The love-hate relationship is a unique one, especially when talking about siblings. Unconditional love forged by the closest of family bonds, yet filled with moments of competitiveness, teasing, and a weird urge to annoy the hell out of one another.
Much depends on your age in the sibling hierarchy; the oldest is there to protect but can be the most annoying of them all. The middle child is often the family peace-keeper - loyal, social, and eager to compromise. And the younger child is often rebellious and attention-seeking, having got away with plenty as parents became more comfortable in their role and perhaps relaxed the discipline a little. This hierarchy is also often the cause for sibling rivalries.
Now you're all grown up and have a relationship closer to that of good friends, but the lingering urge to tease and prank each other are still there. To celebrate sibling relationships, we here at Bored Panda have collected a bunch of hilariously funny memes that you will definitely relate to if you grew up with brothers and sisters. Scroll down below to check the sibling memes out for yourself, and send your favorite of these funny jokes on to those that are closest to home!
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What we learn from our siblings when we grow up has -- for better or for worse -- a considerable influence on our social and emotional development as adults. According to Laurie Kramer, an expert in sibling, parent-child, and peer relationships at the University of Illinois, our parents' influence on our development as children shouldn't be underestimated, but neither should a sibling's.
"What we learn from our parents may overlap quite a bit with what we learn from our older siblings, but there may be some areas in which they differ significantly," Kramer said to Science Daily."Siblings are closer to the social environments that children find themselves in during the majority of their day, which is why it's important not to overlook the contributions that they make on who we end up being."
While parents are better role models for more formal settings, such as how to act in public and other social and moral norms; siblings help with more informal behaviors, like how to act at school or how to be cool around friends.
It has long been assumed that the birth order of siblings affects their personalities, and this study by British researchers YouGov seems to confirm this.
"Splitting out the first and last born siblings in British families with more than one child (86% of the population), a clear divide in personality traits emerges," they write. "The most significant difference is in feeling the burden of responsibility – most (54%) first borns say they are more responsible than their younger siblings, compared to 31% of last borns."
"Younger siblings, on the other hand, are more likely to say they are funnier (46% compared to 36% of elder siblings), more easy going and more relaxed."
Having a sibling might even be good for your overall health, even if it doesn't really feel like it when you're a kid. Because according to one study, becoming a big brother or big sister before first grade may lower a child's risk of becoming obese. The study, led by the University Of Michigan, found that children the same age who didn't have a sibling were nearly three times more likely to be obese by first grade.
"Research suggests that having younger siblings -- compared with having older or no siblings -- is associated with a lower risk of being overweight. However, we have very little information about how the birth of a sibling may shape obesity risk during childhood," senior author Julie Lumeng, M.D., a developmental and behavioral pediatrician at U-M's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital told Science Daily.
"This study is believed to be the first to track subsequent increases in BMI after a child becomes a big brother or sister."
One possible explanation, the authors speculate, could be that parents may change the way they feed their child once a new sibling is born. With children developing long-lasting eating habits at around three years old, changing dietary habits may have a significant impact.
Authors also note that children may engage in more 'active play' or less sedentary time in front of screens once a younger sibling is born, contributing to healthier BMIs.
After all this science talk, be sure to keep on scrolling below for more of these hilarious sibling jokes!
My sister has a little Power Wheels brand company Mustang, and boy is this me, except, I have long legs, I can easally escape her wrath of toy cars in the drive way
Me: "I TOLD YOU TO STOOP! MOOM!" Mom: I rule she is innocent. You though, are guilty for blaming her and making me pause my show. You have to pick up all your sisters spilled colouring crayons, and can not eat any potato crops for a week. Me: Uh, what? Ok...but none of her colouring crayons are spilt... *Sister dumps them on the floor*
I actually got an arrow to the leg once. My sister got in HUGE trouble for that.
I didn't know that so many took an arrow . I took one right through my hand, it really hurt. Bratty Uncle got a beating. Made me happy because to me he had been needing one for a very long time. LOL
Anybody else have the sibling that when you step on their foot or something, they smirk at you, then run downstairs screaming "She hit me! SHE HIT ME!" and then starts crying?
I had a friend whose brother shot him in the eye and said 'please don't tell Mum'!
Oh my gosh! I soon as I say I am going to do that, my sister says: "No, I was about to get up anyway to do that too!"
My sister once gave me a birthday card that said "Dear Sister. Do you remember all the times when we were growing up how I'd tease you, pester you, and make your life a living hell?" (Inside Card) "I'm not done yet.." I still have that card for!!
Imma make one thanks for the idea thats going onto both of my sisters cards
As a person with a sibling, these are almost true as it can be! Now I gotta go show my sister how rediculous she has been then past few years lol!!!
I once told my little sister if anyone tried to make her do something she didn't want to do that she should kick them hard in the nuts and run. She immediatelly kicked me in the nuts and says ooh, it works
I was an only child, but I have four kids and I am just completely boggled by their sibling relationships most of the time.
I'm an only child with three kids of my own, and yeah I totally agree.
Load More Replies...I don't have kids yet, but being an only child I always wondered if I would understand their sibling relationships!
girl, you should not have had 4 kids. In my opinion, 1 is already too much. I had 10 siblings growing up. and we still don't get along. I was a middle child. and we all hated each other. I hope your children learn to get along. unlike my siblings and me.
I relate to these all to well with my 3 step-siblings, 3 half brothers and 1 sister all of whom I live with and relate to all of these with!
I have two brothers and four sisters and this made me laugh so hard because it's all TRUE TRUE TRUE.
One year my sister gave me a birthday present. It was a poop plushie. And the card said I think it's a spitting image of you. And I said I love you too sister.
"Siblinghood is a myriad of colors, and what makes it even more colourful is the smiles and laughter that you just went through while reading this blog. Don’t forget to share the joy. Also do have a look at our blog related to siblings.
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH HELLLOOOOO THEREE no im kidding like if your a ledgend of zelda fan (you have 1 new like) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH getROASTED SOOOOOOON but fir real like if your a loz fan!
When 2 yo say no and the 4 yo say yes. Then, one of them make a mistake and say yes when he should be saying no. and in the end they just invert the order.
2 yo sitting in one side of the living room, 4 yo on the totally opposite side, both said that the brother hurt him. I'm sitting there kids. How come that you guys smash the world record of the shortest time/calling me Mama and you forgot that actually present when you guys accused each other like that!?!? 😂🤔A mistery needed to be studied. 🤩
My brother is the best brother ever! Never did anything against me,always been by my side (still is and we are 35 and 33),always taking care of me. But never ever would he say he loves me! Nooo way! Only time during the year when I get hugs from him is on my bday and Christmas. Not showing love,but loves me 😊
Please do. Doesnt matter if its awkward. You will regret you never said it when you no longer can. And you never know when that will be. Take this advice from an old lady.
lady, you are so wrong. I have 10 siblings and we all hate each other. I don't think any of us have said I love you once. so tell me again how easy it is.
My sister once gave me a birthday card that said "Dear Sister. Do you remember all the times when we were growing up how I'd tease you, pester you, and make your life a living hell?" (Inside Card) "I'm not done yet.." I still have that card for!!
Imma make one thanks for the idea thats going onto both of my sisters cards
As a person with a sibling, these are almost true as it can be! Now I gotta go show my sister how rediculous she has been then past few years lol!!!
I once told my little sister if anyone tried to make her do something she didn't want to do that she should kick them hard in the nuts and run. She immediatelly kicked me in the nuts and says ooh, it works
I was an only child, but I have four kids and I am just completely boggled by their sibling relationships most of the time.
I'm an only child with three kids of my own, and yeah I totally agree.
Load More Replies...I don't have kids yet, but being an only child I always wondered if I would understand their sibling relationships!
girl, you should not have had 4 kids. In my opinion, 1 is already too much. I had 10 siblings growing up. and we still don't get along. I was a middle child. and we all hated each other. I hope your children learn to get along. unlike my siblings and me.
I relate to these all to well with my 3 step-siblings, 3 half brothers and 1 sister all of whom I live with and relate to all of these with!
I have two brothers and four sisters and this made me laugh so hard because it's all TRUE TRUE TRUE.
One year my sister gave me a birthday present. It was a poop plushie. And the card said I think it's a spitting image of you. And I said I love you too sister.
"Siblinghood is a myriad of colors, and what makes it even more colourful is the smiles and laughter that you just went through while reading this blog. Don’t forget to share the joy. Also do have a look at our blog related to siblings.
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH HELLLOOOOO THEREE no im kidding like if your a ledgend of zelda fan (you have 1 new like) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH getROASTED SOOOOOOON but fir real like if your a loz fan!
When 2 yo say no and the 4 yo say yes. Then, one of them make a mistake and say yes when he should be saying no. and in the end they just invert the order.
2 yo sitting in one side of the living room, 4 yo on the totally opposite side, both said that the brother hurt him. I'm sitting there kids. How come that you guys smash the world record of the shortest time/calling me Mama and you forgot that actually present when you guys accused each other like that!?!? 😂🤔A mistery needed to be studied. 🤩
My brother is the best brother ever! Never did anything against me,always been by my side (still is and we are 35 and 33),always taking care of me. But never ever would he say he loves me! Nooo way! Only time during the year when I get hugs from him is on my bday and Christmas. Not showing love,but loves me 😊
Please do. Doesnt matter if its awkward. You will regret you never said it when you no longer can. And you never know when that will be. Take this advice from an old lady.
lady, you are so wrong. I have 10 siblings and we all hate each other. I don't think any of us have said I love you once. so tell me again how easy it is.