30 Hilariously Relatable Memes Shared On The ‘Sarcasm Only’ Instagram Account (New Pics)
Ah, sarcasm. It’s everywhere we look — social media posts, newspaper headlines, remarks from coworkers, comments from friends, you name it. For some people, it’s a way to vent their frustrations. For others, a tool to wound. Hence, countless workplace and relationship experts advise against it, as this form of expression is bound to cause misunderstandings and only pour more fuel into the fire. But what if snarky comments are a part of your sense of humor? In fact, a part of who you are?
If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place! Let us introduce you to the Instagram account called 'Sarcasm Only', an ultimate destination for all sarcastic souls out there where they can feel understood. With a whopping 16 million followers, it’s full of like-minded individuals who spend time devouring painfully accurate memes, snide tweets, and hilarious jokes that we all sometimes desperately need.
So pull your seat closer and get ready for a wild rollercoaster of a ride, because we at Bored Panda have gone through their feed and hand-picked some of their best posts to share with you all. Continue scrolling to see the newest batch of finest snarky memes, hit upvote on your favorite ones, and be sure to share them with your friends who need it most! After you're done chuckling at these entries, check out our earlier part of this feature right over here.
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Poor little guy. He has no clue that this is not changing anytime soon.
While sarcasm may be a gift that keeps on giving, not everyone’s ready to receive it. See, some people simply don’t get the purpose of mean and salty jokes. Or they’re simply not a fan. After all, depending on the topic and the tone of voice, the meaning of the joke can sometimes fly right over their heads, and no one enjoys being laughed at or feeling left out of the conversation.
But for those that do get it, it’s nothing but satisfying. Oscar Wilde, the connoisseur of wit, once wrote: "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence." While the first part of his phrase is often a subject for debate, there’s no denying that this linguistic quirk is a sign of an inventive mind.
To learn more about this powerful linguistic tool, we reached out to Ruth Filik, a psychology professor at The University of Nottingham, UK, who happily shared a few insights on the topic. We were curious to learn more about the relationship between sarcasm and irony. Many people believe, after all, that these two words almost seem synonymous, although that's not the case. Since these terms are often misused, misapplied, and misunderstood, we asked Professor Filik to explain the difference between them.
"Not everyone agrees on these definitions, but irony is when someone says the opposite of what they mean, and sarcasm is a type of irony that is directed at a person, with the intent to criticize," she told Bored Panda.
"For example, saying 'What lovely weather' (when it is raining) would be an ironic comment, and saying 'That was clever' (when someone did something stupid) would be sarcastic," Filik continued. "Our research shows that more brain regions are activated when people read sarcastic comments, suggesting that sarcasm may be more complicated to understand than non-sarcastic irony." But she also pointed out that some research suggests that emojis might be here to lend a helping hand and allow people to better understand sarcasm when other cues are missing.
According to the professor, understanding sarcasm easily can rely on a lot of cues — such as context, tone of voice, and facial expression — that might not always be there, like in a text message. "Sarcasm is a very useful skill — for example, in some situations, it may be helpful to be able to criticize someone 'with humor,' in order to maintain your relationship with them," Filik added.
If you can stay calm in stressful situations, there's something wrong with you.
Be like that diet, we're not friends anymore, ice cream likes me more anyways.
While some people may see sarcasm as off-putting or endearing, it’s hard to deny that it’s smart. And researchers at Harvard proved that. In a 2015 paper titled, The highest form of intelligence: Sarcasm increases creativity for both expressers and recipients, they found that being sarcastic makes us think more abstractly.
One of the authors of the paper, an award-winning researcher Francesca Gino, explained in an article in Scientific American that sarcasm graces us with unexpected benefits of boosting our creativity. "The use of sarcasm, in fact, promotes creativity for those on both the giving and receiving end of sarcastic exchanges. Instead of avoiding sarcasm completely in the office, the research suggests sarcasm, used with care and in moderation, can be effectively used and trigger some creative sparks," she wrote.
This was about the only time I was on Ross's side of anything. He was a selfish, conceited jerk most of the show.
Past studies have revealed that sarcasm was usually seen as something critical and easy to misunderstand. "In recent research, my colleagues and I discovered an upside to this otherwise gloomy picture of sarcasm." They set out to do a few studies where participants would need to engage in either simulated sarcastic, sincere, or neutral dialogues by choosing from pre-written responses on a sheet of paper.
"Immediately after participants engaged in these 'conversations,' we presented them with tasks testing their creativity," Gino added. "Not surprisingly, the participants exposed to sarcasm reported more interpersonal conflict than those in other groups. More interestingly, those who engaged in a sarcastic conversation fared better on creativity tasks."
The reason why sarcasm might enhance creativity is that the brain itself has to think outside of the box to understand or convey a sarcastic comment, so "sarcasm may lead to clearer and more creative thinking."
"To either create or understand sarcasm, tone must overcome the contradiction between the literal and actual meanings of the sarcastic expressions. This is a process that activates, and is facilitated by, abstraction, which in turn promotes creative thinking," Gino added.
Prior to delivery message alerts, we just assumed a package would never come, and we were more delighted if it ever did.
However, the researcher suggested keeping snarky remarks to people you know well to avoid unnecessarily offending others (even if that would help them think more creatively). "Our studies show that, given the same content and tone, sarcasm expressed toward or received from someone we trust is less conflict provoking than sarcasm expressed toward or received from someone we distrust. Of course, if we were to vary the tone and content, it would make a difference too – given an extremely harsh tone and critical content, even trust might not be enough," she concluded.
Too often = my solution. I make myself do at least one thing a day with extra points given to myself for doing more.
The funniest bit of this whole thread is all the people that clicked on a link of memes from a "Sarcasm Only" account and then got all bent because they don't know what sarcasm is. Hahaha.
The funniest bit of this whole thread is all the people that clicked on a link of memes from a "Sarcasm Only" account and then got all bent because they don't know what sarcasm is. Hahaha.