50 Genius People Who Beat The System By Following The Rules (New Pics)
Imagine a world without any rules. It’s pretty hard to do, right? It’s possible that human beings as a species simply can’t exist without hierarchies and structure and deciding how long one’s lunch break should be. Civilization as a whole wouldn’t exist without ideas and behaviors we can all agree on.
However, some rules seem unjust, unfair, and all-around oppressive. That’s why folks try to bend them without breaking them, and Bored Panda has collected the most clever and creative ways how people beat the system by following the rules to the letter. It’s some truly amazing inspiration for all of you Pandas who might feel too restricted, whether it’s at work or elsewhere. And it’s rock-solid proof that you don’t necessarily need to resort to anarchy to beat the system at its own game.
Remember to upvote your fave pics as you scroll down, and be sure to drop by the comment section to share your own stories about how you worked around unfair rules. Oh, and in case you need some more examples of how the rules are powerless against the human imagination, check out Bored Panda’s earlier two articles about it right here and over here.
Suzanne Degges-White, Licensed Counselor, Professor, and Chair at the Department of Counseling and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University, shared her insights about the importance of rules and structure in life with Bored Panda.
“While novelty is always enticing, for the most part, humans need structure and routine— especially as young kids and then mature adults. Structure gives us security and even though we may fight against it, we feel safe knowing that rules exist that keep us (and others) in bounds,” she explained to us.
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Celebrating Pride Despite Our HOA Not Allowing Pride Flags. They Don’t Regulate Yard Lights Though, So... There’s Always A Loophole
According to Professor Degges-White, we might feel the urge to rebel when we become teenagers. However, this doesn’t change the fact that rules, as a whole, are vital to have.
“During adolescence, the urge to challenge parents takes hold, but without rules/expectations, we would feel adrift. While some of us will always try to bend the rules, break the rules, or challenge the rules, there is comfort in knowing that large-scale chaos isn't going to happen due to the rules that we may be fighting against,” she told Bored Panda.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that everyone has a different level of tolerance for following the rules. Some might embrace them to the fullest and have a difficult time living outside their routines. Meanwhile, others rebel against any and all rules (sometimes to the point of absurdity).
Old Lady At The Bank
My gran is reading over my shoulder and just said ‘do you have that lady’s number?’
The HOA In My Friend’s Neighborhood Recently Threatened Her Neighbors With A Fine If They Didn’t Hide Their Trash Cans. This Is Their Solution
“There are some people who feel that any attempts to get them to ‘fall in line’ are unacceptable. I once worked with someone who would always turn in their reports late—whether it was late by a day or just a couple of minutes past the stated deadline, they were consistently going to buck the deadline,” Professor Degges-White revealed to Bored Panda.
“When asked why they behaved in this way, their response was that they were able to maintain control when they didn't follow the rules. For them, rules at work were something to be broken in order to satisfy their ‘control freak’ tendency,” she said.
“Others, though, use rules as ‘base level expectations’ and want to exceed those expectations and follow rules to a ‘t.’ They maintain their own sense of control by staying way inside of the rules—they take pride in this behavior.”.
Unauthorized Protests Are Forbidden In Russia, So Artists In St. Petersburg Decided To Do Some Open-Air Practice
Shorts Are Now Deemed "Inappropriate" For Retail Counter Workers At USPS. Skorts Are Still Ok
Both of them are rocking those skirts! Edit: thanks you guys for the upvotes, this is the most I've ever gotten!
My Wife Is A Teacher And Found This While Marking An Assessment
Whatever each individual’s tolerance for rules might be, society as a whole would fall apart without them.
“Everyone has a different view on rules/boundaries and it might be nature for some and nurture for others. However, on a larger scale, societies cannot function without clear rules and boundaries. Chaos and anarchy result—at any level—when rules fall by the wayside,” the professor told Bored Panda.
Having structure in your life can help you deal with stress. Strict schedules and routines can be very useful when the world seems unpredictable and your future looks uncertain. It’s something to fall back on. Something to rely on. It’s something to give you a sense of control when there’s chaos left, right, and center.
He Saw Us Feeding The Ducks And Pretended To Be One
“Look at me! I’m a duck! Quack quack.. quack.. it’s pretty cold down here”
My Mum Allowed Me To Put Any Flag On My Wardrobe Doors Except For The Pride Flag. So, 241 Flags Later
amelia? earhart? girlllllll, people been lookin for you!!
Load More Replies...Any mum who restricts pride expression doesn't realize that their child is an individual human let alone any positives of that
Cmon Joseph. Serious come out of the closet already. It's 2022. No reason to be ashamed.
Jiseph58tech is projecting the attitude of those who are self loathing and still hiding in the closet
As someone who went though that phase, let's all offer Joseph the support they need!
This woman would be too ignorant to notice, she’s too busy promoting her bigotry.
Dee, if you don't like someone for something they can't control, you are a bigot 💋
Lets see: A group that has, historically, been alienated, marginalized, dehumanized, oppressed, assaulted, maimed and disrespected have found a way to express pride and to feel unashamed in who they are....they find an important cause and community to rally around and support....and you are wondering about their "obsession" with the flag that represents the freedom to FINALLY be themselves? You cant be serious....
And murdered. Don’t forget murdered. Unprovoked and in cold blood. 🏳️🌈 Raise it in pride or raise it in support. Or in support, celebration and joy, that’s what I do.
Don’t tell anyone, but the PRIDE flag contains hidden subliminal messaging. It’s one of the most important tools we use to spread our gay agenda. We use it to convert perfectly straight children of conservative Christian republicans, because being gay is definitely a choice we all made - and we have recruitment quotas that we have to meet or exceed monthly, or we get kicked out of the official LGBT+ club & they take away our membership badges. I can’t believe someone even asked that question! 😂 Americans are obsessed w/the American flag because we have to pledge allegiance to something; People fly the Confederate flag bc they’re proud of their 8th grade education & racism; and we (homosexuals) adorn our homes with gay flags to keep the Jehovah’s Witnesses away. I thought that was self-explanatory 😂🤣😂
I should have known! But I couldn't, because I'm straight at therefore unjustly excluded from the nefarious Gay Conspiracy Of Convoluted Evil And Malice, so how was I to know? I mean, having a closest friend since earliest childhood that's gay I knew about the recruitment quotas, and everybody knows it's a choice that one makes after adolescence depending on how indoctrinated one has been by Evil Gay Textbooks and Teachers Who For Some Reason Wants All Kids To Be Gay, I even knew about the official LGTB club - but badges?! Dear sweet pink painted christ on a popcorn showpony, tell me 'taint so! Badges!! Know you no SHAME? Geez. Soon you'll make impossible demands, like the right to not be murdered, I bet. Gonna expect to not be beat within an inch of your life at anybodys whim, I shouldn't be surprised. And then - as we all know - the Great Gayification of all mankind will start. Because homosexual people, in spite of never saying so or acting on it, all hate heterosexual people. You’re right; it should have been self explanatory.
As I said to Shaylin Anderson, Oh boy, do I approve of these messages.
@cats are pretty cool I guess I'm sorry but you are ignoring the fact queer people have been discriminated against across the world for much of human history, so if you think that your life is so horrible because you're a Christian I have known 6 people who were kicked out of the house for being gay, so stop being so ignorant
Joseph Joseph Joseph. How have you still not learned that the most vocal homophobes always end up gay themselves?
cleverly hid a few other pride flags in there too (trans, nonbinary and asexual from what i can see)
It is achromatic because is just white and black, so there's no place, just like other flags that have too much colors to be classified in there
Wha…? My friend. ALL goddamned flags EXCEPT for the pride flags are straighter then an architects ruler. They’re straighter than a dropped cannonballs trajectory to the ground. They’re straightly made in the straightest way possible by the straightest heterosexual men in the history of straightness. How many more straight flags of straightness could you possibly need? Maximum straightidity is achieved, the apex has long since been straightly reached - what we need now is to leave that behind and approach some sort of reason and decency instead. Don’t worry about any straight flag anymore, the world can hardly GET any more straight than it is.
I see some pride flags tho... : Ignore me i just read other comments edit edit: i have been temporary suspended from commenting for calling someone out that said that i am messed up in the head for being who i am so im going to comment through edits: so many homophobic comments and slurs are being said, what the heck is wrong with people!
I only see one and also have not found Waldo yet 🤔
Load More Replies...I'm guessing mom is ignorant of anything but a rainbow flag. As well as just plain ignorant
I somewhat agree but we are a product of the influences of out generation and time that said PRIDE we should all have it.
Yep! I can see a Trans flag, an asexual flag, a non binary flag and a pansexual flag. There might be more. I guess the mum means the rainbow when she says ‘pride’ flag and the child knows that she won’t recognise the specific pride flags in their rainbow?
i wasn't too sure if it's the pan flag, but it's next to the yellow-black checker and above the 'don't tread on me' flags. on the left-hand side.
Why does she care so much? Even my 94 year-old grandmother said people should be able to love who they love.
Russ, what does that even mean? POC pride is already a thing because they've been treated horribly by racists. Pride is used by marginalized communities to recover and try to become equal to the people who oppress us. POC pride is fine and cool. If you want a white pride flag, get one, but make sure it's on everything you own so people know to stay far from you.
I wish the mom wasn’t homophobic BUT this is really cool and excellent malicious compliance. Bravo.
There is a trans flag, an asexual flag, a nonbinary flag, and an intersex flag......
My daughter hangs hers where she wants. She's 16, as long as she's happy and a good person that's all I care about!
Right and the EXACT reason that their ALL messed up in the head and have absolutely NO IDEA who or WHAT they are
Saw this before and I just love how there's other pride flags hidden in there (Asexual, Nonbinary, Transgender, Intersex.. those are the ones I noticed). Sounds like OP's mother truly is ignorant. I'm sorry OP. At least you have this awesome display though! ;)
Plants are asexual , not humans , other mammals , reptiles or amphibians !! The world is TRULY becoming a disturbing , disgusting place
Load More Replies...Why would your parent be against a pride flag? The mom is the problem here.
I just bought my child a pride flag for pride month because she asked and it arrived the next day. I feel for the child who doesn’t get the same response.
there are some other lgbtq+ flags in there that aren't the pride flag :O beating the system doubly
i see those trans, ace, and nb flags hidden in there and i raise you one i'm so fvcking proud of you! ♥️
Surprised to see the Somalian flag here! don't see it often on site alike this, but well done indeed!!
Holy c**p, the official flag of the City of St. Louis! (Missouri, USA). Top row, number four from left. And the US states of TN, NM, and SC. Nice.
That's the best! United we stand, all for one and one for all.
I use the Ubuntu (Linux) operating system on my computer, and I see you have a flag for Ubuntu in the red section. ... Thanks
My question to Mom is Why??? It won't change anything even if you stamp your feet and yell!!!
I'd expect them to know each flags country, and to learn about that country for being so smart! (Making them smarter). Lol
Good for you! I noticed our state flag of New Mexico (and it is the best state flag of all) in the middle of the yellow band! The symbol has sacred meaning to the Zia people. Four is a sacred number which symbolizes the Circle of Life: the four directions, the four times of day, the four stages of life, and the four seasons. The circle binds the four elements of four together. State-flag...025036.jpg
This is the coolest, had to take some time to match them all up!? Awesome🤗🙋♀️
Bought my oldest his first pride flag on our first trip to a pride celebration...love your kids folks, it ain't that hard....
What about the IDGAS flag? As in I don't give a S###! So tired of dealing with this nonsense!
They said the mom didn't allow pride flags, but I see the non-binary flag on the bottom right
The mother (in her ignorance) probably doesn't know all of the flags and doesn't recognize them as being pride, because they aren't the rainbow
What is going on? How and why are so many people banning the Pride flag?
I hope your mom also realizes that all things are created equal, even the pride flag😉
Hehehe I spy the Trans flag, Asexual flag aaand what I think is the non-binary flag?
Funny that the people here who are calling people idiots, are the same people who don't even know the correct way to use "your/you're". Who, exactly, is the idiot, again?? And good on OP. Smart person. Be yourself. No matter who or what that may mean. Be happy.
the fact that there are the ace, non-binary etc flags in that lmao
I hope you are a minor and not an adult still living with there mum . Great job very creative .
Rock out! You found a way to work around it. As for the mom, hateful person.
Gay pride is stupid and has caused more people to be homophobic than they were before.
Not true. She never told you that. Cool art, but why make up a fake story to go.with it.
Where would that go? Red? Blue? It doesn't work with the rainbow format.
You could have been more clever if you had skipped the flags of some countries which excute LGBTQ people!
Why did your mom oppose the Gay Pride Flag but ws OK with other flags?
Why wouldn't you want a Normal flag ? Or something pretty like a garden flag
so true, bestie, but it's pride month, so isn't that a compliment for us? ,':)
Respect is earned. This parent doesn't respect their child as a human, so why should they respect their parent as an authority?
I Wasn't Allowed To Use A Notebook At My Cashier Job, So I Started Writing My Book About Bullying On Printed Out Receipts. This Year I Finally Published My Novel
In fact, a lack of structure can actually lead to more stress down the line. “If people don't have structure and are sitting around with less to focus on, then they also probably will find themselves thinking about the stressful situation more, which can also lead to additional stress and anxiety,” Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., told Very Well Mind
Besides lowering your stress levels, having a regular routine can help you form healthy habits, and make you feel more focused and productive. This can work both with self-imposed and outwardly-imposed routines. However, in some cases, we might not agree with all the rules in place. We might question the need for them or we might feel that the alternatives that we propose are far better.
This can lead to tension between those imposing and enforcing the rules, as well as those who are expected to abide by them. Let’s be frank, some workplace rules are truly bonkers, have no bearing to reality, or might be in place to stroke some managers’ egos. Meanwhile, others might be there for good reason (even if it’s not immediately apparent). It all comes down to good, effective leadership and whether or not bosses actually care about their employees. A good leader can create rules that make sense and benefit (nearly) everyone, not just the few.
So The NYC Subway Has Banned Dogs Unless They 'Fit In A Bag'. New Yorkers Got Creative
Belarus People React To Lukashenko's Prohibition Of Pro-Democratic Flags
Five Words
Eddy Ng, the Smith Professor of Equity & Inclusion in Business at Queen’s University, told Bored Panda earlier that strong leaders in the workplace are those who are moral, principled, and choose to do the right thing. They stand in stark contrast to weak leaders who only do the things that make them popular and have a hard time making firm decisions: they flip-flop, they dither, they can’t make up their minds.
“The notion of servant leadership is gaining attention in the workplace. Although it is associated with many of the strong leadership traits such as empathy, selflessness, and humility, the focus is on the leader’s propensity to serve (or support) their followers. Servant leaders empower and lift up followers (employees) to motivate and fuel their passion,” the professor explained to Bored Panda.
Good Boi Knows He's Not Allowed To Have Sticks Inside
Czech Fans Were Forced To Take Down The Ukrainian Flag At The Championship. So They Found A Loophole
On those flags it says "Go home Ivan" and "Natasha waits for you". Those are lines from pretty good song wrote to protest the invasion. Funny thing, in their clip the role of Ivan is played by Petr Novotny, who is major of one part of Prague and he is a huge pain in the a*s for Russians for a long time.
Satellite Dishes Are Strictly Forbidden
“Employees can manage that relationship to have work satisfaction. In this instance, employees need to communicate what they need (tools) or work conditions (autonomy) in order for them to perform optimally when working with a controlling boss. Employees need to convey what they can and are able to perform,” he said that the principle of exchange is an important one in workplaces.
When The Sign Says No Photography
This Restaurant Is Only Allowed To Sell Beer If Someone Buys Food
My Kindergartener Was Feeling Proud Of This Solution To Her Homework
However, it’s not just at work where we find rules to abide by. Whether we like it or not, we also adhere to certain limits at home, too. In healthy relationships, both partners make the rules together, communicate efficiently, and respect each other’s boundaries. However, in some relationships, one partner might hold too much power or someone might not be able to enforce the rules and boundaries that matter to them.
Sandwich Only Sits With My Wife, But I Think I Found A Way To Beat The System
Iranian Girl Cheers For Her Favourite Football Team From Behind The Fence As Iranian Women Aren't Allowed Into Stadiums
Told This Guy I Only Date People 6 Feet Or Up And He Sent Me This
“In relationships and life in general, too much power can corrupt a person’s behavior. A man or a woman who is normally a very nice, caring, loving and understanding person, can sometimes become quite selfish, mean and unloving if given too much power in a romantic relationship,” Dan Bacon, a dating and relationship expert, told Bored Panda recently.
“Sometimes, a woman will be in a relationship with a man who says that he has boundaries, but then lets her defy those boundaries on a daily basis because he doesn’t know how to stand up to her in an assertive, loving, and effective way,” he explained that boundaries need to be enforced for them to matter.
Cat Isn't Allowed On The Table, Found A Loophole To Still Be The Center Of Attention While We Eat
I See No Issues Here
I'm Not Sure That's What They Meant
“All he does is get upset, sulk and seek pity from her when she defies his boundaries, which she sees as weak, wimpy, and possibly even pathetic. This can then result in her losing respect for him, which can then make her feel as though his so-called ‘boundaries’ aren’t something that she needs to adhere to,” the expert pointed out that boundaries mean nothing if they’re only theoretical. Pleading, demanding, or trying to reason with someone will not get them to respect your boundaries.
“That kind of problematic outcome often happens when one person has way too much power in a relationship.”
It’s 70’s Day And This Kid Is Dressing For The 1770’s
It's Not Medicine, It's Pepsi
That Wasn't An Option But Well Done Anyway
A healthy relationship means that the power dynamic isn’t skewed too far one way or the other.
“Having boundaries respected is not about a man being overly domineering or bossy and making his girlfriend or wife feel like she has no power or say. That is not loving or effective and it will create many relationship problems and most likely cause the relationship to end in a breakup,” he told us.
He Is Not Allowed To Put His Paws On The Screen Door So This Is What He Does
There's Always A Loophole
Roxy Knows She's Allowed On The Barstool, And Not On The Counter. Roxy Also Likes To Test Her Limits
“A man needs to approach the relationship in a way where his girlfriend or wife feels respected, but also feels the need to respect him in return. If respect is only one way in the relationship, problematic behavior will naturally emerge and boundaries may be defied or disrespected by an otherwise nice, loving, and caring person.”
Thought This Belongs Here
If You Have A Stain On Your Shirt, Outline The Stain With A Pen And Give It A Name. This Will Make It Seem Like You Visited A Random Island
I Was Doing Homework When I Did This
My 9-Year-Old Cousin's Invention. I Think He Did Good
Well Played, Sir
My Fourth Grader’s Math Homework. She Said “This Way I Didn’t Even Need To Think About It”
She's Not Allowed On The Couch
Playing Outside
Today's version of me sitting halfway up a tree reading, after having been told to stop reading in my room and go outside and play
In The 1990s, A California Man, Steve Comisar, Began Putting Ads In National Magazines Selling "Solar Powered Dryers" For $49.95
Customers would then receive a simple clothesline in the mail.
My Professor Asked For The Essay To Be In Times New Roman And A4 Size, He Didn't Say It Needed To Be On Paper Though
He Didn't Say It
Teacher Said We Are Allowed To Bring Single Side Paper For Notes During Final
Very Fussy Chihuahua Will Only Eat If Another Dog Is Watching. Here’s Our Workaround While Our Other Dog Is Away
He Knows He's Not Allowed On The Counter, But I Never Said Anything About The Lunchbox
I Wasn’t Allowed To Play Much, So Usually I Woke Up Earlier Than Everyone And Played On The PS1 With The Sound On Mute For A Couple Of Hours. Until I Got Caught
Why is there a demon in the window thing on the far right? What is that?
My Wife Is An English Teacher. She Gave This Student An A For This Assignment
My Girlfriend Bet Me She Could Write Any Swear Word On My Calculator, I Bet Her $50 She Couldn’t
Paris Marathon Was Cancelled So This Dude Ran Back And Forth On His 7 Meter Balcony For A Marathon Length
My Friend Works As An English Teacher In Sweden
My Daughter's Job Only Allows Black Pants And No Rips. Her Normal Pair Was Still In The Washer So She Hacked It. Will It Work?
People smuggling alcohol in theaters or pools or wherever, can you seriously not enjoy your time there without drinking? That's more sad than smart.
not really, as a serious introvert I can only face crowds of people if I am toasted. So, public swimming pool, party, sports event, etc. nope. Can't do it without alcohol. It's a thing.
Load More Replies...That's not being an introvert...not criticizing, but i think something else might be going on here
Totally understand, and as long as you don't have to drive anywhere, have at it. Don't listen to all of these tools who jump to the conclusion that you're an alcoholic
Right...I tend to mot like most people...a beer or 5 makes it easier to not punch them
That has nothing to do with being an introvert. You're taking two different things and calling it one. Doesn't work like that. You're self medicating. That's not "being an introvert". That being said, if it works for you, have at it! It's when it stops working that you may find yourself with a problem.
Are they telling you how to cope with your life? No?? Then keep your judgment to yourself. Thanks now.
Right an introvert that self-medicates. they are two different things but once combined can make sure that the introvert becomes an extrovert
Yes, substance dependence is definitely real. I'm just glad that I no longer require alcohol to have a good time 😌
Or people enjoy it more drunk and don't like being told they can't, or have serious anxiety or other issues and genuinely can't, what is really sad is people who feel the need to judge others for how they want to do things that doesn't affect anyone else
One single drink out is like $6-$15. A whole bottle which I can make many drinks is like $15. Or a single can is $4 and a 12 pack is $18. It's simple math. I'm gonna smuggle my alcohol in until I'm banned, maybe mind your business and don't be so nasty about other people's lives?
Some people go to wherever and smoke, some people go to wherever and be on their phones, some people go to wherever and bother other people. i go to wherever and drink alcohol. I won't be drunk or whatever, it's just what i do.
Some people also eat unhealthy foods in public that kills them, some people may not be out if they do not drink sodas, or are filling themselves in with ice-cream, or any form of sugar, some do drugs (prescribed for them, or not. With medical cards or not)... People are creatures of habit, some more and some less, some also accept that they are not perfectly adjusted to society and they are already cool for my taste, they are more pleasant company, I've always leaned towards people who are able to relax and enjoy their hard earned free time. But that's just me, and my beloved friends.
There's a difference between "needing to drink" and "enhancing the event with a few cocktails". Don't be such a god damned buzzkill.
That's just how they've trained themselves to be and use it as an excuse.
I've always said that if you need drugs or alcohol in order to have a good time, you are a profoundly boring person.
I on the other hand will drink alcohol before going to the theater. I will however, admit to smuggling my sodas and snacks into the theater
My best friend and I used to do a friend date night every other Friday because we were both single. We would take a bottle into the movies and only get a large drink, pour half out and mix in the alcohol. We always picked the worst movie to go see because alcohol makes everything better.
I think mostly it's a case where people don't like being told what to do so no alcohol allowed = challenge excepted
It's called alcoholism. In Wisconsin, people drink at all functions. A lot of these type hacks are used in places that actually serve alcohol, but people don't wanna pay $9 for a Miller lite.
Some of these are quite petty. Bringing a record player, seriously? Next on BP : why do schools and workplaces keep adding new rules, like we can’t just decide for ourselves what is normal behavior?
Some people NEED to break the rules, however small. I know a lady who’s so proud of her daughter for always doing what she wants, bending the rules, getting special treatment, and it’s so cringe. Of course they’re very inconsiderate of others too.
Load More Replies...A friend's daughter was singlehandedly responsible for three different alterations to school/classroom rules. Rule was no i-pods. She brought in something else that did the same thing. Rule change/modification #1. Her dad had an older model personal CD player, so she brought that. Rule change/modification #2. She then brought in an 80's Sony walkman...at this time, they just re-wrote it to include all personal entertainment devices...
My elementary-aged son was not allowed to stay up for night baseball games. Found him in his room listening to the call on the local radio station while watching the game with binoculars on the neighbor's TV.
Calling any of these people geniuses is a pretty stupid thing to say. Some of them were mildly clever...
Wow I'm guessing your personality has your mailbox full of party invitations
Load More Replies...Some of these were just filler a few make absolutely no sense really a cloud so what, some are just nonsense.
People smuggling alcohol in theaters or pools or wherever, can you seriously not enjoy your time there without drinking? That's more sad than smart.
not really, as a serious introvert I can only face crowds of people if I am toasted. So, public swimming pool, party, sports event, etc. nope. Can't do it without alcohol. It's a thing.
Load More Replies...That's not being an introvert...not criticizing, but i think something else might be going on here
Totally understand, and as long as you don't have to drive anywhere, have at it. Don't listen to all of these tools who jump to the conclusion that you're an alcoholic
Right...I tend to mot like most people...a beer or 5 makes it easier to not punch them
That has nothing to do with being an introvert. You're taking two different things and calling it one. Doesn't work like that. You're self medicating. That's not "being an introvert". That being said, if it works for you, have at it! It's when it stops working that you may find yourself with a problem.
Are they telling you how to cope with your life? No?? Then keep your judgment to yourself. Thanks now.
Right an introvert that self-medicates. they are two different things but once combined can make sure that the introvert becomes an extrovert
Yes, substance dependence is definitely real. I'm just glad that I no longer require alcohol to have a good time 😌
Or people enjoy it more drunk and don't like being told they can't, or have serious anxiety or other issues and genuinely can't, what is really sad is people who feel the need to judge others for how they want to do things that doesn't affect anyone else
One single drink out is like $6-$15. A whole bottle which I can make many drinks is like $15. Or a single can is $4 and a 12 pack is $18. It's simple math. I'm gonna smuggle my alcohol in until I'm banned, maybe mind your business and don't be so nasty about other people's lives?
Some people go to wherever and smoke, some people go to wherever and be on their phones, some people go to wherever and bother other people. i go to wherever and drink alcohol. I won't be drunk or whatever, it's just what i do.
Some people also eat unhealthy foods in public that kills them, some people may not be out if they do not drink sodas, or are filling themselves in with ice-cream, or any form of sugar, some do drugs (prescribed for them, or not. With medical cards or not)... People are creatures of habit, some more and some less, some also accept that they are not perfectly adjusted to society and they are already cool for my taste, they are more pleasant company, I've always leaned towards people who are able to relax and enjoy their hard earned free time. But that's just me, and my beloved friends.
There's a difference between "needing to drink" and "enhancing the event with a few cocktails". Don't be such a god damned buzzkill.
That's just how they've trained themselves to be and use it as an excuse.
I've always said that if you need drugs or alcohol in order to have a good time, you are a profoundly boring person.
I on the other hand will drink alcohol before going to the theater. I will however, admit to smuggling my sodas and snacks into the theater
My best friend and I used to do a friend date night every other Friday because we were both single. We would take a bottle into the movies and only get a large drink, pour half out and mix in the alcohol. We always picked the worst movie to go see because alcohol makes everything better.
I think mostly it's a case where people don't like being told what to do so no alcohol allowed = challenge excepted
It's called alcoholism. In Wisconsin, people drink at all functions. A lot of these type hacks are used in places that actually serve alcohol, but people don't wanna pay $9 for a Miller lite.
Some of these are quite petty. Bringing a record player, seriously? Next on BP : why do schools and workplaces keep adding new rules, like we can’t just decide for ourselves what is normal behavior?
Some people NEED to break the rules, however small. I know a lady who’s so proud of her daughter for always doing what she wants, bending the rules, getting special treatment, and it’s so cringe. Of course they’re very inconsiderate of others too.
Load More Replies...A friend's daughter was singlehandedly responsible for three different alterations to school/classroom rules. Rule was no i-pods. She brought in something else that did the same thing. Rule change/modification #1. Her dad had an older model personal CD player, so she brought that. Rule change/modification #2. She then brought in an 80's Sony walkman...at this time, they just re-wrote it to include all personal entertainment devices...
My elementary-aged son was not allowed to stay up for night baseball games. Found him in his room listening to the call on the local radio station while watching the game with binoculars on the neighbor's TV.
Calling any of these people geniuses is a pretty stupid thing to say. Some of them were mildly clever...
Wow I'm guessing your personality has your mailbox full of party invitations
Load More Replies...Some of these were just filler a few make absolutely no sense really a cloud so what, some are just nonsense.