“Safety First!”: This Online Group Is Dedicated To The Dumbest Work Safety Examples, Here Are 45 Of The Worst Ones (New Pics)
No matter what job you do, each workplace has its own work and safety requirements every employee has to follow without a second thought. For other health and safety regulations, the employer is responsible, as it makes sure no worker gets harmed while on duty, which might also make them eligible for compensation.
Some people, however, choose to play with luck and see where ignoring all they know about safety in the workplace will take them. As we may suspect, it won’t be far, and their safety violation cases will also land in this notorious corner of Reddit known as OSHA.
Created back in 2013, the community’s slogan reminds everyone of “Safety First,” something that the examples which get shared there totally lack. Below we selected some of the craziest posts shared on the OSHA subreddit, so scroll down. Also, be sure to check out our previous features with more OSHA content here, here and here.
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Captain Ladder Has Arrived
Just A Small Jump And It'll Move Again, Nothing To Worry About Jim
Stairway To Heaven
To find out more about how exactly health and safety violations at work can damage the reputation of a business, Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Audrey Tang, a chartered psychologist, media spokesperson and author of multiple books, including "Be A Great Manager Now", "The Leader's Guide to Mindfulness," and "The Leader's Guide to Resilience,”.
Dr. Tang explained that there exists a strange phenomenon called the "Service recovery paradox" where if a customer's trust is breached by the company and the company is able to fix the issue, the customer is more likely to be more loyal than if the breach had not occurred in the first place.
“It is possible that this may also apply to the employee of a company. If there has been a breach of trust and it is rectified, it is possible that trust within the organization can be retained, and in turn, this can result in more favorable publicity,” Dr. Tang explained.
Artif Anchor
Safety Suggestions Are Overrated, Guts And Sheer Will Suffice
Just A Man On A Stack Of Pallets Raised By A Forklift Changing The Bulb On A Street Light
idk, it seems like it should be on the redneck engineering post ngl
According to the psychologist and book author, it is also possible that when an organization has truly learned from its errors, we might appreciate its genuine growth and ability to feel remorse and make changes. “Although it would depend on how serious or life-changing the outcome is of the breach in all cases - there will be many people from the thalidomide tragedy or the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster who may be less forgiving even now,” she added.
If It Gets Wet You Might Have To Buy A New One
I'm On It Boss
A Signboard For The Blind Next To Bare Wire
Incredibly, research into trust has shown through brain images that when trust is destroyed, you can actively see certain neurological links fade. “And as a development from that, restitution seems to be the most effective way of rebuilding - but as I said above, when the consequences of the breach are so great, how possible is it to restore what has been lost?” Dr. Tang wondered.
However, when it comes to rebuilding trust after safety breaches, there’s a lot to be done. Dr. Tang argues that it would be possible in the scenarios when a sincere apology and acceptance of wrongdoing is given. Moreover, there has to be clarity in the procedures to put it right, as well as evidence that changes have been made.
Padlocked Fire Exit During Office Renovation
Fixing An Ac Compressor On A Level 28 Ledge
I hope he's not the kind of guy to step back to admire his finished work.
Working Safely
I wonder if this was done purposefully. EDIT: purposely.
In a previous interview on a similar topic, Dr. Tang told Bored Panda we only have a finite amount of energy we can devote to productive work within a day... "We know when we are ill, for example, that ability to focus diminishes and performance suffers - if a workplace is making someone sick, you have already reduced productivity (not to mention breached the trust of the employee), but also, even if an employee is worried about something they have noticed that is awry, their own mind will be distracted and in turn affect performance,” Dr. Tang argued.
Something Tells Me Y'all Might Appreciate The Acid Watering Can At My Work
If Only There Was Another Way To Get Up There
Interestingly, there are many “hygiene factors” at work that directly affect the satisfaction of their employees. Dr. Tang explained that such hygiene factors include things like working conditions, behavior of immediate management, and the physical workspace.
“More recently, research into organizational health speaks of 'psychological safety' as another element of health - at least emotional and mental health(!) - in the workplace,” she said.
Someone Complained About Contractors Leaving A Hole Exposed Without Any Barriers. This Was Their Solution
Living N The Edge
I don't even like standing on the top step of these small ladders, let alone the top bar.
Wanna Go To The Hospital? Nah I’m Good
Dr. Tang also said that “if a worker doesn't feel psychologically safe, i.e. they don't feel heard, or perhaps they are criticized all the time, perhaps they don't feel they can ask if they need support. This can be hugely detrimental to motivation, retention and performance - not to mention the employee's mental and emotional wellbeing."
3 Persons = 6 Feet; 6 Feet < 50 Feet. Looks Safe To Me
This Is Safe? Right?
Don't Worry, I Won't
Does The Operator Get Hazard Pay?
No Expert, But This Doesn't Look Safe
It's safe.. not power cables.. but I don't think your network or phone will work.
Definition Of Safety Issues At My Work
I Don't Think This Is A Proper Use Of A Forklift
Introducing Donkey-Kong-Arcade-Level Scaffolding
Now I Know Why They Say These 6’ Ladders Are So Dangerous
At Least They Give You A Warning. Seen At A Boot Retailer
At Least They’re Wearing High-Vis Gear. Just Don’t Look Down
This Space Heater Is Definitely Not Causing Any Problems
He Told Me, “The Boss Said This Is How We Always Do It”
Labor Foreman Didn’t Feel Like Moving The Lift So This Is How He Wants Us To Unload
"What Are You Looking At!?!?!"
At Least The Load Was Secure For When The Truck Bed Complete Detaches
The Truck Was Driving, For Maximum Power Washing Efficiency
That Should Do It
I’m Not Sure How Many Times I Have Told Coworkers This. Never Wear Gloves Near A Spindle Or A Belt
Cigarettes And Gasoline
People forget that gas fumes are combustible and assume if there's no liquid visible they're fine.
My Dad's Colleague Checking His Phone On The New Staircases They Built
Please tell me that's not how the staircase will be once completed.
For Rent 1500/Month
Wish I Could See The "Safe" Way They Pulled It Down
If Your Electric Box Doesn’t Have A Cover Just Use A Cardboard Box
Sorry Boss The Cockpit Door Wouldn’t Open
This is an emergency situation, using the removable cockpit window and a luggage belt.
Looks Good Boss
Had New Gutters Installed. Came Home To This. Informed Them Not To Do That While On My Property And Sent Photo To Company
I once found a very mangled up gold wedding ring in a bag of sawdust for my hamster bedding. It was once beautiful. Engraved outside, and inside with stunning script, but all twisted and torn. I worried so much if she had had her finger ripped off in machinery. I wrote to them (pre internet) with photos and details. A whole 3 weeks later I received a reply. The lady factory worker doesn't know how she lost it, but was delighted it was found, and yes, her hand was intact. I was so relieved. All's well that ends well. Phew !!
So much anxiety inducing images. No wonder the rates of deaths in the construction (and similar) are high when there is so much of this stuff going on. It's dangerous enough doing things the right and safe way.
Looking back on my childhood working for my parents we did some questionable things that wouldn't fly today. Here are a couple from the cleaning business they had: 1. We cleaned apartment buildings downtown on "junkie row". It was pretty common for people to break into one of the buildings and shoot up in the stairwell areas that were intended for safe shelter in case of earthquakes (also common where I live). Because of the spacing, they'd toss their used needles in the back where only a kid could reach them. So every weekend my job was to take a dust pan and small pail to shovel them. No gloves, no long sleeves. It's a miracle I was never jabbed with one. 2. Also in those same buildings. When a tenant moved out we'd clean the place for the next person to move in including the windows. I remember my dad holding me by the ankles as I cleaned the exterior windows on the 4th floor.
😬 I don't think that's "something that wouldn't fly today" that's something that shouldn't fly ever! I could understand if they were ignorant of diseases spread through needles, maybe, but dangling you outside a window headfirst from 4 stories! Yikes!!! 😳
Load More Replies...I once found a very mangled up gold wedding ring in a bag of sawdust for my hamster bedding. It was once beautiful. Engraved outside, and inside with stunning script, but all twisted and torn. I worried so much if she had had her finger ripped off in machinery. I wrote to them (pre internet) with photos and details. A whole 3 weeks later I received a reply. The lady factory worker doesn't know how she lost it, but was delighted it was found, and yes, her hand was intact. I was so relieved. All's well that ends well. Phew !!
So much anxiety inducing images. No wonder the rates of deaths in the construction (and similar) are high when there is so much of this stuff going on. It's dangerous enough doing things the right and safe way.
Looking back on my childhood working for my parents we did some questionable things that wouldn't fly today. Here are a couple from the cleaning business they had: 1. We cleaned apartment buildings downtown on "junkie row". It was pretty common for people to break into one of the buildings and shoot up in the stairwell areas that were intended for safe shelter in case of earthquakes (also common where I live). Because of the spacing, they'd toss their used needles in the back where only a kid could reach them. So every weekend my job was to take a dust pan and small pail to shovel them. No gloves, no long sleeves. It's a miracle I was never jabbed with one. 2. Also in those same buildings. When a tenant moved out we'd clean the place for the next person to move in including the windows. I remember my dad holding me by the ankles as I cleaned the exterior windows on the 4th floor.
😬 I don't think that's "something that wouldn't fly today" that's something that shouldn't fly ever! I could understand if they were ignorant of diseases spread through needles, maybe, but dangling you outside a window headfirst from 4 stories! Yikes!!! 😳
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