Whether your pet is extremely curious, incredibly playful, or simply enjoys the feeling of safety in a cramped den, sooner or later it might get stuck and require a helping paw to get out. At that moment, they might feel a tad scared, a trifle silly, and possibly even derpy. But have no fear! Your owner is here! No doggy door, wall, window, or cardboard tube will stand in the way of the rescue attempt (cuddles included).
Our animal-loving team here at Bored Panda has put together this collection of photos that perfectly encapsulate the feeling that, hey, maybe being super curious and trying to squeeze into tiny spaces isn’t always the right approach. Especially if your owner even ends up taking a picture to immortalize your funny expressions.
Check out the best of the best of stuck funny pet pics, and upvote the ones that really made your hearts thump faster, Pandas. Who would you rush to rescue first? Have you ever had to get your dog or cat out of a hairy situation? Tell us all about it in the comments.
If you feel like you’d love to rescue some animals stuck in strange nooks and crannies, then you should take a stroll down Bored Panda’s previous two articles right here and here. Cuteness? Check! Help required? Stat!! We’d rush to your aid every single time, animal buddies, you can count on that, guaranteed.
Bored Panda got in touch with the friendly team at the PDSA, the UK's leading veterinary charity, for a chat about animals getting stuck in things. PDSA Vet Claire Roberts was kind enough to shed some light as to why cats enjoy going into various nooks and crannies and explained what to do if we ever find our pets stuck. And remember, Pandas: though some situations might seem amusing to us, they might be very stressful for our animal companions. They might need our help!
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Somehow Our Dog Opened The Upstairs Screen Door And Ended Up Following Our Cat Onto The Roof. He Required Consoling Before Coming Back Inside
“The first thing to do is to stay as calm as possible. If it is safe for you to do so, you can see if you can free your pet, either by tempting them out with some of their favorite treats or by gently trying to get them free," PDSA Vet Claire told Bored Panda how pet owners should proceed if they find their beloved animals stuck somewhere.
"If they are afraid or stressed it is important to remember that they could lash out at you in fear," the vet said.
"If you are unable to free your pet yourself, call your vet or the RSPCA for their advice. Remember that sometimes, pets can have accidents and make mistakes. Some situations that look funny to us, may actually be very worrying and stressful for our pets and they may need our help," she noted.
A Cat Story In 4 Pictures
I Just Left The Room For 10 Minutes
PDSA Vet Claire also explained to us why animals, like cats, enjoy going into various nooks and crannies... places that may have our Feline Overlords ending up in articles like this one.
"We know that for cats, hiding can reduce their stress levels, especially if they are in new places or situations. This is probably because hidey-holes like cardboard boxes make cats feel safe and protected," Claire shared with us.
I Lost My Dog For A Moment - Not Sure How Long She's Been Stuck There
Mistakes Were Made
My Boy Got Stuck On Top Of The Wardrobe Door Today
"These hidden spots feel warm and cozy, which is why they will sometimes sleep there. It’s also likely that curiosity plays its part, as cats will investigate new and interesting smells in their home," she said.
"Cats sometimes try to create their own hiding places, which is when they might be found in unusual spaces! Owners can help their cats by providing them with boxes and other safe hiding places to explore." So if you have any spare cardboard boxes somewhere in the garage or attic, now's your cue to hand them over to your cats, Pandas.
Neighbors Got A New Dog. He Seems To Really Love My Pug
Had a dog when I was a kid who did the same thing as the white dog. The neighborhood kids all loved him and would give him chin rubs when he was like this.
"I've Made A Huge Mistake"
Instant Regret
Anyone who’s ever raised an animal knows just how hard they can make us laugh when they get stuck somewhere they really shouldn’t have been snooping around. As long as nobody was hurt or too scared, it’s fine to have a little giggle.
But there’s a huge difference between a cat getting stuck in a flip-flop and your kitty ending up in the walls of your house, as though it’s hunting for ghosts in the darkest corners of the property. It’s also hard to compare your good boy or girl who’s gotten stuck in the couch or doggy door, and a canine who somehow, inexplicably, ended up on the roof. There’s only so much stress our poor hearts can take!
Calming your pet down should definitely be at the top of your priority list. Then it’s just a matter of carefully getting them out of the situation that they’ll probably end up in again very soon. It can be as simple as taking your floof out from between your couch pillows or disassembling a piece of furniture.
My Cat Got Stuck Between The Glass Door And The Screen Door
Left Unsupervised For 3 Minutes He Climbed Into The Sweatshirt And Was Found Trapped Like This
My Sister's Dog Got Stuck Behind The Couch And Cried. She's Cute And Friendly, But A Bit Dumb. The Dog Isn't Too Bright Either
Though things can get as complicated as breaking apart your wall or fishing a raccoon out of a vending machine. Do you think the raccoon will reward us with snacks if we work quickly enough?
One thing that might help some pets not get stuck in the first place is if they stay slim and avoid all of the problems that come with being overweight. Obesity is a horrible thing that greatly impacts animals’ quality of life. They’re more prone to illness. They have less energy. They may be in pain. And they won’t live as long.
There Isn't Much That Can Make Me Smile But Seeing Mooshie Get Herself Stuck In Things And Pretending Like She Isn't Makes Me Smile A Lot
And Then He Realized, He Is Not A Cat
"I Am So Done With My Life Now"
We owe it to our pet pals to ensure that they get a healthy and nutritious diet and that they’re as fit as can be. It doesn’t mean that we have to radically change how we live. However, it will mean making various adjustments.
For instance, taking your dog on longer walks can be beneficial for you both. Taking your pet to see the vet can help a ton when putting together a quality meal plan that’ll help them slim down. What’s more, you can help your cat or dog move more by taking a bit of time to play with them, daily. It’s fun, it helps you bond, and it helps everyone get fitter.
During an interview a while back, Dr. Ernie Ward, the founder of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, told Bored Panda that obesity is the greatest health threat to cats.
Found A Raccoon In This Exact Position
What Goes In Doesn’t Always Come Out
Pickles Likes Tuna More Than The Raccoons Apparently
“Feline obesity is more than ‘chonky,’ it's a biological time bomb. Obesity in cats is a serious disease with many severe consequences such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and many forms of cancer,” the specialist warned. “The worst part of feline obesity is that it reduces their life expectancy and dramatically reduces their quality of life. Cats with obesity desperately need our help.”
According to Dr. Ward, the main focus when helping our cats should be on what they eat. A whopping 90% of a cat’s weight loss journey is directly related to its diet. The rest comes down to getting enough physical activity.
“That's what it's so important cat owners precisely feed the correct number of calories each day. I recommend having your veterinarian assess your cat's current Body Condition Score (BCS), setting a target of an ideal weight, and calculating the number of calories you should feed each meal,” Dr. Ward said.
This Is How My Dog Greets Me At The Door Today
The Reason Cats Jump On Christmas Trees Is That Cats Want To Become Christmas Tree Ornaments
Anyone Else Ever Had To Cut A Hole In Their Wall To Get To Their Trapped Cat?
“I strongly encourage cat owners to weigh the food using a kitchen scale. We've done experiments with cat owners and veterinary professionals and have consistently observed that using a measuring cup isn't as accurate as needed to achieve weight loss in many cases,” he told us.
“Even feeding as few as ten extra kibbles each day can add up to a pound of weight gain in a year for a cat. Once you get the hang of it, weighing the food takes no more time than using a measuring cup. Finally, work with your vet to adjust the diet or calories every three months if your cat isn't losing weight,” the specialist encouraged pet owners to work closely with their vets.
"I've Made A Huge Mistake"
Trash Panda Got Stuck In A Storm Drain
Owl Got Stuck In The Net, Delaying Our Game For 30 Minutes. He Was Removed And Is Currently In The Zoo
“I've seen too many cats who were being fed the same food for months without losing weight. When I ask them why, the pet parent shrugs, ‘I'm feeding the special food my vet prescribed.’ Weight loss is a journey with many unexpected turns and hills; you must stay alert and be willing to take a different path if you're not reaching your objective,” he said that owners have a responsibility to be more aware of what’s going on.
In Dr. Ward’s experience, all cats really need is 3 play sessions, each 5 minutes long, each day, to stay fit. You can use laser pointers, feather dusters, or bring a new cardboard box to keep them engaged.
Mistakes Have Been Made
She Was Chasing A Bug And Got Stuck
Sandals Are His Favorite Toy. Until He Gets Stuck And I Have To Save Him
Zoom in on his lips 😆 ( and yes I know the cat is stuck but he's being helped) ...those lips lol
“I also like using ‘hunter feeders’ and food puzzles to engage a cat's ‘inner predator.’ Use vertical surfaces, climbing towers, and other perches to allow your cat to climb and ‘stalk’ as much as possible. Environmental enrichment and exercise are essential for emotional and behavioral health as well as maintaining a lean body mass,” he suggested.
Though staying slim might help your pets avoid getting stuck in some cases, it won't protect them all the time: after all, they're still bound to be curious, playful, and sometimes even clumsy!
Mom, Did You Call Me?
This Isn't My Dog, But This Is How My Day Started
Mistakes Were Made
Great Job, Bobby
Squirrels On My Porch
She Knocked My Cup Of Milk Off The Counter And Proceeded To Get Her Head Stuck In The Cup
Meet Cooper. He Dug Himself A Hole And Got Stuck In It
Rat That Got Stuck In Sewer Grate And Needed A Team Of Firefighters To Get Her Out
It's A Trap
I Was Repotting My Agave When My I Looked Inside And Saw My Cat Like This
Woke Me Up To Get A Cheez-It Box Off His Head
"There Might Have Been Some Miscalculations In My Plan" -Dog
She’s Kind Of Ashamed To Be Stuck Again
Clumsy Ninja
He Snack And Get Fat. But Most Importantly - Don't Fit Down Crack
My Cat Wanted A Closer Look At The Birds
Our 3.5-Month-Old Puppy Has Become Quite The Escape Artist. Caught Her Stuck In This Failed Attempt Today
So My Cat Got Her Head Stuck In A Roll Of Tape
Gerald Forgot How To Exit His Tube
He Finally Got To The Top Of The Door. He Regrets Nothing
He's Stuck. He Screams. He's A Cat
She Likes To Nap On The Air Vent, But Always Gets Stuck To It
When You Attack The Yarn, But It Gets Stuck On Your Tongue
This morning. I have two indoor cats. I knew something was off when I went downstairs to feed them, because only one of them appeared. Shook the treat container, still only one of them. I had a few sips of my coffee thinking “Fifi (the missing one) will appear in a bit.” But it didn’t sit right with me. Cats are habitual creatures. Something told me to look out the backyard window and there she was, sitting under a planter. Someone had opened the door last night and she must have got out that way. I went outside and approached her slowly while saying her name and nicknames. She was crying a scared meow. I was able to pick her up by the scruff without any resistance and bring her back in. Thank goodness it’s not winter here and the temperature didn’t drop too low overnight. Poor thing had cobwebs all over her face. Everyone in the house was relieved to have her back and I gave all of them a stern warning about leaving the doors open.
You’re smart to keep your cats indoors. Most people think they can live outside. Glad your cat is okay!!!!
This morning. I have two indoor cats. I knew something was off when I went downstairs to feed them, because only one of them appeared. Shook the treat container, still only one of them. I had a few sips of my coffee thinking “Fifi (the missing one) will appear in a bit.” But it didn’t sit right with me. Cats are habitual creatures. Something told me to look out the backyard window and there she was, sitting under a planter. Someone had opened the door last night and she must have got out that way. I went outside and approached her slowly while saying her name and nicknames. She was crying a scared meow. I was able to pick her up by the scruff without any resistance and bring her back in. Thank goodness it’s not winter here and the temperature didn’t drop too low overnight. Poor thing had cobwebs all over her face. Everyone in the house was relieved to have her back and I gave all of them a stern warning about leaving the doors open.
You’re smart to keep your cats indoors. Most people think they can live outside. Glad your cat is okay!!!!