Welcome to a whimsical corner of Reddit known as “Username Checks Out” that combines witty snapbacks, memes, and internet culture all at once.
According to Know Your Meme, “'Username Checks Out' is a common catchphrase used online to point out when someone makes a comment that seems to complement their online handle.” People online immediately caught on to the joke, and so the subreddit by the same name was born in 2015.
Seven years later, the community stands strong while dedicated to sharing and documenting hilarious examples of the phrase being used. Below we wrapped up some of the funniest ones for you to enjoy!
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Name Checks Out
Oh No
Know Your Meme explains the “Username Checks Out” catchphrase that has been surfing online for years, as a phrase that points out when someone makes a comment which complements their online handle.
The origins of the phrase dates back to November 19th, 2014, when the Redditor felix2468 posted a question to r/OutOfTheLoop about what the phrase ‘Username checks out’ meant. “While the comment had seen use online prior to the question, the post marked the first time someone inquired about its meaning online,” Know Your Meme explains.
He Explained It Wrong
A year later, on October 20th, 2015, “a 9GAG user posted an example showing someone with the username "EnragedQuitter" leaving an online gaming match, gaining over 6,600 points.” Then, on April 17th, 2016, Redditor The-Lying-Tree posted the same question to /r/OutOfTheLoop. According to Know Your Meme, in the thread, users Drogovic and Stuff_muffin provided examples of how the meme would be used. The joke was picked up by Redditors on various subreddits.
Dave’s Username Checks Out
The FBI Is Onto Us
And that's the exact moment showerthoughts host has been seamlessly replaced by what people commonly described as a "man in black".
That Turned Dark Fast
Church V Jesus Round 1 Commence Idk I Don’t Watch Boxing Or Wrestling
Old Google+ Meme
Never Truly Safe
Kutiwise is safe, though. That’s a “vampier” hunter, not a “vampire” hunter.
A Double Whammy
The Cause Of 2020
The Best One I've Seen Yet Lol
Definitely Checks Out
What's wrong with Giuseppe.? It's better than any name Elon Musk will come up with.
2 Together!
Did That Sting M8?
When I was younger, I always thought it meant all my friends were adding kisses to their name, like xoxo.
F You, Trevor
Pizza Hut App
to answer the question: there would be a huge sigh of relief if such a violent, bigoted, unintelligent extremist cult leader was done away with once & for all.
Checks Out
Not The Belt!
"NotTheBelt" officially beats all other usernames out there; I dunno what it is, but that name just hits me the right way
Didn't Mean To Offend Any Earthworms, I'm Sorry
At my high school, the weird thing would be the guy who was suspended after the weekend janitor caught him in the teachers' lounge. "Steve" (not his real name) had decided to break into the lounge and was raiding for food, found some hot dog buns, and figured "Welp...might as well sit down on the couch in here and pleasure myself with one of those". Aaaaaaaaand cue the janitor
The Anti-UwU
I Feel Bad For The Second Guy
Don’t Call Me Karen
I thought it was pretty funny when I posted something slightly politically spicy on Bored Panda, and the first person to comment was told, "We don't talk about him."
I thought it was pretty funny when I posted something slightly politically spicy on Bored Panda, and the first person to comment was told, "We don't talk about him."