Whoever Said That Posing With The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Was Boring Clearly Hasn’t Seen These 46 Funny Pics
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of Italy's most iconic tourist attractions, and also one of the strangest sights in the world due to its unique tilt. Millions of people flock to see the torre each year, and their number-one goal is to use the power of forced perspective to take some seriously funny photos.
Serving as the belfry of the adjacent Pisa Cathedral, the Leaning Tower was doomed almost from the very beginning. Its foundations were laid on unstable soil, and even in the year 1178, builders could see that something was very wrong with it. However, construction continued, and the monument was finally completed in 1372. The Tower of Pisa was closed between 1990 and 2001, during which time soil was removed from underneath it, returning it to a safer degree of leaning.
Check out some of the most hilarious photoshoot cliches and creative Pisa moments people have captured below, and if you've been to the bel paese yourself, add yours to our list!
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A Cooler Pisa Idea
Oh, Good. Another "Holding Up The Leaning Tower Of Pisa" Pic
I Didn´t Want To Have A Mainstream Picture With The Leaning Tower Of Pisa
Not Your Average Tourist
You Think They Will Let Me Cross The Border Home With This Thing In My Bag?
I Usually Don't Like These Leaning Tower Of Pisa Pics But I'll Make An Exception For This One
I think he's taking the expression, If you don't shut up I'm going to shove the leaning tower of Pisa up your a*s! too literally.
Lightly Less Generic Tourist Leaning Tower Of Pisa Forced Perspective Photo
ow so she is the one who leaned the tower and hence it is a leaning tower.. hmmm -_-
"take That!"
The big shadow on the left side makes it even look more like he's the same size of the tower
When Tourists Make Better Background Props Than The Leaning Tower Of Pisa
Not A Model
Everybody Always Holds Up The "Leaning Tower Of Pisa", But Nobody Holds Up "The Old Building Next To The Leaning Tower Of Pisa That Also Looks Really Nice"
The " old building" next to the tower is in fact the Cathedral of Pisa, not just an old building, which together with the Tower and the Baptistery, form a religious complex.
Perspective Shot Of The Leaning Tower Of Pisa So It Appears Not To Be Leaning
Pick Me Up
Bim is a discount grocery shop in Turkey. We love to make shaming jokes about Bim bags. As if he bought Pisa Tover from Bim... This one is really hilarious for maybe just Turkish ppl :D