How many times have you found yourself needing to do something important but scrolling mindlessly through memes instead? Be honest now. We aren’t judging.
Many of us love a good, relatable meme. Whether it makes us laugh, makes our friends and family laugh, or just makes us feel better about our own lives, there’s no shortage of memes to help us pass the time.
This online community has been sharing some of the funniest memes about work and life in general. Bored Panda has compiled a list of the best, which is guaranteed to give you a good chuckle. And another great excuse to put off that thing you’ve been meaning to do for ages.
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I wondered why everyone was sitting in the back.
Load More Replies...Sorry to be a spoilsport, but the musical they were watching was Billy Elliot. Sorry!
i love the dog in the middle just peeking over the seats. looks like it's saying hello. hello lil guy
It would be great to have people who are working on overcoming stage fright.
I love just knowing this is a thing that happens. Idk how "relatable" it is tho lol.
Could they hold this class for certain theater-goers? (Yes, I'm looking at you, Seats B11 and B12.)
Many of us have been there. A pile of work to do, deadlines looming. And all we can do is procrastinate. I sometimes do things I’d never normally do. Just so I don’t have to do the very thing I am supposed to do.
One time, when faced with a particularly boring but important task, I took out my phone and started scrolling through Pinterest instead. You might think that’s quite normal. But my procrastination didn’t end there. I happened upon some clever cleaning hacks and the next thing I knew, I was on my knees with an old toothbrush, cleaning grout between the kitchen tiles. At least I was productive. But at some point I still had to tackle the task I’d been avoiding all along.
It is a cat's sacred duty to protect the soft can-opener from bed-mice. If they eat you, who will open our cans?
When the hilarious author and blogger, Mark Manson wrote a column about how to avoid procrastination, he was honest enough to include this gem:
“It’s ironic, but for two days now, I’ve been procrastinating writing a post on procrastination. I’ve done it all. I’ve distracted myself with other, less important work. I’ve taken ‘breaks’ that extended about three hours longer than they should have. I’ve done that thing where I sit on Facebook and then I close the window, open a new one, and instinctively type in Facebook again.”
You can probably bet the last memory space on your phone he’s not the only one turning to Facebook instead of facing his work book. Over a million people have joined the Facebook group "Funny Memes: Work and Life" since it started.
Their sole purpose is to share, or look at, funny memes about work and life in general. It seems like the perfect way to pass time and procrastinate while still appearing to be productive.
The Oxford Dictionary defines procrastination as “the act of delaying something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it”. Research shows up to a quarter of people are chronic procrastinators. And that the average adult spends three and a half hours a day procrastinating. Hey, at least my kitchen tile grout is clean…
I only got drunk once in my whole 36-year-life so far - all the way back when I was 18 or so, at a classmate's party. Had zero prior experience with alcohol, tried a bit of this, a bit of that, didn't eat much beforehand... and then I participated in a game where, if you were caught lying (or something, I never got the rules straight), you had to drink a shot of tequila. My crush was playing too, which didn't help, and somehow, no matter what I did, I always ended up having to drink a shot. In the end, my Mom came to pick me up. To my credit, I never puked - but to this day, I have never touched tequila again (it almost triggers me when I even see a bottle) and actively avoid ever getting sh*t-faced again.
Dr Richard Ferrari has done extensive studies on procrastination. Here’s what he told the American Psychological Association: “One of my favorite sayings is, ‘Everyone procrastinates, but not everyone is a procrastinator.’ We all put tasks off, but my research has found that 20 percent of U.S. men and women are chronic procrastinators. They delay at home, work, school and in relationships. These 20 percent make procrastination their way of life, so of course they procrastinate when filing their income taxes. We are a nation of 'doers' but we are also, like people from other industrialized nations, a people of ‘waiters’.”
If you devour memes to distract yourself from your daily to do list, don’t beat yourself up. You might actually be doing your company a favor… If you share the fun with your co-workers. A study conducted in 2014 found that humor can actually boost persistence. And what company doesn’t want employees who weather the storm?
Researchers got 124 students at an Australian university to complete tasks before and after they'd been exposed to something funny. They found that humor is not only entertaining but also replenishing. The researchers noted that "organizations that require their employees to persist may consider creating a playful culture that encourages the use of humor to increase employees’ persistence."
Since you came here to beat boredom, let me share this fun fact with you... The word meme has been around long before the world wide web and social media even existed. It was first used in 1976 by evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins. He described memes as "units of culture". Think tunes, ideas, catch‐phrases, fast fashion.
You would be disgusted to know how many 13 year old girls have be SA'ed sometime in their short life.
Dawkins wrote the following: “When you plant a fertile meme in my mind you literally parasitize my brain, turning it into a vehicle for the meme's propagation in just the way that a virus may parasitize the genetic mechanism of a host cell.”
While he wasn’t talking about memes as we know them today, we think he was pretty spot on. How about you?
Some of the greatest memes populate, like viruses, and have been living in our minds and phone galleries for years. Check out this list of the best memes of all time, and prepare to laugh again.
What’s the most creative concept you've devised to avoid your work or life commitments? Let us know in the comments.
So true. My abusive af ex was a vet and worked at a hospital (prob still does) He was written up three times for using "excessive force" with patients... so essentially beating patients up. He didn't get fired. I'm so glad I got away from him alive and I really hope he eventually got fired and lost his license.
If you hear your name with a question mark before you reached the coffee machine...
"Sooo...If anyone asks, we're SUPPOSED to do it this way... But, since it's your first day and I like you, I'll show ya all the corners you can cut and not get fired..."
For some posts, BP will start off showing all, and then 12-24 hours later will re-label it as "top 30..."and then have a "show all" at the bottom. We just got here early.
Load More Replies...For some posts, BP will start off showing all, and then 12-24 hours later will re-label it as "top 30..."and then have a "show all" at the bottom. We just got here early.
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