If you didn’t click on this article by accident, chances are you love a good trivia game. So do we! Another thing that we love is having fun and hee-hawing the night away. That’s why we’ve decided to combine the entertainment that a good trivia night can give with the fun of, well, fun! So, here we are with our list full of funny trivia questions that’ll hopefully elevate your next soiree to new heights. Each of the curious questions is supplied with answers, but don’t be a spoilsport by reading them beforehand!
So, not only are these some truly interesting trivia questions, but they will also give you laughs. This is, in fact, definitely making it harder because now you’ll be scrambling for an answer while laughing hysterically. So, to give you some slack, we also made sure that these babies fall under the category of easy trivia questions, no tricks there! Now, the real question to ask here is this - are you truly ready for these trivia questions we’ve prepared for you? We bet you are, so let’s not waste any more of our precious time and skip to the inquiries themselves.
Right-o, you know what to do here! The fun trivia questions are waiting for you just a bit further down, and once you get to them, vote for the ones that seemed the most entertaining to you. After that, be sure to share this article with your friends, of course!
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What fictional character is believed to be real by more than 25% of American's?
I can't believe this is true 😂 It reminded me the one "x% of Americans believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows"
Why do dogs like squeaky toys?
Goes to google tobfact check.... I mean it makes so much sense 😅
On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times in a day?
HA I opened it 25 times yesterday...Some of those times it was to see if the light stays on 🙃
What country has more than half of its people believing in elves, dwarves, and ghosts?
What was the first patented service uniform in the U.S.?
In what state is it legal to hunt unicorns?
And if you do hunt one in any other state, you have to pay a fine in Schrute bucks
What was Walt Disney afraid of?
The computer mouse speed is measured in what?
Do cows moo with regional accents? Yes or no?
What doctor type invented cotton candy?
What do you call a group of unicorns?
What color is the ‘black box’ in an airplane?
I legit have always thought it was black!! But this makes sense, high visibility and all that...
What word did China once censor?
What odd prevention can be found on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control website?
I wrote a college paper about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse back in 2012 and used the CDC's article as a source.
What country has a unicorn as part of its national emblem?
What has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard?
What famous country singer once lost in her own "look-alike" contest?
If I remember correctly, she came in third place! Ann-Margret also attended a look-alike contest for kicks. She said Michael Andrews was the most Ann-Margret-like impersonator she had ever met and she’s not connected to my family at all otherwise (I found out later that I am distantly related to Michael Andrews when my sibling made the discovery on Ancestry about four years ago!!)!
On Sunday, what is illegal to sell in Columbus, Ohio?
make sure you have plenty left for brekkie before church on Sunday to curb the urge to masturbate.
How many years old is the oldest tortoise?
What is the real name of the Cookie Monster?
How fast was the first person ever convicted of "speeding?"
Do the heads on Easter Island have bodies beneath them? Yes or no?
What bird can tell the difference between a Monet and Picasso painting?
Which two countries have never missed the Olympics?
What was the fire hydrant patent lost in?
Johnny Depp is famously afraid of what?
I believe about 12% of Americans have coulrophobia. A long time friend of mine does and gets upset whenever someone brings up clowns around him!
In Minnesota, it is illegal to tease what type of animal?
I feel like this stems from a long time ago when some kids became serial pranksters and would intentionally p**s off a skunk on someone's property so that it would spray and make the area reek. Probably became a popular way to prank across the state like prank callers in the 80s and 90s, so much so that they felt it was necessary to write a law about it. I have a really hard time trying to come up with any other reason to justify why this needed to be made into legislation.
What is illegal to eat with a cherry pie in Kansas?
What odd hygiene habit sparks creativity for humans?
What animal is constitutionally protected in Florida?
What was Marilyn Monroe’s natural hair color?
About how many minutes of silence exists in the Twilight movies?
By silence OP means moments without anyone speaking or actual silent moments, without a single sound/soundtrack playing along?
What sea creatures have been used in wars?
In Alaska, it’s legal to shoot bears, but illegal to do what?
Which language has the most words?
How is there a tie?! One has to have more than the other, surely? Especially with all the new words constantly being added to the English dictionary each year.
How many questions do children ask per day on average?
What animals have fingerprints other than humans?
What is banned in public places in Florida after 6 pm on a Thursday?
Who said, “Champagne should be dry, cold, and free.”?
What sport has been played on the moon?
Who said: “I’m the president of the United States, and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli”?
He absolutely despised broccoli. I bet his mother overcooked it when he was a child, as overcooking vegetables to kill bacteria was still common in those days!
In Minnesota, it is illegal to be what in bed?
How many noses does a slug have?
If one is wearing a swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for one to do?
Police officers get a half-hour class in training on how to do what?
What is on the top floor of the U.S. Supreme Court Building?
What American town has a population of only one person?
In Washington, a bridge was created for animals. What animal was it created for?
What is the only animal that can't puke?
The planet Uranus was first named what?
What was Hugh Hefner’s jet plane named?
What is Bob Dylan’s real name?
What odd job did the father of William Shakespeare often perform?
What country banned hula hoops for imitating a "stimulating passion?"
What plays "William Tell Overture" when you drive on it?
How long can the wood frog hold its urine for?
What did the Australian government ban for a single day?
What fluid comes out of your body that wrongfully gets blamed for body odor?
What can you do that's faster than a cheetah?
Who sang about being an “eggman” and a “walrus”?
With how many bricks is the Empire State Building made of?
How many years old the oldest piece of chewing gum?
What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?
What is it called when a bottle of champagne is open with a sword?
What is the number one seller at Walmart?
What are people who love eating ice called?
What were the first ice hockey pucks made out of?
What is the average size of a gorilla's butt?
I guess I'll use common sense here because I know it's not 19 cm or 19 football pitches wide.
Where were fortune cookies invented?
My father went to this factory in the early 60s. It was really disillusioning when they were introduced to the people that wrote the fortunes, and it was a pair of overweight Hispanic individuals and not some wise, Confuscious-like Asian man.
Iceland diverted their roads in order to avoid disturbing communities of what?
The Night Watch was the nickname of which famous painters work?
Which animal's urine glows in the dark?
How many times per day the average person urinate?
What is the meaning of a "Bumfuzzle?"
We should bring back old words like this. I like Brabble meaning to argue loudly about something that not important - so appropriate for online conversation
Someone who has a fear of long words is known as a what?
The hell is with doctors and naming phobias in a way to specifically aggravate the conditions of those who have them? Twisted f***s...
What is born more often now than ever before?
Because of the increased usage of assisted reproductive technology (for the most part, there are other reasons).
How long does the legend of Loch Ness go back?
Where is apple pie originally from?
How much money does the cast of Friends still earn per year?
Apparently it’s $20 million each, per year. Which clearly makes more sense.
How fast can your liver regrow itself?
Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?
Where on the human body is the zygomatic bone found?
Who claimed he could “drive away the devil with a fart?”
What animal cannot stick out its tongue?
From which language did the word “Ketchup” come?
What is the name of the vehicle that Scooby-Doo and his friends travel in?
What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?
What is the smallest bone in the human body?
In Germany, what animals do they help cross roads?
In St. Louis, Missouri, it’s illegal for a firefighter to rescue who?
Were the firefighters so busy doing this that they forgot to save anyone else?
What Benedictine monk invented champagne?
What European country has 158 verses to its anthem?
The national dish of Japan is what?
What town had a 3-year old mayor?
What is the oddest name of a town located in Norway?
How do lobsters communicate with each other?
What animals are said to dislike the music by Willie Nelson?
Where is the hottest spot on the planet?
Gonna assume this is about average temperature, because the record for highest temperature is from Death Valley, California.
Why is it that food on airplanes tastes bad?
What friendly pets actually understand some English?
I'm sure it's any spoken human language? I know my dog understands some English as it's my only language but the next doors dog understands polish as it's the first spoken language in their house!
How many teeth does an aardvark have?
It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence?
A kangaroo can’t hop if what?
Where do kiwi fruits originally come from?
How do you tell the age of a horse?
Hence the expression "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" - don't examine a gift for flaws
What is the only number spelled out in English with the same number of letters as its value?
What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck?
How many miles is New Zealand's Ninety Mile Beach?
What is the name of toothpaste that goes on a toothbrush?
What is the "new car smell?"
What is the purpose of "goosebumps" on humans?
What doorknobs are self-disinfecting?
Oligodynamic effect. Cooper and silver self clean as well as brass as it's a copper alloy
When was the first computer invented?
What does space smell like?
Where is the healthiest place on Earth?
Where is it illegal to eat fried chicken with a fork?
What birds do Chinese police use for assistance?
How long can some sharks live?
To be fair, this is speculated, not confirmed (unless some study has been done recently to confirm this that I an unaware of, which is totally possible). The species in question is the Greenland Shark. Incredibly rare, not much is known about these sharks that dwell below the ice in the Arctic, but some specimens that have been studied are suspected to have reached 300+.
What country won the Eurovision Song Contest 2017?
Biscuit is roughly translated to mean what?
What’s the best known artificial international language?
What is someone who shoes horses?
What is a haboob?
What two cities represent letters in the phonetic alphabet?
What is the common name for enuresis?
Where was the world’s first speeding ticket issued?
What did J. Edgar Hoover not want people walking on?
When people are frightened, their ears produce more of what?
What does the word Matrix mean in the Bible?
The space between your nostrils is called a what?
How many teeth does a dog have?
Incorrect...dogs have 42 teeth. Humans have 28; 32 if they retain their wisdom teeth
In what state was fried chicken invented?
How many sheets of toilet paper were each British soldier given in World War II?
What did the former Soviet Union theatres allow to play?
What does the term "Piano" mean?
What was the size of the largest human on Earth?
What is the oddest name of a man in New Zealand who changed it after losing a bet?
Answer: Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova.
What food could turn your skin color orange throughout your body?
What country has a currency called the country "won"?
How much food is wasted throughout the world each year?
What grows faster during human pregnancy?
What bones don't harden until you're a grown adult?
What reptiles can breathe through their skin?
What are the only animals on Earth to "blush?"
What is the word used to describe getting lost inside a mall?
What animal likes spicy food?
What candy boosts concentration?
Where do some humans have an extra bone in their body?
I have a fully formed set of cervical ribs. While it's rare to have them on both side like I do, and fully grown like myself... others do have them as well, So it's not just in the knees where people can have extra bones. 🤷♀️
What common spice can be fatally poisonous?
What can a tick bite make you allergic to?
What can cause "fish rain?"
What animal k#lls more American's every year than sharks?
What country has one dozen time zones?
Nope. The country of France has one time zone. France's territorial possessions have twelve.
Who is the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart?
It is illegal to do what in the French vineyards?
Which Tasmanian marsupial is known for its temper?
In football, who was nicknamed ‘The Divine Ponytail’?
What is the fertilized egg of a duck called?
In what country would one compete in a “wife carry race”?
Which dinosaur had 15 horns?
Cockroaches do what every fifteen minutes?
Who is the weirdest thing to win the nobel prize?
What is the name of the Academy Award trophy?
Is "Gardyloo" an English word? Yes or no?
gardyloo (plural gardyloos) (Scotland, historical) A cry of "gardyloo". An act of discarding waste or some other substance from a height. eg, gardyloo was, "in old Edinburgh, a warning cry before throwing dirty water from windows into the street in the 1770s
What are you more than twice as likely to be k#lled from than sharks and are found in an office hallway?
In Texas is it illegal to do what in front of a deceased person?
In Swedish, what is “entrance” and “driveway,” respectively?
What was the ice cream cone invented for?
About how many languages are written from right to left?
When a question mark immediately follows an exclamation mark, that is called what?
Who was the first president to be under 5 feet 5 inches?
What is the correct term to describe a fact?
At which place you can find the Andamooka?
What kind of an animal is known as a horned toad?
Who lives in a trash can on ‘Sesame Street’?
What is Podobromhidrosis?
How much does elephant dung normally weigh?
What is said to be the worst video game of all time?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
How do lobsters communicate?
How old is Pluto, the "planet?"
What a poor explanation. The time between it gaining and losing planetary status was less than one Pluto year.
What is the only other species that will adopt their young?
Not even close. There's been multiple examples of animals caring for abandoned young of not only their OWN species but OTHER species as well. Being wrong on something so well known as this makes the entire list of "triva" seem questionable.