50 Funny And Wholesome Memes That Are Just Harmless, As Shared On “Respectful Memes” (New Pics)
The American Psychological Association warns that media overload is hurting our mental health. And that's especially true with bad news that constantly bombards us from the screens.
Luckily, there are some antidotes to that down feeling and it’s light-hearted, happy content to boost our serotonin levels. Just like this Twitter page titled “Respectful Memes” (because they are so nice you can show them to your grandma, according to their description!) which serves as a wholesome inspiration for anyone in need of a good chuckle.
Below we wrapped up some of the newest memes shared here, so scroll down and upvote your favorite ones. Also, check out our previous feature with more respectful memes right here.
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Nearly 70 percent of Americans report feeling overwhelmed by the quantity of news coming at them from different platforms, and 56 percent of American adults say the media is a significant source of stress in their lives, according to the data shared by The Washington Post. What’s more, negative headlines have more than a 60 percent higher click-through rate than positive ones.
In our previous interview with Dr. Lise Deguire, a clinical psychologist and author of award-winning memoir “Flashback Girl: Lessons on Resilience From a Burn Survivor”, she confirmed that many people report their mood negatively affected by the news.
“Of course, the news itself tends to focus on negative occurrences. For example, the news will report on the terrible car accident that happened. They will not, of course, report on the thousands of people that safely drove that day. (Safe, happy occurrences are not usually considered news.) But, because the news focuses on so much on negative events, it can make us feel that only bad things are happening in the world,” Dr. Lise explained.
Moreover, the news often focuses on events that make us fearful, because when we are afraid, we tend to think we need to keep watching the news. “When my clients report anxiety, sadness or anger about the news, I often encourage them to limit their news/social media exposure,” the clinical psychologist said.
Dr. Lise argues that most of us can stay informed through a quick read of the headlines.“Having the news on in the background, or checking Twitter all day, often distresses people because the news almost always focuses on scary negative events and ignores positive ones,” Dr. Lise explained.
The good news is that we can all become more positive and resilient to negativity around us. “One way is to learn who or what makes us feel good, and who or what makes us feel bad. For example, my mood usually improves when I listen to music or go outside. My mood usually goes downhill when I stop exercising.”
Dr. Lise explained that all of us have activities that lift us up or bring us down. “The more aware we can be, the better choices we can make. Does it help you to dance? Write? Call a friend? Take a bath? See if you can figure out what is in your positivity ‘toolbox.’
That is awesome. Also, I hope he doesn't live in Florida. A bill will soon pass making it illegal (jail and 10k fine) for any person to use any public bathroom that's for the gender they look like and identify as. If you're trans man born a biological female, it will be against the law to use any men's room anywhere. By law he'll have to use the women's bathroom. What did you think mom's and dad's, what do you think your daughter will say when she sees that MAN come into the bathroom with her? Husbands? Would you be ok if that MAN walked in behind your wife? These goddamn stupid bills have got to stop...
Oops! Maybe 'We are no longer engaged...' when they DO get married :D
When you use the wrong math formula but somehow end up with the right answer
I took this ride the other day and was so grateful for the silence. Then at the end of the ride when I was explaining to the gentleman where to pull up to I realized he didn't speak any English at all lol. You can be damn sure he got 5 stars.
It's obviously tired and probably had a very tough day, cut it some slack. You'd be sitting down too if you spent your entire day supporting everyone around you!
When I built my first computer I put 128mb of ram in it, the guy who waited on me at the store carried it in both hands. He had a giant smile on his face and kept saying "128 megabytes, 128 megabytes". You can't play solitaire with that amount of ram now.
I hope parallel universe me is doing better than the version of me in this dimension
"But it's nothing but a mistake!" "Yeah, which is why you're getting a failing grade."
I once came across a couple walking around with a cat on a leash. The cat was very friendly and didn't seem to mind the harness at all, and I got a pet a cat for several minutes :)