Inking someone is just as big of a responsibility as getting your tattoo ideas inked. I mean, if someone is determined to get a permanent mark on their body, the one who is making it happen has to be skilled enough to make sure the tattoo design doesn't become a regret of a lifetime. But that's not always the case. A good way to test if a tattoo artist did a good job is doing a face swap with a real-life object it is meant to represent, and some tattoo fails are so hideous, it's hilarious. Bored Panda has compiled a second list of these face swapped bad tattoos (you can find the first one here), and it's just as priceless. From a cartoony version of Avril Lavigne to a tiger that looks like it was drawn by a two-year-old, these funny tattoo designs will definitely make you think twice before letting someone pick you with a needle and ink. And while we do feel sorry for the people who got these, we're also incredibly grateful it wasn't us. Scroll down to check out the worst tattoos ever and upvote your favorites!
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Oh Holy Jesus
Two Brothers
Elvis Pursley
Predator In The Water
Oh No
Avril Livagne
Angelina Jelly
A Girl I Went To High School With Has This On Her Upper Thigh
What Even Is This Creature? A Were-Bat-Wolf-Bear?
Britney, Is That You?
Merler Merloe
In Real Life Thom Yorke Has Two Eyes
Morlin Morloe
more like Dr. Frank-N-Furter! google it if you don't know who that is.
Hey Girl, I Heard You Like Bad Tattoos
Couldn't Tell The Difference
Minimalistic Baby
Sweet Baby
Cirey Mylus
This "Artist's" Work Comes Across My FB Feed Daily, Quite The Treasure Trove
Oh, Man
Poor Eagle
If you cover the middle of it with your finger, it looks like two birds facing one another!
Rean Gorsling
Ellen Dereneres
Poor, Little Baby
Found This Nightmare On Instagram
Found This Gem Today
Hmm, Joker?
Marlin Menroe
Christopher Walken
Baby Girl
Alrighty Then
you know if you had to draw someone from memory, no reference images. this is what you'd come up with. you'd get the points in pictionary, but not so much as a tattoo...
Poor Lady
I Have No Words
Dot Work Seems Easy!
Lord Monstermort
I Don't Know What Is More Terrifying: The Real Chucky Or This Tattoo
Why The Baby
The Sailor
Will Ferrell
Found This Butterface On A Local Shop's Instagram
A Lot Going On Here In This Child Portrait
Poor Baby
Michael Jackinson
What kind of an idiot gets a celebrity's face tattood on their body?
What kind of an idiot gets a celebrity's face tattood on their body?