“That’s Just Not Right”: 50 Times Cats Were Acting So Weird, Owners Just Had To Take A Pic (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertEver noticed how cats can be as mysterious as ghosts? They both love knocking things off shelves, disappearing when you need them, and doing all sorts of weird stuff! If you've ever scratched your head over your cat's behavior, you're in good company. We've collected some funny pics from the "What's Wrong With Your Cat” subreddit, showcasing kitties in full malfunction mode.
In this purrfect collection, you'll witness cats doing everything from twisting their bodies into impossibly cute positions to giving their best “I meant to do that” expressions after a mishap. So, grab your favorite snack, settle in, and prepare to be charmed by the irresistible antics of these furry comedians!
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Yes, Tell Me What's The Matter
Grace Loves Lying On Her Back. She Just Never Seems To Know What To Do With Her Legs
An Exhausted Mother And Her Weird Children
It looks like it's time for the kittens to have quality time with Dad.
Bored Panda reached out to Sally Chamberlain, who's a clinical animal behaviorist and cat expert, to dig into our feline friends' behavior and our relationship with them. Sally provides tips on cat training, preventing issues, and educates people about cat behavior. Keep reading to learn more about our furry friends!
When it comes to cats, have you ever wondered if different breeds have their own special behaviors? In other words, do Siamese cats act differently from Persians? We asked Sally Chamberlain to share her thoughts on whether specific cat breeds show unique behaviors. The clinical animal behaviorist said that she believes some pedigree cats exhibit distinct behavioral characteristics. However, every cat within a breed can still have its own personality and might not always act exactly like others of its breed. “The temperament and quirks of each cat will vary. For example, Ragdoll cats are renowned for being ‘floppy’, docile, placid, and affectionate, yet I know a Ragdoll who is quite lively, playful and only likes to be affectionate on his terms. Bengal cats, a cross between an Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic tabby cat, are known for being bold, confident, and demanding, yet a Bengal I know is generally quite reserved and nervous but enjoys affection and playtime with his humans.
Overall, pedigree cats tend to be bred for their looks and temperament but this can sadly lead to them having health problems due to a small gene pool. For example, flat-faced Persian cats can have breathing difficulties and eye problems, Scottish Folds may have ear trouble and bald Sphynx cats can have skin problems.”
Winston Is Popping In To Say Hi
My Pretty Girl Just Turned 16
I’m Just Going To Chomp Hard On This Cactus
Building a strong bond with your cat begins with effective communication. Many cat owners wonder how they can best connect with their feline friends to deepen their understanding and strengthen their relationship. According to Chamberlain, cats need to feel a sense of choice and control in order to feel happy and secure. “If a human would like to interact with a cat, the best way to go about this is to obtain their consent by crouching down to the cat’s side with a hand held out in a loose fist slightly away from the cat. This then gives them the choice as to whether or not to approach. If the cat approaches and nudges or sniffs your hand, gently move to stroke them on the head, but only do this for a few seconds. If they would like more contact, they’ll probably nudge you for more. If not, they’ll walk away and carry on with their feline business. Cats tend to only like being touched around their head and neck area but they are all different and, depending on how well you know the cat, they might enjoy lots of petting.”
Seriously Dan? You Can't Turn On The TV?
Roomba No Worky
There Was No Catnip Used In The Making Of This Image
Slowly blinking at a cat can also be helpful because it's a friendly way cats communicate with each other. A great way to engage with a cat is also by playing with a wand toy instead of using your hands directly. “Cats are natural hunters of small prey animals, so a wiggly worm, furry mouse, or feather on the end of a string should be irresistible for them. Cats have come to understand that humans can’t resist some of the cute sounds they make but when we vocally communicate with a cat, we should use a gentle voice and subtle tones because they don’t tend to like loud people or lots of noise. Training your cat can also be a great way to bond. This article has some good advice on how to communicate with cats,” Chamberlain told us.
She Turns Into This Thing When I Make The Bed And Viciously Attacks My Hair When I Try To Tuck In The Sheets. Yep, She's Looking At My Hair In This Pic Lol
Haha! How to say your kitten is in play mode without saying she is...
My Friend’s Cat Might Have A Problem
Enjoy My Lemur Cat
Have you ever wondered how a cat's age and life stage shape its behavior? From curious kittens to seasoned seniors, each stage brings distinct behaviors and needs. “As we all know, kittens are very playful but, as cats get older, we need to ensure they get the right level of care and enrichment for their age,” Chamberlain shared. “Senior cats, which are often considered to be senior after the age of 11 years, tend to slow down and can be more susceptible to health problems such as kidney disease, arthritis, thyroid problems, cancer, dental disease, cognitive decline and loss of sight or hearing amongst other things. It becomes even more important to take our senior feline companions for regular check-ups and keep an eye on them generally. If their behavior changes, get them checked out by the vet. That’s not to say that all senior cats will suffer ill health. Many still enjoy an active lifestyle with lots of play and enrichment suitable for their age group.”
Someone Decided That Winter Sucks And Now Lives 24/7 Under The Radiator. Reasonable
Sentient Dryer Lint
Relatable (Friend Posted On Twitter)
I agree :-D however, I see on the photo one thing that probably disturb the cat: water bowl should be at least one meter away from the food. Because in nature, if food is too close to the water, in cat mind water is contaminated (for example by a bacteria from a dead bird)
Understanding the importance of socialization for cats is key to ensuring their well-being and happiness. Just like humans, cats benefit from positive interactions and exposure to various environments. Chamberlain agrees that socialization is very important for cats to ensure that they become well-balanced adult cats who enjoy living in a domestic home. “There is a period in kittenhood between 2-7 weeks called the sensitive period when socialization is most likely to be effective. Socialization is the process by which kittens are carefully introduced to humans, other cats, and various species of animals, slowly and positively a little each day. This means allowing them to be gently handled and play with people of all ages, races and wearing different things so that they do not display any fearful body language or behavior towards them.
They should also meet well-behaved, cat-friendly dogs and other animals they may come across in a home. Habituation is also important, which is the process by which they get used to the sights, sounds, and smells of a domestic home so that they become habituated to domestic appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners and doorbells without being fearful of them. Cats that have never encountered humans or lived in a domestic setting are referred to as feral or semi-feral, depending on their upbringing. They can sometimes be slowly introduced to all of the above, but many feral and semi-feral cats are often much less stressed living as barn cats or in feral cat sanctuaries.”
Emulating How She Sees The Humans Sit On The Sofa
Sleeping Beauty 😻
My Couch Keeps Attacking Me
Looks Like A Demon From A Renaissance Painting
Stepped Out Of The Shower To This 🤷🏼♀️
I'm Worried About Him Sometimes
First Time He Saw Himself In The Mirror
Just Chilling On This Quiet Night
My Kitten Helping With The Giant Christmas Crossword
Out Of A Whole House, This Is Fo's Bed
Nice and cool, frequent visitors to demand tuna from. What's the problem?
My Child Has An Obsession With Strawberries And Strawberry-Flavored Things For Some Reason
My orange kitty Kobi LOVED strawberries! Once, I didn't shut the fridge door completely, so he pulled a plastic container full of strawberries out and helped himself to the entire contents, only leaving the leafy green tops behind on the floor for me to find about an hour later.
One Of His Favorite Ways To Sleep
He Worked His Way Under The Basket Handles To Lay On An Uncomfortable Pile Of Stuff
Shoulder Cat
My Void Always Sits Like This, He Thinks He’s People…
That Tongue Lol
Hi, I’m Anfisa And I Feel So Comfortable!
Those IKEA cats really should come with clearer assembly instructions.
He Thinks He's Invisible
Rivers’ Reaction To Me Yelling At Him For Jumping On The Table
Common Orange Cat Symptoms
Reggie Cranks Up The Adorable Factor Until No One Can Resist Giving His Fluffy Tumtum Some Quality Rubs
My Cat Has Been Snuggling A Ruler For Like A Week
She Made This Face After Smelling Herself
Standard Orange Cat
Life's Too Hard, Man 😭
Look At Doug’s Neck, Hair, And Neck Hair! (And Desperation For Ruffles)
He reminds me of that dragon thing from Never Ending Story Movie
Dude What Is Wrong With My Cat?
Oddy Is 5 M.o. And Still Doesn’t Know How A Bed Works
Oddy's back is supported comfortably. What's the issue?
She Has Multiple Beds But Always Chooses The Box :/
Has Anyone Ever Seen A Cat Drink Like This?
I Don’t Know But…. Is Sitting On My Face A Sign Of Love?
The Refusal To Get Off The Counter
Kitteh Brok’n. ?
A Fluffy Donut With Random Legs
My Scrungly Son Cleaned Himself And Then Sat Like This For Another 30 Minutes
I feel like I have seen this list in its entirety on BP recently. Maybe just having some major deja vu.
I've seen a lot of them also, although I believe with different captions.
I feel like I have seen this list in its entirety on BP recently. Maybe just having some major deja vu.
I've seen a lot of them also, although I believe with different captions.