With social media taking over our lives, real-life relationships are becoming harder to maintain. Romantic relationships are no exception, and there are plenty of funny relationship memes to prove it.
It needs no saying that there’s a long way from ‘it’s a match’ to a match made in heaven, and whether you’re dating, have broken up, or found someone you’re head over heels for, you probably know that very well. Ask your grandparents, if they are in their happily ever after, how much of a hard job that relationship really is.
Luckily, the internet knows that too. And to ease our broken, tired, and lovesick hearts, there’s a safe place to talk about hard things known as the Relationship Memes Facebook page. According to its description, “It’s a community page offering relationship memes and advice from many perspectives around the world,” so whatever your relationship status is right now, you’re not alone. Scroll down through the funny memes about relationships we selected from this page!
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I love how he doesn't even question it, he's just like "show me the dog" 🤣
brilliant man. the look of genuine love and admiration on his face is priceless!
Don't mind me, just sitting here chillin in my penguin onesie :D I love this beyond words
How to Win at the Dating Game
Relationships are tricky; there’s no doubt about it. I mean, being in a relationship is probably as hard as being single, and equal challenges come with each relationship status. So, if there were one conclusion we could draw, it would be that love is a tricky game. And hey, these funny relationship and love memes prove it, too, so who are we to argue?
Imagine a scenario we all know too well:
- You meet someone you’re into.
- The person turns into your love interest.
- You send them a couple of relationship memes as a hint.
- You make the first move.
How do you know if you’re doing everything right?
Well, James Preece, a leading Dating Expert in the UK who has helped thousands of single people, shared some tips with Bored Panda in a previous interview.
Yeah, well, I'm 63/64 German, 1/64 French - i share my blanket 1 out of 64 times with my husband!
Load More Replies...And so, foolish mortal, you go and buy another queen sized blanket for yourself and now she has TWO queen sized blankets while you get to sleep bare assed to the ceiling!
History has many good examples of how generous, decent people may best deal with the supremely selfish arrogance of royalty.
If meant honest, this sounds more like a selfcentered b***h than a queen.
This is an article about memes, honey. Memes are usually meant to be funny. And usually aren’t real. The wife in this particular meme probably does not exist and never said this.
Load More Replies...“If you've tried being subtle and it didn't get noticed, then it's time to change tact,” the dating expert said. “It's worth noting that they might already be aware of your interest, but they aren't sure how to react. If they aren't keen, then they will pretend they've not noticed to avoid embarrassment.”
Moreover, James explained that “if they like you then they need it spelled out clearly just in case they've got it wrong. Rather than an over-the-top romantic gesture, just ask them if they'd like to go out on a date one evening.” According to James, it doesn't need to be more complicated than that and they might be curious about just one meeting. And you know what, if you’re too shy to ask them out, sending them a cute relationship meme might be just the ticket.
You can bet your a** that she'll be back in two minutes, holding the exact thing that you spent forever looking for
The Brightside of the Friend Zone
At some point, it may become evident that, unfortunately, your love interest is not romantically interested in you. The dating coach warns that if you've already tried a few different techniques, then it's probably a good idea to accept it's not going to work. “This can often be because you've already established a friendship or working relationship. Once you get categorized, then it's very difficult to get them to change that,” he said.
On the other hand, although falling into the friend zone is hard initially, this will be healthier for both of you. “If they are constantly talking about the dates they are going on or asking your opinion on partners then that's a clear sign you aren't their target. In this case, it’s best to just carry on enjoying their company the way it is and look to date other people instead,” James said.
But, for now, let’s continue with our grand selection of relationship memes. After all, every joke has a bit of truth in it, and sarcastic relationship memes might be exactly the same!
a lot of these are toxic. y'all, don't act like this. it isn't worth it. edit: typo
Some were OK but several were "I'm a twat and you just have to deal with it". Decideldly NOT the kind of people to be in a relationship with unless you enjoy a life of s**t and abuse.
For some that's just their way to go and to be happy, but i agree that some of this shouldn't ever be seen as a goal for their relationship.
Load More Replies...Some of these nearer the top are wholesome, some are actually really toxic. Just wanted to point that out
Since when is it funny when your partner has to read your mind? If you say no, it's no. Don't go after them if they didn't pick-up anything for you or didn't plan that big party you were hoping for (or whatever). You said no. Own it. Edit: missing words
Hubby and I are alot of these but not toxic. I suffer from bipolar disorder and he reminds me when I'm losing it and take it down a notch. Just like I bring him out of his depression and remind him to take care of himself. It's 50/50. As it should be. Also he treats me like a queen and would never cheat unlike someone I was with before him. So that helps 🥰😍
So toxic omfg. Imagine genders reversed... If you enjoyed majority of these you seriously need to grow the f up.
I hate to inform you that all genders can be toxic and can be the abusers. It’s s**t to say “oh it’s funny when it’s a woman doing it but a man would get arrested!” Sweetie, let me tell you, toxic shitty people are toxic shitty people, no matter their gender identity. My two biggest abusers in my life are female, but they would still be toxic shitty people if they were male. It’s because THEY are toxic shitty people. Nothing to do with their gender.
Load More Replies...Well that was some toxic garbage búllshit. I'll just stay single, thanks.
I kinda think the gender specific sides to almost every one feels so wrong. Not just because everything should be gender neutral to be inclusive of all types of relationships, but also because even in a heterosexual relationship, i've known just as many couples who better reflect the opposing gender specific roles...
Tbh I have no problem with a lot of them that seem toxic because imo it's someone recognizing that the behavior is problematic and being honest about it.
a lot of these are toxic. y'all, don't act like this. it isn't worth it. edit: typo
Some were OK but several were "I'm a twat and you just have to deal with it". Decideldly NOT the kind of people to be in a relationship with unless you enjoy a life of s**t and abuse.
For some that's just their way to go and to be happy, but i agree that some of this shouldn't ever be seen as a goal for their relationship.
Load More Replies...Some of these nearer the top are wholesome, some are actually really toxic. Just wanted to point that out
Since when is it funny when your partner has to read your mind? If you say no, it's no. Don't go after them if they didn't pick-up anything for you or didn't plan that big party you were hoping for (or whatever). You said no. Own it. Edit: missing words
Hubby and I are alot of these but not toxic. I suffer from bipolar disorder and he reminds me when I'm losing it and take it down a notch. Just like I bring him out of his depression and remind him to take care of himself. It's 50/50. As it should be. Also he treats me like a queen and would never cheat unlike someone I was with before him. So that helps 🥰😍
So toxic omfg. Imagine genders reversed... If you enjoyed majority of these you seriously need to grow the f up.
I hate to inform you that all genders can be toxic and can be the abusers. It’s s**t to say “oh it’s funny when it’s a woman doing it but a man would get arrested!” Sweetie, let me tell you, toxic shitty people are toxic shitty people, no matter their gender identity. My two biggest abusers in my life are female, but they would still be toxic shitty people if they were male. It’s because THEY are toxic shitty people. Nothing to do with their gender.
Load More Replies...Well that was some toxic garbage búllshit. I'll just stay single, thanks.
I kinda think the gender specific sides to almost every one feels so wrong. Not just because everything should be gender neutral to be inclusive of all types of relationships, but also because even in a heterosexual relationship, i've known just as many couples who better reflect the opposing gender specific roles...
Tbh I have no problem with a lot of them that seem toxic because imo it's someone recognizing that the behavior is problematic and being honest about it.