We all know that dogs are man’s best friend. We play with them, we cuddle with them and we give them tasty treats to convey just how much we care about them. And of course, like any other best friend, we love to laugh with them.

If you’re a dog parent, you know very well how hilarious these creatures can be. From their extremely expressive faces to the adorable sounds they make to communicate their emotions, dogs are incredibly entertaining. And if you’re looking for some pics of doggos that should make you smile, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve gathered some of the sweetest and funniest pics of dogs that owners have shared on X, so enjoy scrolling through! And keep reading to find conversations with Jenny from D for Dog, Brandon Stapleton, Head Veterinarian at The Farmer's Dog, and Maggie Marton of Oh My Dog!

To learn more about how hilarious dogs can be, we got in touch with Jenny from D for Dog, a popular pet supply shop in the UK. Jenny was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and discuss what makes dogs such special animals.

“Dogs are amazing and loyal companions. They will be by your side for all life's important events,” Jenny says. “I would never live a life without dogs. They always give way more than they take. Dogs really are my favorite people.”


    Jenny shared that 20 years ago, she adopted two dogs and started her website, D for Dog. “Me and my mutts were the first attempt at social media. I painstakingly scanned photos and learnt html. What we do for the love of dogs,” she said with a laugh. “It is much easier to chat online to other dog owners now, thankfully.”

    “I have adopted many dogs over the years, and I still run D for Dog. I also do dog sitting in my spare time, so I literally live, sleep and breathe dogs,” Jenny revealed. “I have had the pleasure of sharing my time with some of the best, most loving and funniest dogs you could ever hope to meet. From lion-taming Chihuahuas to German Shepherds who run away from kittens, I have met and loved them all.”


    We also asked Jenny about dogs having their own senses of humor. “Personally, I love a cheeky dog. Terriers never fail to make me laugh,” she shared. “They definitely do things to get a reaction. Their zest for life is unrivalled, and they are so determined when they set their minds on something.”

    “One of my terriers once went missing at the kennels. They found him on the flat roof of the outhouse, watching the frantic search with glee,” Jenny revealed. “Cheeky boy!”

    “Another of my terriers, Berkeley, a beautiful boy as white as snow, once took a fancy to next door’s bunny rabbit (who was safely caged, I might add),” Jenny told Bored Panda. “Berkeley climbed our tree, used next door’s BBQ to break his fall (turning it on as he went) and was found watching Mr. Snuffles through the bars with definite intent.”


    But even if they get annoying at times, Jenny says that you can’t ever be mad at a dog. “They never do things with malice or evil intent. They really are amazing in every way. And unlike humans, dogs never hold a grudge,” she explained. “Their love for us is truly unconditional.”

    “Thinking about it though, my terrier Spadge did once refuse a tasty treat after being left home alone. Imagining his furry 'sister' had been out on a jolly, he was miffed with us and wasn’t shy to show it,” she added. “Of course, he had no idea that Zena had been to the vets to have a carrier bag removed from her bottom after she misjudged its nutritional value on a walk.”


    There’s no question that dogs are special creatures. “Dogs can be cute, funny, mischievous, soppy, testing, loving, loyal and um… noisy,” Jenny shared with a laugh. “They also cause varying degrees of mess and chaos whilst shedding fur over all your belongings... But they are worth every minute of our care and attention.”

    “I am one of those people who say they want a break occasionally but will then accost strangers with dogs, asking to pet them... The dogs, not the strangers,” she clarified. “Only a dog (and pasta) can make the day better, am I right!”


    Jenny also admits that she’s not a strict dog mom. “We definitely have a free for all 'rule' in our house. I am a big believer in letting my dogs share my space,” she noted. “My favorite parts of the day are morning cuddles on the bed and evening pile-ons on the sofa. My Bedlington Terrier never used to leave my side, even when I took a bath.”

    “He wanted to experience it all and, despite my best efforts, was partial to bars of soap. He once had suspiciously fresh and floral breath, so I opened his mouth and discovered a small bar of soap wedged in the roof of his mouth,” she revealed. “He was going boss-eyed trying to remove it with his soapy little tongue. I challenge anyone to keep a straight face over things like that.”


    And if you’re looking for a dog of your own, Jenny is a firm believer in the "adopt don't shop" mantra. “There are so many dogs in rescues who need homes. I have adopted all sorts of dogs over the years including a deaf Jack Russell, a dog with mammary cancer, and my great goofball Zena who is a front leg amputee,” she shared. “I had to laugh as one of my friends, on learning of this adoption, said ‘Of all the dogs needing homes, I see you struggled to find a complete one.’”


    But Jenny says that missing a leg isn’t a problem for Zena at all. “A much bigger issue is the fact that she is a complete fool,” she added with a laugh. “But the great thing about adopting an adult dog is that I already knew that. She might be a fool but she is my fool. Hands off, she is coming home with me!”



    desusnice Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was a teenager, I had a GSD and a gray cat that I adopted just months apart from each other. They were close in age to each other and grew up together. They were BFFs. I’d often see the 90-lb German Shepherd carrying the 8-lb cat in her mouth, and the cat was totally relaxed and contented to be carried XD Ember (the GSD) died of cancer when she was 12, and Wintressia, the cat, was devastated. She grieved so much. One cannot tell me that animals do not grieve or feel emotional pain. Over time I was able to coax Win out of her grief (and doing so helped me emerge out of my own grief as well) and I became her new BFF XD she lived another 6 years and died two months shy of her 20th birthday. I still miss them both. I have two dogs and two cats now, but I still love and miss my Ember and Win.

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    Jenny also says it’s important to do plenty of research before bringing a dog home. “They say humans end up looking like their dogs, but I think we also end up acting like them too. Choose a dog that suits your personality, and don't be fooled by stereotypes.”

    “Did you know, for example, that Greyhounds love to sleep? They are affectionately known as 60 miles per hour couch potatoes,” she shared with a laugh. “Mixed breeds are generally healthier, so consider a Heinz 57 and definitely don't shy away from the older dogs.”


    “Everyone gravitates towards the pups, but adult dogs will generally be past the idiot stage (I hope Zena is reading this!) so adopting a slightly older dog who is out of nappies means you can be more sure of their final character,” Jenny added. “Don't be fooled by pups. They look cute and harmless, but they can destroy your entire home in less time than it takes to say ‘baby gate.’”

    “Whatever doggie you choose, be prepared to be their best friend for their whole life. Never take them for granted, and make sure you enjoy every minute,” she continued. “Because dogs are just a chapter in our lives, but we are their whole book. Woof!”



    Hardywolf359 Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Something happened in the kitchen... and I love you so much" :)))

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    We were also lucky enough to get in touch with Brandon Stapleton, Head Veterinarian at The Farmer's Dog, to gain his insight into the wonderful world of doggos.

    “Dogs get more and more incredible the more you think about them. When you look into your dog’s eyes, you’re looking at your buddy, and you’re looking at humanity’s first, best friend,” he shared. “Dogs have been with us, and evolved alongside us, for tens of thousands of years. They’ve been our friends, our protectors, and workmates—there’s an argument that humans wouldn’t be what we are without them.”

    “But even if you forget about all of that and look only at the role they play in your life today—they’re still amazing,” Brandon continued. “Just looking at a dog and caring for a dog can make us happier and healthier. We got very lucky to have these adorable, amazing beings as our friends.” 



    WeLoveDogsUSA Report

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    Emily M
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If i am remembering right, this dog has been adopted, but its human still takes it out to visit its pelican friend

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    As far as why we find dogs so amusing, Brandon says, “If you asked 100 people this question, you might get 100 different answers. But one of many things that can make dogs’ behavior amusing is that, in some ways, what they’re doing can seem out of place in a human-dominated world.”

    “‘Fish out of water’ is a reliable comedy formula for a reason. If your dog is barking at the Roomba, or trying to dig a hole in your bed when a patch of dirt is not available, maybe you’ll be amused because they’re acting in a way that’s natural for them, but not particularly useful in your house,” he explained.

    “It may also be funny to see a dog trying to make sense of something whose meaning is a little bit out of reach for them—looking behind the TV set to find the dog they saw on the screen, or tilting their head at an unfamiliar sound effect,” Brandon says. “And we may identify with our dogs—even if we ‘get’ our world more than they do in some ways, we feel versions of the same emotions.”


    “And because we love dogs and want to pay attention to them, we have more opportunities to notice them doing things that we find funny. Of course, we may also find them funny because they’re goofy and adorable,” the vet added.

    We also wanted to hear Brandon’s thoughts on whether or not dogs have senses of humor. “While dogs can’t tell jokes, they actually might have a sense of humor. We have explored this topic with behavior experts who say that play and ‘practical jokes’ are evidence that dogs could have an internal sense that some things are funny, or at least not to be taken seriously.”


    “Just like people say things when they’re joking that would have a different meaning in another context, dogs can signal to each other that their wrestling is play, not fighting,” Brandon shared. “One way they do this is via ‘play bows.’ Dogs can even make a sound during play that some people say is a type of laughter. And Charles Darwin once wrote that he thought dogs enjoyed playing tricks on people. So, while we can’t know what’s going on inside dogs’ minds, it’s reasonable to think that they have a version of what we’d call a sense of humor.”

    And if you’re going to adopt a doggo of your own, Brandon says the first thing to know is that having a dog is a joy—and a responsibility. “More than their looks, consider how your dog will fit your life (and how you will fit theirs),” he says. “There’s no one set kind of environment or lifestyle you need to have to give a dog a good home, but you do need to make sure you have the time to devote to caring for them.”


    “No matter the breed or size, nearly every dog needs exercise, they need training and socialization, health care, and your time and attention,” he added. “And, of course, it’s important to know that for every bit of love and attention you give your dog, they’ll give it back to you tenfold.”



    oldenoughtosay Report

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    DennyS (denzoren)
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Do you want it to be lights out Linda? Cause I can make that happen" "That's not what lights out means" "shhhh....just give me the snackkkkkk"

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    We also got in touch with Maggie Marton of Oh My Dog! blog to hear her thoughts on this topic.

    "Humans find dogs to be hilarious because, well, dogs ARE hilarious," Maggie shared. "Generally, dogs don't take life too seriously. They're playful, silly, and full of fun. They make funny noises. A happy dog's body language – loose, waggly, tongue hanging out – already looks goofy, and then they add to it with hilarity like zoomies, diving into piles of leaves, rolling up in blankets, and all manner of silly behavior."


    We also asked Maggie about some of the funny behavior that she's observed in her doggos. "My favorite is when dogs get the zoomies. Hands down," she told Bored Panda. "I can't help but crack up when a dog is zooming, especially when the frenetic running and leaping is paired with big barks or growls. It's also hilarious when dogs give side-eye."

    As far as whether or not dogs have a sense of humor, Maggie says, "I'm not sure there's any research on dogs and a sense of humor (though there should be! what lab can we get to pioneer this study?), but dogs are certainly clever, playful, and silly. Those characteristics seem likely to add up to a sense of humor! Plus, I've seen so many dogs repeat behaviors that get their humans to laugh to keep the laughs coming, so they must have some understanding of what's funny!"



    SohamGadre Report

    "Dogs and humans experience an oxytocin boost when we interact with each other," Maggie added. "All this silly behavior, whether it's watching your dog leap into a pile of leaves or just cuddling on the couch, delivers your brain (and your dog's!) a dose of happy hormones. Even if dogs don't experience the same sense of humor that we do, simply sharing our joy and laughter makes both you and your dog feel more relaxed and less stressed!"



    LizerReal Report



    CampbellxEmma Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, that's what happens if you hire a Husky as a guard dog

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    We hope you’re enjoying these hilarious photos of dogs, pandas! Keep upvoting the ones that make you want to adopt another furry member into your family, and let us know in the comments: what's the funniest thing you’ve ever seen a dog do? Then, if you’d like to check out even more silly pics of good doggies, we recommend visiting this Bored Panda piece next!



    Bitchseida Report

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    Awkward lady
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I didn't know that was a thing with Latinas! She's beautiful anyway.

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    PAVGOD Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would beg him to just bite me instead. That pain i can handle.

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    NicCageMatch Report

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    Madam Puddyfoot
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm a vet and had a client one time who was having trouble with her puppy getting on the couch. I asked her what she does when he gets on the couch. She says, " I tell him that it is inappropriate behavior and he should consider the consequences..." ....

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    PAVGOD Report

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    Lew k
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Awww my boy loved being fed from a fork. I think he liked pretending he was human just for a few minutes. Dude literally inhaled any food offered but put it on a fork and all the sudden he was a dainty princess.

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    genius_dogs Report



    jordynhalls Report

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    Multa Nocte
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also "Who's the best baby? I love you so much. I'm sorry I have to be gone for an hour or so. I'm such a bad momma, but I love you soooooo very much."

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    helen Report

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    Multa Nocte
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, that would hurt my heart. I am SOOOO easily manipulated by my pets.

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    extrafabulous Report

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    Mrs Irish Mom
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dog had diarrhea and i got him to the vet and on meds for 3 days, my husband has diarrhea the past 2 days and i gave him a banana and told him to suck it up

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    soledadobrien Report

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    Daya Meyer
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dog prefers to lead me to a parking lot at an Aldi or a supermarket near us. Then she sits down, looking at people and cars and she won't leave this place until she has finished and gets some treats.

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    Dalbodog Report

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    Mrs Irish Mom
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Told my kid and hubby when we got dog that hes 100% not allowed on beds, hes taking a nap on my bed and i dont want to move incase i wake him

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    MarketingBully_ Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Doggie looks like he pities the fool who doesn’t likes his new look.

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    _Smiley_Rylie_ Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I give mine "appetizers" (their vitamin treats) before their dinner and they love it.



    97Vercetti Report

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    alamanecer Report

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    6 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine get a little jealous when I talk to my plants with the same kind tone I speak to them. They're all my babies.

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    bye_ology Report

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    genius_dogs Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The tall one is definitely a Borzoi. Can't make out enough features for a definite guess on the other one.

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    niyalewinsky Report

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    Multa Nocte
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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A bit invested in the neighbourhood gossip, if you ask me.



    97Vercetti Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honey, I trust my pets enough to give them power of attorney!

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    Yaekr8zy Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    awww ... he wants to make sure you're ok ... maybe he will share his rope with you



    THE1NONLY_FK Report

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    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are not being a responsible dog parent if you were sent to jail. Your dog needed you to be a better example.

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    Elleeethia Report

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
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    6 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Brachycephalic dogs like this cannot give birth naturally. Most dogs with this skull type require cesarean sections in order to actually give birth to their puppies, as the misshapen, overlarge skulls of the puppies get stuck in the birth canal. (IIRC the statistics on bulldogs are that over 80% of pregnant females have to deliver via c-section or they will die. The statistics are over 90% for Boston terriers and over 80% for Frenchies. For Pugs, it’s around 60%.) Brachycephalic dogs are not normal or healthy. They have lifelong breathing, dental, and ocular issues. If you’ve ever heard a wheezing Pug or Frenchie struggling to breathe or seen a Pug with an ocular globe luxation (when their bulging eyes literally pop out of their sockets), then you understand that breeding brachycephalic dogs is inherently cruel to the animals, who will have numerous lifelong health issues. Please, please support breeders that are trying to restore brachycephalic dog breeds to have a more normal muzzle and skull shape if you absolutely must have a brachycephalic breed.

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