Tantrums come in all forms and sizes. You might witness stiffening limbs, screaming, kicking, falling down, flailing about, or just running away. In some cases, children even hold their breath, vomit, break things, or hurt themselves and other people.
However, they're a normal part of development, so parents just have to arm themselves with patience, and humor, of course! So in order to help everyone endure this journey, we put together a collection of tweets that highlight the funny side of temper tantrums.
Continue scrolling, upvote your favorites, and don't forget to check out the chat we had with Vicki Broadbent, a mother of three and the creator of the acclaimed family and lifestyle blog, Honest Mum — you'll find it in-between the entries.
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Ww have a code brown, I repeat we have a code brown. Followed by the all clear and everything is alright with the toddler world again.
Tantrums usually happen when kids are tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. The little ones can have a meltdown because they can't have something they want (like a toy or candy) or can't get someone to do what they want (like getting a parent to pay attention to them immediately or getting a sibling to give up the tablet).
They're equally common in boys and girls and generally peak during the second year of life, when language skills are actively developing.
Because toddlers can't always express what they want or need, and because words describing feelings are more complicated, a frustrating experience results in a tantrum. But as language skills improve, they tend to decrease.
Witnessing other peoples’ kids have temper tantrums is great birth control for others, too! XD
Vicki Broadbent, a writer, director, and broadcaster who's running the parenting blog Honest Mum, said temper tantrums, whether the kid is 2 or 13 years old, can feel triggering for parents.
"We feel it's our job to protect our children, to stop them from feeling upset or acting out, but the truth is they cannot regulate emotions as easily as adults, and 'acting out' and having temper tantrums are a normal part of their development," she explained to Bored Panda.
"When it comes to teenagers, their moods are affected by their hormones and the pressures of growing up," Broadbent, the author of Mumboss (UK) and The Working Mom (US and Canada), added. "I think it's important to be compassionate to yourself first as a parent, to accept you're trying your best and there's no perfect way to raise a child, and of course, to be understanding to your child who feels more confused than you do. It's their first time living, and yours too."
After reading these posts I'm thinking about a spray bottle like we use on cats. Just throwing this out there. I don't do serious advice on BP
Parents should keep their cool when responding to a tantrum so that they don't complicate the problem even more with their frustration or anger. Luckily, this list proves that it's possible!
Of course, tantrums should be handled differently depending on the child and the situation, but generally speaking, "distraction is key when young children are acting out/having a meltdown, as is holding them close if they let you so they feel safe and comforted," Broadbent said.
"I also find adding a few drops of lavender on their clothes helps soothe them quickly, or in their bath (baths are always calming) and in some cases, where safe, let them shout and cry for a short while so they can process what they're feeling. Don't leave them alone ever but allow them to 'get it all out.'"
I’m not a parent, but this one seems mean (even as a joke.) AFAIK temper tantrums in young kids happen because they can’t process and express the emotions they’re feeling. So they’re not “acting like an ässhole” - they don’t KNOW what they’re doing or what they’re feeling. Older kids past age 7ish though? XD Yeah, if THEY’RE throwing a temper tantrum, that’s absolutely them being a bum orifice.
"With older children, speaking calmly to them about what has upset them, once they've cooled off, can help them process their pain," Broadbent said. "Ditto providing examples of your feelings at their age, using examples, might be beneficial. It humanizes you as a parent and allows you to express your empathy."
At the end of the day, the Honest Mum believes all children want to feel heard, seen, understood, and loved unconditionally, and they need this confirmation more than ever when they're pushing you away.
I feel like I shouldn’t be laughing as hard at this as I am. Whatever, Hell is just a pizza chain in my country.
A survey of 1,000 moms and 1,000 dads of kids ages 0-4 found that, on average, their child throws a little over four tantrums per week.
However, results also showed that dads might have a slight edge over moms in controlling these situations (45% vs 42%).
She still has a mouth, put the cereal bowl on the floor and let her lap it up!!
My old cat does that with boxes. Like once or twice a month she'll sit in a box and look grumpy for a few minutes and then she'll leave.
And when they feel like they need to hear another voice of reason, parents turn to their own old folks (52%), friends who have kids (43%), and health care professionals (36%).
Hopefully, with a sense of humor, too!
Sometimes, you just have to let them learn the hard way.
Changes in the daily routine can be hard on a little one. Also me, it's hard on me, too.
Spaghetti-Os seem to taste better right out of the can than they do heated. Am I wrong?
You pick up the little disruption....and you LEAVE. That's it, that's what you do. If that means that you miss out, too bad. Unless the place has a cartoon mascot, they didn't belong in there to begin with due to this precise eventuality. Your options are either to go to a family friendly place, get a sitter, get delivery, or eat leftover dino-nuggets while standing over the trash can where your choices can't ruin anyone elses night.
My 3 year old (almost 4) threw a temper tantrum that consisted of a scream that could shatter glass. All because his brother was playing with a car he wanted. After assuring myself he had not been attacked by a rogue bear, I calmly told him if he screamed like that again I was going to toss him out the front door. A few weeks later he was visiting again and wound himself up to the point of doing the same thing again. He took a deep breath, glanced at me and at the front door, and promptly blew out the breath. With a wobbly little smile he said "I didn't scream like that nana." Poor little fella, I would never lay a hand on my grandkids but he doesn't know that.
I was confused there for a second, because why would your toddler only visit you, but then you said you are their nana. It confused me that you said „my 3 year old“, you see, lol
How many of these parents are aware that tantrums happen when kids get overtired? If your kid throws a tantrum, get them to a nap. I found that wiping my son's face with a damp facecloth was so effective at helping him 'reset,' that years later he would wipe his face to calm down.
None. No parent has ever heard that a child tantrums because they are tired. Or hungry. Or overwhelmed. We are completely unaware of these things.
Load More Replies...The ideal solution to tantrums : get the genetic material from a fainting goat, inject it into the kid. If they get themselves worked up, they'll faint.
My 3 year old (almost 4) threw a temper tantrum that consisted of a scream that could shatter glass. All because his brother was playing with a car he wanted. After assuring myself he had not been attacked by a rogue bear, I calmly told him if he screamed like that again I was going to toss him out the front door. A few weeks later he was visiting again and wound himself up to the point of doing the same thing again. He took a deep breath, glanced at me and at the front door, and promptly blew out the breath. With a wobbly little smile he said "I didn't scream like that nana." Poor little fella, I would never lay a hand on my grandkids but he doesn't know that.
I was confused there for a second, because why would your toddler only visit you, but then you said you are their nana. It confused me that you said „my 3 year old“, you see, lol
How many of these parents are aware that tantrums happen when kids get overtired? If your kid throws a tantrum, get them to a nap. I found that wiping my son's face with a damp facecloth was so effective at helping him 'reset,' that years later he would wipe his face to calm down.
None. No parent has ever heard that a child tantrums because they are tired. Or hungry. Or overwhelmed. We are completely unaware of these things.
Load More Replies...The ideal solution to tantrums : get the genetic material from a fainting goat, inject it into the kid. If they get themselves worked up, they'll faint.