Kids can drive you crazy. But they can also be the source of the funniest, most absurd mishaps. They're still learning about this thing called life, so their silliness is not so much irritating as it's amusing. Children operate according to their own logic which shall never seem reasonable to adults. But that's where the charm comes from!
This time, we've got a selection of kids acting silly and weird. Whether it's thinking dandruff is snow or being mad that poop doesn't come out in one piece – children can have some real pearls of 'kid wisdom.' Let's be gracious and remember to laugh with them and not at them. However dumb their actions may seem.
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Y’all, I Can’t Stop Laughing
Uno Reverse Card Not Needed
Remote-Control Bathroom Break
When we hear of children acting silly, we probably don't think of anything serious. Just like the antics in these pictures – getting their tongues stuck to an icy pole, being rubbish at hide-and-seek, or leaving all the apples in a bowl with bite marks. But can silly behavior be an alarm for a bigger problem?
Experts say there's absolutely nothing wrong with children acting silly. They're immature, therefore they're acting immature, it’s totally appropriate for their age. Parenting coach Meghan Leaghy writes for The Washington Post that the reason behind kids' silliness during social interactions can be panic.
I Took Him Out Shopping For His Birthday, Told Him He Could Get Anything He Wanted And He Picked Soap
practical *and* it smells nice. just don't eat it. speaking from experience, it's disgusting
"When young children don't feel comfortable," Leaghy writes, "their brain begins to panic." The silliness that ensues is not a conscious decision. Kids are simply too young to express that they feel uncomfortable in new social situations. The parenting coach writes that then the "panicked brain distracts itself with complete silliness."
If a child starts acting silly when someone introduces them to a grownup, parents shouldn't push them to make eye contact or say 'hello.' Leaghy advises parents to assume the social niceties instead for their kids. It's okay to do all the talking and let the child stand behind a parent's leg. That doesn't mean they'll grow up to be a social ingrate. Their social skills are simply on their way.
This Means War
honestly, i don't know what they expected. this would happen at any of my old schools, too
Round 1, Fight
I Didn’t Know People Actually Did This
I did that. Once. Had to be 4 or 5. I think a little bit of my tongue stayed on the post when I pulled away. Lots of blood and tears were shed that day ...
Chain on the swing set for me. You only ever do that once, believe me!
Load More Replies...And rather than immediately helping your child, you decide to take a picture and post it to the world. Great parenting.
A picture is taken in seconds - probably the phone was already in hand ready to call emergency services. This is not fun in the moment, but will be in years to come.
Load More Replies...As a parent, the first thing I would of done would be to get some warm water fast. The lad would be so distressed and in pain. Taking a picture would not of entered my mind
tbf, I would have done pic first then water. Sometimes you need pics for future birthdays/wedding.
Load More Replies...The poor kid was extremely uncomfortable and probably in a lot of pain - I really can't understand how it would even cross the mind of a parent to take a picture in a situation like that. To then post it online is potentially humiliating and might even make him a target for bullies.
It could’ve been to show the other parent later and if you do it right it won’t hurt and what kids that age is gonna be on here to bully him
Load More Replies...Yes! And if none is available, stop panicking, pucker your mouth and start blowing hot air toward the stuck tongue, then wiggle it away.
Load More Replies...I thought so, too, yet when I scolled through the comments I found at least two saying "Yeah, did that several times". I never would have thought NOT doing this even once might bring a small shimmer of pride to me, but here we go.
Load More Replies...One-time girlfriend's dad (Hungarian) was press-ganged into the German army in WW2. Drove a tank in Russia. Said it got so cold, if you put your hand on the tank, it froze to the metal. Solution: your friends come and pee on your hand until it's warm enough to unstick.
My sister licked a metal trailer one time with the same result
Ha! I did that! In the school yard on a lamp post. I think I took around 10 minutes to convince myself to rip away. Yep, it hurt. And no, no teacher gave a s**t. 😂
It happened to me on Christmas I was like 8 or 9 I was outside feeding our dog and like a dumb a*s I licked the ladder to the camper and sat there screaming and crying hopping my parents would hear me I sat there for like ten minutes and realized they weren’t coming for me so I ripped my tongue off the ladder
My brother did this as a 12 year old at the bus stop... He had to rip it off, get on the bus, and go straight to the nurse. 😂😂
My brother did that on a shelf of our upright freezer when h e was about 5. Swears he srill can't feel or taste anything on the tip of his tongue.
I did this THREE TIMES, the first time with lips AND tongue. Somehow, I grew up to be a good deal brighter.
pour warm water on his tongue and gently wiggle it off. or tell him to breath warm air to melt the ice
I remember when Johnny Galles did that in kindergarten in 1959. Congratulations, Johnny you will be immortal. For that and eating paste.
Oh my gosh, all these hypersensitive parents in the comments ... you guys must be fun at parties.
Older siblings know the trick is getting their younger siblings to do this.
i once liiked a bolw of ic i had a pice of my toung ripped off
Ok but why does it look like the inside of a freezer door with the white medal shelves in the background?
Looks more like a rail outside than a shelf to me, but I'm not 100% sure.
Load More Replies...Why are you on BP if you live only to comment negatively on posts like this? Go elsewhere, please.
Load More Replies...Responsive Classroom lists three other reasons kids act silly. It's either for the fun of it, to feel like they belong, or to gain a sense of importance. Acting silly and being playful is just part of childhood and kids can be doing it simply to have fun. It also helps them to connect to those around them. "A shared moment of laughter can lead to close friendships," development professionals write.
i wouldn't like it if i got a new sibling, either. especially if I were at an age where I didn't really understand why there's suddenly a new baby in the house
Took The Snack Pack Away From My Daughter So We Could Get A Nice Picture
That’s Not How It Works
It's also true that acting silly can make you the center of everybody's attention. And that might be a reason why some kids do it. Child development experts claim that silly behavior is the strongest in first, third, and fifth grades. That's the years when they experience intensive social growth.
To Be Fair, I Also Hate This World
She's Crying Because Her Brother Proudly Announced The Size Of A Turd He Laid, But Flushed It Before She Could See It
I'd give for a day without any c**p I had to see or that someone took care of before I could get there...
Yoga Is A Great Way To Start The Day
Boredom can be another factor. "Boredom, lack of choice and the inability to move the body will turn a 'well-behaved' child into a 'silly' child, and fast," Meghan Leaghy writes in one of her blog posts.
She concludes that parents should encourage the silly child to belong to the class in a productive way, not a silly way. Some strategies can be giving the child more jobs in the classroom, allowing them movement breaks and appointing some time when they can act silly.
A Picture Of Me When I Was 9 Or 10. God I Was So Cringe
Best. Trade. Ever
Before She Could Read
Can silly behavior be disruptive? Of course, especially in the classroom. These types of kids often get labeled 'the class clown.' The reason behind such behavior is not always seeking attention.
Understood writes that children might attempt to cover up things like anxiety, bullying, trouble with focus or social skills. Low self-esteem and stressful situations at home can also be reasons.
uh huh, yeah. definitely nobody knows why. it's a mystery. i suppose we'll never find out
Mad Because Poop Is Not In One Piece
My Kid Was Playing Workshop While I Fixed The Garage Door Yesterday. Super Glad I Checked My Shoe Before Putting It On
Hyperactive kids or those who have learning differences also often become class clowns. Sometimes, it might be related to ADHD. According to experts on Understood, "being funny, theatrical, and larger than life can be a natural benefit of ADHD for many kids. Playing the role of entertainer is a way to use a strength to make up for challenges."
Mother's Day
Hide And Seek In My Son’s Hospital Room
The First Thing He Does
i mean, come on! it's a big red button! what else was he supposed to do?
What should adults do when silly behavior goes out of hand? Board Certified Behavior Analyst Dr. Baker Wright, Ph.D., has some advice on her blog on what to do and not to do. One of the things that most definitely won't help is repeatedly saying 'Stop.' She says it will only result in the parent blowing a fuse, so it's better to redirect kids to do or talk about something else.
I Tried Turning On The TV And It Wouldn't Turn On. I Opened The Remote And I Found This
This Is Genius
relatable. i'd do that, too. what's the point in having fancy bags if you can't put food in them?
My Son Thinks He Is Hilarious - Told Him To Stack The Dishes In The Sink
Don't expect them to go from 100 to 0 in a second. When kids are running around and being silly, they won't halt immediately. Because this is likely a result of unorganized play, suggest a game with specific rules. This might make them more calm as it requires more mental focus.
Found My Camera On The Floor And Asked My Kid If He'd Been Fiddling With It. "No, Of Course Not Daddy"
I luv how that picture looks like how I imagined his face when he told u that
Paper Clips Are Hard
Ah Yes, How To Get A "Free" Cookie (I Work At A Coffee Shop)
If the child is at an age where it's possible to reason with them, try talking. "Kids sometimes need help understanding the consequences of their behavior," experts at Responsive Classroom write. "They may not see the effect their clowning around is having. Or they may feel embarrassed by their behavior, but not know what to do instead."
Can We All Just Take A Moment To Appreciate How Awesome My Niece Is Hiding
We're Playing Hide-And-Seek
I'm Babysitting My 3-Year-Old Brother. We Decided To Play Hide And Seek. This Was His Hiding Spot. I Washed The Dishes And Folded My Clothes While Loudly Asking Were He Was. Everyone Won
Guys I cant find him, in fact there doesn't seem to be anywhere in this photo he could be hiding. Was this a screwup on BP's part or maybe OP picked the wrong photo or smthn?
My Neighbor's Kid Was Tasked With Bringing My Mom Some Chocolates
A Guy's PS4 Was Ruined After His 6-Year-Old Son Wanted To "Play A Nice Dog Game" He Found In The Garage
Tell Me You Have A Three-Year-Old Without Telling Me You Have A Three-Year-Old
My 5-Year-Old Refused To Eat His Fritter Because “It Looks Like A Baby Dragon”. He Wanted Me To Take A Photo And Share It With The World, So Here You Go
Who This Kid Trying To Fool
My 8-Year-Old Niece Changed Her Roblox Display Name To "Poopfart" And Couldn’t Change It
My Two-Year-Old: "I Want The Choclate Banana"
Why Does My Phone Say It’s Wet? Introducing, My Son
why. just why. if he's old enough to have a phone, he should be old enough to know not to get it wet, which includes watching videos *in the shower*, a completely unnecessary action
This Is Our 4-Year-Old Niece's Hiding Place. My Wife On The Left Is The Seeker
Trying To Eat A Cracker
5-Year-Old Is Inventing New Pokémon With Legos And Named This One “Boner”
Can't help noticing that we're all tip-toe-ing round a slightly different point ...
What A Preamble
Ok, But I've Done That Though
My Son Playing Hide-And-Seek At My Parents' House
My Kid Took A Bite Out Of The Pie And Filled The Hole With Potatoes To Hide The Evidence
the fact that he genuinely thought this would work is so funny to me. Like he really saw that n went "yup, its just like it never happened"
Get These Notifications At Work From My 4-Year-Old
Appreciate Him
My daughter had a minor speech delay so she didn't say much until she was 3 (she always understood what we said and we had ways of communicating). Anyway one evening in the living room me her and daddy I noticed some pink scribble marks on the TV. I picked her up and asked "who colored on the TV with a pink crayon?" Without a moment of hesitation she pointed at daddy.
I used to be cabin crew and I remember one flight, I think it was either a late or a morning flight as it was quite quiet during landing. We had come into land at our destination and whilst we were taxi-ing to our stand some innocent child pipes up loud enough for everyone to hear "that was a good landing mummy............we didn't crash!!". All I could do was smile and chuckle, but I'm thinking "what have you been watching or landings have you survived in your short life!!!". Bless him though!!
Very information information. Anyway, if need child and adolescent psychotherapist would be help.
Yo, BP Editors: maybe think about retiring the hackneyed "Just Had To" thing?
My daughter had a minor speech delay so she didn't say much until she was 3 (she always understood what we said and we had ways of communicating). Anyway one evening in the living room me her and daddy I noticed some pink scribble marks on the TV. I picked her up and asked "who colored on the TV with a pink crayon?" Without a moment of hesitation she pointed at daddy.
I used to be cabin crew and I remember one flight, I think it was either a late or a morning flight as it was quite quiet during landing. We had come into land at our destination and whilst we were taxi-ing to our stand some innocent child pipes up loud enough for everyone to hear "that was a good landing mummy............we didn't crash!!". All I could do was smile and chuckle, but I'm thinking "what have you been watching or landings have you survived in your short life!!!". Bless him though!!
Very information information. Anyway, if need child and adolescent psychotherapist would be help.
Yo, BP Editors: maybe think about retiring the hackneyed "Just Had To" thing?