Online shopping is in a weird position. On the one hand, it offers fantastic convenience, saves you time, and grants access to products from around the globe. On the other hand, there’s always that small chance that you might get something entirely different than advertised or a particularly cheap knock-off. And ‘Wish,’ a popular American e-commerce platform, is often guilty of this, as well as offering some utterly bizarre—albeit incredibly amusing, fun, and quirky—ads.

One subreddit documents some of the most hilarious and egregious cases of shopping fails when browsing ‘Wish.’ We’ve collected some of the top pics to amuse you and remind you to always be careful when buying stuff off the net. Remember—if your gut is telling you it’s too good to be true, then it probably is.

Bored Panda was interested to learn more about online shopping, unmet expectations, and quirky advertising, so we got in touch with consumer psychology specialist Matt Johnson, Ph.D., the host of the marketing psychology blog and author of ‘Branding that Means Business.' 


Always Check The Dimensions In Online Shopping

Always Check The Dimensions In Online Shopping

realseboss Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Happened to me recently. When I returned the product and they sent a guy to pick it up he actually laughed seeing the product.

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    We were curious about what sellers and e-commerce platforms can do if they find out that their products don't meet their customers' expectations. "When a customer receives an entirely different product than what they ordered, it can indeed lead to significant disappointment and frustration. As a renowned consumer psychology expert, I recommend that sellers and e-commerce platforms take immediate action to rectify such mistakes to preserve customer satisfaction and loyalty," Johnson shared with Bored Panda the steps that can be taken in order to improve the situation.

    The first step is simple but not easy: good communication. "Regardless of fault, the seller should promptly apologize for the error and acknowledge the inconvenience caused to the customer. They should also provide a clear explanation of what went wrong to demonstrate transparency and accountability," the expert told us via email.


    The next step is offering the customers hassle-free and swift resolutions. "This could involve providing a prepaid return label and arranging for the correct product to be shipped as soon as possible. Alternatively, they might offer a partial refund or store credit to compensate for the error. In the modern media era, where any disgruntled customer can go viral on social media, it's important to try and be deferential and generous in these kinds of situations," the marketing psychology blog host warned.


    "Lastly, personalized gestures can go a long way in restoring the customer's confidence. And here, a personal touch can go a long way. Research indicates that handwritten apology notes or small complimentary gifts can demonstrate that the seller values the customer and is genuinely apologetic for the inconvenience caused."

    Meanwhile, Bored Panda wanted to get Johnson's take on the kinds of messages that peculiar ads like those on 'Wish' send. "Platforms like Wish, known for their peculiar and unconventional advertisements, may send several messages to potential customers from a consumer psychology perspective. Ultimately, in a crowded e-commerce market, it helps the platform distinguish itself with a unique brand personality. Dominant platforms like Amazon and Wal-Mart tend to focus on logistics and the sheer utility of their products, leaving open the opportunity for newer, smaller entrants to differentiate themselves in the mind of the consumer," the author of 'Branding that Means Business' said.


    Turns Out I’m Not Very Good At Online Shopping

    Turns Out I’m Not Very Good At Online Shopping

    garbagecannot8 Report


    I Thought The Personalized Message Was For The Delivery Driver Not The AirPods

    I Thought The Personalized Message Was For The Delivery Driver Not The AirPods

    raisedincali Report


    I'm Just Shocked Someone Had The Nerve To Order A TV From Wish

    I'm Just Shocked Someone Had The Nerve To Order A TV From Wish

    AntonioGarzaHi123 Report

    According to the consumer psychology specialist, these types of ads send a few different messages: 

    • "Curiosity and Novelty: Peculiar and strange ads tend to evoke curiosity in potential customers. This approach can make viewers stop and pay attention to the ad due to its unexpected nature, creating a memorable experience.
    • Playfulness and Humor: These ads often use humor and playful elements to entertain the audience. As a result, potential customers might associate the platform with fun and lightheartedness, which can create a positive emotional connection.
    • Uniqueness and Exclusivity: The unconventional nature of the products showcased in these ads can create a sense of uniqueness and exclusivity. Potential customers may perceive that they can find products here that are not readily available on mainstream platforms."

    The expert pointed out that 'Wish' and other unconventional platforms tend to target more niche markets, which are intentionally targeted with their fun and quirky brand personalities. "Unlike Amazon and other big platforms, they don’t have to appeal broadly and have an encompassing personality, and instead, have the freedom to focus on a more specialized target market."


    I Was Sent 75 Pounds Of Lube Today Instead Of The Meal Kit I Ordered

    I Was Sent 75 Pounds Of Lube Today Instead Of The Meal Kit I Ordered

    stevie0321 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Meanwhile at the brothel: "Meal kit!? Well ladies, dig in, it's gonna be a rough day.."

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    Another Wish Gem. Friend Posted What She’s Got. She’s Super Pissed But I Would Be Dying Laughing

    Another Wish Gem. Friend Posted What She’s Got. She’s Super Pissed But I Would Be Dying Laughing

    Brodins_biceps Report

    The witty subreddit that collects the worst shopping fails from ‘Wish’ has been up and running since late 2017. In the half a decade since its founding, the online community has grown to over 122k members in size. 


    According to the moderator team running the comedy-focused project, people should only post photos and ads from ‘Wish’ or other knock-off sites. However, those other sites have to be “flared appropriately.” The redditors also note that nothing from Amazon is allowed on the sub because there are two other separate online communities dedicated exclusively to them. 

    The mods explain that there’s a difference between gag gifts and shopping fails that really make people’s jaws drop. “This does not mean gag gifts can't be placed here; it just means that they need to be something that isn't seen every day.” In short, the community expects a show, not something generic.

    Because the community values originality, Reddit users are encouraged to avoid reposts. And, like any other solid online group, the subreddit wants all of its members to “be excellent to each other.”


    Bad Review + Seller Response

    Bad Review + Seller Response

    xetaril Report


    When You Don't Have A Female Model For Your Product

    When You Don't Have A Female Model For Your Product Report


    Never Buy Anything Even If It Looks Legit Wtf

    Never Buy Anything Even If It Looks Legit Wtf

    Roast_Dinner30 Report

    The ‘Wish’ e-commerce platform was founded all the way back in 2010 by Piotr Szulczewski and Danny Zhang. Operated from San Francisco, California, the platform personalized the shopping experience for each customer and allows people to sell their products directly to consumers.

    That means that even though ‘Wish’ handles the payments with service providers, it doesn’t actually stock the products themselves, nor does it manage the returns. And that’s a pretty big issue. The platform has often been criticized for listing incredibly low-quality and counterfeit goods.

    In fact, the bizarre and sometimes unsatisfactory items that people (accidentally) buy on ‘Wish,’ as well as the platform’s sometimes peculiar ads, have reached meme status. They get poked fun at very often on social media. And even though the platform has taken steps to try and raise the quality of the goods that sellers offer, items that don’t match their descriptions still get through.


    Wish Offering An Alternative To Assisted Suicide

    Wish Offering An Alternative To Assisted Suicide

    dhrisher Report


    My Wife Just Got This Huge Banner For Work. Perfect

    My Wife Just Got This Huge Banner For Work. Perfect

    heymanitsdan Report

    Bored Panda previously spoke to one of the moderators of the popular r/Scams subreddit about avoiding being swindled online. According to the internet user, online marketplaces aren’t exempt from folks trying to pull the wool over others’ eyes. In fact, the internet may be making some scammers even bolder than before.

    "I think online shopping scams are different because you lose that layer of dealing with a real-life person. When you have a real person in front of you, a typical person will feel shame or guilt at the thought of taking advantage of a person,” they explained to us during a previous interview.


    Macho-Man Randy Savage Dropping A Savage Elbow On An Unsuspecting Jesus

    Macho-Man Randy Savage Dropping A Savage Elbow On An Unsuspecting Jesus

    Hobo_Helper_hot Report


    My Friend Ordered A Baby Yoda (Grogu) This Is What They Got

    My Friend Ordered A Baby Yoda (Grogu) This Is What They Got

    Tewakjr Report

    “With the internet, you aren't dealing with a person, but a username and avatar. It is much easier to act maliciously when you don't have a real victim directly in front of you," the expert in scams told Bored Panda.

    "Online scams also use a lot of tricks to pressure buyers; low prices, pushes to buy now!, taking advantage of someone's kindness or naivete (re: advance check fraud, money mules, etc), or advertising one product and sending another (or nothing at all, by using a fake tracking number). Getting a person to make a decision via high-pressure tactics and preventing them from reflecting and making a sound decision is key," they said.


    I Ordered A Desk Lamp From Amazon. I Should Have Read The Specs More Carefully

    I Ordered A Desk Lamp From Amazon. I Should Have Read The Specs More Carefully

    bolthead88 Report


    I Wish I Was Making This Up

    I Wish I Was Making This Up

    Phiziicz Report

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    Tobias Reaper
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    driver probably realised package wasn't in there and took off his work shirt and put it in the package

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    Always Take Notice Of A Product's Size When Shopping Online

    Always Take Notice Of A Product's Size When Shopping Online

    calebwerm Report

    "If a deal is too good to be true, it is. If you see a pair of brand-new Apple AirPods advertised for $50, you are not getting an authentic product. There are many counterfeit items out there on the market, and you need to verify authenticity before hitting buy," they warned people to resist the temptation to buy things the moment they see them advertised on the internet.


    These Shorts My Friend Ordered From An Instagram Ad... Just A Little Bit Different From The Advertisement!

    These Shorts My Friend Ordered From An Instagram Ad... Just A Little Bit Different From The Advertisement!

    badgurlkiki Report


    The Bear Mask My Friend Ordered vs. The Nightmare Fuel He Received

    The Bear Mask My Friend Ordered vs. The Nightmare Fuel He Received

    Brewkake Report

    "Not only to avoid contributing to the counterfeit market, but because these knockoff products do not always go through the same safety standards of the real item; they may not be UL certified, they may use chemicals or ingredients that are not FDA approved and are unsafe for use on or in the human body, or could cause major harm to human life or property."




    luckyred33 Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to wear them on a plane to do what Melissa McCarthy did in Bridesmaids...just to see what happens

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    Sexy Magikarp! Just What I've Always Wanted

    Sexy Magikarp! Just What I've Always Wanted

    EtchedKetchum Report


    Ordered Some Hair Clips And Got Morty Instead

    Ordered Some Hair Clips And Got Morty Instead

    jayhoy-hoy Report

    Which of these shopping fails made you do a double-take, dear Pandas? Which ads did you think were the weirdest of the weird? What's your experience with online shopping been like? Have you ever gotten something different than advertised? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section at the bottom of the article.


    I Don’t Even Own A Chicken

    I Don’t Even Own A Chicken

    Glitter_berries Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    When A Man Wants To Order A Football Shirt With No Name On The Back

    When A Man Wants To Order A Football Shirt With No Name On The Back

    browsib Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I’ve Seen Strange Sunglasses But This... I Don’t Get

    I’ve Seen Strange Sunglasses But This... I Don’t Get

    marybee18 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I kind of want it to take it out and put it on when a conversation annoys me.

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    Tried Online Shopping. They Don't Seem To Fit Me

    Tried Online Shopping. They Don't Seem To Fit Me

    no-u-m8 Report


    Finally. A Pillow Shaped Like A Giant Pigs Trotter!

    Finally. A Pillow Shaped Like A Giant Pigs Trotter!

    deadsocial Report


    Ordered A Pickle Rick Pipe Off

    Ordered A Pickle Rick Pipe Off

    epsteindintkllhimslf Report


    Never Look At The Dimensions While Online Shopping

    Never Look At The Dimensions While Online Shopping

    roraverse Report

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    Nice Beast Ludo
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Shouldn't it say ALWAYS look at the dimensions? Unless you like bad surprises

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Think My Facebook Ads Have Started To Be Influenced By This Sub

    I Think My Facebook Ads Have Started To Be Influenced By This Sub

    getmeoutofohio Report


    Maybe Some People Wish To Braid Their Eyelashes?

    Maybe Some People Wish To Braid Their Eyelashes?

    violet-costello Report


    Wish's Reason For Pushing Meth Pipes So Hard: Increase Market Demand For Cheap Dentures

    Wish's Reason For Pushing Meth Pipes So Hard: Increase Market Demand For Cheap Dentures

    imaginarytea Report

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