Hopping onto social media used to be a light, fun activity full of selfies, harmless memes and confused posts from grandparents. Nowadays, however, even a quick scroll through your newsfeed can be heavy. Articles about atrocities happening around the world, heated political debates and online protests seem impossible to avoid. And while it's important to be socially aware, sometimes we just need a break from it all.
If you’re looking for some lighthearted comedy that will bring a bit of sunshine to your day, don’t worry, pandas. You’re in a safe space! Below, we’ve gathered some of the most hilarious posts women have recently shared on X. So enjoy scrolling through these silly observations, and keep reading to find a chat with Lynne Parker, Founder and Chief Executive of Funny Women!
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I've had a middle part, bangs and straight hair since the 70s, with a few random perms in the 80s and 90s lol
The hilarious posts you’ll find on this list have all been pulled from X, but we wanted to find out more about the world of comedy, particularly for women. So we reached out to Lynne Parker, Founder and Chief Executive of Funny Women. Funny Women is the UK’s leading female comedy community and is dedicated to helping women perform, write and dive into the world of humor.
Lynne was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and discuss the difference between comedy for stage and the internet. “Playing to a live audience standing on a stage in a venue is for most people the ultimate experience, as it's where you get instant feedback, whether that's laughter or silence,” she shared.
On the other hand, Lynne says creating comedy for the internet is about second-guessing what your followers will relate to. “And while feedback can also be instant, you can't see the whites of their eyes!” she noted.
Plus, it's important to know that the internet isn't always a welcoming place. “Social media can be a hostile competitive environment, and you're only as good as your last post,” Lynne added. “Judgment in both cases can be swift and brutal, and nowhere is it more instantaneous than in comedy.”
Creating comedy for the stage and for the internet often go hand in hand, the expert says. “I coach performers and develop new talent, so my best advice is to work with what comes naturally to you in terms of material both live and online,” Lynne told Bored Panda. “Good content will work in both environments, and you can build an audience with your online persona so that when you tour, ticket sales are guaranteed.”
Perfectly acceptable, I see nothing wrong with this. Fish are interesting
Once invited a girl back to my place when I was at college and she genuinely thought I’d been burgled.
We were also curious if it’s important for stage comedians to post content online nowadays. “A strong online presence will help to market your live performances and shows,” Lynne says. “Take Mammy Banter, who won our Funny Women Content Creator Award in 2023. She had never performed live stand-up, but with 3.5million followers on social media like Instagram and TikTok, she has a ready made audience and sold out her first ever gig and her latest tour!”
The comedy expert also shared some advice for women who want to dip their toes into the comedy scene. “Massive plug here, but at Funny Women, we run brilliant online Comedy Crash Courses,” Lynne shared. If you’re interested, you can find the details for the next one from June 24th to 28th right here!
My mate Freddie avoided all the supermarket tantrums from day one by giving his 2+ daughter the shopping list and a pencil so she could cross off each item as it was put in the trolley. She soon caught on and was recognizing words after just a few trips.
Lynne noted that they also cover the building blocks of creating comedy for both live performance and online content at Funny Women. “If you prefer to work with us in person, I'm running my Stand Up to Stand Out Summer School on Saturday 17th August in London. In both events, the principals are the same, where we help you to structure your comedy and develop material. You find out what works by experimenting with us in a safe place.”
Finally, Lynne shared some wise words for anyone in the virtual comedy scene. “Social media and online content is so powerful, and it can make or break you. Be prepared for opinions, good and bad, and remember that they aren't personal because they don't really know you,” she told Bored Panda.
“Having an alter ego or 'character' can protect you, but sooner or later you've got to get on that stage in-person and meet your fans face to face. That's where the magic of comedy really happens,” Lynne says.
That's the only way to hold a conversation, imo. Otherwise, I tune out. Some people may think it's rude but if I'm not interrupting with questions, I'm not actively listening.
Regardless of your gender, we hope you’re enjoying this list of hilarious posts from funny women on X. Comedy is for everyone, after all! Keep upvoting the pics you find most hilarious and relatable, and feel free to share some of your own clever observations in the comments below. Then, if you’re interested in checking out Bored Panda’s last article on the same topic, you can find it right here!
Same with me on my bus silently listening to the kids behind me prank calling random numbers
For me, it's deleting all the important apps so that I can download a game that I'm only going to play once.
Next time, squirt some glue onto your hand and wait for it to dry. Then peel it off and expect to ascend to heaven.
No, one time my literature teacher told us about just after he got hired at my school, how he was performing at the local pub, and he was singing that song just as the principal and a whole group of staff came in. Just as he was singing that line, and he got so scared he had a massive voice crack...
Load More Replies...But, but, but ... I won't get into aerospace medical school with an A- on my record.
California has some of the most varied and beautiful landscapes in North America: Redwood Forests, mountains, deserts, beaches, etc. It's simply a place mother nature shows off.
That would be an amazing name for a dating site.
Load More Replies...I woke up with this really painful and bright red rash/splotch under my left boob that is incredibly painful. That's what I'm thinking right now and how to deal with it. Edit: pretty sure it is heat rash. Thanks for the replies, it's a lot better today after I took your suggestions yesterday. 🤗
Heat rash? If not, I have some steroid cream you can borrow :) Which I possess for a nipple thing that pops up maybe twice a year… Yay boobs.
Load More Replies...This was my first thought! I get them a lot in the summer. Gentle wash, completely dry (air/fan dry is best), slather with petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment depending on severity. Using deodorant as a preventative can help, but sometimes there's just too much sweat collection there.
I've heard that, but it's the only thing that clears it up quickly for me.
Aloe vera gel is great for heat and doesn't trap it in. I use it on heat rash all the time(live in Arizona, it's heat rash season all year round)
Stick deodorant under the boobs. Put it on before you go, and after you get it. Fellow sufferer here.
Sounds like a yeasty heat rash. I get them. Was with cold wster pat dry and apply a diaper cream called BALMEX in 2-3 days it will be going away .
Get some Booudreaux's Butt Paste if it's available in your area. It's for diaper rash, but I use it for everything. Heals overnight.
I'd just like to say that at the time of commenting it is June 14th and the date of the post is June 15th, same year. That is not possible.
Sorry. I forgot. Jesus christ. Not all of us think of that immediately. Sorry for trying to say things.
Which Space-time continuum are you from? You need to recalibrate dude, or you will always be behind.
I feel like there is finally a club i belong to at age 65. . And they feel and think like I do!
That would be an amazing name for a dating site.
Load More Replies...I woke up with this really painful and bright red rash/splotch under my left boob that is incredibly painful. That's what I'm thinking right now and how to deal with it. Edit: pretty sure it is heat rash. Thanks for the replies, it's a lot better today after I took your suggestions yesterday. 🤗
Heat rash? If not, I have some steroid cream you can borrow :) Which I possess for a nipple thing that pops up maybe twice a year… Yay boobs.
Load More Replies...This was my first thought! I get them a lot in the summer. Gentle wash, completely dry (air/fan dry is best), slather with petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment depending on severity. Using deodorant as a preventative can help, but sometimes there's just too much sweat collection there.
I've heard that, but it's the only thing that clears it up quickly for me.
Aloe vera gel is great for heat and doesn't trap it in. I use it on heat rash all the time(live in Arizona, it's heat rash season all year round)
Stick deodorant under the boobs. Put it on before you go, and after you get it. Fellow sufferer here.
Sounds like a yeasty heat rash. I get them. Was with cold wster pat dry and apply a diaper cream called BALMEX in 2-3 days it will be going away .
Get some Booudreaux's Butt Paste if it's available in your area. It's for diaper rash, but I use it for everything. Heals overnight.
I'd just like to say that at the time of commenting it is June 14th and the date of the post is June 15th, same year. That is not possible.
Sorry. I forgot. Jesus christ. Not all of us think of that immediately. Sorry for trying to say things.
Which Space-time continuum are you from? You need to recalibrate dude, or you will always be behind.
I feel like there is finally a club i belong to at age 65. . And they feel and think like I do!