There are a lot of opportunistic people on the internet, and most of them are on eBay. How else could you call someone who is selling two snowballs for $10,000? Or a fake ramen smartphone stand for $152? Instagram account @ebaybae has been collecting weird things to buy on eBay, and they should raise your eyebrows. From ridiculous product design and photography to outrageous prices and questionable authenticity, these eBay listings prove that you can buy pretty much anything online. Even the weird things you didn't know existed.
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In 1995, after spending Labor Day weekend at home writing code on his personal computer, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar launched AuctionWeb, a site "dedicated to bringing together buyers and sellers in an honest and open marketplace."
Soon after, Canadian Mark Fraser purchased the first item that Omidyar listed on the online shopping site -- a broken laser pointer.
Pierre hired the first employee, Chris Agarpao, a year later. Chris was to help coordinate the fast-growing company’s online operations. Over twenty years later, he is still working at eBay.
By the time Meg Whitman was hired by the board as eBay president and CEO in March 1998, the online store already had 30 employees, half a million users and revenues of $4.7 million in the United States.
It didn't take long before all sorts of interesting items were selling on eBay. Take a grilled cheese sandwich with the face of Virgin Mary on it. Sold for a staggering $28,000 in 2004, the sandwich is said to have magical powers and was left untouched by mold for more than a decade, according to the woman who made it.
There was this funny eBay listing - a Dorito shaped like the Pope’s hat. It sold for $1,209 in 2005. The buyer? Online casino, the same one that bought the Virgin Mary grilled cheese.
I guess we just found the answers to the question why eBay is filled with crazy listings nowadays.
This would be perfect for my two person horse costume during a rain storm though
Honestly though I know when I smoked I probably would of been like yeah maybe I could use this
Would this be good to use when masturbating? Asking for a friend. :D
... but it is only for regular smoking smoker. Not suitable for the Canadian market.
What should we do to covince men to do their share of housework? Let's make sexy clothespins!
Has anyone ever used "rare" in their search on ebay? To me anything with the word rare in it is probably either going to expensive or junk that someone thinks is worth a lot of money!
I was afraid I was going to go through see and see something I was selling on eBay!
Has anyone ever used "rare" in their search on ebay? To me anything with the word rare in it is probably either going to expensive or junk that someone thinks is worth a lot of money!
I was afraid I was going to go through see and see something I was selling on eBay!