It’s that time of year when students just ended a long and blissful summer and need to make their way back to school to reconnect with their teachers.
Teachers are our unsung heroes. They need to have the smarts of a scientist, the liveliness of a talk show host, and the patience of a saint. They may lose their mind sometimes, but their days can be full of funny stories among fellow teachers and their beloved students.
We collected some favorite school memes and memes for teachers to highlight our educators’ incredibly challenging and sometimes laughable dedication. They are guaranteed to score some extra classroom points.
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Compensation Comparison
“When No One Has Questions”
Effort vs Salary
How to Find the Best Mentor-Teacher for You
Whether you’re still in school or have long graduated and are now building your empire, having someone you look up to and respect can boost your success tenfold.
Liz Elting, a billion-dollar founder and contributor for Forbes, writes that finding a mentor is crucial to building your career and future (Forbes, 2023) (1). Elting says that a mentor isn't just an advisor and teacher but also an “ally, an advocate, and even a confidante and friend.”
Finding a champion with similar values ensures you agree on career aspirations and what it takes to get there. If you aren’t aligned with those fundamental factors, you risk getting it wrong as you maneuver your way to success.
In addition, friendship is fertile ground for effective mentorship. Elting refers to the “ineffable ‘it’ factor” you share with someone who clicks. Choosing the right mentor-teacher will reward you with invaluable relationships and a fulfilling future.
A Teacher’s Worst Fear
Answer Manipulation
Teachers Get Significantly More Vacation Time Than Most
If you want an occupation that has most summers off, then you might want to consider a teaching career.
According to a circular published by West Governers University in 2022, teachers have the nice perk of getting most of the summer off and slightly longer winter and spring breaks (2). This doesn’t deplete their salaries because of the forced holidays.
Instead, most salaried teachers have their paychecks stretched out over the entire year, meaning their pay stays the same year-round — even during mandatory time off. It’s certainly a good reason to join the noble ranks of teachers.
Morning Coffee
Stress on the Job
Hilarious Teacher Meme
Family Is the Support Teachers Need
Schools have been working hard to boost the number of teachers and curb student absenteeism. However, a 2023 study by Harvard University researchers and The New Teacher Project stresses the importance of keeping parents involved (3).
When the families were actively engaged in their kids’ education and supported the teachers, the study observed a 6% increase in kids staying in school. The results clearly show that teachers shouldn’t be solely responsible for educating kids. It takes a collaborative effort from the community to keep them in school.
Before and After the School Year
Teacher Retirement Plan
Evil Siblings
Decoding Penmanship
Or read texts, Internet (social media, straming websites, blogs) comments a lot!
Imagination vs Reality Of Being a Teacher
Home-to-Office Supply Chain
Budget cuts, sadly. It's why parents have a list of supplies to buy every August, and included are items such as: scissors, tape, pencils, and tissues.
Teachers Need a Pay Raise
Grading Papers
Complex Lesson Planning
And this is the main reason why teachers need to be paid way more.
Teacher’s Face While Grading Papers
Teacher as an FBI Handwriting Analyst
Always fascinated me how they managed to do that. Sometimes I can't even understand my own writing!
Teachers Literally All the Time
It’s Always the Teacher’s Fault
I always hated those kind of parents that try everything to blame the teachers for doing their best, while the truth is that they just suck at being good parents.
“When a Teacher Repeats a Question”
Teachers Imagining Summer Break
Last year in my son class a mother went mad (and insulting)against the teacher because she asked to talk about the kid's behavior (rude, violent, always dissipated). The teacher was polite, the mother was'nt, refused to talk in private so that all the school withness the scene and knows about the kid's behavior. She changed him for another school arguing that the kid was nice and was only bold with this teacher so that was her fault. Met her a few times this summer while at the park with my own trolls. Last week she was upset hollidays were hell too long and that her kids was driving her mad, teachers were overpaid and didn't deserve so much vacations. So I told her she should stop bad mouthing about anyone who accept to deal with her monster and 25 other kids all day long when she was fed up after few weeks. She probably will never speak to me again.
The Hell Breaks Lose
Its true, I'm a school guidance counsellor and if the teacher leaves the classroom when I'm giving a presentation its like trying to control a pack of wild, drug addled gibbons
Life of a Teacher Summed Up
Story of Teachers and Their Bladders
I can't believe I never actually considered this. Am I a bad person for forgetting that teachers pee?
Late Assignments Bin
When the Trouble Makers Are Absent
Teachers Hiding from Parents
A Class Is Full
“I’m Supposed to be Impressed?!”
“When the Whole Class Understands...”
September vs June
“Thou Shall Not Pass”
Mourning the Absence
“Put Your Name On It”
I taught grades 4-8 during my career. I used to have a black shoebox with a tombstone on the top of it. The tombstone read, Here lies papers without a name, unloved, ungraded, what a shame. The student(s) missing work had to do it over. The students all thought that was hysterical and wanted to be the one who buried the paper. The weird thing was, I never had one parent complain, they obviously never told them about the paper graveyard.
“Why Teachers Can’t Have Children”
Yeah if you let kids choose their own parners, it's chaos, and nobody will SHUT THE F*CK UP.
“But Teacher!!!!”
That's a bad argument but you can find even worst "That was not me" when caught in the act...
Life Before Google
Student’s Eureka Moment
Teaching Headache
I'm not a teacher, but I get all four of these types of headaches. The difference is that I can leave the room if it get's that bad, but teachers can't.
The Class Seating Equation
Bad Grades
“My Mom Forgot My Homework!”
i always used to pack my own bag, make my own lunch and do all of the necessary things. I find it really stupid how some parents pack their own child's bag.
The “Mum” Word
Only one or two in every single generation will manage to finish that sentence correctly... The other 98% will fail halfway through.
“Waiting for the Class to Quiet Down”
Deciphering the Code
“When You’ve Explained It 10 Times, But They Still Ask the Same Question”
I had a teacher that often give us complicated and very long tests, but I you read the directions you knew that the real test started on the 12th question... She was evil, I loved her ;p
“When Teachers Become Parents”
It's actually very adorable. (And I'm guilty of doing that a few times too)
Funny Teachers
Funny Teachers
Funny Teachers
Funny Teachers
The smart one in this situation is the master manipulator child. I know, because I have one.
Funny Teachers
And multiple ones have sound on, but you don't know which tab it's coming from.
Funny Teachers
People are probs gonna hate me 4 saying this (cuz its obvious) BUT teachers have to work on HOLIDAYS too!
Funny Teachers
Funny Teachers
Funny Teachers
Funny Teachers
My favorite goal as an elementary student was to make the teacher laugh. :-). I achieved it several times. :-)
I did that in math class. I just knew the answer but never could figure out the work involved, that part always messed me up. My brain just took over before I could put down the first number or letter and gave me the answer. The teacher was always upset with me. Now days I would have been one You Tube. Can still do it sometimes. Freaks my husband out and I can't even tell him how I do it. LOL
Funny Teachers
Poll Question
How do you feel about the representation of 'Teachers Needing a Pay Raise'?
Strongly Agree
you can tell what ones are made by teachers and what ones are made by students quite easily. I think that it's pretty funny.👌
I've had two very significant experiences with both types of teachers. One who was nurturing, went the extra mile to help whenever or with whatever I needed assistance with...encouraged a love of literature by inviting us to come over before school to read from her personal library, etc. The other... talked down to me constantly, told me I would never pass my exams and that I would never make good enough grades to get into the school I chose...ignored me in class and basically treated me like c**p because I wasn't up to the 'standard' of her preferred students. It's been over twenty years since I've left school and I remember both teachers as if it were yesterday. When I think of one...I wish I could have given her a huge hug and a million dollars before she died. The other...makes my skin crawl and a lifetime of insecurity. Teachers do make a difference... It's up to each individual the kind of impact they have on a child and how that affects them in their lives, going onward.
you can tell what ones are made by teachers and what ones are made by students quite easily. I think that it's pretty funny.👌
I've had two very significant experiences with both types of teachers. One who was nurturing, went the extra mile to help whenever or with whatever I needed assistance with...encouraged a love of literature by inviting us to come over before school to read from her personal library, etc. The other... talked down to me constantly, told me I would never pass my exams and that I would never make good enough grades to get into the school I chose...ignored me in class and basically treated me like c**p because I wasn't up to the 'standard' of her preferred students. It's been over twenty years since I've left school and I remember both teachers as if it were yesterday. When I think of one...I wish I could have given her a huge hug and a million dollars before she died. The other...makes my skin crawl and a lifetime of insecurity. Teachers do make a difference... It's up to each individual the kind of impact they have on a child and how that affects them in their lives, going onward.