“Fight Children With Diabetes”: 50 Funny Signs That Ended Up Online To Bring Joy To All
Signs. They’re everywhere. Whether used for controlling traffic or the trajectory of one’s life—let’s be honest, quite a few of us have likely asked the universe to send us one—they’re typically worth paying attention to.
Some of them, though, might be less consequential, but not less attention-worthy. And they’re often shared on the ‘Funny’ subreddit—“Reddit's largest humor depository”. Today we have gathered some of their best examples—signs found in all sorts of places, be it a local business, a church, or someone’s home. Typically witty, often unexpected, they ought to make you giggle, so scroll down and enjoy.
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Sign Posted Outside A Fencing Academy!
The Most Honest "Do Not Enter" Sign Of All Time
This Synagogue Sign In Toronto
Nowadays signs—in one form or another—can be found nearly everywhere, be it the door of a huge shopping mall or a lonesome road in the middle of nowhere. But what was the first sign ever created, one might wonder?
Well, it might be difficult to determine exactly that, but the symbols in caves dating as far back as the Ice Age are likely to be among the first ones, at least. Canadian paleoarchaeologist Genevieve von Petzinger explored such caves in great detail and revealed that the symbol, which is considered to be the oldest example of cave art (roughly 41,000 years old), is painted inside a rock formation in El Castillo, Spain. “It’s the size of a teacup’s saucer,” she pointed out to TED.
This Sign At My Dog Groomer
My Local Super 8 Is Being Rebuilt. I Didn't Know Why Until I Saw The Sign
Genevieve von Petzinger also revealed that there are 32 symbols that can be found in ancient caves all over Europe. Such a discovery wasn’t made in a day, though. Over a decade ago, the paleoarchaeologist started her mission of systematically cataloging the geometric signs in caves all over the continent.
I Thought It Was Weird Someone Put Tape Over The Sign
Legit Sign Post
This Wet Floor Sign At The Toronto Aquarium
One of the paleoarchaeologist’s very first steps was compiling a database of geometric signs that were found at roughly 370 known rock art sites across Europe. Then, in 2013 and 2014, von Petzinger continued her exploration focusing on caves in Spain, Portugal, France, and Italy, recording the details of geometric signs in 52 of them.
Ted reports that after finishing with the fieldwork, the expert analyzed the catalog she put together and found that 32 signs repeated themselves across the span of 30,000 years and the entire continent of Europe. “That really small number tells you that they must have been meaningful to the people who were using them, because they were replicating them,” von Petzinger suggested.
This Sign On A Vending Machine At My Work
Utah Has Its Issues, But It’s Traffic Signs Are Top Notch
This Doctor's Done Listening To Kids
Among the 32 signs documented by von Petzinger, there are dots, asterisks, spirals and a thing called ‘negative hands’. The latter refers to a negative image of a handprint, which is considered to be one of the oldest and the most popular signs of the time (roughly 22,000 - 40,000 years ago).
Nowadays, common signs and symbols exceed 32, but some are still known across entire continents if not even further. Let’s take another symbol of a hand, for instance, the Hamsa, popular throughout North Africa and in the Middle East, which is believed to bring good luck, protection, and good health.
This Sign In Front Of A Bunch Of Venus Flytrap
this is amazing. but i am not a fly and so i will not touch... YET
Brutally Honest Sign
A Few Days Ago A Car Drove Through An Arby's. This Was Their Sign Today
If you’re wondering why the “change my mind” bit sounds somewhat familiar, it's because a sign saying exactly that became an internet sensation back in 2018. That’s when, according to Know Your Meme, American-Canadian podcaster Steven Crowder uploaded a picture on his Twitter account of him seated by the table with the renowned phrase written on it outside of Texas Christian University.
My Husband Is In The Process Of Redoing Our Lawn. He Recently Began Killing Off All Our Grass. I Didn’t Want Our Neighbors To Think We Were Neglectful Homeowners, So I Made A Sign
Why does it matter what the neighbor's think? I have let that go and it is so Freeing!!!!
One Cardboard Sign To Rule Them All
I wonder.... Can this also apply to me? I'm 45 years old, shaped like a f*****g brick, my horn is broken and I've been known to use my finger in certain circumstances🤔
All Or Nothing! A Sign From A Local Business
Seemingly dating as far back as the Ice Age, signs have long been helping people express themselves and their opinions. Such a way of communicating ideas never seemed to have lost its relevance, as it is still vastly used today, whether in the shape of a piece of cardboard saying that the one holding it loves Harry or Taylor or a thought-provoking sign ending with a “change my mind”.
These Guys Sit At This Table Every Morning. The Restaurant Owners Made This Sign To Claim The Table For Them
Helpful Sign
Sign In A Taxi Cab
I want the Ferret pics! I can give them back, mind you, but I really wanna see them first
The uploaded picture was reportedly part of Steven's podcast and YouTube series, where he tries to have people with opposing views discuss various issues with him. Even though the sign in the original picture read “Male privilege is a myth / Change my mind”, it soon became a template—an empty canvas, if you will—for people to let their imagination run free and insert whatever they feel is worth discussing.
These Were Signs I Made For A Yard Sale Back In 2017
The signs alone would def make me stop just to meet the comical creator. 😆
Just Doing What The Sign Says
Sign At My Local Dry Cleaners
Another internet sensation known for his painfully truthful and often quite entertaining signage is the Dude With Sign. Expressing his views on all sorts of matters, from food prices to popular culture, the dude, whose real name is Seth Phillips, is a New York-based creative, whose public protests have already attracted over 8 million followers.
Local Traffic Sign Getting A Little Snappy
Everyone Kept Hitting Their Heads As They Walked Down My Stairs, So I Hung A Sign As A Warning
A Local Music Store In My Town Has Had This Sign Up For A Few Days. The Shoe Store Across The Street Finally Replied
The signature shades and a piece of cardboard over Seth’s head became a globally recognized combination, which started as a protest against something oh-so-familiar to many. Talking to Drew Barrymore, the Dude With Sign revealed that the very first sign, saying “Stop replying-all to company-wide emails”, was inspired by personal experiences, and only after it received a positive reaction from the passersby on the street did it become a thing.
P.S. We are quite fond of Seth’s signs here at Bored Panda, so if you feel like checking out some more things he’s been protesting, you can find more of our pieces on him here and here.
My GF's Obsession With Cheesy Cursive Signs Inspired Me To Make My Own Uninspirational Signs
My Sister Got To Decide The CVS Sign Today
Sign Recently Erected In My Neighborhood
My Friend Just Returned From A 7 Month Deployment. This Guy Had My Favorite Sign In The Crowd Of Friends And Family
Just Moved In And Bought This Sign…finally Feels Like Home
A Sign Outside A Off Strip Casino In Las Vegas...talk About Pulling A Ferris
This Corn Maze Sign
True story - a family was lost in a corn maze overnight a couple years back. Couldn't figure out that you could walk through the stalks.
Someone Altered A Deer Crossing Sign In Upstate NY
This takes effort. Ours just have round red stickers on the noses.
This Sign At A Local Thrift Shop
This Sign On The Door Of A Local Business
Til My Soul Mate Is A Highway Sign
Sign I Made For My Dad On Father’s Day
lol. The spelling on the top row. This is applicable for wood working and sewing
You Just Gestured At All Of Me
This Sign In My Kid’s Elementary School Fills Me With Nihilistic Joy
And definitely don't get distracted - or, as my three year old says, "extracted". As in, why didn't you tidy up your toys? "I got extracted!"
My Grandparents Have Had This Wooden Sign Hanging On Their Porch Since The 90s... Today, Grandma Finally Snapped
This Volunteer Fire Department Sign Near My House
Been There, Drank There, Fished There... It's True
Went To Museum And They Had A Working Piano They Had This Sign
I wonder what they would think if somebody plays "Higher than Heaven" on it
Hacking... With Love
We Were Cleaning Up Our Rental Vacation Home And Found Someone Had Left This Sign In Our Bathroom. Thought You Guys Would Get Kick Out Of It
Sign At My Local Shwarma Restaurant
My Parents Took Advantage Of The Graduation Sign Trend To S**t On Me For Dropping Out
A+ Effort There, Didn't Use Comic Sans
Wife Asked Me To Change The Sign
During the blitz, Harrod's had a sign saying "open as usual". Then its ground floor was damaged by a bomb, so they changed the sign to "opener than usual".
Perfect. One time was passing a church in the summer and the sign said "too hot to change sign. Sin bad, Jesus good, details inside."
Load More Replies...During the blitz, Harrod's had a sign saying "open as usual". Then its ground floor was damaged by a bomb, so they changed the sign to "opener than usual".
Perfect. One time was passing a church in the summer and the sign said "too hot to change sign. Sin bad, Jesus good, details inside."
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