This Instagram Shares Painfully Funny Memes For Days When You Just Can’t Laugh (50 Pics)
If you've ever had an office job, or any job, for that matter, you know how it goes. Your precious 24 hours that will never return are eaten up by this corporate monstrosity that you gotta pretend you thoroughly enjoy. Meetings, deadlines, feedback are all followed by that weird smile you gotta squeeze out like a glass of OJ, even if you’re dying inside.
So nothing brings us, millennial office workers, so much inner comfort, nothing tucks us in like a warm blanket, nothing soothes our tired souls like a warm glass of milk, quite like work memes. No wonder we are the generation that can cite lines from The Office by heart.
The Instagram account “Employee Up” is exactly the place that generates memes out of the daily absurdity of our work life. From lunch breaks to job interviews, from survival meetings and webinars to prayers for the manager, it’s something that feels terribly relatable. Below we selected some of the funniest workplace memes from the account, so pull your seat closer.
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In order to laugh at workplace memes, you gotta relate to them. And the only way to relate to them is to actually (have) or to have had a job like this. But job hunting is a daunting mission that challenges all your thresholds at once, from dignity to persistence. Because the truth is, the only thing which is worse than having a boring office job is not having a job at all.
So in order to make this post as useful for potential job hunters as possible, we reached out to Dawn Moss, the founder of “Your Interview Coach” who has been helping both candidates and hiring managers through the recruitment and selection process since 2013.
that was first lesson i learned in my first office job; also salary was not worth it
Dawn was happy to share some useful tips about job seeking. So you may pull your seat closer. A good place to start is Linkedin, so if you haven’t got an account, you should create one. “I’ve always been a big advocate for using LinkedIn to look for jobs, career progression and promotion opportunities. However, it’s not necessarily using LinkedIn as you would a traditional job board,” Dawn told us and added that “LinkedIn is a great place to network and connect with recruiters and employers.”
Dawn said that when you start looking for your next job, be sure your profile is up to date and reflects the job you are looking for. “It’s essential your Headline and About section shout out the skills and experience that matches the job. Be sure to add relevant keywords to the About Section and recruiters will find you in searches.”
I wish I had had this formula when I was working my job. They expected me to arrive on time in the am but to stay until all the checks were done in the evening ... always after everyone else was able to go home ... sometimes until 2am the next morning ... especially if it was "dividend paying time" & I would have to drive to the post office in Crown Pointe with over USD$2.5M worth of checks in my possession with no backup ... sometimes riding on MARTA ... & then to the PO ... & then home ... which was 37-miles one way ... & if it was raining because of Atlanta's hellish traffic ... I'd get home about the time I'd have to turn around & head back into the f_____g office. When I asked for help/assistance/an assistant they looked at me like I was crazy. I retired suddenly because of a horrific traffic accident & it took "them" 3 months to sort out my desk's responsibilities which "they" finally split into three separate departments. I still have nightmares about being confined there.
woohoo, the guideline is to only give 2% craps on friday this is why schools *should* follow the unwritten rule not to give students homework on fridays
downvote for baby yoda. What is it with Facebook moms and baby yoda? This green virus has infected boredpanda too wtf guys
Networking is another important strategy when getting into the job market. But since LinkedIn is a great place to network, you have to be careful about what content you engage in or share there. “Make sure every interaction on the platform is professional, relevant to your discipline and sector, and showcases your expertise and knowledge. Make sure you are networking with relevant people,” Dawn said.
The career coach also said to “avoid randomly liking and sharing posts that don’t align with your purpose. If you are looking for a job, then 80% of what you post and comment should be aligned to that goal,” she explained.
Amen to that, dude! I loved that I was always an hourly worker rather than salaried.
i always dreamed somebody do that or at least i witness it being done
If you’re new to Linkedin, Dawn has some tips. “LinkedIn is more than a digital CV and it’s not a great idea to simply copy and paste the same information across.”Moreover, “it’s also the most professional social media platform and is not a place to post complaints or rant negatively. That doesn’t mean you have to be positive all the time but it must be presented professionally,” Dawn said.
The career coach also noted that it’s not just your 1st line contacts that can see your posts and comments and that's what makes it a great platform for networking. “It's wise to be on your best behavior, as your future manager can see everything you write and share,” she concluded.
Meanwhile, can't even get 6 weeks for maternity leave in the states 🙃
My response is the same - I've turned up to do the job I'm contracted to do and at 5 I'm going home
I always feel sad for people who let their work define them…glad to read there are still some who don’t!
Honestly I kind of don't think that people should be able to get loans before their brains fully developed (around 25) or they should at least get a disability discount.. I mean you're not using your full brain that's got to be a disability
Replace the wine with a packet of cheetos and a bag of chips and it's totally me!!
I worked in a call centre many years ago and holiday requests were denied 90% of the time stating the business cant accommodate it. Tough s**t, they're my holiday hours and I'll take them when I NEED TO not when it suits you
1.) We have always done it like this. 2.) We have never done it like that. 3.) Next everyone is having ideas.
I worked in a data center during 2020 and 2021. We got time +1/2 hazard pay to be on-site. Best company I ever worked for. Also, our director chastised me for saying I could be called while on vacation if someone had a question.
There are few things better than waking up way too early, going for a quick bathroom break, and then returning to your nice warm bed for four more blessed hours.
Karen: *tells all her friends to boycott the company* HA! NOW YOU’VE LOST… uh… still 1 customer…
Also I'd hate to die at work. My poor co-workers would have to watch them haul my carcass out of there on a stretcher. And for years to come people would be like "ooh, did you know someone DIED in that office? In that very chair, actually. What? No of course we haven't removed it. It's way too comfy."
Embrace Excel…it’s the only Microsoft program that’s better than what it replaced! Check with HR if you can get formal training, and then take it up to the next level. Or maybe I’m just a dweeb…
There is no labor shortage in the US, despite what companies asking for your patience may say. There's a shortage of people willing to put up with the s**t that these companies are dealing out anymore. It's not that you can't find someone to work for you, it's that you can't find someone who's willing to work in a toxic environment that pays minimum wage but requires a bachelor's degree.
a fast food place in town was having trouble staffing up after the covid ended. They could not stay open for their full normal weekly schedule. The owner put up a sign on the front locked door that said, "People these days just don't want to work anymore. The people I hire do not stay. What is wrong with young people these days?" Someone taped up a poster on the window next to the door, "No, we want to work. We do not want to work for minimum wage, part-time, with no benefits or retirement, with an irregular mixed days and nights schedule that you change without notice every two weeks. Get it?" Another smaller poster said, "When you disrespect us with this sort of treatment, you will get people who are desparate for any job to work for you like this. You have no right to complain when they disrepect you and disappear the moment their real job finally comes in".
This post is really confusing. Is the title wrong or something? Most of these aren't memes or even funny.
No i am just as confused by this.. i mean the first "Meme".. That's nothing to laugh at, she went from Custodian to Freaking Surgical Nurse, if anything that's an achievement to be celebrated not laughed at..
Load More Replies...There are too many lazy entitled people in this world. But that doesn't change the fact that the slave force I'm this world needs to change and will only change when we demand change and stick to those demands! That dinosaur 2 week notice!!! I'm literally using that Monday morning ☺️☺️☺️💯🖨️
How is this a funny article? The title says funny memes for when you can’t laugh and it’s about how dreadful life is..
There is no labor shortage in the US, despite what companies asking for your patience may say. There's a shortage of people willing to put up with the s**t that these companies are dealing out anymore. It's not that you can't find someone to work for you, it's that you can't find someone who's willing to work in a toxic environment that pays minimum wage but requires a bachelor's degree.
a fast food place in town was having trouble staffing up after the covid ended. They could not stay open for their full normal weekly schedule. The owner put up a sign on the front locked door that said, "People these days just don't want to work anymore. The people I hire do not stay. What is wrong with young people these days?" Someone taped up a poster on the window next to the door, "No, we want to work. We do not want to work for minimum wage, part-time, with no benefits or retirement, with an irregular mixed days and nights schedule that you change without notice every two weeks. Get it?" Another smaller poster said, "When you disrespect us with this sort of treatment, you will get people who are desparate for any job to work for you like this. You have no right to complain when they disrepect you and disappear the moment their real job finally comes in".
This post is really confusing. Is the title wrong or something? Most of these aren't memes or even funny.
No i am just as confused by this.. i mean the first "Meme".. That's nothing to laugh at, she went from Custodian to Freaking Surgical Nurse, if anything that's an achievement to be celebrated not laughed at..
Load More Replies...There are too many lazy entitled people in this world. But that doesn't change the fact that the slave force I'm this world needs to change and will only change when we demand change and stick to those demands! That dinosaur 2 week notice!!! I'm literally using that Monday morning ☺️☺️☺️💯🖨️
How is this a funny article? The title says funny memes for when you can’t laugh and it’s about how dreadful life is..