45 Epic Stair Design Fails That May Result In Some Serious Injuries (New Pics)
I think it’s only fair to agree on one simple thing. If an indoor space, or an outdoor one, for that matter, has a stairway, however long or short, it should serve its function. First, it should bring us up and down at least one level and second, it should be safe. That’s the bare minimum, right?
But it turns out, some stair designers out there have had their minds spun by invisible hamsters on a wheel. Right below, it becomes very clear why. You see, if the stairs cost you a potentially immeasurable amount of broken legs, you’d be better off without them.
Bored Panda has compiled the most absurd cases of stair designs gone very wrong that make a ladder look like a premium lift in comparison. My popcorn is ready, how about you?
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The Perfect Building To Have Stairs In Front Of
Not A Paradox, Just A Normal Russian Architecture
Steps That You Can't See
Some poor bad eye sighted person or pretty much anyone is literally going to bash their leg on that or worse
Although the absurd stair designs may look quite funny from the comfort of a computer, in reality, they cause some very serious risks to people who use them. National Safety Council statistics rank stairway injuries second only to motor vehicle accidents among leading causes of accidents. Moreover, World Health Organization states that falls are the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide.
According to the representative of the Law Offices of Andrew D. Myers, a civil litigation attorney who focuses on personal injury, bankruptcy, business law and other civil matters, children and adults over 65 are especially at high risk.
“Each year, one in three elderly adults suffers a serious stairway fall. Such injuries can increase the chances of an earlier death and reduce the ability to live independently. The elderly face a higher likelihood of falling because they often experience muscle weakness and potential dizziness from taking a variety of medications. This risk rises as they age.”
They Built This School Like One Month Ago
No Broken Legs I Know Of
Access For Wheelchairs On These Stairs
They state that common injuries caused by stairway falls include internal bleeding, fractured bones, brain injuries, soft-tissue injuries, and dislocations. Moreover, Safety Council statistics indicate falls are among the most common causes of traumatic brain injury, so in no way can the possibility of falling down the stairs be looked at lightly.
To prevent such injuries, premises liability law requires property owners to reasonably maintain stairways. According to the Law Offices of Andrew D. Myers, “The law also holds property owners responsible where injuries occur as a result of dangerous or hazardous conditions. If proven that injuries directly resulted from a property owner’s negligence, then the injured person may be able to collect compensation for pain and suffering, lost income, and reimbursement for medical bills related to the accident.”
These Are Stairs In My Town. Just How?
These Stairs In My In-Laws' Summerhouse. We Have Parties Here So Going Down These Stairs Drunk Is A Challenge
Drunk or sober I don't think I could go up or down these steps especially with my crappy knees.
I saw these type of stairs while looking for apartments. I really liked the apartment but the stairs ruined it for me. I fall going up normal stairs!
I question the reality of the caption. The rail on the landing is incomplete and there is no rail going down the stairs. Also the floor is plywood.
Also, there is visible wine, so you don't know if they've already had a drunken encounter with these newly-constructed stairs.
Load More Replies...Agreed. There's no way those stairs would support the weight of a child, let alone a grown adult.
This staircase is built for BOTH those with stability AND inebriation issues! ... Look at the picture and follow along: 1. Grab handrail 2. Step off RIGHT FOOT FIRST. 3. Descend normally ... See? Each step extends a "landing pad" a little farther out than a "normal" step... Questions? 😉
Looks to be a pretty book shelf to me. That’s what these stairs should be used for.
“This is GODS HOUSE, you hear?! You WILL walk down these stairs, Johnny boy@
..aaaand.. what is exactly wrong with them? there is literally no way to put the wrong foot on them.. :P
Alright Luka - you suggested these stairs were built do discourage drinking. If the builders made that decision - that wasn't their place. If the homeowners made this decision - what an absolutely insane thing to do. Erecting an entire staircase to avoid a simple declarative statement. The statement being - I don't want drinking in my house. I have my own house - you know what I do if I don't want drinking? I tell my friends, I tell my family, I speak to them.
So they built it so you would break your leg or worse just because you drink every once in a while? Makes sense, nimrod.
Luka, then I hope they have home owners insurance. Seems like they wouldn't want to be responsible for other peoples medical bills if they fall at their house. In the US anyway.
I Think My Stairs Fit Here
Got An Unsatisfying Feeling When Walking Downstairs And The Last Step Was Not There
And that's where you step forward gracefully expecting a stair and end up looking like an especially awkward giraffe as you try to recover.
That's How I Broke My Leg
Imagine Being Drunk
The “Extra” Two Inches Of Concrete At The Top Of My Stairs. We Call It “The Tripper”
I Saw This At My School
This Is Russia
I Present To You Jeans Stairs Or Jairs
You Have To Go Up The Stairs, And Then Down The Stairs To Get To The Door
All The Privacy You Need
Found This Beauty At My Local College
This Staircase
Escalator/Stairs Combo
I Can See Why Someone Wanted To Fix This
Stairway To Heaven
Stairs From The Top
Stairway To Heaven
This Fuzzy Staircase
When I Tripped On The Stairs I Cut My Arm On These Things, And Continued To Fall Down The Stairs (I'm The 5th Victim This Week)
Don't Think The Owner Of This Hotel Thought This Through
Let's take the stairs. Urgh...on second thought, how about we wait for the lift?
Just A Staircase In St. Petersburg
The Longer You Stair, The Worse It Gets
Wheelchair Ramp To A Staircase In A Mall In Haugesund, Norway
Why Don't You Just Use All The Stairs?
A Staircase At My Uni
These Stairs Carpeted With A Pattern That Makes It Hard To See The Edge
And Sometimes People Use The Left Part
These Stairs At Our Hotel
You Gotta Pay Attention On These Stairs In A Cinema
If it wasn't for the wall to the left in the picture I wouldn't know that those are steps
Painted In A Hotel Stairwell Leading To Fitness Center
When Your Gym Tries Hard To Motivate You But Fails To Make Any Sense
This Bathroom With Too Many Stairs
These Stairs At My Friend's House
Is that the blood of the murder dungeons previous victim on the stairs?
New Staircase At My School
Wasting A Third Of The Staircase
Building codes change and if this is in a public space rails probably added to comply
Great Paint Job, Especially That Last “Step”
When Personal Injury Lawers Moonlight As Interior A Designer
Am I the only one who had a headache after looking at all those illusion(ish) pictures? TwT
I didn't know this were this many dumb-ass staircases in the whole world :O
Instead of Killer Klowns From Outer Space, it seems these are Killer Stairs From Inner Space. Did no one review these plans and patterns before installation. I hope there are a lot of injury claims against each and every flight of stairs! Where's an ambulance chaser when you need one?
Over a thousand people die each year from stair related incidents. This whole post shows exactly why.
And this is why the yellow strips on the edges are widespread in Australia
We've all heard people complaining of Americans being way too eager to sue one another. Some of these pictures seem to serve as a reminder that there's an up side to that.
Quite a few of these look like lawsuits in the making. I would make my way down by feel more than by sight - very carefully! I'd hate to navigate some of these when sober, let alone after a few pints!
At Washington State University there is this sidewalk with stairs on it. Many of the building are non-ADA complaint as well, showing they really do not care if you are handicapped. Also the building that houses the student union, which includes a cafeteria and the book store has a few handicapped spots. If there is a weekday televised game, EPSN will come and take these spots for their television vans. 2013fall-a...d32245.jpg
Am I the only one who had a headache after looking at all those illusion(ish) pictures? TwT
I didn't know this were this many dumb-ass staircases in the whole world :O
Instead of Killer Klowns From Outer Space, it seems these are Killer Stairs From Inner Space. Did no one review these plans and patterns before installation. I hope there are a lot of injury claims against each and every flight of stairs! Where's an ambulance chaser when you need one?
Over a thousand people die each year from stair related incidents. This whole post shows exactly why.
And this is why the yellow strips on the edges are widespread in Australia
We've all heard people complaining of Americans being way too eager to sue one another. Some of these pictures seem to serve as a reminder that there's an up side to that.
Quite a few of these look like lawsuits in the making. I would make my way down by feel more than by sight - very carefully! I'd hate to navigate some of these when sober, let alone after a few pints!
At Washington State University there is this sidewalk with stairs on it. Many of the building are non-ADA complaint as well, showing they really do not care if you are handicapped. Also the building that houses the student union, which includes a cafeteria and the book store has a few handicapped spots. If there is a weekday televised game, EPSN will come and take these spots for their television vans. 2013fall-a...d32245.jpg