test it. Just think of a pop culture figure. The point of the game? To find out who it is by using twenty questions and only answering with "yes" or "no." An easy game to pass the time together.
Write Poems
Do you have a creative partner? Or do you ever long for an opportunity to reveal your artistic side? Maybe you want to pretend for a while that you're living inside a Shakespearean sonnet? No shame in doing that! Try transforming a magazine article or book page into poetry. Simply blackout (delete) any words you don't want to appear in your poem.
Bend your body and your mind in a game of Twister. It's enjoyed by everyone who plays it. Liked by people with flexible bodies — hated by someone who has back problems. This game allows you and your loved one to have fun and exercise at the same time.
If you don’t own a karaoke player, no worries. Just download a karaoke program to your laptop or look up your favorite songs on YouTube if you just want to sing along with your significant other. It's an innocent game that can be enjoyed by those who know how to sing and those who only wish they could!
Balloon Word Search
Balloons are one of those things that can be enjoyed by adults and children alike. Filled with helium, they float like clouds in the sky. You can even make a game out of them. Just fill up some balloons, write the letters W-I-N-N-E-R on them and release them in a large balloon-filled room. The first one to get the required balloons is a winner!
Copy Cat Movie
Movies! They come to the rescue of every stale evening and date. If you get bored with watching them — why not recreate them? First, you need to find and watch the scene, get the idea behind it, convince your partner that it won’t be cringy or strange (the hardest part), and re-enact a moment from your favorite movie. Titanic might be the most recreated movie by couples all over the world.
Never Have I Ever
Write "Never" on one side and "I Have" on the other on paper cards or cardboard. That's all you need to do to prepare for the game. After doing that, you just need to ask the questions you want to ask with the added "Never have I ever." Then show the answer "Never" or "I Have." If you need some help with the questions, we have a list prepared filled with Never Have I Ever questions already.
Deal Or No Deal
Playing Deal or No Deal will elevate your romantic relationship to a whole new level. This game has a lot of potential, you just need a creative mind to improve it. For example, place a large envelope containing money and a love wish in front of your sweetheart, and let them make the decision.
Rainbow Of Feelings
With the help of this game that blends sweets and discussions, you may experience the rainbow in a whole new manner. Give each color of your favorite multicolored candies, such as Skittles, M&Ms, and Starburst an emotion. Then pick up a piece of candy, and tell a tale that reflects that emotion. You will undoubtedly discover some new things about one another.
Name That Episode
Wanna challenge your loved one in a game of wits and memory? Well, Name The Episode is just that — a test of your TV knowledge. The point of the game is to see how well you know your favorite series. Just relax in your bed and navigate the channels. When you find a series playing, you have to guess the episode. You win the game if you are able to guess the season and the premise of the episode. Simple.
Nothing is as simple as a Takeaway game — the perfect husband and wife game played at home or anywhere else. The rules are simple — one chip at a time is taken away from a pile by each participant in turn. The last one to draw wins the game. The rewards can vary, so if you want to include a bit of romance — no one is stopping you!
Some people are book-smart, while others have more street-smart-related skills. A friendly trivia question game with your loved one or on a couples night is the perfect way to test those skills. It’s a game that doesn’t question something personal, just the knowledge the other partner has. An innocent game that could teach you a thing or two.
Wheel Of Love
Everybody remembers playing Spin the Bottle in high school or in the dorms of university or college. Wheel Of Love uses a similar concept but is a little bit more challenging. It has even spicier alternatives that, if you know what we mean *wink wink*, are more appropriate for long-term relationships than young children at a party.
Boredom Bingo!
Are you going on a date-night stroll? Play some Boredom Bingo! Start by listing the first eight items you see while walking. Cut out the answers, and then have each person draw four from a hat. Create a bingo card with four things, then write them in the grid. You must each keep an eye out for the items listed on your card as you walk.
The Dating Divas
The Dating Divas will give you a large package filled with date suggestions from around the world that you could partake in with your loved one. For instance, their Paris box is filled with recipes to host your own picnic in Paris, French love letters to send to your significant other, and more.
36 Questions
Thanks to a 1997 study, 36 questions were carefully selected and presented to individuals who want to test their love. Some believe these 36 questions are powerful enough to cast a "spell" of love between two individuals. The questions start easy before becoming a little more challenging.
The Gottman Institute Quiz
How well-versed in your partner are you? The Gottman Institute is qualified to respond to this question. Dr. John and Julie Gottman, pioneers in the field of sexuality research, founded the institute. They have jointly written about 50 books and more than 200 scholarly articles on the subject. Check your knowledge of your spouse by taking their quiz.
Stare Off
In the wild west days, cowboys had their duels where both sides stared each other down till finally, one of them drew their weapon. These days we have the classic stare off. It’s the best way to make your partner crack a smile and bond in a strange way. The best thing is, it can be played anywhere and anytime you want.
The Pretzel Challenge
Pretzels are the food of the gods. No matter what brand it is or from which store, to quote Hannibal Burres, “pretzels is the same.” Well, maybe homemade pretzels have an advantage in this situation. The point of the game — you have to find a recipe for pretzels and make the most delicious ones. The winner gets to eat them!
Yes Or No
Drink up! Yes Or No is the pinnacle of drinking games. The premise is simple to play and arrange. First, you need some alcohol, or something else to drink, then you just need to ask the questions in your mind and answer them by sipping once for "no," and twice for "yes." Simple to set up and play.
Truth Or Dare
Truth or Dare is a classic. It's simple to adapt it into one of the top entertaining games for couples to play at home. You can play it with whoever you want, whenever you want, even with your loved one. If they select "Truth," you can poke fun at them or get personal; if they choose "Dare," you can try to make them do something crazy. If you are out of questions, just look up some Truth Or Dare questions we’ve shared in our previous posts.
Romantic Tic Tac Toe
Who said Tic-Tac-Toe isn't romantic? This game can be vastly improved by mixing up the formula a bit. To make it more romantic, take out a few sheets of paper and cut out some cards. On those cards, write out some actions that you and your partner would agree to do. When you pick up a card, do the action on the paper before placing it on the board.
Two Truths And A Lie
Whether it’s a new relationship or not, play this game with your partner to get to know each other even more. You and your companion will take turns telling one false and two truthful facts about yourself as you play this game. The other person must determine which of the statements is a lie.
I Spy
The game I Spy can be played in different ways. You can get cozy and try to spot objects in the I Spy book with your partner, or you can get in the car and go for a drive. It might be a park or a shopping center. Give each other cues about what you see as you go. This game is great for when you are on a hike or a road trip.
This Or That
This Or That is a fantastic game to play, especially at the beginning of a relationship, because you will get to learn plenty about your partner. You can ask many questions, even the most personal ones. You can also check out our post in which we featured 100+ This or That questions for query ideas!
Put A Finger Down
Players of this game must be careful, as the traditional Put A Finger Down game can get daring! If your spouse has ever shoplifted from a pharmacy or looked through your email — now is the time to find out the truth. Hold up five or ten fingers and ask them to drop a finger down with every daring question. After each round, the person whose fingers are still up wins. Unable to think of a question? Well, lucky you, because we have already prepared a list of the best Put A Finger Down questions!
How Much Do You Know Me?
How Well Do You Know Me? is an ideal game to play if you want to challenge your partner and their memory. You can enquire about one another's personal histories, such as how you met, what you wore when they first noticed you, the first movie you saw together, etc. The winner of the game receives a treat, and the loser gets a dare.
I Love You Because
Breathing intensifies, the mind starts to wonder, and you feel lost — some may think it’s a panic attack, but usually, it’s just a case of love. Couples that are all about mush should play this game. This game allows you to understand why your partner loves you and gives you a perfect chance to share your feelings.
Blindfolded Massage
After a stressful day, nothing releases that built-up tension like a good massage from a loved one. To make it more fun, do it blindfolded. Massage your partner while they wear a blindfold. Make the person you are dating guess which body part you used. They'll have a great time speculating about which part you're employing to calm their frazzled nerves.
Do you and your partner enjoy playing card games together? Poker is one of the best games for couples who like to play games where money is involved. Play mind games with one another. Bring on the all-in wagering or bluffs. Make your companion do something exciting and insane by placing different bets.
Balloon Darts
The board should be covered in balloons for this game. The point of the game is to hit as many of them as possible. There should also be a few randomly placed balloons with numbers on them and rewards within each. Alternatively, you could place the prize on the middle balloon so couples can shoot for it.
Cheese Puff Passing Game
At the table, couples place their hands behind their backs and stand next to one another. Two plates of puffs are placed in front of the couples. One at a time, the "passer" (person with the puffs) picks one up and passes it to their partner — the "receiver." The puff is taken and placed on their plate using their mouth. The couple loses the game if the puff falls to the ground. The winning duo is the first to pass and take every puff to the second plate.
Cherry Pie
Six cherries are placed on a plate for each playing couple. The couples should stand face to face. They should begin picking up all the cherries at a given signal. However, they are only allowed to use their mouths! Hands should be kept behind their backs. The game is won when a couple finishes picking up all the cherries.
Bite The Bag
Bite The Bag, as the name gives out, focuses on biting a paper bag. The rules are simple to follow — the players have their hands tied behind them and one leg lifted. The point of the game is to pick up an opened paper bag up from the ground using only your mouth. After every round, the bag gets smaller and harder to pick up.
Spot The Candy In The Flour
Sugar is what makes the games much more fun and energetic. Spot The Candy In The Flour sounds exciting, mainly due to the candy part. However, things are about to get messy. Put candy in a bowl of flour and place it on the table. Throughout the game, the participants must keep their hands behind their backs. Players should aim to pick up the candy with their mouths while blowing away the flour.
Flip The Glass
It’s a drinking game that tests your quickness. To prepare for it, get some alcohol, or another beverage and pour it into red solo cups. The point of the game is to drink the liquid in the cup as quickly as possible and when you do it, flip it. However, you should attempt flipping the empty cup until it lands perfectly upside down on the table. Once the cup is flipped, the next player has to do the same thing. The game ends once one team has flipped all their cups.
Button Sewing Game
Give a kit containing clothing, buttons, thread, and a needle to pairs playing. Each participant must sew buttons onto the fabric with the help of their partner. The winning couple is the one who sews the most buttons in a minute. However, the buttons won't be counted if sewn loosely!
Find Your Mate
How well do you know your partner? In this game, men and women are in separate rooms and have paper bags placed over their heads. They must locate their partner silently. The winning couple will be the one who meets first. The other couples keep playing until they find their partners.
The Sing-Along Challenge
Let your inner voice out by grabbing a microphone and starting to sing. Begin singing, then challenge your companion to continue using the last word you sang as the basis for another song. It doesn't matter if you are not a skilled singer! Missing a note only makes for more fun.
The Picture Game
This game is simple — pick up a little cubical box, and stick photos on the sides. The images can be whatever you want them to be — the crazier the better. Throw the box like a die by taking turns. Each must perform the action shown in the illustration. You may use stock images of someone (or yourself) kissing, cuddling, biting the ear, etc., you get the drill!
You can play this game with your partner and friends if you are hosting a trivia night at home. In this game, you must name a city or country, and the other player must continue the game using the last letter of the name you just said. You lose if you or your companion are unable to come up with a place name.
Scribble It Up
Does your partner have a talent for writing and the arts? Or perhaps you'd want the chance to express your artistic side? Write a line for your partner and ask them to continue it in proper rhyme, going back and forth until a lovely 20 to 25 line love poem comes out. It's hard to be a loser in this game.
Blow Up The Balloon
Who has the largest lung capacity? Blow Up The Balloon is trying to figure out just that. It is enjoyed either with your loved one or with some friends. The goal is to fill up as many balloons as possible. The player who blows up the most balloons in a predetermined amount of time, let's say 1 minute, wins the game.
Pop The Balloon
It can be played independently or as a follow-up to Blow Up the Balloons. Sharp pins and lots of balloons are required. The winner of this game is the player who pops the most balloons in a given amount of time.
Shave The Balloon
This game is enjoyed by either yourself or with a couple of friends, including a loved one. A razor and shaving cream are required here. You must use the razor to shave the balloon in this game without breaking it. The amusing thing is that shaving cream will be all over the place if the balloon bursts. Therefore, be ready for the mess.
Hoopla Ring
A great game that is both a great exercise and filled with loads of fun. As the name Hoopla Ring gives away — it involves a ring and a hula hoop. Ask the couples to form a line behind a large hoopla ring. The couple should move through the hoopla ring as soon as the music begins, then hand it to the following couple, who will carry on in the same manner. The couple that hold the hoopla ring at the end of the song are the losers.
Tie A Ribbon
For this game, you must cut up a ribbon. Then, place the ribbon fragments in different locations throughout the house. Couples must collect as many ribbon parts as possible and tie them together. Measure each couple's ribbon pieces, and the pair who created the longest piece is the winner.
I'm over here shivering inside thinking about how many of these activities my ex and I did together and they SHOULD have been a fun bonding time between two people... but instead so many of them became horrific arguments that devolved into hours-long "lectures" where I was not allowed to sit down or leave. XD bleh.
I'm over here shivering inside thinking about how many of these activities my ex and I did together and they SHOULD have been a fun bonding time between two people... but instead so many of them became horrific arguments that devolved into hours-long "lectures" where I was not allowed to sit down or leave. XD bleh.