The internet is full of surprises and it keeps evolving every single day. New memes, new animals for people to fall in love with, new people to jump on. So if there’s one thing one the internet you can count on it’s endless trends. And while some become more mainstream and people all around the world rave about them for a while (cough-Harlem shake-cough), some of the trends manage to flow under the radar and become a sort of cult of their own.

This is definitely one of such trends and at first sight, it might seem quite bizarre. Apparently, there’s an internet community who dedicate their time and money to create and exchange ‘Long Furby’ versions of the good old Furby toy. Yep, you read that right. If you loved those cutesy talking toys as a child, then maybe this new ‘creature’ will bring back good memories. Or terrify you.

More info: Instagram


    Someone recently shared a line of ‘longified’ furbies much to people’s horror and delight

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Instagram user “boots_with_the_furb” recently shared a line of furbies that they ‘longified’ and turned into caterpillar or centipede-like creatures. And while many people shared the pictures around, the general consensus wasn’t unanimous. Some found these new reincarnations of the old plush creepy, while others thought it’s pretty cute. As for us? We can’t really decide either. It’s… terrifyingly cute? Cutely terrifying?


    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Turns out, what these artists created into an art form and business is actually a cutely bizarre internet trend

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    The original Furby animatronic was first launched in 1998, however in recent years this plush has been experiencing a sort of renaissance thanks to no other, but Tumblr users. It seems that users on the blue social media site had a fondness for this particular toy that prompted them to revive it by creating art, exchanging existing toys as well as reinventing the Furby with various DIY techniques. That’s how the ‘Long Furby’ was born.

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Longified or “LongFurby” furbies have been around for some time and are now hitting the mainstream media


    Thanks to people like the duo behind “boots_with_the_furb” Instagram account, it seems like the ‘longified’ version is going more or less viral. And it’s understandable since people on the internet are drawn to things that make them nostalgic, pique their interest or envoke conflicting emotions. And ‘Long Furby’ hits right in the middle of that zone.

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb


    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb


    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Image credits: boots_with_the_furb

    Image credits: original.long.furby

    Image credits: original.long.furby

    Image credits: original.long.furby

    Image credits: nad_and_furb

    Image credits: miscakesmade


    Image credits: longfurb_winston

    You can see how one is made in the video below