Not every day at work is the same. Sometimes, you’re the star, tackling all the tasks; other times, you’re trying to dodge your toxic colleagues. And let’s not forget about the occasional office politics and burnout. While you might not be able to control every aspect of your job, you certainly can make the journey more bearable with memes.
So, if you need to decompress and unwind after a hectic day, then we’ve collected some hilarious memes from the ‘paddyjobsman’ Instagram account. From the chaos at a workplace to interview fails, they have something for every employee. Keep scrolling, and don’t forget to share it with your colleagues!
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There are many people who experience anxiety and stress due to increasing layoffs and salaries that struggle to keep up with inflation. It is younger employees, mostly, who tend to feel this burden more than all.
A recent survey by Cigna International Health of nearly 12,000 workers worldwide showed 91% of those between the ages of 18 and 24 reported feeling stressed, rising from an average of 84%.
We may be stressed at work due to several reasons. Let us assume you have been given additional duties. Right now, you can be under pressure because you see this as an opportunity to impress your superiors. In fact, not being able to perform well might make you feel anxious.
Other factors may include disputes with colleagues or supervisors, tight deadlines, and working late at night. Employees who suffer from stress often miss a lot of days away from their jobs, according to the National Health and Safety Commission.
Being passionate about your job makes you more productive and involved in the office, but when dissatisfied, some will contribute little or even start thinking about changing careers.
Engaged business teams produce positive outcomes within organizations, according to a recent Gallup report. Conversely, they calculated that poor engagement costs the world economy $8.9 trillion, or 9% of GDP worldwide.
In a 2022 article, Harvard Business Review mentioned that 43% of employees across the globe reported high levels of daily stress. Many people felt like they were on the edge of burnout. In the U.S., nearly 61% of professionals felt like they would experience burnout at any moment in time.
However, whenever you find yourself overwhelmed by your role, do not hesitate to have a word with your supervisor or manager about it. Talk to them about how you are feeling.
If you are unsure of how to go about it, note that your organization also has an interest in creating a better work environment that promotes staff well-being. It is possible for organizations to encourage employee engagement through a positive office culture to curtail the cost of employees quitting their jobs.
Furthermore, you could do something to keep track of behavior that makes you tense. Picture yourself as if you were part of a new group, and one colleague always ridicules whatever you say.
When this happens, your morale may go down, and you may fail to perform optimally. You will get a clear understanding of your triggers and responses when you write down incidents that worry you.
It is also necessary to strike a balance between work and personal life. This means that one should switch off thoughts about their tasks after working hours. Continuously thinking about your deadlines or incomplete projects can wear you out.
Studies reveal that just thinking about work can detract from your ability to recover from it. So, focus on activities you enjoy, like reading, running, or cooking, during your free time. Take baby steps if you are unable to stop completely. Try meditation and if nothing helps, you can always seek professional help.
Well, if they aren't going to pay overtime, why should you stay later?
We shouldn’t underestimate the power of taking short breaks. Stepping aside from your workplace or assignments, even for a few moments, helps diminish mental exhaustion and even improve concentration levels.
Another thing is that this enhances creativity. Micro-breaks could involve short walks during a lunch break, a quick chat with your colleague, or stretching exercises during sessions.
Taking care of yourself is essential if you want to be energetic and productive in life. Endeavoring to incorporate thirty minutes of exercise every day into your schedule, along with having healthy meals, is beneficial towards improving physical fitness. You can improve your mental health by managing your stress levels, meditating, and resting adequately.
Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to enjoy a few moments of laughter while working. Which one of these painfully relatable posts made you chuckle? Share this with your work bestie to enjoy some giggles during lunch break.
No matter what the employer likes... it's not illegal to discuss your wage with a coworker. It's illegal to tell your employees they can't talk about their wages.
Pretty much each one was 100% right on target, sad to say!
Pretty much each one was 100% right on target, sad to say!